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The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1)

Page 8

by Dele Andersen

  “I felt its weight over me.”

  “What weight?” Her mother asked.

  “The thing – the demon, it was like a huge rock pressing down on me. Although, it didn't feel like it wanted to hurt me or was sent to fetch me.”

  “No,” Bathe answered from behind Sofia. Bathe was not wearing the clothes he had on the day before. He was now dressed in a blue pair of jeans and a navy-blue long sleeve linen shirt that had brown and white coloured buttons. His black hair was well combed and looked better than it was when the demon was chasing them.

  “I mean,” Wanda corrected, looking into Bathe's eyes, but she wasn't concentrating on his features; she was busy mulling over everything... “I felt its strong arms when it held me, but ... it was not trying to crush me.” She blinked several times, trying to remember because she was partially unconscious when the incident happened.

  “That demon was out for the kill,” Bathe assured in a firm tone. “I've never seen anything like it; it was different and did things I had never experienced demons do before. The rebels might be trying to kill you....”

  Wanda's heart skipped a beat at the notion that the rebels could be trying to kill her since the demon sent to fetch her did not succeed at that. She looked at Bathe's face and couldn't see the conviction in his expressions. It seemed that Bathe didn't even believe what he'd just said about the rebels. The impression she had all through their journey about Bathe, not truly being the man to help get them to safety, suddenly returned.

  “They know you are a threat to them, Wanda,” Bathe buttressed his comment trying to persuade Wanda, who was looking at him with unconvincing eyes because she felt his voice lacked cogency.

  Wanda was about to further question how she could be a threat when her mother interrupted. “We should leave discussing the rebels till later.”

  Wanda could hear the frustration in her mum's voice. She knew her mother had not really come to terms with the fact that the arrows were truly meant for the demon.

  “Wanda should rest now,” Sofia concluded.

  “Where am I?” Wanda enquired as she looked away from Bathe and towards her mum. They both smiled and stared at her for a moment.

  “You are in the medical section of the Fortress,” Sofia answered.

  “The Fortress?” Wanda asked as she looked around the room once more, studying the items in it. She noticed there was a hospital bed divider folded in the corner of the room. The equipment she'd expected to see was available, but they looked like they'd never been used. The equipment was not connected or fully set up, which made Wanda conclude that the hospital was rarely being used.

  Suddenly, the relief that they finally made it to the Vitrians' Fortress overwhelmed her, the place that is known to have supernatural protection against demons. She turned back to Bathe and her mum with a smile on her face. She was happy to hear that they were now safe from the enormous grayish-white creature that seemed to have the strength to overcome the power in Bathe's Praying Méndez.

  “Jason,” Wanda thought and spoke at the same time. She raised her eyes to see Sofia's expression instantly turn melancholic as she mentioned the name. Wanda looked at Bathe for answers but noticed Bath immediately placed his hand on Sofia's shoulder to comfort her as she sat in front of Wanda.

  “Jason is still in the emergency operating room,” Bathe answered. “The doctors took some blood when we arrived and went straight to operate on him.”

  “And ...” Wanda demanded, with some reservations, about the outcome and what Bathe was going to say.

  “They are still at it.” Bathe was breathless, and Wanda could actually see he was worried about the issue too. She became confused, staring at Bathe, the man who seemed to be cryptic in the way he spoke, suddenly looked concerned and interested in Jason's survival. Wanda could not figure out Bathe's looks.

  Uncertainty, despair, and a bit of nausea suddenly engulfed Wanda.

  “That ... that's more than a whole day gone,” Wanda said and instantly regretted saying it when she saw her mother's panicked reaction.

  Sofia shook her head, and Wanda saw that her mum looked the way she did the day she got the news about her father's death.

  “Jason would be alright – I'm sure,” Sofia said, but her words broke, and her voice unmasked the lack of confidence.

  “Can I see him?”

  “No, Wanda,” Bathe replied.

  “He's in the theatre now,” Sofia included. “I was only allowed to see him briefly when we arrived as he was being wheeled to the theatre.”

  Wanda looked down, feeling dejected and somewhat frustrated. She was at the brink of tears but then realised that it would only break her mother down completely. Wanda couldn't help but feel that Jason was her responsibility and that she had let him down. She let him out of her sight only for a moment at school, and now he is dying. Her mum's warning, every morning as they left for school that she should watch out for Jason, painfully drilled into her heart.

  Unwittingly, Wanda's mind went into oblivion, recalling how Jason would narrate their dad's stories to his friends at school. How he would tell them stories about fighting demons and overcoming them and how he sounded so convincing about the stories, although he wasn't sure of its veracity. She had no doubt whatsoever that Jason would have put up whatever kind of fight he could once he realised he was with a demon. Wanda knew that unlike her, Jason never doubted or stopped fantasising on demon and angel existence. She knew their mother had to spend more time with him, trying to wipe the stories out of his memory. Reminiscing on how curious Jason was about demons and tales about them brought severe pain into Wanda's body; nonetheless, she made sure she withheld the tears.

  “I should have gone to the library with Jason ...”

  “You shouldn't blame yourself.” Wanda heard a deep and husky voice behind Bathe and impulsively raised her head to see a very tall and huge man next to Bathe. She wasn't sure how the man got there. She knew she must have been totally out of reality while in her short-lived trance that she didn't realise when the man came in.

  The man was handsome - sort of.... His face was structured hard and was tough looking. No form of a smile. He looked as plain and as direct as any tough person could be and reminded Wanda of her vice principal, although her vice principal was much shorter, the vice principal always wore the same straight look on his face.

  “Wanda,” her mother called while Wanda continued to stare uncontrollably at the huge man who was now standing next to Bathe. “This is Alexis, the head of the Vitrian elders here at the Fortress.”

  “Alex is – Alexis,” Wanda reiterated as her voice broke off, trying to pronounce the name. She sat still, frozen as hard as a chicken that had been left in the freezer for days.

  It wasn't Alexis' name or his height that surprised Wanda. It was the cicatrix on his face. The scar ran from the side of his left eye just above his left ear; it cut deep into his cheek and down past the left side of his lips. It was in-depth and looked impossible for him to have survived whatever caused the scar that disfigured his face. Alexis was calm and didn't seem bothered that Wanda was staring at him. Neither pain nor hatred could be seen in his eyes while Wanda stared continuously at the cicatrix.

  “You can call me Alex if Alexis sounds unusual,” the man said, and Wanda got a hold of herself once she heard his deep voice.

  “Sorry,” she apologised for staring.

  “It's okay,” Alexis smiled coldly. The smile was barely noticeable; it then faded away just as quickly as it came. “I see it is true. You can see.”

  Wanda's expression turned into bewilderment; she wondered what Alexis meant.

  “You can see my scar,” he reinforced his statement and then gazed directly into Wanda's eyes. “I got the scar some years ago,” he began to explain like he had read Wanda's mind and needed to tell her, “by a powerful demon, one of the strongest I've ever fought. It took the Healing Méndez to make sure my life was saved.”

  “I don't understand,” Wand
a said.

  Sofia gently took her daughter by the hand and explained, “humans can't see demons, nor can they see the severe wounds caused by demon talons or bites.”

  “Wow!” Alexis continued. “You definitely are The Chosen.”

  Bathe wiggled uncomfortably when Alexis said Wanda was The Chosen, and Wanda, who was facing him, noticed it.

  Alexis took a break; he squinted and looked at Wanda again with focused attention. His face was as severe and as plain as possible, like the muscles that were meant to make him smile had been taken out when he got the scar. Wanda felt uncomfortable with Alexis' stare; his looks, his voice, and his persona were all domineering. He had blond hair that was trimmed. His eyes were brown but sparked a strong sense of strength and confidence, which made Wanda feel uneasy.

  “What happened to your brother is not your fault,” Alexis finally spoke after his pause. “You shouldn't, and we would not let you carry such a burden. What happened to you and him at school was beyond your control. You did not have the power nor the knowledge to handle the situation.” He waited and then said the last words gently. “You were kept away from knowing the Vitrian ways.”

  Wanda felt relieved hearing the words from this huge man who had fought a powerful demon. It was like a mountain of guilt was lifted off her, like Alexis could read all that was going through her mind concerning Jason. A smirk followed Alexis' words as he spoke. This again was nothing encouraging. It was as dry and as empty as the Sahara desert. Wanda didn't have to ask him; she could see that the scar had caused severe damage to his nerves making his expression humdrum.

  Sofia, on the other hand, twitched the instant Alexis spoke. Wanda, a few seconds later, turned to her mother and realised her mother was looking straight at her. She had a smile on her face, but knowing her mum very well, Wanda could tell the smile was imaginary. There was something, like some history between her and Alexis, something that did not seem right. There was something in their past, but she couldn't place her finger on it...perhaps hatred – some animosity that existed in the past.

  “I think we should give you some space to rest,” Bathe said with a smile that Wanda could see was more genuine than her mum’s and Alexis’.

  “Actually, I'm fine. I would like to go home now,” Wanda replied after a brief pause. She did not know what to make of everything that had been happening around her. Creatures chasing her and Jason, her mum holding on to past secrets, Bathe acting funny like he was hiding something and now Alexis who seemed to be friendly and warm but expressionless.

  “Well, about that ...” her mum started when a nurse walked in.

  “Ventress would like to have a word with you now, Mrs. Troms,” the nurse said.

  “Okay, thanks,” Sofia stood up immediately, and Wanda reckoned that it must be something urgent, probably something about Jason.

  “I would like to come along.” Wanda tried to get up. “No, darling,” Sofia smiled. “You need to rest.” She kissed her daughter on the forehead.

  “Seriously, I'm alright,” Wanda complained.

  “Well, maybe you should let the doctors decide on if you are alright to leave the hospital or not,” Alexis interjected. He was still looking straight at Wanda like there was something he needed from her that Wanda was supposed to hand over to him.

  “Yes, I think so, too,” Bathe agreed. “And the nurse would bring you some food, so please eat very well even if the doctor says you can leave the hospital.”

  “But ...”

  “No buts,” Sofia gave her daughter one of those warning and stern tones she used whenever she wanted her to do something and stick to the plan. “We have to make sure you are totally alright.”

  Wanda was surprised at the statement, but she wasn't expecting anything less. Jason is in the medical theatre, so her mum would not want to see her other child wounded or ending up in the operating theater as well. But she had a feeling that her mum hated the fact that she agreed to Alexis’ and Bathe's suggestions.

  “There's someone I want you to meet,” Sofia said with a beautiful smile, knowing her daughter was going to be shocked to see who she was referring to. “He will keep you company while I am with Ventress.”

  “You want me to meet someone?” Wanda sounded already surprised as her mother walked towards the door. Sofia stepped out, and a few seconds later stepped back into the hospital room.

  The shock was glaring on Wanda's face and in her voice when she shouted, “Petter!”


  Chapter 7

  The instant Petter stepped into the room, excitement and anxiety swept over Wanda all at the same time, such that she felt she was running a temperature.

  Wanda shrugged off the anxiety quickly. She was happy to see Petter, someone she could confide in, and share all the thoughts she'd been having with. She knew Petter would also be able to tell her more about what was going on. She was about to get off the bed when Bathe held his hand to her shoulder.

  “Let the doctors check and confirm you can get up before you do so,” Bathe warned.

  “But, I have no cuts or demon poison.” Wanda blurted out. The statement was more of a question than a comment.

  “No, you do not,” Bathe replied like he was a mind reader who knew what was on Wanda's mind. “All the same, it's proper to confirm that you're fit to get up or fit to go home before you decide on doing so.”

  “Home?” Wanda wondered as the word brought back memories of how they rushed out of the city in the first place. “Yes,” Sofia replied and smiled. “Home, here in the Fortress.”

  “If you need anything....” Alexis' deep voice filled the room as he sat down on the bed next to Wanda. Even in his sitting position, his height was visible. A doctor and nurse stepped in as he spoke, “anything at all, just let me know. Your father was a good friend and a wonderful Vitrian, and we will do all we can to ensure Jason, you, and your mum are well and safe. Losing him and Xavier was a great loss to this Fortress.”

  “Thanks,” Wanda said as she raised her head and looked at him. She was shocked to see the scar gone. Alexis was handsome with a cleft chin and dimples like Sean Connery. His face was now smooth like a baby's. He was smiling genuinely now, so affectionately that Wanda was befuddled. She could only stare at him irrepressibly again, shocked to see that the mark, which disfigured his face, was gone.

  “Your scar,” Wanda muttered. Her expression had given her away, but Alexis did not mind as he, Bathe, and Petter smiled gently, knowing Wanda was bemused.

  “Anyway, let's give the doctor some space,” Alexis got up with the smile still on his face. Wanda was surprised that such a person could exist. A minute ago, his expression was as cold as ice, and now with his scar gone, he looked so lovely and caring, although his presence remained daunting. He had a unique presence, something beyond even his height and stature, something that tells you, you are not worth coming close to him.

  “Petter, I am sure you can fill Wanda in on what happened to my face once the doctors have finished.”

  “Yes sir,” Petter answered so formally, it perplexed Wanda. She watched them all as they walked towards the door and stepped out. The doctor and nurse moved towards Wanda and commenced their checks.

  Two hours later, Wanda heard someone clear his throat, and she quickly turned towards the door.

  “Petter,” she said gently, a faint sense of surprise in her tone to show that she didn't know he was there already. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “You mean here by the door.” Petter walked towards her.

  “Yes.” Wanda turned back to the mirror she was facing.

  “Thirty seconds or max a minute,” Petter replied. “Hope you liked the food.”

  “Yes, I did,” Wanda turned to the table beside her bed and looked at the barely touched food that was on it. She turned back to the mirror. “So, what were you doing standing by the door for half a minute?” Wanda tried to pack her hair up in a bun.

ng you,” he replied affectionately. “You look beautiful, already, you know. You don't have to worry too much about your hair or appearance.”

  Wanda's hand twitched, and she blushed instantly, her cheeks almost turning rouge. She and Petter had been close before, and she might have had the feeling he liked her at some point, but he'd never used such words with her. She stared at him through the mirror as he stood behind her. It's like the boy she knew had suddenly turned into a man in twenty-four hours.

  “How did my clothes get here,” she asked, looking at herself and the clothes she had changed into.

  “Bathe, and a few of the Vitrians went back to your house earlier on today to get them. You have more in the house, here in the Fortress.” The statement made Wanda ponder on the incident on the road and the creature that attacked them. She couldn't coordinate herself well. “Can I pin that up for you?” Petter butted into her thoughts, and his affectionate attitude again threw Wanda off balance.

  Still amazed by his sudden charm, Wanda's muscles began to vellicate as she gently placed the pin in his palm. He touched her hair, and Wanda felt a zap of electricity go through her body. It seemed like there was some sort of chemistry between them, and that gave her the jitters. Before now, she would have been playful with him without experiencing anything emotional.

  She looked at what she was wearing in the mirror; it was her pair of black jeans and a purple embellished draped sleeveless top. The design of the top complimented her blond hair and accentuated her figure. She’d not, in reality thought much about her shape, but Petter's sudden show of affection and care made her more aware of her body. To her surprise, she began to assess herself, how she looked, her waistline, and the skinny pair of jeans she had on.

  “Done!” Petter said after some seconds, and Wanda shuddered again, this time feeling a bit uncomfortable because his hands were now gently placed on her shoulders. She thought it could not be possible that Petter was trying to hit on her. He ran his hands down on both of her arms simultaneously.


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