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Somewhat Alien: The Station (Terran Trilogy Book 2)

Page 12

by Sheron Wood McCartha

  Chapter 16

  On the Offensive

  Over drinks, Trace broached the real problem. “I suspect someone is operating from within I.N.Sys to disrupt a successful Terran assimilation. I’m looking like an idiot with all the security breaches that are happening.” Trace rubbed his face and stared at his drink. “I guess I wasn’t ready for this job. I never imagined it would be like this.”

  Richard picked up his glass and waved it at Trace. “You were the best agent dad ever had at I.N.Sys, but that’s not your job anymore. Your task is to develop someone else to be that agent. Then repeat the process again and again so you will be free to do what this position requires. Managing. He had faith you could handle it. And you can. Just keep a clear head and a laser focus.”

  Pushing back, Trace sighed. “I didn’t realize how easy working out in the field was until I sat behind a desk.”

  Richard wiggled a finger at him. “Our problems started with the gebbit. It’s possible it slipped in on its own accord, but I’m thinking it could have been planted.”

  Trace rubbed the rim of his glass. “They would have inserted two if they wanted to create real trouble.”

  “True,” Richard agreed. “But a second one could have escaped and not made the flight. They’re elusive little critters.” He paused to sip his drink.

  “If that’s what happened, it puts the perpetrators at my end.” Trace hauled out his tablet and started making notes.

  Richard tapped the table with his left hand. “Next was the attempted assassination. I want to find out who was behind that. No accident there. They planned to kill me, too. I want them found. So, what do the disruptions have in common?”

  Trace made a few more notes. “No idea.”

  Staring off into space, Richard gave a slow nod. “Shuttles and the Operations Center. You realize Alysians operate all traffic on the station, which includes shuttles?”

  Trace’s head jerked up. “Oh, right. I forgot about them. Traffic is out of my jurisdiction.”

  “Perfect placement. We’ll need an in-depth re-examination of each operator.” Richard rolled his glass around in his hands, thinking. “There may be a connection to a particular government. This place was slated to be an international space station like Alysian Station. Is some country upset that it isn’t involved enough?”

  “I’m on it.” Trace’s eyes lit up. “Shuttles would also play a key role in getting the kidnapped girls off the station.”

  Closing his eyes, Richard grunted. “An Operations Center worker wouldn’t be the top guy or gal. He’s likely in a key position, but someone else would be running the show—someone with more clout and a wider interest.”

  Trace leaned forward eagerly. “Probably someone in the room when Elise was egged. He or she might have watched. I find you can uncover the perpetrator by studying who’s in the frame.”

  “It could be your buddy, Jake Payne. Sounds like one of his nasty jobs.” Richard took a thoughtful sip of his drink.

  Shaking his head, Trace said, “Nah, he’s too small fry for something like this.”

  “But he’s the type a more powerful person might use.” Richard tapped his teeth in thought. “Willing to get his hands dirty.”

  Trace tilted his head. “Who would be motivated to stop the assimilation of the aliens onto Alysia? Equally important, who would want to cause turmoil inside the Democratic Union? The trouble is that they’re succeeding. I.N.Sys is playing catch up, and we’re chasing our tails. They have us questioning our ability to deal with this mess. We’re stumbling around like idiots who are being played.”

  Eyebrows raised, Richard said, “You may have something there. It could be someone working with another country and not from within I.N.Sys at all.”

  Trace smiled, texted some more, and then closed the tablet with a flourish. “That’s the answer I want. I don’t want to lose control of my operation and have I.N.Sys be responsible.”

  He pushed back his chair and studied the tablet. “I’ve been groping around in the dark too much lately. Now I see some patterns that have given me a sense of direction. I’ll follow up on Alysia while you monitor the station. Keep a close eye on those Operations Center people. Also, it would make things easier if you would make your peace with the fleet commander. Put on your statesman’s hat and keep sex out. We don’t want your love life mixed up in global politics. Disaster lies that way. I’ll tell Deuce to assist you.”

  Richard leaned forward. “Listen, Trace. I can handle Elise. As for Deuce, he’s inexperienced. Also, he needs to tighten security better. I can’t believe he has let so much get through— unless he’s part of the conspiracy.”

  Straightening up, Trace’s face tightened. “I certainly hope not. I have big plans for that kid and would be upset if he turned out to be a traitor. Don’t even think it.”

  “Well, we have to think of everything. Life doesn’t always give us what we want.”

  Trace set down his drink and smirked at Richard. “I bet you don’t want to go back into space or onto that station.”

  Finishing his drink, Richard muttered, “Yeah, not only am I going to have to fly up there, but I’m going to have to figure out what to say to Elise. Hopefully, I’ll come up with something that won’t get me thrown out the airlock.”

  Motioning for the check, Trace’s worried eyes met Richard’s. “Watch yourself up there. They tried to kill you once. If they think you’re closing in on them, they might try again.”

  “Trace, you tell me the most comforting things.”

  “Just saying."


  With shaking hands, Richard folded his shirt and patted it into the suitcase. He was headed back into orbit where anything could go wrong: vacuum, loss of gravity, radiation, cosmic rays, and “pending alien contagion.” Whatever that meant.

  You can do this.

  With a sense of foreboding, he straightened up and stared at the almost-packed suitcase. What kind of fool would leave the plush comfort of a modern home with a large shower, abundant fresh food, and copious entertainment channels—all for an alien woman who didn’t even want him.

  Have I lost my mind?

  A large glow enveloped his spacious bedroom as two figures solidified near the heartwood dresser.

  Now what?

  “How about some company?” A male figure with white blonde hair, dark gray shirt, and black pants grinned at him. “You look like you could use some.”

  Richard squinted into the other glowing figure next to the speaker. He noticed wings fluttering nervously on her back.

  “Ariel! So, the mystery visitor of Elise’s was you.”

  Ariel nodded. “We talked with the Director of I.N.Sys as you suggested, and he agreed with us. Our son has accepted the call to be the guardian angel for your family as a way of expressing thanks for all that you did for us. By accepting his mission, he becomes human with the ability to time travel along with other gifts, which we prefer not to disclose. Will you accept him?” She cocked her head in question.

  Richard considered the stunning Enjelise in front of him. “Will Elise be included in this service?”

  Nodding, Ariel said, “Our estimate of future events gives a high probability that the commander will become part of your family. So, we will include her until unforeseen events change the situation.”

  Meaning as long as I don’t screw it up, they’ll watch over her too. He took a breath and straightened up “Yes, I accept and am humbled you would do this for us.”

  “Then, so be it.”

  “Are you packed and ready to go?” Richard asked.

  A large bag thumped out of thin air and landed on the bed next to his.

  “So, how do I introduce you?” he asked, eyeing the luggage.

  The younger Enjelise glanced at his mother. “I’m taking the name Angel. Angel Avarric.” He patted his bag.

  “I sense Elise’s hand in the name selection.”

  Angel nodded. “That’s what she calls me. So be it.”
Turning to face him, he said, “We need to hurry. The space station is in danger of a contagion that could spread to Alysia.”

  Unwieldy packages appeared out of thin air and bounced heavily on the bed.

  Richard hastily stepped back. “What’s this?”

  Angel grinned. “A present for Dr. Luttrell from Elija.”


  Finally on board the shuttle, Richard cast a glance sideways and took in Angel’s perfect face. Closed eyes rimmed by gold lashes lay against alabaster cheeks and a face of artistic proportions that would make an artist weep at its beauty. The Enjelise sank back into his seat as the shuttle powered toward the station. Then they reached zero gees, causing Angel’s golden hair to float around his head like a halo.

  “A being can be too perfect,” Richard muttered to himself, rubbing his longish nose. Of course, his brother Braden’s wide smile had always charmed the opposite sex while Richard’s dark brows and prominent nose gave him a serious demeanor that often put them off.

  Oh, lighten up. You do all right.

  Angel flicked open his eyes and turned his head. “How are you feeling?”

  The question startled Richard as he had forgotten about his phobia of space while dwelling on his many deficiencies. He’d barely experienced his usual terror. “Not bad,” he admitted. Maybe Angel had been an influence.

  Angel nodded with satisfaction. “Don’t forget to have Elise contact Elija and tell him we delivered the package.”

  “Won’t she wonder how we got it?”

  Grinning, Angel said, “I suggest you remain vague. Mention a nameless contact that delivered it… leave out Ariel’s name. It will do them good to wonder how we got it from the Homestead. They believe their technology will give them considerable leverage in any negotiations, but this may give them pause.”

  “They have no idea of what talents Alysians have available.” Richard grinned back. “And for now, I want it to stay that way.”

  “The Terrans will soon become suspicions if they aren’t already.” Angel leaned back. “Make sure you’re buckled in as we’re almost there.”

  And in no time, they were.

  Chapter 17


  Richard brushed back dark strands of hair, which had been disturbed by the decontamination process, and sprayed on cologne to counteract the strong chemical odor. With a brisk motion, he smoothed out his casual navy shirt and picked up his travel bag and Elija’s package off the conveyor belt.

  Okay, you can do this.

  Behind him, Angel grabbed his own bag, following him like a dark shadow.

  As Richard walked toward the main entrance leading to the interior of the space station, he once again reviewed his plan of action.

  Take control. Insist on a meeting with the commander, and don’t take “no” for an answer.

  He repositioned his grip on the bag and tried to deal with the heavier gravity of the station. Putting out a hand, he pushed through the entrance and added a strut to his stride.

  Use a no-nonsense approach as you outline your concerns and explain how you want to address the problems. Get the upper hand from the onset.

  Nodding to himself, he stepped through and scanned the area. The station appeared brighter and cleaner with interesting touches of artwork and furniture scattered about. Storefronts lined the large rounded central area. Wow.

  Nearby, Deuce greeted him and reached out to take his bags.

  That was a surprise. He hadn’t expected a welcoming committee.

  “Welcome back, Director Steele.” Deuce nodded, his brown eyes twinkling.

  Richard hugged Elija’s package to his body while gratefully handing over the heavy bag.

  He heard a voice behind his right shoulder, “Richard, I’m so glad you’re back.” Surprised again, he pivoted and saw that Elise had come to greet him.

  She reached out to shake his hand and gave it an extra squeeze in a most friendly fashion.

  Well, well, well.

  “Welcome, Angel. Deuce Card meet Angel Avarric, my savior more than once.” She smiled as they exchanged greetings.

  “We have your quarters ready.” She waved them to a rail car.

  Deuce ushered him into a seat but halted to study Angel as they entered. From the wide-eyed expression on his face, Richard suspected that Deuce had never encountered an Enjelise before. His staring started to overcome his manners.

  Angel smiled benevolently, a bit of a glow backlighting the dark gray silk shirt and black leather pants he wore. He stopped to frown at the car, but then, with a shrug, he climbed on board with Richard.

  Elise continued, “Angel, it’s good to see you again without my life being in jeopardy. At least, I hope it isn’t.” Her smile trembled a bit. “We have accommodations for you next to Richard’s unit as I have been told to treat you as I would any human. I know you both are exhausted after the journey.” She gazed straight at Richard. “Particularly you. I know space travel isn’t your favorite activity.”

  Since her words elicited no response from him, she continued, “So, I’ll give you time to rest, get cleaned up, and then you both can join me for dinner in, oh, say, two hours.” She inclined her head and climbed on board next to them.

  In the forward car, Deuce banged on the ignition and muttered. The car coughed, sparked, wheezed, and finally took hold. They all staggered into seats and quickly buckled their belts as the car surged forward.

  “Carter needs to fix this car.” Elise peered over the rail at the creaking wheels as the car struggled along.

  Still smarting from her previous comment, he muttered, “I was actually comfortable in the shuttle.” For some reason, the need to disabuse Elise of the impression that he was frightened of space was important. He was here to build up his image as a take-charge man but, so far, he hadn’t been in charge at all.

  The car jerked forward in fits and starts, unbalancing him. He grabbed a rail.

  “Oh, what? Well, good.” She brushed back short auburn hair and turned her gorgeous violet eyes on him as she smiled.

  She’s as beautiful as ever. Mesmerized, he studied her. When she questioned his look, he hastily glanced away.

  “I have a package for Dr. Luttrell,” he managed to say as the car curved around and headed toward the habitats.

  “Oh? I can invite him to dinner also if you wish. He’s here visiting.”

  “Why am I not surprised.”

  The car finally slowed before a series of entries.

  “Our tour exit at last,” Elise said. “I’ll comm your unit in a couple of hours to see how you are.” She unbuckled and stepped out. “Your usual office will be available if you need it. I have already coded it to your handprint.”

  “Good to have you back on board, sir,” commented Deuce with an irritating grin as he handed over the luggage.

  Elise turned to the Enjelise. “I hope you’ll join us for dinner, too. You must, umm, let the kitchen know what your food requirements are.”

  Angel bowed. “I’m sure anything you might enjoy would be satisfactory.” He paused at the entrance.

  “Your unit is here right next door to Director Steele. It will open to your handprint.” She frowned. “Oh, we may need a handprint to program it.”

  Angel placed his hand on the security pad as Elise nodded to Deuce who tapped the communications array on his belt.

  The entry pad blinked green, the panel slid back into the wall, and Angel disappeared inside. Deuce helped Elise into the car while Richard stood at the entrance, watching it sputter and spark away.

  Richard walked into the darkened room and blinked, wondering what had happened to his grand plan.

  Take control. Show her who’s in control. And what a great job you did there, you idiot.

  He hurled himself onto the bed with a sigh. Exhaustion rolled over him.


  After a short nap and a cleaning mist, Richard felt a lot better. A fresh outfit of pressed navy slacks and casual tan shirt had him feeling
back in charge.

  But not for long.

  Elise arrived with Deuce and Angel. Angel’s golden eyes glinted with amusement as Elise once again took over and outlined their agenda. As they exited the unit, Richard glowered at the Enjelise, which brought out a wide grin. He remembered telling Angel more than once how he would take charge of the situation and not make the same mistakes as before. And here he was…making the same mistakes as before. He could almost see his bright plans floating out the nearest airlock.

  Close by, he heard a railcar making its way toward his unit. Sparks flew off the wheels as it chattered to a stop in front of them. Cautiously, he stepped in.

  Tapping his belt as Deuce announced in his comm, “We’re coming now.” He turned to Richard. “I just notified the café that we’re on the way.”

  “Where are we going?” Richard examined the area. As they left the habitat section, in the direction of Central Admittance, he noticed various kiosks scattered about and unfamiliar equipment lining the corridor walls. Then he spied several large containers gliding in and out of the corridors.

  “What are those whirring things?” He pointed to the four-foot tall canisters.

  Elise leaned forward. “You’re talking about our new cleaning bots. Carter designed them larger, specifically for this installation. They disinfect and clean the station daily. Usually they work during the down shift, but with you coming, the crew sent them out early.”

  The station had a bright gleam to it. “The place looks good,” he admitted. Studying the station, he noticed a multitude of subtle changes. “It even smells better.”

  Inhaling, Elise nodded. “We select the fragrances that lift the mood and pipe them in via the air ducts.”

  Taking a closer look, he said, “You’ve made quite a number of changes while I’ve been gone.”

  Elise settled back in her seat as they sped along. “Once we got the 3D printers assembled here on station, we could do all sorts of things.”

  “The what?”

  “The 3D printers. It takes a computer design and, using the appropriate materials, you can create practically anything you want. On the ship, we used them to make replacement parts, furniture... anything we needed. We’re doing the same here. In fact, the little restaurant we’re eating at was recently built using 3D printed wall panels, tables, and cookware. We can also use it to create foods. Amanda and Brenda are ecstatic about their little café. It’s become a well-known hot spot.”


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