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Pret Ops: Familiar

Page 6

by Emma Ray Garrett

  “Yes!” Natalie reared back and took her breasts in hand, slamming her body onto his once, twice, three times before her cunt took a stranglehold on his cock. She came with unabashed abandon. He was so close. The need for release built to a crushing pleasure-pain in his balls.

  He roared. “Please!”

  Natalie opened heavy lids to look at him. She shivered, slowly rotating her pelvis. She looked at him for a moment, softness in her gaze. Tension pulled his body taut and he struggled to breathe through the hunger.

  “No.” With that, she slipped to his side. She sat there only a moment before standing and redressing.

  “Thanks for the fuck, Rubenesso.”

  Chapter 11

  Triumph flooded Nat’s system as she made her way to her tent. She’d finally taken what she wanted and it felt damn good.

  A roar of rage tore through the night.

  “Oh, shit.” She’d kept a tight rein on her magic, but the terrifying sounds coming from the still bound Stas shook her control.

  “Natalya!” Every hair on her body stood on end. Instinct took over, pulling her magic in, telling her to haul ass. Petrified, she heard him tear through his bindings and adrenaline rushed through her. Run!

  She bolted, threading through the trees as fast as she could, using small tendrils of magic to alert her to obstacles. She heard another roar. Run harder! Nat’s lungs burned as she made her way through the dark forest.

  She could feel him behind her, gaining on her, lust, rage, and the need to conquer pounding down on her in waves. Every creature in the wood knew she was being hunted and their fear compounded her own. She stumbled.

  “Natalya!” The cry was so close her ears rang. Heart in throat, Nat struggled to regain her balance.

  The impact of his body drove her to the ground, and trapped her arms beneath her. She gasped in pain from the collision. Her mouth went dry with fear when he growled close to her ear and set his teeth against her neck. She felt every deadly point against her flesh and bit her tongue to stop a whimper from escaping.

  Stas growled again, his mouth readjusting to hold her immobile. His razor sharp claws tore through her clothes, jerking her body. His control felt paper thin to her, but he didn’t cut her.

  “Stanislov.” A thread of caution laced the word.

  A sharp shake of his head made Nat hiss in pain and hold her tongue. The beast wasn’t listening. It had to stake its claim. Instinct drove it to take her, mark her, punish her for dominating it. The power of the animal surged through her, obliterating any fear, leaving in its place nothing but dark, base carnality.

  When her clothes were nothing more than remnants, Stas pressed his body against hers. His cock burned against her skin. He rubbed himself over the curve of her buttocks, the bumps along his length that had given her such an intense orgasm earlier now stirring her blood to a fever pitch. Nat shivered hard. Sharp-tipped fingers gripped her hips, pulling her lower body off the ground and into alignment with his. Natalie turned her head, pressing a knuckle between her teeth to stop the scream building inside.


  His body hammered into hers so hard her teeth pierced the skin of her finger. Natalie screamed and her hand muffled the sound. God, he felt so big, so hard, too deep, too good. Stas pulled out slowly, each nub on his cock sliding over her sweet spot before slamming in again. Natalie yelled her pleasure and surrendered to him, opening herself completely to his emotions and releasing her magic into him.

  She pulled her hand from her mouth. She placed her palms flat to the ground and lifted her upper body, taking his weight with her, wiggling until her knees pressed against the solid earth. Then Nat shoved back against him as hard as she could. “Fuck!”

  Sharp talons pierced the flesh of her hips, the sting tightening her body around his magnificent cock. It’s not enough! Natalie roared her frustration. He responded to the animal call of her hunger, growing inside her body, swelling, the nubs changing into something else. God, she thought he might tear her in two. His cock was buried so deep it hurt. With her barriers completely gone, she could feel every pulse of satisfaction, every surge of need, the orgasm building inside him. Feeling his animalistic impulses overwhelmed her, making her body nothing but a mass of want, hunger, and a frantic desire to submit.

  His rhythm stuttered, and his grip on her hips changed. Nat was about to scream at him to keep going, when Stas lifted her off his cock and rolled her to her back. She didn’t have time to breathe before he hooked her legs over his elbows, grabbed her ass with both beastly hands, and buried himself in her swollen sex once more.

  “Yes!” Nat arched her back and brought her hands up to his shoulders. The fur felt different, coarser, and she opened her eyes. The face looking back at her wasn’t the Stas she knew. She tried to pull away, terrified, when the beast’s eyes caught hers.

  It was Stas.

  In werewolf form.

  “You’re a wolf!” His cock throbbed inside of her, thickening, filling her so perfectly. “Oh, God, what are you doing to me?”

  “Come, Natalya.”

  She shuddered, goose bumps rising over her skin. He growled. It sounded so canine, so hungry. Holding her exactly where he wanted, Stanislov pummeled her body, grinding her clit against the top of his pubis with every slippery, savage thrust.

  Nat was on the verge, her screams turning to moans as her body tightened and magic coalesced. Faster and deeper he rode her, letting go of her ass to move her knees over his shoulders so he could lean forward and force all of his cock into her. When he touched a finger to her clit and began to strum it fast, she broke.

  Natalie twisted and contorted, impaled on his cock, his inhuman hands holding her tight. “Fuck!” She grabbed his forearms with her hands, and sent a deluge of magic rippling into Stas, into the very air and earth around them.

  His cock swelled impossibly more, and their eyes locked. Their bodies fused together. With the first explosion of his cock, Stas’s control snapped. Holding her gaze, he instinctively opened himself to her magic and her mind. Every bit of his pent up need, denied hunger, and painful longing roiled through her, setting off another thunderous orgasm.

  He continued to pump, his hot seed filling her, even as his emotions poured into her, overwhelming her. Stas clutched her body hard as he shuddered. He held nothing back, crying out with each jerk of his cock, telling her without words how satisfied he was and how much he wanted her again.

  Nat’s throat was sore from screaming, her body bruised, her sex aching. She’d never been so satiated. He finally collapsed against her, and they lay there for a long time, her body shivering with remnant bliss, his swollen cock lodged deep inside, throbbing softly.

  When he softened enough to slip from her body, she cried out at the loss. A little dazed, she watched leftover magic dance over him, marveling when he shifted fully into wolf form.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Nat shivered, the cold night finally registering. The wolf nudged her face, his soft wet tongue tasting her skin. He pushed her to rise, wiggling his large, white body beneath hers. She knew Stas wanted her to lean on him, let him carry her back to camp.

  Sinking her fingers into his thick coat, she obliged. In a few moments, he had them back at camp, snuggled beneath the sleeping bag in her tent.

  * * *

  Stas stayed beside Nat until she was asleep. He licked her face softly before struggling from the sleeping bag and back out into the night. In the moonlight, he shifted into man-wolf form. Looking down at his body, he tried to understand what the hell had happened.

  All those years in Igborski’s clutches, the old man had wanted this result more than anything. So had Stas. But having it actually happen churned up all sorts of feelings and memories Stas didn’t want to deal with.

  Tension coiled in his gut. If Igborski had known Stas would eventually shift into a wolf, he’d have never let him leave. Or live.

  Chapter 12

  Natalie woke slowly. It w
as still dark. The warmth of Stas’s body pressed against her back. Still muzzy with sleep, she snuggled closer.

  “We should talk.” The low timbre of his voice tightened things low in her body. She hummed a non-committal reply.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His palm smoothed over the small punctures on her hips.

  “You didn’t. In case you missed it, I enjoyed every bit of your possession.” Lust throbbed through him and into her, and Nat smiled.

  He grunted and pressed his hard cock against her backside. “We need to pack up and get moving. I hate to fly your way, but we need the time for recon.”

  She listened to his emotions and her own. There was still an edginess between them. Even a night of fantastic sex couldn’t undo years of antagonism. The magnitude of being bound to each other, however, muted it. And Nat had no doubt they were tied. Even now, she sensed the mark of magic on his skin.

  Nat sighed and rolled over to face him. She wanted to ask him so many things, she wanted to tell him about her empathy and her new gifts, but now wasn’t the time. Instead, she simply looked at him for a moment. He was so beautiful, so strong. But he held himself apart, closed himself off. He accomplished it, with everyone but her.

  “I have no regrets, Stas. Do you?” Natalie brought her hand up to trace his brow and cheeks. His love warmed her and she ached to give him those words. But she couldn’t. He’d only pull away, and Natalie wouldn’t be able to survive that again. Her soul couldn’t take it.

  “No.” For once, those words rang with truth. Stanislov’s heart pounded, filled with love and hope. Natalie Marshall was his: his home, his family, his mate. He pushed his hand into her hair and pulled her mouth toward his.

  The kiss was as passionate as any they’d shared, but the ferocity, the anger, was gone. He committed the contours of her lips to memory, savored the scent unique to Nat, and held her close. He wanted to make love to her slowly, but they didn’t have time.

  She threaded her fingers into his chest hair and deepened the kiss before pulling away. Nat stroked him softly before sighing. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  * * *

  Nat set them carefully on the ground, dispersing the spell that allowed her to transport both of them over the mountains. Stas stumbled from her grip, his face ashen. He breathed slowly, carefully through his nose. Nat chuckled softly, drawing a glare.

  “I hate that shit. God, I feel like I’m gonna puke.”

  “Oh, come on. You don’t like to fly?” Memories of a flight not two days ago flitted through Nat’s mind.

  “In a plane! I like to fly in a plane!” Stas stood up and heaved a cleansing breath.

  “What’s the matter? You don’t like the sensation of floating above the earth on magic?” She couldn’t help but needle him a little. “Now you know how I felt the other day. It’s much easier to guarantee a smooth ride with magic.”

  Stas grumbled something under his breath, making her laugh again.

  They carefully made their way through the trees at the base of the mountain. According to intel, this lab had the newest electromagnetic detection sensors, meaning Nat couldn’t use major magic within five hundred feet of the place.

  They humped it for about five clicks, before Stas signaled a stop. Pointing at his eyes, he motioned in front of them and held up four fingers. Four sentries protected the entrance of the lab.

  Nat nodded her understanding. They slipped deeper into the foliage using dead branches and leaf litter to build a makeshift shelter. Stas took the TAC glasses from his pack and surveyed the area.

  “The place must be newer than we thought. Infrared confirms only four guards. My guess is werewolves. We’re about a thousand feet from the perimeter.” He kept his voice low.

  “Can you take four?” Nat picked up a nearby leaf, infusing it with a minute magical charge.

  “Please. What are you doing?”

  “We need to know where the scientists are. This little guy is going to dance across the ground over the lab. I’ll get impressions of what’s where, without using too much energy and setting off the sensors.”

  Stas raised his eyebrows, impressed. “How long?”

  “A couple of hours. I have to use subtle breezes to move the leaf where we need it and that takes concentration and care.”

  “Take first watch.” Stas burrowed his body closer to hers.

  “I’ll wake you when it’s done.” Nat brushed a soft kiss over his lips. Stas smiled briefly. Then with a soft grunt he fell into the kind of sleep only a lifelong soldier could.

  Chapter 13

  Damp heat bathed the head of Stas’s cock and he rumbled softly. He’d been lying still, his heart pounding for the last few minutes while Natalie’s hands explored his body. She’d removed their clothes before she began to caress every line, rise, dip and muscle from his head to his feet. The furor of their other couplings was muted, still adding an undercurrent of wildness to every touch, sigh, and arch of their bodies.

  His chest burned, his lungs begging for air. The feel of her mouth around him, her hand slowly rolling his balls, brought him to the fine edge of control. Her saliva trickled down his cock. “Natalya.”

  Her nimble tongue and deft caresses brought him to the brink. At the last possible moment, he pulled her away and up his body, rolling them over. She smiled at him, desire flushing her face and chest. Settling himself between her legs, Stas ran his hands down her arms and linked their hands.

  “I need you.” She arched her back and Stas slowly filled her body with his. He covered her mouth, tasting her lips, giving her his tongue. She responded hungrily, nipping at his mouth and raising her hips to take more of his thick cock.

  Stas pulled back from the kiss. “Look at me. See me, Natalya.” Her eyes fluttered, then deep blue filled his vision. He pressed the last few inches into her body, groaning when the sensitive head of his cock brushed against her womb and she contracted around him.

  Natalie tightened her hands around his. This wasn’t fucking; they were making love. The hot rush of need mingled with the power of honesty between them and her eyes filled. She could feel everything he felt, but she wanted more than anything for Stas to feel her.

  “Let me in.” Their eyes locked together, Nat saw him open up. She wrapped her magic around them, enveloping both, saying a silent spell to allow him inside her mind. A soft snap of energy and the spell settled. Their mouths fused, each muffling the other’s passionate cry.

  “I can feel you.” Stas was staggered. So many things burned inside his Nat. A tiny agony that this wouldn’t last, fear of what was to come with The Veil, unquenchable hunger and the deepest need. And love. Stanislov thrust hard into her, his heart nearly bursting, his body on fire. She loved him.

  “Always.” Nat lifted her head to take his mouth. Pulling her hands free from his grip, she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing their bodies into full contact.

  Stas funneled his hands into her hair, holding her mouth still for a deep, ravishing kiss. She wrapped her legs more tightly around him. Stas released her head to wrap one arm around her back. He lifted them off the floor, leaning back on his feet and seating her fully in his lap.

  Nat opened her eyes and looked deeply into his. Stas guided her movements, slowly lifting her off his cock, before lowering her down again. She tightened her grip on his shoulders and rocked against him, her hard nipples brushing the silk-over-steel of his chest. He loved her as a man and she gave him everything she had to give.

  He felt so good inside her body. Natalie was more aroused than she’d ever been, but at the same time she felt safe, cherished, in Stas’s arms. She pressed her forehead to his and watched his face as she flexed her inner muscles. His eyelids fluttered and he purred, low. It vibrated his skin against the sensitive tips of her breasts and she took his lips to stop from moaning.

  Nat’s hot, wet pussy flexed around him and Stas shuddered a hum. God, she felt so good. So much better than his paltry fantasies. Her cunt
was tight, her body graceful and firm, her eyes, lips, and emotions telling him how much she wanted him, how fantastic his actions made her feel. He wanted to come right then. He moved his cock deep into Nat, then held her still.

  “I want to taste you with a man’s tongue.”


  Nat slipped from his grip and he followed her to the ground. She placed her thighs on his broad shoulders then guided his head to her pussy. Nat didn’t look away, transfixed by the sight of his long fingers spreading her lips before his pink tongue slipped from his mouth. His pleasure at the view only made it hotter.

  She tightened her legs against him. Stas parted her glistening folds, her erect clitoris rising above the wet mouth of her pussy. He touched her softly, stroking the edges of her labia with his lips, murmuring incoherently against her skin. With the tip of his tongue, he traced the contours of her sex, learning each place that made her jolt with pleasure, which then shivered through him. The liquid of her desire tasted salty, but the flavor made him ravenous. He licked and teased, lapping every bit. When he’d sampled every part but the one she wanted him to caress the most, he stopped. Her lust beat at him, but he held still, waiting.

  “Don’t stop.”

  He smiled and pressed the flat of his tongue to her clit. Her shoulders raised from the floor and her thighs trembled. With long, deliberate movements, he laved the tiny organ. Nat shivered beneath him, swallowing cries of approval. Pulling back, he set about rapidly flicking the sensitive nub, while gliding his hand to her pussy.

  Nat had to smother a scream with her hands. They couldn’t draw attention to their position, but oh God, the things his finger and mouth were doing made it hard for her to think of anything but him. He eased a second finger inside and Nat clamped down around him. The sensation was glorious, his talented mouth bringing her to the edge, his fingers curling inside her, pressing against her G-spot. He played her body like a master and she rewarded him, thrusting her hips and digging her heels into his back. The small pain amplified Stas’s hunger, rolling it over Nat until she held her breath not to keen.


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