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The Wedding: Dark Romance

Page 11

by Sienna Mynx

  “It’s a choice. Make a different one.”

  “Choices are made for me. And if I recall, they are made for you too.”

  To this she goes silent. Guess she has no comeback for the truth. We are both equally trapped by family obligation.

  “Is it over?” she asks.

  “It’s over. For now. Trust me.”

  She props her face in her hand her elbow rests on the pillow. She’s staring at me and I’m trying to pretend to be unaffected. She has these soulful eyes that I get lost in when my guard is down.

  “I find you interesting. Really interesting. The more you don’t tell me the more I want to know. I’m curious like that. It’s the writer in me.”

  “And if you were to write my story what would it say?” I ask.

  “I wouldn’t do a novel. It’d be more like a musical.”

  “That so?”

  “Mmhmm, and your name wouldn’t be Brick.”

  “Go on.”

  “I think I would name you Jazz.”

  I chuckle.

  “You don’t like it?” she asks.

  “It’s worst than Brick or Byran, if you ask me.”

  “It might be cliché but it suits you. Not your musical talents, or your commercial style, or your gruff Cajun meanness. It’s all of it rolled up into one. You live like jazz. Improvisation, and no rules.”

  “I like that. Write me something and I’ll get my sax and play it for you.”

  “A sonnet for my imaginary musical?”

  “Yeah. My jaw heals and I’ll use the tenor to give it the right flavor.”

  “Cool.” She grinned. She got out of bed and went in search of a pen and paper. I began to feel so much better. I lay still and closed my eyes. She returned to bed and began talking over her ideas of who I was, who she saw me as and I liked the sound. It sure was a helluva lot better than the truth. When I closed my eyes I drifted on her voice. I’m glad she came over…

  Chapter Ten

  Two Days Later

  “Coco? We need to leave. Now babe!”

  “Almost ready!”

  She said that ten minutes ago, and an hour before that. It’s been almost a week since I’ve been at the club. I can arrive at any time but I’m dying to get back down to the Bone Room to reconnect. My body is healed. My jaw feels just fine. I still got my aches and pains but they are no longer debilitating. My facial bruises will take longer. I look like someone used my head as a soccer ball. Still with my unshaven jaw and fedora it’s not that bad.


  In walks beauty. She’s put on a black short mini dress that’s backless and stops high on her thighs. The shoes with the spiked heels gives a lift to her ass, that’s unneeded. Still her legs look longer and sexier to me in these shoes.

  “You like?” she asks and models for me.

  “Nice,” I admit.

  “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  I stand and grab my saxophone. She waits for me at the door to open it for her. It’s my pleasure. Besides I need to make sure my surprise is waiting for her outside. It is. Coco steps out my door and lets go of a squeal. My boy Darius has parked a white horse drawn carriage in front of my convertible. A large bouquet of roses waits for her on the seat. It’s my way of saying thank you.

  “Is this for… us?”

  She turns and looks at me. Her round eyes twinkle with excitement. I lean in and kiss her nose and her forehead. “For taking such good care of me, yes.”

  Coco throws her arms around my neck. She’s so giddy with excitement I feel it. This time I get a long awaited kiss from her. There’s nothing wrong with my lips or tongue as she soon discovers. And I love kissing her.

  She is the one to put a stop to it. “Let’s go!”

  She takes my hand and pulls me down the steps. Darius is out of the buggy waiting. He opens the carriage door for her and helps her step up and go inside. Her dress is dangerously short but she climbs in like a lady. I toss in my saxophone case and join her. Thankfully I live in the Quarter and not far from Dauphine Street. We are off and my lady is snuggling up next to me. In fact I have to mentally remind myself that she isn’t my lady. And that’s becoming harder and harder to do.

  The carriage ride wasn’t the best of it. Not even the roses. It was him. For two days we lounged in his place, and I comforted him. He loosened up on his resistance and let me. We didn’t bother to talk over our differences or what ailed him. We just let each other be. It was different for me. My experiences with men was always one of keeping my feelings distant. Making them want me, without knowing me. And it’s not like I have a long list of lovers. Just four, including him. Still, I considered myself the lothario.

  The moon was present. It was close to ten at night and it glowed like a lantern hung in the sky. A few cars bunked their horns and sped around the slow moving carriage. It didn’t matter. I was snuggled in close to Brick with the roses resting on my lap.

  His hand caressed my arm. He kissed the top of my head. Brick had healed. The scars were there. Black, purple, reddish-yellow bruising peppered his face, chest and knuckles. But he could still kiss. And he could still hold me in that way that made my insides melt. We hadn’t had sex, but I felt his erection every night before we went to sleep and in the morning pressed up against my thigh when we woke. Two days felt like eternity. I was hooked. A goner. There was no denying it now.

  “Why did you do this?”

  “I told you?” he says.

  “Yes, to thank me, but this is so sweet. Different than what I expect from you.”

  He chuckled but didn’t say anything else. I let go of the question. I’d rather decide his reasons for him. Men had a habit of ruining a good thing when they spoke too much or too soon.

  We arrived. The driver said a few words to Brick and promised to return to give us a ride home. My handsome escort helped me from the carriage and we walked hand in hand through the alley to the Bone Room. The same man with the white gators sat on a stool with his cane. He had no reaction to Brick’s face. Said a few joking words and focused his attention once again on me.

  We went inside and it was the same. Everyone greeted Brick as if he just returned from a long trip. But not one single person asked about his battered appearance. And Brick held my hand and his saxophone case as if it were a normal night. The club was tight with party people. A band played what reminded me of jubilee with people spinning their partners on the dance floor. The tinge of tobacco smoke singed my nose hairs. I try to ignore it. We move through the club like he owns it. And he does. We descend the stairs to a melodious symphony. Another band plays, and they play what I like. Brick hand leaves mine. He walks over to the man named Smoke who is sitting alone. I’m left standing by myself. I glance around and see a few people slow dancing. A couple eating, and men again in the corner playing cards. They are staring at me. I ignore them all and go to an empty booth and take a seat.

  “What you having sweetie?” A woman asks me.

  I don’t recall there being servers below before. But I’m glad she appeared. I ask for a simple rum and coke and she switches off. Brick walks over to the table and he doesn’t have his instrument.

  “You remember that sonnet you wrote me?” he asks.

  “Yes, you know I do. I’ve said it to you over and over. Why?”

  “Want to do it tonight?” he asks.

  “Here? In front of everyone?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “I don’t know Brick, it’s… personal, for me and you.”

  He lifts my chin with his finger and my eyes are drawn to his. “And it will be. I don’t mind showing off what belongs to me.”

  I give him a nervous chuckle. “I don’t belong to you.”

  “You sure about that?” he asks and sits back against the seat. The drinks arrive and I accept the rum and coke as if it were a bottle of water tossed to me after a mile walk through the desert. I drink down a deep swallow. It’s more coke than rum thankfully.

  “I s
till need more convincing. Come closer,” I tell him.

  He eases out of the booth seat and comes over to sit next to me. He puts his arm around the top of the booth and boxes me in. He’s so close I’m nearly pushed against the wall. “This close enough?” he asks.

  “Closer,” I tell him and kiss him. I can feel him smile under my lips. I touch his face and the brim of his fedora bumps my brow. I take it off his head. Not sure why he insists on playing the role of cool when he just is.

  The roll and slow swipes of his tongue over mine are gentle and enticing. If he wanted me to lay out beneath him in the booth I would. When our lips part I take his face in both my hands and bring his lips back to mine. I enjoy him that much. And then my name is called in that familiar voice and the spell he’s cast over me is broken.

  Brick moves back. I look up into Georgie’s eyes. She’s grinning. Yes. I told her to meet me here but in that moment I wish I hadn’t. My time with Brick would end soon and I rather have him to myself tonight.

  Georgie scoots in the booth and Marcel joins her.

  “Hi Brick!” Georgie says.

  “Hi Georgie,” he answers. He glances to Marcel and they speak without speaking. Marcel eases out of the booth first. Brick kisses me one more time and then leaves and follows him.

  “What’s up with those two?” I ask.

  “Marcel got some good news. A job or gig, something he and Brick both wanted. Not sure. Girl never mind it, tell me what is going on with you two? I haven’t seen you and you barely talk to me when I call.”

  “You seen him. He was hurt, and I was there to help him.”

  “He looks like Brick to me,” Georgie shrugs.

  “Does that happen often? Him getting into fights, and trouble.”

  “I told you Coco. Brick isn’t a good dude. He just plays one in this little game of yours,” Georgie teases. I smile. The lady returns to take Georgie’s drink order and Im glancing around the club. Smoke is sitting by the stairway exit on a stool. He’s staring directly at me.

  Georgie kicks me under the table.

  “Owe!” I holler.

  “What’s up? You know your brother and grand-mère are back in English Turn. Mama told me she saw them at the grocery today. They asked about you and me. He might even be coming by. You know how he is.”

  “I know, I know. Tonight is my last night with Brick. I’ll be at your house in the morning.”

  Georgie leans in. “Why don’t you talk to your parents again about us getting a place together. Then you can do whatever you want.”

  “Can’t. We graduate in a few weeks. What’s the point?”

  ‘The point is, it’s silly to be a grown woman and having to have a curfew.”

  Georgie’s right. None of it matters either way. I got bigger problems ahead of me. Like my wedding in August. A wedding that I know in my heart won’t happen. Not if I keep feeling about Brick the way I do.

  The men return.

  “You ready Coco?” Brick asked me.

  “Now? Right now?”

  “Ready for what?” Georgie asks after she kisses Marcel.

  “She’s going to be my muse.” Brick extended his hand.

  I wrote the sonnet and even tried to sing it to him. He liked it, at least he said he did, but he never played a note to it. What if we looked like amateurs out there? I’m so nervous I feel my throat going dry.

  “You trust me?” he asks.

  “I do.”

  “Coco? Are you going to sing?” Georgie asks. Marcel forces her to stay seated in the booth. I let Brick bring me out.

  “Yeah, gonna try,” I say. The place isn’t as crowded as it is above. It doesn’t matter. I just look at Brick and get that warm tingling feeling again.

  I glance back at my friend and she winks to encourage me. I walk with Brick to the stage and he keeps hold of my hand. I’m mindful of my dress when I climb the stairs. The guys playing cards have stopped. The band is leaving the stage as we come on. It’s just me and Brick. I’ve never performed for an audience.

  “Everyone, I want to introduce you to my bae-bee, Coco. She’s a healer. Tonight I’m feeling generous. Tonight I’m going to share some of her magic with you.”

  I look to Brick and I swear my face is redder than his reputation. He opens his case and removes his saxophone. It’s just me and him. And I have no idea what I’m doing.

  The lights switch on the little stage to highlight us both and dim the brightness in the Bone Room. To my horror more people are coming downstairs. I’m slowly losing my nerve. When I glance over to Smoke, the last of my confidence evaporates.

  I’m all set to run off the stage and then Brick blows the most sensuous harmony from his horn. It’s a long sweet drawn out melody that seduces me again. I glance out to the audience and then step to the microphone.

  I wait a beat and then begin.

  There’s a place for us…

  A boy in a band and a girl with a plan

  A space for us…

  A inexplainable chance to trust

  Brick blows his response and I swear the vibrations travel through my body and shake me to my core. It’s more than warmth. It’s provocative, flirtatious, and ravishing. It’s the come hither music to my soul. I turn to him during his serenade singing from my heart to him.

  I’ve tried to resist you…

  You pushed me away

  We both know I’m spoken for

  Now you making me stay…

  Now I’m begging you boy…

  I’m begging to stay…

  It took a glance from you…

  A hypnotic blow from you

  I’m lost…

  I’m lost…

  Trapped in your arms I’m lost

  There’s a place for us…

  A boy in a band and a girl with a plan

  There’s no need to rush…

  Two people who they say never had a chance

  A place for us

  We don’t have to trust

  A place for us

  We don’t have to rush

  A place for us… an inexplainable chance to trust

  This inexplicable thing between us…

  There’s a place for us…

  Brick serenades me on his knees. The final notes are blows, consecutive passionate strikes that is delivered like a siren of the loveliest melody I’ve ever heard from him. People are hollering and hooting from their seats. Me? I’m stunned by it’s beauty and authenticity. I got shivers. And when the music stops my heart literally drops. I want more. I want him. All of him. All of it.

  Brick stands and everyone claps. He sweeps me up with one arm and does a half spin with me. I’m not a star, but tonight I feel like one. I can’t stop smiling, laughing, the feeling of being free is so sweet. The band comes on stage.

  “One more set and then I’m yours,” he says in my ear.

  “Okay?” I grin at him so hard my face hurts. I don’t want to leave the stage, but the band starts playing the moment their hands lay on the instruments. So I leave the stage. In doing so I bump into a giant of a man. He’s tall, dark and mean looking. Reminds me of my brother’s friends.

  “Whoa, pretty lady. Coco, right?”

  “Yes.” I smile.

  “Don’t I know you?” he asks.


  “I’m Domino. We met before, here in the Bone Room.”

  “Oh, yes, I remember. Nice meeting you,” I say and try to walk around him but he remains before me so we have to brush up against each other. I glance up and he has that predatory smile that makes my stomach queasy. He winks and then goes on stage.

  I return to the table to find Georgie squealing with delight. She jumps on me. We hug and kiss.

  “One word girl! Fierce!” Georgie exclaims.

  “Yeah, it felt fierce,” I say.

  The softest place on earth is between her thighs. I love the way she feels beneath me. Her breasts might be small but her nipples are large enough to suck. One flick of
my tongue and her sighs and moans are music to my ears. I’m loving her. She tangles my short hair with her fingers. She pulls on it.

  The warm heat of her pussy is wetter now and pressed to my stomach. I release her nipple and go south. My tongue drags down between the valley of her breasts and dips into her navel then slides over her hairless mound to the plump lips of her sex.

  I’m not ready to end her torture and my pleasure. This is just the beginning. I press a kiss to her pussy. She’s got her thighs parted wide for me. She’s sliding her heels up and down the mattress. And she hasn’t let go of my hair. In fact she’s gripping so tight that my scalp stings from the tug on my roots. With two fingers I part the folds of her vagina And I nudge her clit from it’s tucked in place with my nose. I can tell by her heavy breathing she’s begging me to go the distance, take her into my mouth, make her pussy and her heart mine simultaneously. My lips close on her swollen nub and my suction is slow, matched with the folded roll of my tongue over the delicate morsel. Immediate is her response. Coco’s pelvis gyrates.

  “So good Brick, uh, it’s sooo good!”

  I thrust my fingers into her pussy. I’m toying her. My fingers pump in and out of her, my tongue is wicked with her pussy and she’s humming her pleasure louder and louder.

  And then I go in for the deliverance. I twist my fingers inside of her channel and flutter the tip of my tongue back to her clit. She’s almost there…

  I’m not….

  I pull back and she lets go of my hair. I grip her hips and force her to turn over. I lift her ass and she’s only partly on her knees. Her trembling arms are beneath her and one of her hands parts the lips of her pussy with two fingers. She’s so helpful. Before she has the chance to brace herself I go back in. My tongue swiping from one hole to the next. My teeth nibbling her swollen cunt from behind, while Coco breaths break apart like sobs.

  “Yes!” She cries out.

  Now she’s ready. My tongue delves and strokes inward with short measured thrust and I juice her up. She’s quivering and shaking so hard. All of her. And she climaxes for me beautifully.


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