Book Read Free

Protecting Nova

Page 10

by Belle Harper

  “Who is your first husband?” she asked me.

  I just stood there frozen. My first one? Would that make it Ezra? Since he technically found me first?

  “I am,” Colton announced as he stepped closer to me. “If you mean by who is head of the family that would be me. Colton.”

  They both nodded at this. “Yes, and no. We will explain soon,” Olivia answered.

  I let out a small laugh. “Sorry, it’s just I met three of them pretty much at the same time.”

  Olivia laughed back. “Yeah, hard to pick just one. So, you have six?” She looked around at all my men.

  I smiled. “How many do you have?” I asked, knowing she had eight but wanted to keep the conversation flowing.

  “I have eight and trust me that is plenty.”

  I smiled at her and nodded. And if they were as good-looking as Trevon, she was one lucky woman. Not that my guys weren’t hot as hell. I won the jackpot six times over with my men.

  “Okay let’s all grab some seats, something to eat and drink, and we will explain everything to you all.”

  The something to eat was the best food I had eaten in years if not forever. We had corn on the cob, green beans, carrots, venison, some type of warm tea. Oh, and some type of flatbread. Couldn’t forget that. It tasted so good. My stomach never felt better than it did at that moment. No one spoke. We all just ate.

  “Now,” Trevon started as he cleared his throat.

  “We are not a dictatorship. We have a council. That council is made up of first husbands. And the heads of the families...which is our amazing women. So, Colton and Nova you will be introduced to council very soon, and you will take part in the running of Eden.”

  This place just got better by the minute. Everywhere else, for as far I knew was run by men, and the women had no rights. They were taken against their will to marry those evil power hungry men. Here in Eden, I was the head of my family. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. Olivia smiled right back at me and winked.

  After a bit more explanation of what to expect here, Olivia told Trevon to leave us be for the rest for the day.

  “We have fourteen families here. You are our fifteenth. So welcome, Nova and your husbands, to Eden.”



  I was a husband here. Nova was my wife. Everyone was happy and excited as Trevon and Olivia led us to a cabin. Trevon talked a lot with Colton, and Olivia had taken Nova’s arm and had it in the crook of hers. We walked past different people, mostly men and children. They were all so friendly, greeting us with waves and hellos.

  “Hello.” A little girl with white streaks through her hair came up to me. Her smile was beaming as she told me a story about a butterfly she had seen earlier. I was mesmerized by what she was telling me. I had not seen a child since…well since I was one.

  “And it was dancing from tree to tree…”

  A guy around my age with raven black hair ran over to us. “Cora, stop bugging the man and let him go get some rest,” he playfully said to her.

  I put my hand up. “I don’t mind. I loved hearing her story.” She was so free and not a care in the world. Having a real childhood. Something I never got to have. When I looked to Nova, I saw her watching the children too. Both our childhoods were cut short. But not for these kids. They were free and safe. The way they all ran around and played happily, laughing and giggling. Fuck. I want to put babies in Nova right now. I wanted one of my own to watch grow up and give them all the love and happiness they deserved.

  The emotions that ran though me had me over to Nova fast. I picked her up and swung her around. She let out a squeal and string of giggles.

  “I love you,” I told her.

  She kissed me and then rested her forehead against mine. She peered into my eyes, and I could feel her, she looked into my soul. Like she sensed what I felt right now.

  “I love you, my big funny puppy, now put me down.”

  I did what she said but I didn’t let go of her, and she didn’t ask me too either. I held onto her hand as she walked and talked with Olivia. Olivia seemed around Ryker’s age. Trevon, I would say, was younger than she was. But it was hard to tell. I guess with the way people had to live, some had lived harder lives than others.

  “This is our temporary cabin. We built it for any newcomers. It’s not much but it’s got everything you need until you have your own. I will send food to you here, and you can wash up and rest. And tomorrow we will show you all around Eden, and show you how everyone works together to live.” Trevon shook our hands as Olivia hugged Nova goodbye. “Oh, and the outhouse is just over there.” Olivia pointed to a tiny building off to the left further up the hill.

  We walked up the stairs. It was dark at first, but Ezra opened a window cover and the light poured in. It wasn’t very large. Just one room.

  There was a table with two chairs and a bed that looked like it would fit maybe three of us. I hoped we could get a bigger bed in our cabin. Just the thought of our own home—there were no words. I didn’t think I would ever have one, we moved around so much. The longest place we ever called home—where we first met Nova—was now burned to the ground. I bounced around on my feet as I looked at what this cabin had to offer.

  “I get a spot on the bed,” Nova yelled as she ran over to it and sat on the edge. She flopped herself back onto it and let out a sigh. “It’s so soft.”

  I laughed. She was just perfect. I looked over to Colton who watched me too. He motioned with his head for me to go over to her. But when I stepped toward her, I saw Kento lie down beside her. He had been so quiet since we arrived. He curled into a ball and she hugged him. So instead I went to the next person I loved. When I got to Colton I wrapped my arms around him, he relaxed and hugged me back. I kissed him briefly then pulled away. Just happy to be holding him. I had not done that in weeks.

  “Well I don’t know about you guys, but this place is pretty awesome. And now I understand what we were lugging up here for the last three days.” Ryker came past and patted my shoulder a few times before walking off exploring the cabin.

  I took a seat on the chair at the small table and Colton sat on the other.

  “Why don’t you go rest up, Noah?” Colton asked

  I shrugged. “He needs her more than I do right now.” He reached for my hand. I missed him. I missed the sex we had. I just missed him in general. It felt like we had drifted apart the last two weeks or so, when everything bad happened with Nova. But we were safe now, we could go back to our old ways, like from the bunker. Just thinking of it made me grow hard.

  “That’s not true, he just needs her in a different way than you do. Or I do. Go on. She needs someone to hug her.”

  I slowly picked myself up as I noticed the rest of the guys were just being quiet and hung back from the bed, maybe seeing Kento there had them worried they would trigger him or something. But he liked me, we had slept together a couple of times with Nova between us and he was never affected. I crawled onto the bed, and the first thing I noticed was that it was soft like Nova had said. I had no idea what this mattress was made of, but it felt like what I imagined a cloud would feel like.

  “Hey,” I said as I rolled over to her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and angled my body into her so I didn’t touch Kento. Nova turned her head and kissed my cheek.

  “I love you,” I told her before I drifted off to sleep.

  The smell of food roused me; it was hot and smelled like heaven.

  “Noah, sit up.” Ryker appeared before me and holding out a plate for me. It had so much food on it I was worried I was going to drop it and waste it. Nova and Kento sat up as Ezra brought them a plate each and we all ate. The only sounds we made were the moans of happiness at how good this tasted.

  “Is this deer?” Nova asked as she took another bite of the big piece of meat on her plate.

  “Yes, it is sweetheart. And I made sure you got the biggest piece,” Colt replied. She smiled and shook her head at him.

sp; “You know I’m not going to be able to finish all of this,” she said.

  I chuckled as I reached over and took it from her. I took a bite and gave it back.

  “Hey,” Colt told me off. But Nova didn’t care. She laughed and took one more bite before putting the rest on my plate.

  “Next time I’m gonna sit next to Nova at dinner,” Ryker added, and we laughed.

  The room went back to silence. It wasn’t a comfortable one, and I felt uneasy. It might just be we were in this new place. And we could relax together, as one. Which we never really had done before. Someone was always on watch or alert. Cooking, or cleaning. Whereas now we didn’t have to. It felt… odd.

  “Let’s all play a game?” Nova suggested as she put more food on Kento’s plate. There was corn again on my plate. Never thought I would love corn as much as I did now.

  “Strip poker?” Ryker suggested. Colton laughed. I didn’t know that game or why it was funny. I looked at Ezra, glad he wore the same expression I did. I didn’t get that joke or what they were talking about.

  “I think you’re showing your age, old men,” Ezra joked. The looks on Colton and Ryker’s faces were the best. And set us all off in a fit of laughter.

  “Why don’t we go around the room and say something no one else knows about you?” Ryker suggested. This game was not a half bad idea.

  “Yeah, that’s a great way to get to know each other better.” Nova was excited and bounced back onto the bed. She wrapped her arms around me before she settled back and patted the bed for everyone to come over. Ezra took everyone’s plates, as Colt and Ryker grabbed the chairs and brought them over next to the bed.

  Kento jumped off and took a chair. As Ezra slid in next to Nova, Adam took the other chair. So, Ryker took the last spot on the bed next to Colt.

  When we were all settled down, we waited for someone to start. Ryker cleared his throat. “Okay, I guess I will start. Something you don’t know about me… I used to be a mechanic. Before…you know. And I loved tattoos. I got my first one when I was fifteen. And I couldn’t stop.”

  He pointed to his neck piece. I’d never really paid attention to the fact he had tattoos. I guessed because it was just part of him. I nodded as he looked to Colt.

  “Um…most of you know everything,” Colt said. “Skip me. Let me think first.” He pointed to Adam.

  “Okay, so most of you knew I was from Bakersfield. And I used to make out with Nova… A lot. I always knew she was a girl. I knew. But I never told anyone. My uncle thought I was gay, and I let him believe that. I never told anyone that she was a girl. I just wanted you all to know that.”

  Nova let out a gasp. “You knew the whole time?” she practically whispered, her mouth slightly agape.

  Adam nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell you I knew, because I thought you wouldn’t keep coming back… Thinking back now, I probably should have told you. If I could tell, then I guess others would have been able to as well. I never thought of that.”

  No one said anything for a long time. They just processed that information. But then if he had told her, she wouldn’t have had to leave; she would have never ended up in Ezra’s arms and with all of us. Here in Eden.

  “Um…something you don’t know about me. Let me think…” I started. I wanted to get everyone to stop thinking about what Adam just said, one because the room was too quiet and two because well…yeah it was Adam. “I can’t really read.” I couldn’t think of anything else. When you lived with people so closely, there wasn’t much to tell that they didn’t already know. But that was the truth; I didn’t really know how to read and write.

  “Really?” multiple voices asked at once. I nodded and Nova placed her hand on mine. “I can teach you.”

  I dipped my head to hers and smiled. “I would like that.”

  Nova opened her mouth but was cut off by a knock at the door.

  “Just here to grab your dirty plates and see if there is anything else you all need,” a male voice called out from behind the door. A few of us jumped up to gather the dishes and open the door.

  It was that guy from earlier. What was his name? Beck? The one who was way too friendly toward Nova. I noticed Adam at the door. He used his body to block it so he couldn’t come in or be able to see Nova. Bet his wife would like to know he was acting a bit too friendly towards my wife.

  “They are just getting the plates now,” Adam told him. I almost wanted to laugh, but I held back. I didn’t like Adam. Well that’s not the truth; seeing him like this he was starting to grow on me. I just didn’t want to be friends with him. I didn’t know what it was about him, but he rubbed me the wrong way since day one.

  “Goodnight,” the guy called out through the door. I assumed to Nova because she called out goodnight in return and I pounced on her.

  “Hey, what was that for?” She laughed.

  “Just wanted to keep you here. With me.”



  Everyone got ready for bed. I turned off the large solar flashlight, the one we got back in St. Mary’s. It was fantastic for here. And would go very well in our cabin, I couldn’t wait to start building it. Everyone was here, and all I wanted was to take Nova and Noah and fuck them into tomorrow.

  “What’s that look for?” Nova questioned as I stalked toward her. She was all twitchy; I could see it. It was like she wanted to run, but toward me. As soon as I was on her, I kissed her deeply. A moan escaped her lips as I took Noah’s mouth next. Someone coughed. But I ignored them. If they didn’t want to watch me with my loves, they could leave for all I cared.

  I heard someone shuffle and then the bed dipped. I turned to see Ezra beside me. This felt like old times. When we were in that bunker where we slept, ate, and made love all day, every day.

  He took Nova’s mouth as I kissed a trail along her collarbone.

  “Clothes off now,” she demanded, and I chuffed.

  “Oh, we are demanding now, are we, sweetheart?” She winked at my words. She was so confident, so sexy. God, I love her.

  It didn’t take long before we were stood in front of her naked. I stroked my cock to the sight of her. Her body had filled out so much since she had been with us. Her breasts were bigger, her hips slightly wider. But that ass. I could cup it now and grab the flesh. And that was exactly what I did. I dived between her legs and grabbed her ass as I hauled her pussy to my waiting mouth. She let out a squeal as I licked her clit to ass. Ezra and Noah worshiped her nipples, and her pussy chased after my tongue every time I pulled away to watch them.

  “You want me to fuck you? Or fuck Noah?” I taunted her. Her body jerked at me, telling me it was the latter. She gave me a smile that teased, so I slapped her ass.

  “I will fuck Noah, while he fucks you while you suck Ezra’s cock so deep into your throat that Noah can feel it in your pussy,” I growled out to her. The room suddenly got louder with sounds of movement. I turned to see Kento on a chair faced away from us. I hoped one day he would be able to enjoy this too. But the other two.

  “You guys gonna watch? Gonna stroke your cocks to this?” At first Adam looked away as if he was shy and not interested, and then I saw him slide his hand into his pants as the corner of his eye met mine. Ryker. Fuck, the dude already had his cock out.

  “I’m only gonna watch.” He replied lazily. I looked down and fuck, his cock was huge. What was that? “Oh, wow, that’s…” I snapped my mouth shut. Didn’t want him to know that I checked out his junk. I knew he didn’t bat for my team and I didn’t want him feeling uncomfortable around me.

  I looked up at Ryker’s face and he laughed. “A cock ring, yep. I forgot to mention that secret before.” Now everyone in the room was focused on it, and Ryker looked proud as punch at that.

  “Colt,” Nova practically purred. She was on all fours now in front of me. She looked back at me with Ezra’s cock in her hand as she stroked it slowly.

  I tried to move away, but fuck she was so tempting, I sat up and ru
bbed my cock in her wet folds. I moved back off the bed to allow Noah to get behind her. I could tell when she put Ezra’s cock in her mouth as he moaned loudly. Noah groaned at the sound, and sight of her warm, tight pussy sucking his cock deep as he thrust in. I spit on his crack and rubbed it down to his rosebud. He moaned loudly as I probed him with my fingers, until he started fucking them as he fucked Nova. I groaned at the sight as I stoked my cock. I couldn’t wait any longer as I lined myself up and pushed hard and deep.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. It had been too long since I had taken Noah. I forgot how good this felt. He felt.

  “Shit I don’t think I’m going to last long,” he called out as I pumped in as deep as I could go, my balls slapping against his, sending tingling pleasure up my spine. Fuck yeah, I missed this.

  Once we all got a rhythm going, Noah grunted and pulled back from Nova just as I slammed my cock back into him.

  “Fuck,” he yelled out.

  I pulled out. “Shit, are you okay?” I hovered my hands at his back. Ryker came over, cock still in hand.

  “Nova?” I called over as I reached out and touched her ass cheek. She made a humming sound, but she sounded fine.

  “He was pulling out and you kinda fucked him back inside her.” Ryker shook his head, but the look on his face told me he was slightly amused at the situation.

  “Princess?” Ryker softly asked. “You okay with Noah coming inside you? We didn’t get a chance to talk about that yet.”

  Ezra pulled his cock from her mouth, and she turned with a brilliant smile. One that would light up the night.

  “Yes, I’m very okay with that.” And that smile was then spread across every face in the room.

  There was a knock on the door of the cabin. As much as I wanted to say I slept all night, I couldn’t. We all still fell into watch shifts. It helped us sleep better. Kento slept on the chair, while the rest of us took turns on the bed. We made it work, even though Nova was a bit grumpy that she spent most the night asleep on us, rather than the soft mattress. Was hard to not have her draped across my chest. I didn’t realize how much it helped me sleep, feeling her on me.


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