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Wolf's Captive

Page 5

by Selena Cross

  “Alpha’s mate?” she asked, wary of the answer.

  Tricia looked at her confused, and then bit her lip as if she realized she had said something wrong.

  “Well, yeah,” she answered a little sheepishly. “You’re Josh’s true mate, and once he claims you, you will become the she-Alpha of our Pack.”

  “I can’t do that,” Sidney stated, suddenly losing her appetite. “I’m human, and besides, Josh doesn’t seem like he likes me very much.”

  “Oh—Josh likes you alright,” Tricia said, watching Sidney get up and pace. “I’ve never seen him so worked up about a woman in my life, and Josh and I grew up together.”

  “But why?” Sidney asked, stopping in the middle of her pace to direct the question at Tricia.

  “Because you’re his true mate,” Tricia said, as if it were obvious. “You two were made for each other.”

  “But, I’m human, and he’s been nothing but horrible to me since we met,” Sidney said. “Hell, he locked me in here.”

  Tricia stood and walked over to where Sidney stood. “I think you just took him by surprise,” she said, as if she were trying to comfort a wild animal. “We rarely, if ever, find our true mates, and you just walked straight up to him out of nowhere. Plus, you’re human, and again, we rarely, if ever, mate with humans. Some of us consider it wrong to mix our blood, but many of us know it is necessary in order to remain clean and not turn our kind into feral wolves.

  “Josh’s father believed we should not mix our blood, which is why he stuck us out here, so far away from civilization. Most of us have never even laid eyes on a human.”

  Sidney went back to the bed and sat down, feeling weak in the legs at Tricia’s explanation. “Wow,” was all she could think of to say. “That’s crazy.”

  “Tell me about it,” Tricia smiled. “The man was a bit of a feral one himself. My parents said, when he had become Alpha, everyone was surprised. He hadn’t been meant to obtain the role. He had challenged our original Alpha, and killed him, taking the position. Him and Alana’s parents moved us out here, and set up this little hidden village, when Josh was one. No one knows what happened to Josh’s mother. We never met her.

  "We lived out here with Josh’s father as our Alpha, and each day he seemed to become a bit crazier. Then, one day, when Josh was about 17, his father just turned into a wolf and disappeared for good. We figure it was because of Josh’s mother. Either she didn’t accept the mating bond, or, as many of us speculate, she died during childbirth. We were taught after the mating bond is complete, if our mates were to reject us or die, we would either die too, or go feral. We just had never actually seen it happen.

  "It devastated Josh. He not only lost his father, but he also had become the new Alpha over night. Many of us feared he wouldn’t be able to take on the role. However, he seemed to fit right into it, as soon as the role was his. He took charge of everything and has from then on.

  "He’s a great Alpha. He is kind, wise, and just. I think, if his mother was still around and his father hadn’t gone insane, they would have been proud of him.”

  Tricia spoke of Josh as if were the greatest person she had ever known. Sidney watched the woman’s eyes sparkle with admiration, and couldn’t help but wonder if she had a bit of a crush on him.

  “Sounds like you have a bit of a thing for him,” Sidney teased, and almost giggled at the blush that covered Tricia’s cheeks.

  Tricia sat down next to her again. “No, not anymore. I just admire him as my Alpha. In our younger years, we did have a bit of a fling, but now I am mated to my Richard, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Richard is so perfect for me. I love him with everything in me.”

  Sidney saw the love in Tricia’s eyes, and felt happy for the woman. She had only known Tricia for a few minutes, but she was already warming up to the sweet lady, and could see them quickly becoming friends, if circumstances were different.

  “I’m happy for you,” Sidney stated, gaining a smile of appreciation from Tricia. “But, I don’t think that Josh and I are really mates. I think there has been some kind of mistake, and I need to leave here.”

  Tricia’s face fell, “There has been no mistake. We wolves know our mates by their scent. They give off a certain scent to the one they are meant to be with that attracts us to them. Josh knows you are his mate. After you’ve been here with him for a while, you will know it too.”

  Tricia stood, and gave her a small smile, “I know this is scary for you, Sidney. But, I also know Josh would never harm you or let harm come to you. You mean too much to him.”

  Sidney let out a bitter laugh, “Next thing you’re going to say is he is in love with me.”

  “No,” Tricia responded quietly. “It isn’t love. However, it is something much more powerful than love. It is something deep down, that connects you both, soul to soul. You will probably grow to love each other over time, but it will only make the connection that much stronger.”

  “But I don’t want to be with some man who only wants me because of some genetic make-up of his,” Sidney retorted, growing frustrated. “I’ve spent too many years of my life being with someone who I didn’t love but stayed with because we seemed to fit together. Then I found him in his office with his secretary’s legs wrapped around his waist while he fucked her on his desk.”

  Tricia gave her a sympathetic look, which just made Sidney want to cry.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetie,” she said, walking over to Sidney and hugging her. “But it’s not like that. Josh will never want another woman now that he has you. You are it for him.”

  “But that’s just because of my smell,” Sidney insisted. “Not because he really wants me or is physically attracted to me. He has beautiful women, like Alana, throwing themselves at him. I am nothing compared to her or probably any other beautiful woman in this village.”

  “I happen to think you’re very beautiful,” Tricia stated. “A lot more beautiful than Alana. I took one look at you and could tell you are a person who is beautiful inside and out. Whereas, Alana is hideously ugly on the inside, and it shows.”

  “Yeah, but she has the perfect body,” Sidney responded. “I am just chubby and flat chested compared to her.”

  Tricia laughed, “Those breasts are fake. She snuck away from the compound a few years ago to get a boob job. Before then she barely even had anything.”

  “She’s still tall and skinny, where I’m short and fat,” Sidney argued.

  “You are not fat,” Tricia seemed to be getting frustrated. “I would kill to have curves like yours. As for being short, what’s wrong with that? Most men don’t like a woman towering over them. I know Alana is still shorter than any man here, but she is the tallest female we have, and she doesn’t fit, at all. I know, with certainty, that Josh finds your height perfect. He probably looks at how tiny you are compared to him and becomes possessive and protective over you, as my Richard does me. It’s not always fun trying to convince them you can take care of yourself, but it does have it’s merits being cherished by the big men.”

  Sidney smiled, despite herself. She could tell Tricia really loved her mate, and was happy with how he cherished her. She was happy for the woman. She seemed so nice, and deserving of someone who would love her.

  “Why don’t you get some rest?” Tricia asked. “Josh will probably be back later, and you look exhausted. Better to get your energy up before he gets here. There’s no telling what he’s got planned for you.”

  Sidney was confused by her feelings of both fear and excitement at Tricia’s words. After just a little bit of talking to Tricia, she no longer felt so terrified of the man who abducted her. She felt sorry for him.

  She did still plan to escape, and she didn’t believe she was really his true mate. However, she wasn’t going to cower in fear of him anymore. She would just have to tell him she didn’t believe in all this mate nonsense and demand he let her go.

  She also would have to refuse to do anything else with him, even if her body
did burn with desire just thinking of the things he could do to her.

  Tricia left with a soft click of the lock, and Sidney laid back on the bed to stare at the ceiling and plan what she was going to say to Josh. After many minutes, just staring at the stucco, she felt her eyes grow heavy, and before she knew it, everything went black and she was sound asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Josh could hear Sidney’s soft snores on the other side of the door and debated on whether to intrude or not. After long seconds of fighting with himself, he decided to go in and wake her up.

  However, when he entered the room to see her sleeping peacefully in the middle of the big bed, he lost all desire to wake her up. It had been such a long day. All he wanted to do was curl up beside his mate and go to sleep for a couple of hours.

  He climbed in the bed next to her as gently as he could so he wouldn’t disturb her sleep, until his front was lined with her back. Then he slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, letting her soft body mold to his hard plains. He forced himself to ignore how her round butt rubbed against his aching cock, and just laid there, smelling her delicate scent and taking in her comforting warmth.

  Lying there, holding his mate at last, he let all of the worries of the day slip away from him, and smiled. After only a few minutes he fell asleep, knowing that what he held in his arms was the most precious gift he could ever receive and he would do anything to make sure he never lost her.


  Sidney woke up with a sense of comfort and security she hadn't fallen asleep with. She felt warm and cozy lying in her bed, and didn’t want to open her eyes, thinking about the horrible nightmare she just had. Then she felt a hand squeeze her left breast and an arm pull her in tighter to a hard male body behind her. She knew it wasn’t Brian because he never felt that hard or that big in the lower department, which happened to be extremely hard and nestled right between her butt cheeks at the moment.

  Her eyes popped open and she took in her surroundings, not wanting to move in case she woke him up. She wasn’t in her bed in her little apartment, she was still in that bedroom that had become her personal prison since earlier that morning. She looked at the hand resting on her breast and knew by the size of the hand—Josh was holding her. And at the moment, he seemed to have awoken and was trailing kisses along the column of her neck, behind her ear, sending shivers of excitement to her already soaking wet pussy.

  She wanted to jump out of his arms, but her body wouldn’t listen to her. Instead, she laid there immobile, as he kissed along her shoulder, sliding his hand inside her shirt to rub against the bare underside of her breast.

  She couldn’t help the moan that came out of her mouth. Especially when he pushed his other arm underneath her, wrapping it around her and crushing her back against his front, and then slid his free hand between her legs to press on her aching clit through her sweat pants.

  She felt like she was burning alive as his long, thick cock rubbed against her backside creating the most electrifying friction. His fingers found her left nipple and pinched it, twisting it, and she moaned loudly while gripping her pillow as the sensations shot straight to her clit, which he was manipulating so perfectly at the time.

  His hand went inside her sweats and he slid his middle finger between her labia, meeting her abundant cream, and he growled, which only turned her on more, instead of scaring her. She decided she would investigate that later, though because no one had ever made her feel this way, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  She bit her lip, trying to hold off another moan, as he pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger, just about throwing her over the edge. Then he slid his middle finger down her slit until he got to her core, he thrust his finger inside her, while still tweaking her clit with his thumb.

  She couldn’t help her movements when her body pushed back against him as he pushed himself against her. She was frantic and on fire, slowly climbing toward the most powerful climax she knew she would have ever had.

  “Just like that, baby,” Josh encouraged her movements, and it just made her want to writhe more. “Fuck, you feel so good. Hot, tight, wet, and just for me.”

  She couldn’t speak, but every part of her body agreed with him, and she was pretty sure her mind had caught up with her body in the agreement. She still bit her lip and moaned, instead of screaming ‘yes’, as everything in her wanted her to.

  “God, I can’t wait to be buried deep inside this sweet little pussy of yours,” Josh continued, his dirty talk making her crazy with arousal. “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.”

  He bit her ear lobe, and then suckled away the pain before he twisted her nipple again, making her cry out.

  “I’m going to suck on your beautiful nipples, while I fuck you with my big cock, and make you come apart underneath me before I drench you in my cum,” he stated, and Sidney could see the image he described in her mind.

  “Yes, please yes,” she finally begged, panting heavily at this point and about ready to explode.

  He thrust harder and faster with his finger, bringing a second finger in to play, and stretching her inner walls. Meanwhile, his thumb rubbed her clit in little circles faster as he palmed her breast, holding her still as he rubbed his cock against her ass even faster.

  They both panted and moaned as he continued to dry hump her ass as he finger fucked her pussy, all the while his lips trailed hot kisses up and down her neck.

  His middle finger rubbed against something deep inside her pussy, making her climb higher and higher. He took his hand out of her shirt, cupped her face, turning it so he could capture her lips, and kiss her hard, thrusting his tongue in and out of her mouth, like his fingers were doing to her center.

  Finally, he pushed down on her clit—hard, as he thrust against that spot deep inside her, and then her world exploded into a million pieces. She screamed into his mouth as he kept kissing her, and she flew apart with pleasure.

  Somewhere in her blissful state she felt him rubbing himself against her still, until he thrust hard, and then growled into her mouth as his tongue dueled with her. But it wasn’t until she started to come down and the fogginess of euphoria receded that she felt the hot wetness against her back.

  He held her in place as he continued to devour her lips. After long moments of just kissing and their bodies felt blissfully sated, he pulled away, giving them both air, and just looked down into her eyes, rubbing her cheek with his large thumb.

  He slipped his hand out from her sweats and they just laid there, staring at one another. Sidney felt so content in the moment that no thoughts of being afraid of him even entered her mind.

  Then he spoke, “As much as I love to hear you beg, I won’t give you what you want until you give me what I want.”

  Sidney was confused for a moment, “What do you want?”

  “For you to accept me as your mate and stay with me forever,” he stated.

  Suddenly she stiffened up, and tried to pull away completely. He let her go, and she climbed off the bed adjusting her clothes. She turned to look at him, and saw that he had no shirt on, showing off his hard, chiseled plains, distracting her for a moment. She followed the plains of his body to his lower abs, where she saw the evidence of their foreplay smattered against his skin and tangled in his happy trail. Her mouth watered as she thought about licking it off.

  She looked at his face and saw his little know-it-all smirk, which made her shake her head and then frown.

  “Look, Josh,” she started, trying to use her fingers as a comb. “I know you think I’m your mate because of the way I smell or something, but it’s just not possible. For one, I'm human and I like being human. I don’t want to become a werewolf.”

  He frowned at her, “And you’ll stay human. Just because you are mated to me doesn’t mean you will become a werewolf.”

  “Okay, well if that’s true, don’t you live a lot longer than humans? So, I’ll die long before you do,” she responded.

  “No,” he replied, sitting up and sliding toward the edge of the bed. “When I claim you, you will be able to live as long as I do.”

  She stepped back, trying to think of another reason they weren’t mates. “Okay, what about children? I’m human, I can’t have puppies.”

  Josh laughed as he stood, grabbing his t-shirt from the floor to wipe the cum off his stomach. Sidney took another step back.

  “Our offspring aren’t born as pups,” he explained. “They don’t change until they hit puberty.”

  Sidney was bewildered by this information. Poor kids—didn’t only have the problems puberty usually brought a teenager, but changed into werewolves as well.

  “Well that sucks for the kids,” she said, more to herself. “Don’t they have enough to deal with?”

  Josh chuckled as he took a step closer to her, “It’s not so bad.”

  She stepped back again, aware that she was running out of space between her and the wall.

  “Still, have you ever seen a human and a werewolf mated?” she asked.

  “Could you stop saying werewolf? We’re not some fictitious creature that goes around biting people and tearing people apart,” he stated.

  “Well, I’m pretty sure that’s what your friends, Alana and Russ, wanted to do to me when you guys kidnapped me,” she retorted.

  Something dark and menacing passed across his face, “Alana and Russ are no friends of mine anymore, and you are forbidden to speak their names again.”

  She felt her hackles rise in defensiveness at his order, “And why? Am I not good enough to speak their names? Are they so superior because I’m just a lowly human?”

  “No,” he growled, stepping closer to her and making her step back against the wall. “Their names do not deserve to fall from your lips. You are superior—you are my mate.”

  He stepped into her, pushing her against the wall and bracing his arms on either side of her head.


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