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Alien Surrogacy 2: The Prince of the Stars

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by Sierra Chambers

  Alien Surrogacy 2: The Prince of the Stars

  by Sierra Chambers

  © Copyright 2016

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction and any character resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are over 18 years of age.

  No part of this book this book may be resold or given away without written permission from the author.

  Alien Surrogacy 2: The Prince of the Stars

  The morning after getting plowed by Stemp’s massive cock, Jen's muscles ached like they had the first time she had ridden a horse. Her pussy felt tender too, which wasn't surprising given the ravaging it had received last night.

  She gingerly began to walk down to the kitchen, hoping her gait would begin to look normal again before anybody saw her. As she walked down one of the many corridors, a flash of movement in a room up ahead caught her eye.

  She could only see the back of the person, but she could tell from their narrow shoulders and pointed ears that it was one of the servants she had seen at dinner. As she got closer, the alien's head came into view. She could tell from the man’s startlingly white hair that it was Fezren.

  But... what was he doing?

  He was standing on a chair, reaching up to the top shelf of a large bookcase. The top shelf was packed full of precious looking ornaments and trinkets. Maybe he was dusting them?

  But that seemed strange. Her mind flashed back to their conversation they had had the other day. I’m a prize. She had no idea what that even meant, but it didn’t exactly scream domestic help.

  As she watched him for a few seconds longer, it became very clear.

  He was stealing.

  She took another step forward, curious as to which ornament he was taking, and the floor beneath her creaked loudly.

  Fezren's body jerked, startled by the noise. As he whirled around to face her, his forest green eyes wide, the chair he was standing on became unbalanced and began to topple. His feet slid off the surface.

  Quick as a cat, he adjusted his body so that he landed on his feet.

  The chair crashed to the floor with a loud bang.

  He was still clutching the ornament in his hands, a fascinating orb that seemed to have images moving around inside of it.

  He turned his head quickly from side to side, as if looking to see if there was anybody else in the room.

  There wasn't, and his eyes began to narrow as he looked at her. She felt a chill run down her spine. That was the look of a desperate man, who had just been caught doing something he could not be caught doing.

  He stared at her intently, then his gaze flicked over to the wall, where a katana sword hung.

  In a moment of sudden clarity, Jen realized that the alien servant was weighing up his options. He was deciding whether or not killing her would be the safest bet.

  A flicker of fear ran through her.

  If he did try to hurt her, she knew that he would win the fight. His lean body was not intimidating, but he had just proven how quickly he could move. And he looked strong. His biceps were slightly too large for his frame, and she could see the hint of a six-pack beneath his tight top. It was clear to her from his posture that he was used to battle.

  He took a step towards her, a determined expression on his face.

  Jen slowly began to back away, into the corridor.

  "Oh, Jennifer, there you are!" Jen had never been so glad to hear Mali's nasal voice. The long-necked alien woman was walking down the corridor towards her, bedecked in jewels as usual. "What was that awful noise? It sounded as if..." her voice trailed off as she peered into the room.

  "Fezren." Jen could tell from the icy tone in Mali's voice that the alien man was in serious trouble.

  “Mistress,” he said, bowing his head.

  "What are you doing with the oculosphere?" Her voice was full of quiet rage.

  “I asked him to get it down. I didn’t realize that it would be a problem. I’m really sorry Mali,” Jen said quickly.

  "It was for you?" Mali asked skeptically.

  "Yes!" she insisted. "I saw it on the top shelf and was curious to see what it was, so I asked Fezren to fetch it for me."

  "Oh." Mali’s tone of voice changed completely. “It’s insignificant,” she said dismissively. “You can have it, if you really want it.”

  Fezren thrust the strange object into her hands hurriedly. Jen’s fingers instinctively clasped the sphere.

  "Well, now that that's settled, let's move on. I was looking for you, Jen,” Mali said.


  “Yes. I came to check up on you. Did things go as planned last night with Stemp?”

  “Yes,” Jen said, hoping that the alien woman would be satisfied with her answer and drop the topic. She didn’t.

  “Did he cum in you?” Mali pressed. “It’s very important.”

  “Yes,” Jen said quietly, feeling embarrassed to be having this conversation. She didn’t know what made her more uncomfortable - having to tell Mali about how her husband had fucked her, or the fact that Fezren was in the room, listening to it all.

  She could feel his eyes boring into her back.

  “Excellent. How much cum was there?” Mali asked.

  “Can’t you ask Stemp this!” Jen said angrily. Her cheeks flushed bright red.

  Mali frowned. “Of course not, you silly girl. Stemp doesn't understand nearly enough of any language for that message to be communicated. Answer the question."

  "I don't know. I couldn't begin to guess."

  "Try," Mali ordered.

  Think of the money. You only need to put up with her for a little while longer, Jen told herself.

  "Enough that it filled me to the brim," she said. "It was leaking out of me every time he thrust out, but he kept on pumping more into me."

  Her pussy clenched as the memory ran through her mind, and her nipples hardened.

  She crossed her arms, hoping that Fezren hadn't seen. It was strange that she should care what he thought of her - he had almost just killed her, after all - but Jen couldn't help it.

  "Good," Mali said. "We will do the pregnancy test in two weeks. This is enough time for the baby to develop enough that it will be detected."

  "What if I'm not pregnant?" Jen asked curiously.

  "Then you must be inseminated again. But it is best to not even think of that unpleasant possibility."

  Jen didn't think it was an unpleasant possibility. A rush of wetness flowed to her panties at the thought of Stemp's massive, steel-hard cock filling her up once again.

  "I will see you later, Jen. I suggest you stay away from Fezren. He is a chained dog, but can still bite." Jen watched as the alien woman left the room, quickly disappearing down the corridor.

  “So, Stemp can’t speak. That certainly explains how he can stay married to Mali,” Jen muttered under her breath.

  Fezren let out a surprised laugh, and then his face turned serious. “You saved me. Why?”

  “I didn’t want you to get in trouble. She has so much stuff anyway, she’d never notice something small like that going missing. She has a fortune.”

  “She doesn’t deserve any of her fortune,” he said bitterly.

  “You really hate her,” Jen said softly. It wasn’t a question. It didn’t need to be. She knew it was true, in the same way she knew that if she stopped eating she’d die, and that she was born on the planet Earth.

  “Yes, I do.” His short answer gave nothing away.

  “So why do you stay? Couldn’t you change jobs? Be employed by somebody else?” she asked curiously.<
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  He looked at her, quirking an eyebrow. “How much do you know about interstellar politics?”

  “Nothing,” Jen admitted, feeling stupid.

  “This planet, Elendama, was at war recently. With my home planet. It was a vicious fight that went for several years. That bitch's father was one of the most important war generals. During the war, his family went from poverty to the wealth you see today."

  "How? Do generals get paid a lot of money?"

  "No. He made money by hoarding food and selling it to desperate, starving civilians. He even shot down spaceships bringing in food to further drive up the prices.”

  "That's horrible," Jen murmured.

  "He's a horrible man. He does whatever it takes to win, no matter what the cost. His lack of a conscience is the reason why my home planet lost the war," he said.

  "So how did you end up working for his daughter?" she asked, confused.

  "On my home planet, I was a prince. I was the eldest son of the king. I was the one who would have inherited the throne. When my father was killed, I was taken hostage. It was a way of ensuring my planet wouldn't retaliate for the death of their King, and also a final humiliation. The son of their king, reduced to a slave." His voice was bitter. "So I can't leave. I am a prisoner here."

  "You have a right to be angry. That's terrible." Jen said.

  He stared at the wall, seemingly lost in thought.

  They stood in silence for several minutes.

  "Do you ever think of trying to escape?" she asked curiously.

  He met her eyes distrustfully. He didn't speak for a moment, but eventually appeared to come to a decision. "It's impossible. I can't do it alone, and there's nobody else here who could help me," he explained. He laughed darkly. "I shouldn't be telling you any of this. But I can't help it. I've been here for two years, and haven't had anybody to talk to the entire time." His voice broke during the last sentence, and Jen suspected that the prince wasn't used to showing weakness.

  "When I first arrived, I saw other servants that looked like you. Females," Jen recalled. "Couldn't they help you?"

  Fezren's eyes clouded over in anger. "I can't trust them. They were brought here to spy on me. I even tricked one of them into confessing it. And there is nobody else in this godforsaken mansion except for Stemp and Mali. Stemp is dumb, and Mali is evil. Hence, I've been alone this entire time. I’m surrounded by spies and people who would do me harm. You, on the other hand, are just a whore."

  "I'm not a whore!" Jen said indignantly.

  His eyes widened in surprise at her angry response. "You are offended. I apologize. This was not my intention."

  Jen nodded her head coolly but didn’t respond. The silence didn’t last long.

  "I didn't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with being a whore anyway,” Fezren continued. “It is certainly more respectable than being a spy, or a war profiteer such as Mali’s father."

  She heard the unspoken apology in his ramblings. You’re a different species to me, and I don’t know how to relate to you and not offend or anger you. But I’m trying my best.

  She realized that she felt sorry for him, all alone in this mansion with nobody to talk to. She put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay,” she told him. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I need to go, I’ll see you soon.” She turned to leave.

  “Jen?” the alien said quietly.

  She turned around. “Yes?”

  “Thank you for saving me.” For a split second, the guarded look in his eyes dropped and his lips curved into a genuine smile.

  Then it was gone, his face fallen back into the familiar expressionless mask.

  That day, Jen resolved that she was going to help Fezren. She knew what he needed, even if he didn’t know himself: a friend. And she was determined to be that friend.

  In the next week, she went out of her way to bump into him, keeping him company and cracking lame jokes. He didn’t laugh at any of them.

  It seemed that their conversation had occurred in a rare moment of vulnerability, and now his walls were back up. His eyes narrowed in suspicion at every act of kindness, and he excused himself from her company at every opportunity.

  She suspected that he didn’t like her very much, but she didn’t let that deter her.

  “Fezren! Wait!” she called out, yelling down a corridor as she raced towards him.

  His shoulders stiffened as he turned around. “Jennifer,” he said politely.

  She wrinkled up her nose. “Jennifer? You sound like Mali. You need to stop spending so much time around her. One Mali is enough for this universe.”

  “What do you need, Jen?”

  “Here!” she thrust a small package into his arms. “It’s some dinner from last night that I smuggled out. It’s delicious, tastes like apples. I thought they might not be feeding you very well,” she said.

  “That was thoughtful. I give you my thanks.” He didn’t sound thankful.

  He hesitated for a moment,as if he were going to say something else, then seemed to change his mind. “I must go. Farewell, Jen.”

  Her heart sank a little as she watched him walk away. Maybe he just didn’t like humans?

  She shrugged. I’ll try again later, she told herself.

  She spent the morning in solitude, playing a strange alien instrument that reminded her of a piano. It had several rows of elegant white keys, each of which did something different when pressed.

  Some emitted a sound, others a scent, and others let off a vibration of some sort - one made the entire room tremble, as if it had been struck by an earthquake.

  She imagined that watching somebody skilled play this strange instrument would be an emotional experience like no other.

  Jen wondered whether the devices were common throughout the universe. Perhaps not - it looked very expensive. She could be the first human to ever play one. She liked that thought.

  She pressed a new key, and all of a sudden the sound of shattering glass filled the room. She whirled her head around. Sure enough, the window now lay broken on the floor. Her heart raced. Surely it wasn’t the piano that had done that?

  She heard another window shattering in a room nearby, and then Mali’s high pitched scream.

  Whatever was happening wasn’t the piano, she realized.

  It was then that a small, scaly creature jumped through the window. It had four legs and a tail, and moved in a way reminiscent of a scorpion.

  She whimpered in fear as it began to look around the room, twisting its head back and forth. It saw her and lashed out its tail, which extended impossibly long. Sharp pain ran through her arm where it had pricked her.

  Her legs suddenly felt too weak to support her. She collapsed, landing on top of the piano, and a heady mix of scents and sounds filled the air as her body pressed the keys all at once.

  Dazed, she sank to the floor, staring in confusion at the purple liquid oozing out of her arm. What was that? Had the beast poisoned her?

  Her thoughts were getting jumbled up in her head, and the room began to spin.

  Then she fainted, the noise of the piano still ringing in her ears.

  When she woke up, she was in her bedroom. Opening her eyes, she was overwhelmed by the number of people in the room with her.

  Mali and Stemp were sitting on the sofa near the door. Several unfamiliar people were moving around her. From the strange objects they held and the way they were examining her arm, she suspected that they were doctors.

  Even Fezren was there, leaning silently in the corner. A look of dazed horror came onto his face as she began coughing up blood.

  Mali let out a gasp and Stemp howled unhappily.

  One of the doctors stuck something into her arm and the coughing stopped immediately.

  This pleased the doctor. He talked to Mali rapidly for several minutes in an unfamiliar tongue, then he and his team marched out of the room.

  Mali gave a thin-lipped smile as she made eye contact with Jen. “There is good n
ews. The doctor said that you are responding well to treatment, and that the poison you were injected with would not have harmed the child. I will let you rest as you heal.”

  Mali barked out an order, and everybody in the room marched out. Except for Fezren.

  Mali didn’t even seem to notice that he was still in the room. She left, and then it was just the two of them.

  “Thank the gods you’re okay,” Fezren murmured.

  “I didn’t realize you cared,” she said weakly.

  “Of course I care,” he said, his voice hollow. “You could have died.”

  “And what difference would that make to you?” she snapped.

  He flinched at her harsh tone. “I’ve been rude to you,” he said in a low voice. “I’m… sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. There was just no good that could come of speaking to you.”

  “What do you mean?” Jen asked.

  “Being friends with me would put you in danger. I don’t want anything to happen to you, ever,” he said. “You're already in the viper's nest, and you need to be so careful.”

  He was speaking with such intensity, and she knew that he meant every word. The fear in his voice when he spoke about her getting hurt, and that gentle look in his eyes told Jen the truth.

  Fezren loved her.

  It was strange, for him to have fallen in love with her. They had only known each other for a few weeks, after all. And the only reason she was there at all was to be impregnated by another alien.

  Perhaps his species were capable of falling in love more quickly and more deeply than humans. Perhaps he was just desperate for affection after years of being imprisoned with nobody to talk to, and the small kindnesses that she had shown him were enough.

  It felt nice to be loved.

  Jen desperately wanted to talk to him more, but was feeling too drowsy. Even opening her mouth to form a sentence was a struggle.

  “I’m feeling really tired,” she slurred, her eyes drooping. “Will you be here when I wake up?”

  He took her hand in his. “I’ll be here.”

  When Jen woke up, she felt completely better. It was as if she had never been injured at all. And true to his word, Fezren had stayed. He was lying on the sofa, his green eyes open but unfocused.


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