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Club Prive: Taken Over, Volume 3 (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Ellie Danes

  I wrenched my arm away from Aaron. "And why would Slade do that?"

  "Because if he doesn't, Aaron will make you suffer," Balducci said.

  Aaron's hand caught me and squeezed hard. My heart stumbled as his knife slid up to my throat again. What if I had been wrong about everything? My sister had always warned me that my bravado made me trust the wrong people.

  Aaron squeezed my arm again, and I remembered this was what we had been waiting for. "Is that what happened to my sister?" I cried out.

  Balducci grinned. "See? I told you she was quick. She's already figured out how the game is rigged."

  "Is that why you murdered my sister?" I lunged at Darren, bringing Aaron and I to center stage. "He threatened you so you killed her to save yourself?"

  "No," Darren yelped before the man on his left delivered a punishing blow to his jaw.

  "It was so easy to make him say 'yes,'" Balducci continued. "The poor schmuck was in love with your sister. They were planning to run away together. Darren had a choice, in the end. Either he killed the girl or he would watch her suffer more. Aaron might not say much, but he's a maestro with a knife."

  Slade ripped free of his restraints and lunged at Aaron. I screamed, sure that all our careful planning had just been torn apart. The two men grappled but suddenly Slade went limp.

  "No, you didn't!" I screamed at Aaron and dropped to the ground next to Slade, checking for knife wounds.

  Slade was untouched. In one swift move, he stood up, shielding me from Balducci's men. "I'll come back," he said through clenched teeth. "If I see Christine walk out of here safe, I'll come back and work for you again."

  "Your life for hers?" Balducci asked. "Done."

  Chapter Ten


  As I leapt for Aaron, I fully expected to feel the sharp bite of a knife in my gut. When I didn't, I was shocked enough to let a punishing uppercut connect with my jaw. We stumbled to the ground, and I heard Christine scream. I grabbed Aaron's shirt, ready to take him down. And then I felt the wire.

  "For her," Aaron said in my ear.

  He pulled back, his pale eyes direct on mine, and brandished his knife.

  I struggled back, giving him a slight nod. Then Christine flew to my side. Her hands furiously checked my sides, and she only started breathing again when there was no blood. Aaron stood up and backed away, but the rest of Balducci's men surged closer.

  I stood up and shielded Christine with my body. Balducci would never believe that Aaron missed, so I had to distract him somehow. The only thing I could do was make him an offer he couldn't refuse.

  The old mobster gave a nonchalant grin and pulled a cigar from his pocket, as if this was the outcome he was expecting all along. His threats against Christine, his presence at the club, it had all been to get me back into his employ. Balducci was determined to maintain iron control over his men and my desertion made him look bad.

  "Done," he said with a satisfied nod.

  His men backed off and Aaron slipped farther away behind them. I wondered at the wire's range as I squared off with Balducci. "So, that's it? Back to business as usual?"

  "Oh, I have a feeling things will change a little at your swanky club," Balducci said.

  "Does that mean you're going to give up recruiting grunts from the street?" I asked.

  Balducci fished in his pockets for a cigar lighter. "You mean like you? And Darren? Nah, that's only in special cases, where I see real potential."

  "Is that why you had me running numbers for my meals?" I had kept those crib sheets and had stashed a paper-trail a mile long. If he confessed to it, then the DA could hang him up on racketeering if nothing else stuck.

  "You were lucky for such a gig. Remember how terrible you were at figuring out the spreads? Good thing my richer clients took a liking to you." Balducci lit his cigar and let out big puffs of smoke.

  Before the smoke cleared, a flood of police crashed into the warehouse. There was nowhere to hide on the wide-open floor, and Balducci took one look at the steep metal staircase before he realized he would never make it. His men were already down, hands in the air, and determined not to extend what every sentences they got.

  The old mobster didn't go down so easy. With a bull-like bellow, he tossed his cigar and started throwing hard punches. A lifetime of experience knocked back three officers but the uniforms kept coming. Two grabbed his wrists while the one whose nose Balducci had bloodied kicked him down to his knees. Even on the floor, he fought them, and it took the help of another officer to finally get the handcuffs secured.

  "You've got nothing on me, and I'll have all your badge numbers by the end of the night. Then you'll see who comes out clean and who gets cut," Balducci ranted. "And I don't know which one of you miseries sold me out, but I'll get the truth. I'm coming for you."

  "You have the right to remain silent. . ." The officer with a bleeding nose started rattling off Balducci's rights as three other officers hauled him to his feet.

  He sank against their hold, dead-weight, and kept ranting. "No one's got nothing on me!"

  The police officers dragged him toward the warehouse doors. A black van showed up to transport Balducci's men to the nearest precinct. The floor started to clear.

  Christine did not look relieved. In fact, she looked terrified. I followed her gaze and realized that Aaron was missing.

  "He can't have gone far," I said.

  "I don't know, Slade, the man moves like a ghost," Christine said.

  I looked over the warehouse again and noticed an officer near the side door holding one hand tight. Blood seeped between his fingers. "What do you want to bet he went that way?" I asked.

  She swayed on her feet, deathly pale. "He was wearing a…" she whispered, almost to herself.

  "I know. I felt it when we fought," I said. "Is there any way the wire was transmitting?"

  "Hey, found something," the officer with the sliced hand called. He held up the thin device Aaron had been wearing. "Looks like Mr. B was wrong about someone selling him out."

  "It's over." I took a deep breath only to hold it as Christine toppled over. I caught her and saw her green eyes flutter as if she was about to faint.

  Then her gaze cleared. "It's not over for us. You better tell me what the hell you thought you were doing—"

  I swung Christine back on her feet and silenced her with a swift kiss. A few of the men whistled and cat-called as they were being taken away, but it didn't matter. I vowed nothing could get between me and Christine ever again.

  Chapter Eleven


  Slade's kiss knocked me completely off my axis, and I had to cling to him to keep from falling. Somewhere I could hear men whistling and a few of the officers chuckling, but the world seemed far away. Slade's words started to sink in and I felt myself go weak all over again. It was over.

  My eyes flew open. Our crazy scheme had worked. Even though Slade had come crashing in and almost ruined everything, we had managed to record a real confession from Balducci. No thanks to Slade.

  Slade pulled back and smiled down at me. "Is it sinking in yet?"

  "How you burst in here and almost ruined everything? Oh, yeah, it's sinking in." I used Slade's strong arms to steady myself and then pummeled his chest with light punches. "What were you thinking going behind my back like that?"

  He caught my wrist and grinned. "I could ask you the same thing. And you're the one who made a deal with the most dangerous man I know."

  I stopped, the full weight of what I had done finally settling on me. I had trusted a notorious killer and let him take me into the lion's den. "It was his eyes," I told Slade. "He looked just like you when you talked about getting out."

  Slade shuddered. "I'm not sure I'm going to take that as a compliment. Aaron is one of the main reasons Balducci was able to rule by fear. And now he's gone."

  "He told me he was retiring," I said. The thought did not warm the chill I felt thinking about Balducci's knife man. "The police are n
ot going to be happy that I let one of their most-wanted walk."

  Slade caught me close again. "But look at what you did manage to do."

  Balducci's small army was almost loaded into the black police van. Most of them struggled against the police, making every step a battle, except Darren. He stood quietly, his head hung down, and waited. The officer holding his cuffs had a loose grip and a sad expression. It was clear that Darren was just a young kid who had gotten pulled into the wrong business.

  "Are you going to go talk to him?" Slade asked. His hands slid down my arm and squeezed my hand. "I mean, now you know why it happened. And justice will be served. We can just head home now, if you want."

  I wanted to leave with Slade right then and there. It would have been so easy to turn away and never think about him again, but even as I thought that I knew it was a lie. I needed to face the young man who had killed my sister.

  Slade let me go but he was only a step behind me. I crossed the floor to Darren and the officer in charge of him nodded and stepped to the side.

  Darren spoke without looking up. "I'm glad it's over so I can do my time. I deserve worse, I know."

  "Darren," I said, but he wouldn't look up.

  I stepped forward and reached out one hand. Darren flinched but all I did was tip his head up so I could see his eyes. They darted back and forth frantically, then finally met mine.

  "Anya loved you," I said. "You couldn't have protected her from Balducci. It's not your fault."

  He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head from side to side as if he never wanted to see anything again. Then I hugged him and when I stepped back, his eyes were wide and still.

  "I'm sorry, Christine," Darren said.

  "I forgive you."

  Chapter Twelve


  "If she's anything like me, she'll take a hell of a lot longer to forgive you." Dena appeared next to me and swatted my arm. "Barreling in here like you’re some kind of movie hero. What were you thinking?"

  "How was I supposed to know that Christine would make a deal with Aaron? And, wait." I swung around and scowled down at the DA. "What were you thinking, letting her do it?"

  Dena ruffled her short, blond hair. "I wouldn't do anything so reckless."

  "Cut the crap. Where else would they get a wire?" I asked.

  "So I didn't want to let the scumbag walk again. It was all Aaron's idea, and the risk was going to be all his as well. Until you showed up," Dena said.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. "I didn't screw up the scheme. Aaron and I probably did you a favor by distracting everyone while the cops arrived."

  "Plus, he did offer to trade his life for mine." Christine joined us and looped an arm through mine.

  I laid my other hand on her cheek. "You okay?"

  Christine nodded. "I am. Poor kid. I think my forgiveness did more for me than him. He's never going to forgive himself."

  Dena perked up. "He'll feel closer to it after he testifies against Balducci. Excuse me."

  "Dena," Christine called. "Be gentle on him."

  All I could do was stare at Christine. Not only had she forgiven the young man who killed her sister, but now she was looking out for him. It felt like a giant balloon in my chest was about to pop. Then she licked her lips and the balloon burst into a fiery cloud. There was nothing standing between us anymore and all I could think about was getting as close to Christine as I could.

  I tugged her closer. "You ready to get out of here?"

  Christine looked up at me and licked her lips again, this time slowly, with her eyes locked on mine. She rubbed her cheek against my arm and let out a little sigh. "Soon. I just want to hear the final word from Dena."

  Her petite blonde friend marched back over to us and grinned. "Darren has agreed to testify against Balducci. And, don't worry, I will make sure his cooperation means a reduced sentence."

  "Is there enough to put Balducci away for life?" Christine asked.

  Dena nodded. "Forensics is having a field day in the this warehouse. Between the confessions you caught on the wire, Darren's testimony, and the evidence here, there is no way Balducci can wiggle his way out this time."

  "So, I can take Christine home now?" I asked.

  The volume of my voice must have been too loud because both women looked up at me in surprise. Christine blushed and Dena laughed out loud.

  "Good idea, Slade," Dena said.

  Christine walked with me out of the warehouse and across the industrial yard to where I had parked. The car was behind a shipping container in a quiet quarter, far from the buzz of the police.

  "I didn't know you had a car," Christine said with an arched eyebrow.

  "So, I 'borrowed' it. I had to get here. And when I saw you were here…" Words failed me and I leaned heavily against the side of the stolen vehicle.

  Christine stepped closer, the toe of one shoe nudging my legs apart so she could press against me. "Me, too," she said.

  I caught hold of her so fast my fingers tangled in her hair. She didn't notice as she raised up on her toes and kissed me. Already wet and open, her lips surged against mine. Closing my arms around her, I lifted her up, the friction of our bodies creating new waves of fire. This time there was no stopping it.

  Christine threw her arms around my neck as I stood up and spun us around. Then she was on the hood of the car. She let go of me long enough to help my fumbling fingers with the fastenings on her jeans. I could barely contain myself and each hot, lusting pulse rocked me against her. Then Christine's hands fell to my waist. I leaned down and kissed her again, tasting her deep moans and eager pants.

  "Here?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

  "Now," Christine said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Christine - Epilogue

  At first, I couldn't see anything, so consuming was my need for Slade. It felt as if everything that had kept us apart had to be burned up in a haze of lust. I shimmied closer to him, tugging Slade's broad shoulders down on top of the hood of his stolen car. My hot nipples strained to feel him and when he tore open my shirt, I felt the first burst of release. I moaned against his lips and it turned to a cry as he left our kiss. Then he dropped his mouth to my breasts and the heat enveloped me again.

  I gripped his back, one hand easing down to press hard and guide him toward me. I was melting, slick, and all I could think about was being with him. Slade raised his head and met my pleading eyes.

  He eased forward and I dropped my head back on the hood of the car. I had to concentrate on letting him in, he was so hard and bigger than I remembered. Slade went slowly until finally we both cried out, the tight connection forged fully.

  Then I saw the bright blue sky above us. No more cement-gray buildings, complicated boundaries, and no more mistrust or worry. It was over, and I could completely give myself to him.

  Slade saw it when I caught his face and held his gaze. He began to move, trying to be gentle, but our bodies demanded more. I raised my hips up to meet him and tangled my legs tight around his waist. On a stifled growl, Slade dropped his lips to mine again as an aggressive rhythm took over. It drove us, intense and straining, over a high ledge and far up into the blue sky.

  * * * * *

  "Christine, there is no way you need to be doing that now," Cara said with an impatient smile.

  I shook my head and gripped my phone. "I just want to text the kitchen and make sure the menu is going to work. The guest list got out of hand and I'm worried there won't be enough."

  "Are you going to check the DJ's playlist again and then run through the staffing? Again?" Cara asked.

  I forced myself to put my phone down. "I can't help it. I just want everything to be perfect."

  "It will be. It is. Except for one thing," Cara said.

  I jumped up. "Oh, god, what? Did I forget to put out the gift bags? Is the bar understaffed?"

  Cara grabbed my arm and steered me out of the office. "The one thing is you. If you don't get dressed now, you're goi
ng to miss your part."

  "My part?" I asked as she shoved me into the private room. We were upstairs in the private room Balducci had once used for his poker games, but it had been transformed. A bright vanity table stood near the window and a silk privacy screen cordoned off the corner. On the screen hung a pearl-colored cocktail dress.

  "Do I really have to remind you again?" Cara asked. She pointed to my left hand. "I mean, it's practically blinding me right now."

  I glanced down and felt a rush of happiness. It was so intense that I had to grip the wall while I laughed. The engagement ring flashed under the lights of the private room and, for a second, I felt as if my sister was winking at me.

  "I still can't believe he proposed," I whispered.

  "To be honest, I can't believe it myself," Slade said from the doorway. "That's the reason we're having this party, right? Announce our engagement and maybe it'll finally sink in."

  "Let it sink in later," Cara said. "You've got ten minutes before the spotlight hits the stairs. Everyone's waiting to toast the happy couple, so I really hope you're there."

  Slade shut the door behind her and turned to me with a wicked grin. "Ten minutes. How fast can you get dressed?"

  I tipped my head to the side and teased him by considering it for a good long while. "Three minutes?"

  "I can work with that." Slade peeled off his suit coat and strode across the room. "Can you?"

  I opened my arms to him. "You know it's hard to admit it, but we work well together."

  "Partners," Slade said as he scooped me up and carried me away.

  Legend - A Rockstar Romance- Sneak Preview

  I parked at the far end of Main Street. Instead of getting out, I slumped down in the driver’s seat of my leased sedan and considered turning around. The last place on earth I wanted to be was the sleepy little town of Murtaugh, but I had nowhere else to go.

  The draining numbers of my bank account flashed across my mind, and I pressed my forehead to the leather stitching of the steering wheel. It was only eleven o’clock in the morning but I longed to crawl back into bed. Maybe it was all just a bad dream and when I woke up, I’d be back in my upper-floor West Side apartment. I tried to will it into reality, but it was too quiet. New York City and the life I thought I’d tied up in a neat little bow was two hours away and outside of my car, I could actually hear birds singing.


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