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Wolf's Captive

Page 3

by Selena Cross


  What had he done? What possessed him to hurt her like that?

  Josh was ashamed of himself for what he did to her. However, he couldn’t bring himself to make the journey back up those stairs to beg her forgiveness. She needs to learn who her Alpha is, you did nothing wrong, a part of him stated. But even his wolf was not willing to believe that lie. She is our mate. You should never have hurt her like that. Now she will never accept the mating and we will be alone for the rest of our lives. Josh shook in terror of this revelation. What was he going to do? How was he going to fix this?


  Sidney woke up abruptly to some disturbance in her room. At first, she thought that it had all been a terrible nightmare and she was back in her bed at her little apartment. However, as she pushed the covers off her head and looked around, she realized how wrong she was.

  She was still in this place, held prisoner, waiting for her death. To top it off, she saw what had awoken her. Standing at the end of the bed, leering at her, was the woman they called Alana. Looking at her now, Sidney wondered how she could ever have thought the woman beautiful. Sure her outward appearance was flawless, but Sidney had a knack for looking deeper than that and now as she looked at her, she only saw the hideous ugliness of her soul staring back.

  “I don’t know why Josh has allowed you to live this long,” the woman said with a scowl. “Look at you lying in his bed as if you belong there. Naked and rubbing your stench all over it.”

  She wrinkled her nose in disgust and continued, “You don’t deserve to be in here and if it were up to me, I would have killed you and left you for the animals back in the woods.”

  She circled the bed and sat on the edge. Suddenly she yanked the covers out of Sidney’s hands, pulling them off her body. “Look at how disgustingly fat you are. I don’t know what Josh sees in all this extra flesh.”

  She grabbed Sidney’s stomach and squeezed. It hurt like hell, but Sidney was not about to give her the benefit of knowing it.

  “It doesn’t matter. Once he’s done with you, perhaps he will give me the honor of killing you as a wedding gift.” The woman took her hand away and smiled deviously. “I can’t wait for Josh to be mine, finally, and you, my dear, are not going to stand in the way. You are nothing but a pathetic human anyway. Soon, very soon, Josh will tire of you and come back to me. Perhaps we’ll tie you up and force you to watch us mate before we finally kill you. I’m getting wet just thinking about it.”

  Alana put her hand between her own legs and began to touch herself in front of Sidney, and Sidney closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to watch.

  “We will tie you up, and Josh and I will have a little foreplay first. Josh loves to go down on me. He says he loves the way I taste and smell, and he can’t get enough. He will eat me out, and after I orgasm he will let me smack you around for a while.”

  Alana started making moaning noises, and Sidney opened one eye to see what she was doing, but closed it just as she noticed Alana was bringing herself to climax right in front of her. After long, disturbing moments, Alana groaned aloud, and started giggling, breathing quickly, and just sitting there. Sidney opened her eyes to see Alana had made herself orgasm, and now just sat there, grinning to herself.

  “Oh yeah,” Alana continued. “Josh will allow me to beat you a little, just to get my blood pumping. After that Josh will fuck me hard like he used to while he calls you dirty names and we force you to watch. Just as we’re cumming we’ll claim each other and then when we’re done we’ll tear into you. You’ll be our wedding feast and we’ll do it while you’re still alive so you can feel every bite we take of you and every limb we tear off you.”

  She stood abruptly, “Josh will probably be here soon to have some more fun with you. Don’t expect him to pleasure you with his mouth. I doubt he would even want to go near that diseased riddled, nasty tasting pussy of yours.”

  With that, Alana walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

  That was it, Sidney had to find a way to get out of there, and fast.

  Just as she climbed out of the bed to make her way to the bathroom, the door to the bedroom opened again. Sidney looked over her shoulder to see Josh staring at her ass as if it was the most delicious dessert he had ever seen. Then his face contorted as he sniffed the air. His nostrils flared and his eyes started to glow.

  Sidney turned quickly in hopes of escaping to the bathroom and locking the door before he caught her, but he was already grabbing her arm and turning her back around to face him. He came close to her and smelled around her body. Then he looked her in the eyes and growled.

  “I’m going to ask you some questions and you better tell me the truth.” Sidney swallowed and nodded slightly. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and she was surprised to see the look of concern come on to his face. “Was Alana in here?”

  Sidney nodded, not wanting to voice what was going to come.

  “Okay, you need to tell me exactly what she did.”

  Without warning tears sprang from her eyes as she began to sob. Josh pulled her into his arms and started to rub her back, trying to comfort her. For all of a second, Sidney actually for the first time felt safe until he said, “It’s okay, Sidney, just tell me what happened.”

  Sidney shook her head against his chest and sobbed even harder. Josh backed her toward the bed and sat down, pulling her on to his lap. He made simple “shhing” noises and continued to rub her back as he cradled her and rocked back and forth as if she were a baby.

  “Sidney, please, baby, I need to know what happened so I can help you.”

  “Please,” her voice croaked and the word was barely over a whisper. She swallowed and tried again, “Please, Josh, don’t make me tell you.”

  “Shh, shh, Sidney, it’s okay, you’re safe right now. But you need to tell me what happened so I can continue to keep you safe.” He petted the back of her still damp, knotted, hair. “I tell you what, I’ll make a couple of guesses and you just say yes or no, okay?”

  He pulled her away from his chest gently, tipping her head up, so he could look into her blood shot and puffy eyes. She nodded.

  “Okay,” Josh breathed trying to remain calm. “Did Alana threaten you in any way?”

  At first she just closed her eyes and Josh thought she was going to refuse to answer. Then she whispered, “Yes.”

  Her voice was filled with agony and her body shook all over. Josh wanted to jump up and charge out the door, right then, but he needed more to go by. “Did she hurt you?”

  Minutes seemed to stretch in to hours as Josh waited for Sidney to answer him, she opened her mouth and her mouth motioned the word “Yes,” but nothing came out. Josh knew that whatever Alana had done had been so bad Sidney was just barely holding back from breaking down completely.

  The tears still streamed her cheeks and her chest hiccupped every time she breathed in. Josh ran his hand through his hair, wanting to rip it out of his head. I knew I should have killed that bitch in the woods. He wanted to growl, he wanted to shift in to his wolf and hunt Alana down, then rip her to shreds.

  Instead he wrapped his arms around Sidney and pulled her head back down to his chest. He needed to know, he needed to stay calm, if he didn’t he could risk losing her completely.

  He closed his eyes and spoke to his wolf, which was at that moment, pacing back and forth ready to break free. Stay calm, we need to help our mate, and we can’t do that if we wolf out on her right now.

  With a low growl, the wolf relented, and forced himself to lie down to wait.

  “Okay, baby,” Josh said, pushing her hair out of her face and kissing the top of her head. “I know I said yes or no answers, but I don’t think I will be able to find out what exactly happened and I won’t be able to help you.”

  Her body shook even more, but she didn’t respond, “Just tell me as much as you can bear and if you need a break at anytime, I will wait patiently.”

  Josh waited as patient
ly as he could for her response, and when he felt her nod her head, he sighed in relief.

  Abruptly, she pulled away from him and sat on the bed next to him. She pulled the covers up around her. At any other time, Josh would have made sure she couldn’t, but he knew she needed that little bit of security to get through what she was about to say, so he allowed it just this once.

  Hugging her knees to her chest, she wouldn’t meet his eyes as she spoke, taking more interest than needed in the pattern of the comforter. “I-I was woken up by something and when I opened my eyes I found Alana standing at the bottom of the bed,” she stuttered, then sped through as quickly as possible.

  She hiccupped again and still refused to look at him. “She told me that I didn’t deserve to be in your bed spreading my stench all over it.”

  Tears started flowing more heavily again and she sniffed, trying to hold back the snot. Josh abruptly stood and walked in to the bathroom, stopping Sidney in mid-explanation. He returned seconds later with a roll of toilet paper. He tore off a long piece and handed it to her. She blew her nose hard, then clutched the soiled tissue in her fist.

  “Please continue, “Josh said in the most soothing voice he could muster at the moment.

  She nodded, “She said it didn’t matter because when you were done using me for your sexual pleasure, you would kill me.”

  Josh felt himself pale at this, knowing that she thought the same way Alana did, that this was just a means to take what he wanted from her, and then he would destroy her.

  “Then she said that she hoped you would let her kill me as a wedding present—when you two mated.”

  Josh almost laughed at the thought of Alana thinking she was even worthy for him to mate with her. But he didn’t think that would have been a good idea at the moment.

  “She sat at the side of the bed and pulled the covers off me. She grabbed my stomach fat and squeezed really hard, saying she didn’t know what you saw in all my disgusting fat.” Sidney rubbed her stomach, as if she could still feel Alana’s hands squeezing her.

  Josh wanted to rip Alana’s hands off for touching his mate.

  She stopped talking for a long while, as she started to sob some more, hiccupping, unable to catch her breath. Josh rubbed her arm where it was wrapped around her legs, and waited for her to calm down.

  Moments later, the sobs went back down to sniffling and silent tears, and she blew her nose again. He took the tissue from her and threw it in the wastebasket next to the bed, and then tore off another long strand of toilet paper to hand to her.

  Thanking him as she took it, she started where she left off. “She said she wanted to mate with you while I watched so I would know that I am nothing to you.”

  He saw the tremors get worse and he wanted desperately to reach out and pull her to him again. It took all his will power to not to do just that.

  “Sh-sh-she said she would have you fuck her in front of me. Then after you two claimed each other, you would both rip me to shreds, feasting on my flesh while I still lived, so I would feel the pain the whole time.”

  Her sobs came again, and Josh finally decided he didn’t give a shit about giving her space. He yanked her into his arms and held her tightly, while she wailed in his arms. He expected her to fight from his grasp, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him as if her life depended on it. Josh’s heart broke for her, as he realized that at the moment—it did.

  “She said you loved her taste and went down on her as much as possible.”

  At that, Josh couldn’t help the snort that came out. Alana’s pussy always smelled and tasted horrible to Josh and he avoided going near it with his mouth and nose at all costs. Even when he was desperate and needed to fuck, he always used a condom with her, sometimes he contemplated using two, and he always made sure to get off as quickly as possible then he'd shower right after.

  Sidney looked up at him when she heard his snort and their gazes clashed. Josh couldn’t let her think that he even for once was laughing at what happened to her, “I never went down on Alana. She smells horrible. With my wolf’s sensitive sense of smell, I can smell her from far away. I wouldn’t dare put my mouth or nose near that. I would probably lose my stomach, not just my lunch.”

  For the first time since he had met her, Sidney actually giggled a little and smiled. Josh wanted to make her smile all the time. Her smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen…Well, other than her naked body, which happened to be sitting flush against his at the moment.

  Josh realized, with the feel of her naked ass fitted against his groin, his cock was as hard as a rock as if he just woke up. He couldn’t help the subtle thrust of his hips, pushing his pelvis against her ass. Her smile disappeared and she swallowed slowly. The motion of her throat, making him, if possible, even harder.

  Seconds later, the sweet vanilla scent of Sidney’s arousal hit his nose and Josh groaned, “You, on the other hand, smell more delicious than the most decadent dessert. I would give anything to have my head between your legs right now and stay there until I take my last breath.”

  With his words, her scent grew stronger, and she squirmed a bit on his lap, rubbing her full beautiful ass against his cock.

  He groaned again and grabbed her hips, stopping her movements. “God, baby, if you don’t stop moving I’m going to cum in my pants and not in that pretty little cunt of yours like I want to.”

  She squeaked and stopped moving automatically. Josh sighed, in disappointment or relief? He didn’t know. But it was when he relaxed his grip on her hips and she suddenly jumped from his lap, darting for the bathroom, that he decided it was in disappointment. Stunned for just a moment, he just sat there and watched as Sidney ran into the bathroom. Then he was up, but before he could get to her, she had slammed the door in his face and he heard the distinctive click of the lock.

  Why had he put a lock on his bathroom door? Now he would have to break it down.

  Remembering at the last minute that that probably wouldn’t be the best plan of action, he chose to knock instead.


  Sidney jumped a little when the door she had slid down and sat against vibrated from Josh’s heavy knocking.

  “Sidney, open this door right now,” he yelled and even the barrier of the door could not hide the threat in his voice.

  Sidney chose not to answer him because she knew he would hear the fear in her voice. She didn’t want anyone touching her anymore. She'd had enough. She was very close to having a nervous breakdown.

  What am I going to do? I need to get out of here.

  Even though Josh told her what Alana had said were lies, it didn’t mean she should believe him. At the time he’d said it, she wanted nothing more than to believe him, but now that she was not directly in front of him, she could think it through and concluded that he was lying to get what he wanted.

  But why did he want her so much? Alana may have been an evil little viper, but she was beautiful and more than willing to give him the pleasures he sought.

  After a few minutes, Sidney realized the silence from the other side of the door, but she didn’t dare open to see if Josh was still on the other side. Then she heard him sigh heavily.

  “Okay, Sidney, you win. I will leave you alone for now, but just remember this is not over. I am going to have Tricia bring you some clothes and something to eat. I suggest you eat something to get up your energy, because I will be back tonight and you won’t be able to hide in the bathroom. I’ll break the door down if you try,” his last words were said in a growl.

  Seconds later she heard the door to the bedroom shut and the lock click. She wasn’t confident she was alone so she just stayed where she was. After a few minutes of silence she realized he had indeed left her by herself. So she stood up, but instead of opening the door she went to the mirror.

  What does he see in me to the point he won’t leave me alone?

  Sidney examined herself in the mirror trying to figure out why he would want her so
badly when he had women like Alana chasing after him. Sure Alana was a snake, but Josh didn’t seem any better than her at this point. Although he was gentle and kind to her when she broke down in his arms, and he did seem furious when she told him what Alana had done. But was he angry because of what Alana did or because he felt Sidney was lying to him. He seemed to believe her, and when he told her about how he could taste her for hours, she could see his hunger for her. Just the look in his eyes was enough to make her aroused. Then she felt the erection straining under her butt and couldn’t stop from wiggling.

  She looked at her breasts and cupped one in her hand. They weren’t large like Alana’s breasts, but they were perky. Her stomach wasn’t flat, it dipped at the waist and rounded slightly going in to her hips. Her legs weren’t long and elegant. Her pussy was plump and she couldn’t even see her clit, as some women’s were visible. She shaved it purely for hygiene reasons and it had nothing to do with feeling sexy. Brian had never cared either way. He rarely ever gave her oral pleasure. When he did, it was because he was expecting the same and he never seemed to find her clit or bring her to orgasm.

  Looking at her body often made her feel like a fat freak. She couldn’t understand anything that was going on right now. Brian never looked at her the way Josh had. Brian only looked at her in mild interest, where Josh looked like she was the most delectable morsel and he wanted to devour her. Of course, if what Alana said was true, that is what he would do.


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