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Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four

Page 15

by Kristen Middleton

  “Yeah, but Tommy challenged Victor. Tried to make a fool out him. He was left with no choice but to make an example of the dope. Otherwise, it would have been a sign of weakness.”

  “That’s what he told you, but there could have been another way. He wanted to kill Tommy. It was just an excuse.”

  Joe was silent.

  Jack looked at me and licked his lips. “You know what they say about these female vampires, Joe. They’re like nothing else.”

  Joe sniffed my neck. “I tell you what – if she tastes as good as she smells, it will be worth it.”

  Crap, I thought, my eyes darting around. I knew I had to get out of there. The lycan were both hungry and horny, and they were eyeing me like a two-for-one deal.

  “I won’t tell if you won’t,” said Jack.

  “I will,” I snapped. “You touch me in any way, and so help me, Victor will know everything. And I’ll also make sure that he knows you purposely tried to deceive him.”

  “Then maybe we’ll never admit to finding you,” said Joe, licking my ear. “We’ll have our way and then make sure that you’re never seen or heard from again.”

  “Believe me, killing her is much harder than it looks,” said a voice from the rafters. “So, I’d give up now and save yourselves the humility of getting your asses handed to you.”

  Surprised, I looked up and my eyes met Ethan’s. “Great, just when I didn’t think this situation could get any worse,” I muttered.

  “Never underestimate fate,” he replied, smiling. “She’s got a twisted sense of humor.”

  “Apparently,” I replied, looking away.

  “Who’s up there?” shouted Jack, his eyes beginning to glow. “Is that you, Martin?”

  “No, I’m right here,” growled Martin, who was now blocking the doorway, his presence menacing.

  “You know, I thought you canines had a better sense of awareness. I guess I overestimated you guys,” I said, feeling hopeful now that Martin had finally gotten back to me.

  “Normally they do,” replied Ethan, dropping down from the rafters. “But they’re practically humping your leg as it is; you’ve gotten them so riled up.”

  “Thanks for that disturbing image,” I replied, giving him a dirty look.

  Joe put the gun back up to my head. “Touch me, and she dies,” he threatened.

  Martin sighed. “Really? You’re really going to do this? When there’s three of us and only one of you?”

  “Don’t test me,” he snapped, as Jack quickly moved to his side. “If you haven’t noticed – I’ve got the gun and the… girl.”

  Tired of him manhandling me, I elbowed him as hard as I could in the ribcage, and then shot up into the loft above before he could fire off the gun.

  Ethan laughed and clapped his hands together. “That was entertaining. I guess you showed us what kind of badasses you really are.”

  “With the emphasis on ‘asses’,” chuckled Martin.

  “Fool,” growled Jack, turning into a golden-brown lycan. He sprang at Martin, who grabbed him by the throat and then slammed him to the ground. He jumped on top of him and began pounding his fist into the lycan’s torso while holding his head down with the other hand.

  Joe, who had also turned, leaped in the air toward Ethan. They fell into the hay and I watched as he struggled to keep the lycan’s jagged teeth from getting too close to his face. Even in the darkness I could tell how pale and gaunt Ethan was. Obviously, undernourished.

  I sighed and cracked my knuckles.

  I suppose…

  Even though I still held a lot of resentment toward him, I jumped on top of Joe’s back and wrapped my arm around his coarse, fur-lined neck. Holding tightly, I tried not to gag. He smelled horrible, even for a lycan.

  “Thanks,” grunted Ethan, before impaling the creature with his fangs.

  Joe tried to fight us both off, but soon lost consciousness. I crawled off of him and checked on Martin, who was scowling down at his blood-stained shirt.

  “You okay?” I asked Martin, staring at Jack, who now looked like the biggest pile of road-kill ever. I turned back to him. “Wow, that didn’t take very long.”

  “He was a pathetic man, but even more so of a lycan. Had no idea how to fight or defend himself. I wonder if Victor has any idea of how weak some of his comrades are,” he replied.

  “Where is Duncan?” I asked. “Did you find him?”

  “No,” he replied. “I never got the chance. I was going to check on you, when I bumped into Ethan, and then we both heard these pieces of shit talking to you.”

  “Is Duncan inside?” I asked Ethan, who pushed the other lycan away and stood up. The change was incredible. His face was flush and filled in, his eyes sparkled with vitality.

  “Yes,” he replied, wiping the blood from his hands onto his jeans, which had seen much better days. He looked at Martin. “Did you try some of that lycan blood? It’s nasty but rejuvenating.”

  “No,” he answered. “Never had it. Too worried I’d end up howling at the moon.”

  “Shit,” said Ethan, running a hand through his dark hair. “Guess I’ll have to invest in some heavy-duty razors if that’s the case.”

  “You’ll be fine,” I replied, walking toward the door. “I’ve had some and I’m still fuzz-free.”

  “Wait – Godrick is still inside,” said Martin.

  I froze and turned around. “So, let’s go kick his ass and free Duncan.”

  “If you wait a few minutes, he’ll come to you. Godrick is going to bring Duncan out here and kill him.”

  I sucked in my breath. “What?”

  Ethan walked over to me. “I’ll stop him before he does anything. I have a bone to pick with that prick.”

  “Right,” I answered, scowling. “Godrick is going to come out here and then you’re both going to turn on us.”

  His eyes darkened. “Nikki, we need to talk.”

  I took a step away from him. “Why don’t you save your conversations for Faye? Or better yet – Victor. Or, maybe Celeste. You and I have nothing to say to each other.”

  “Someone is coming,” whispered Martin. “Hide.”

  We flew up to the rafters just as Godrick pushed Duncan through the barn door. His face was black and blue and his arms were bound together.

  Seething, I prepared to leap down, but Martin grabbed my arm, motioning for me to wait.

  “Looky at what we have here,” said Godrick, staring down at the dead lycan. “Someone’s been having a party in the barn. We must have missed the invite.”

  Duncan didn’t respond.

  “What – you didn’t think that was funny?” snarled the guard, kicking Duncan in the stomach, who fell to his knees.

  I clenched my jaw and tried breaking free from Martin’s grasp, but he held me firmly.

  I blew out a frustrated breath.

  “Ethan!” shouted Godrick, spinning around. “I know you’re in here. I can smell your stench.”

  I looked at Ethan and whispered. “He’s right, you do stink. Shower much?”

  Ethan rolled his eyes.

  Godrick grunted. “Oh, you have a girl with you? I wonder how Faye would feel about that.”

  I smirked at Ethan.

  Ignoring me, he flew back down, landing behind Godrick. I watched as he tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, asshole.”

  Godrick turned around and Ethan punched him in the face. The giant Roamer didn’t even flinch. Instead, he laughed. “That’s all you got, pretty boy?”

  Scowling, Ethan pulled his fist back again, but Godrick grabbed his hand and twisted it, bringing him to his knees.

  Martin and I looked at each other.

  “I’m older and more powerful, kid,” sneered Godrick. “Why do you think she hired me to keep you pieces of shit in line?” He then grabbed Ethan by the front of the shirt and threw him across the barn. “I must say,” he yelled, leaping on top of him. “I thought you’d be a little more of a challenge. I’m disappointed Faye chose suc
h a wimp as her mate.”

  “Fuck you,” said Ethan.

  “No, you’re the one who’s fucked when I tell her about the female Roamer hiding above,” he replied and then began punching him in the face.

  “Oh hell,” mumbled Martin, jumping off the loft.

  I also leaped over the side and landed next to Duncan, who appeared dazed and confused.

  “Nikki?” he whispered, staring at me with uncertainty.

  I pulled him into my arms. “Yes, Duncan. It’s me.”

  He inhaled and then slid his arms around my waist. “Yes,” he whispered, relaxing. “It definitely is.”

  “I knew you were up to no good,” hollered Godrick, now standing. He grabbed Martin by the neck and slammed him against the wall. “And here Faye is trying to save your little sister at this very moment. You should be ashamed of yourself for teaming up with these losers.”

  “What?” rasped Martin, trying to pry Godrick’s fingers from his neck. “What do you mean?”

  Before the guard could answer, Ethan hit him in the back of the head with a shovel.

  Still, he didn’t flinch.

  Crap, this guy is strong, I thought, now looking around for something to stop him.

  Sighing, Godrick released Martin, who slid to the ground, and then turned on Ethan.

  Ethan brought the shovel back and hit him in the face with it.

  Godrick growled, then grabbed it from him, and tossed it aside.

  “Jesus,” muttered Martin, standing back up, looking slightly dazed himself.

  Ethan raised his fists and growled, “You want to do this, douchebag? Let’s go.”

  Godrick threw his head back and laughed. “You’re stubborn, I’ll give you that.”

  Ethan’s knuckles connected with his nose.

  Godrick stepped backwards and touched it, a cold smile on his face. “Did you see a fly around here? I think it may have landed on my face. “

  Wincing, Ethan curled and uncurled his fist. “It probably was attracted to that shitty breath of yours.”

  His face darkened. “You never learn, do you?” snarled Godrick, pulling out a dagger from his belt. He unsheathed the knife and then held it up, looking at the point. “You know, I’m going to enjoy cutting out your heart. Then, I’m going to bring it to Faye, so she can see Nikki’s initials carved there.”

  I rolled my eyes. As far as I was concerned, Ethan didn’t have a conscience or a heart.

  Ethan’s eyes darted to me and back to Godrick. “Let’s talk about love, shall we? You’re a fucking coward. If you’re so in love with Faye, why don’t you just tell her instead of acting like a slave? She will never invite a man to her bed who grovels at her feet.”

  “Believe him, he knows,” I added sarcastically.

  Ethan’s lips twitched but he didn’t reply.

  “Don’t worry about me and Faye,” replied Godrick. “When I prove your deception, she’s going to need someone to comfort her. Someone much stronger than you.”

  “If I’m dead and unable to answer her questions, she’s not going to be too happy. You realize that?” stated Ethan.

  “Maybe, but someone needs to cut you out of her life,” he grinned down at his knife again. “And I’m just the guy to do it.”

  “Nikki,” whispered Duncan. “Let’s get out of here. This isn’t even our fight. It’s between those two and Faye.”

  “I can’t leave Martin,” I said, watching Celeste’s brother quietly pick up the shovel, while Ethan and Godrick continued arguing.

  “Seriously, I think they just about have it under control,” Duncan replied.

  I watched as Ethan tried dodging Godrick’s knife. It sliced through the air. He did it again and this time it grazed his cheek.

  I sucked in my breath. “Uh, you sure about that?”

  But then Martin thrust the edge of the shovel into Godrick’s back. He howled in pain and fell to his knees.

  “See, under control,” said Duncan. “Let’s at least find something to get these restraints off of me. Then I’ll help these guys out if they still need it.”

  “You’re too weak,” I argued, staring at his pale face.

  “Yeah, probably. But, I feel like a pussy watching from the sidelines. I really need to get free.”


  There was another loud grunt from Godrick, who was now taking a beating from both Ethan and Martin, as they took turns with the shovel.

  “Here it is,” said Duncan, as Martin raised the end of the shovel over his head. “The finale.”

  I cringed as he brought the sharp steel edge down onto Godrick’s neck. Blood sprayed everywhere as Martin raised it several more times and finished him off.

  “Well, that’s that,” I replied, seeing Godrick’s head roll away. Martin kicked it with his boot. I shuddered and turned away.

  “I think the house is empty now. Let’s go find something to get these off,” said Duncan, who was already stepping out of the barn.

  “Wait,” I said, scurrying to catch up with him. “Duncan!”

  He slowed down and turned to me, his silver eyes holding mine.

  Smiling up at him, I threw my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

  Duncan let out a deep sigh and kissed the top of my head. “All I thought about was you. I was so worried that she’d already caught and killed you. Jesus, I’ve never seen someone so obsessed with another person.”

  “I know,” I replied. “I’m definitely at the top of her hit list.”

  “She even transformed herself to look like you earlier.”

  I backed away and wrinkled my nose in disgust. “Really? She was impersonating me?”

  He smiled. “But, it was obvious that she wasn’t you.”

  “He’s right,” said Ethan, walking over to us. He crossed his arms under his chest and gave me one of his movie-star smiles. “Nobody could ever replace you.”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled Duncan toward the house. “Let’s get you free before I throw up in my mouth a little more.”

  “Nikki,” called Ethan, his voice stern this time. “We need to talk.”

  I turned back and smiled coldly. “I don’t think we have anything else to say to each other. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to help Duncan get these restraints off so he can give me a proper greeting. One involving hands, lips, and maybe even a little tongue.”

  Duncan grinned and then raced up the stairs to the porch. I turned back around and followed him, irritated that Ethan was still trying to cause problems.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Ethan watched Nikki follow Duncan into the house. He ached to take her into his arms and fly her someplace quiet where he could make her see the truth. To show her the trueness of the love he had for her in his heart. But, now that she was a Roamer and in love with Duncan, he didn’t see that turning out too well. Especially without any proof of his innocence. Faye had definitely done a number on Nikki, and it was more than obvious that now, she wanted nothing to do with him.

  “Got yourself into a bit of a bind with that one, didn’t you?” remarked Martin, wiping the blood from his hands with a towel.

  Ethan smiled grimly. “That’s putting it mildly. Nikki and I had something going before Faye fucked it all up. Now, she thinks I’ve deceived her.”

  Martin dropped the towel onto the grass. “Did you?”

  “No,” he muttered, frustrated. He ran a hand through his hair, which needed a good washing. “I would never hurt Nikki. Ever. I love that girl with everything I have.” He then explained how Faye had captured him in Vegas and how she’d set him up.

  “And all of that because Faye is jealous of Nikki?”

  “Faye is insanely jealous of her, or anyone that reminds her of my late wife.”

  “Obviously you need to tell Nikki what actually transpired.”

  He sighed. “She won’t even give me a chance to open my mouth. And believe me, the girl is as
stubborn as they come.”

  “So what – you’re just going to give up?”

  His face darkened. “No. Hell no.”

  “Good. Because she deserves to know the truth, no matter the outcome.”

  “Yes, she does,” he agreed. “I just need to figure out a way to make her listen.”

  “Handcuff her?”

  Ethan grinned. “If I did that, I may forget all about talking.”

  “Martin laughed. “Oh, to be young again and frisky.”

  “I’m not that young.”

  Martin grunted. “Physically you are, you bastard.”

  “That’s all I have going for me at the moment,” replied Ethan.

  “Something tells me that if you don’t talk to her, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. I should know.”

  “You still haven’t found Emily?” asked Ethan, remembering how Martin had confided in him about a girl who’d haunted his dreams. One who hated him about as much as he loved her.


  “Sorry, man.”

  Martin nodded and looked away. “We’ve got to get moving. I want to find Victor.”

  “What’s going on with your sister?”

  He shrugged. “She’s fine for right now. I received a text from her about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Maybe you’ll luck out and Faye will kill Victor.”

  “Something tells me she won’t go that far. She may try to talk him out of it, but like she told me earlier – she isn’t willing to cross him. At least not in front of his face.”

  “Well, as far as I’m concerned, we need to kill both of them.”

  “I know that you have issues with Faye, and so do the others, but I can’t help you there. My sister would never forgive me.”

  “That’s fine. Just don’t stand in our way then.”

  Martin smirked. “What you do to her is none of my business.”

  “You’re right,” said Ethan. “But I owe her for fucking up my life.” His lips thinned. “Hell, she’s screwed it up so much, I’m not even sure if I can rectify it.”

  “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And, if I were you, I would never give up on that girl inside. If she’s the one you really want.”

  “She is.”


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