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The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1)

Page 10

by Dele Andersen

  “How long ago?” Wanda wondered why it took Petter a while to remember.

  “I can't remember, actually, almost ten years now - I think.”

  “That's a long time ago.”

  “Yes. I don't think anyone has seen any unusual demon, nor had such a scar since then. Bathe told the elders about the demon he saw ... the one that attacked you guys yesterday; he said that it was different also.”

  “Do you think it was the same demon that Alexis fought?” Wanda wanted to know as the image of the grayish-white creature came back to her memory.

  “No,” Petter said casually, almost smiling. “Alexis explained how brutal the demon that gave him the scar was when he fought it. I don't think it was anything as simple as what Bathe explained you guys encountered yesterday.”

  “Simple ...” Wanda wondered what was simple about the creature that roared so loud and tore off the roof of the Audi with ease. “Maybe Alexis killed the demon,” she concluded.

  “I would think so, Alexis is a great fighter,” Petter said and turned to see Wanda looking worried about the entire issue. “Well, enough of all this,” he said, quickly slipping his hand into hers. He took two steps further up a hill. “Let me show you the entire Fortress quickly before we get to your house.”

  Wanda followed him and allowed him to help her up the last lap to the side of the hill they were climbing. Immediately Wanda turned around, she became awestricken at the view of the Fortress. The Fortress was in a valley by the side of a mountain. The view of the mountains, the valley, and the entire surroundings was priceless; it was one of those places one could only dream of or imagine in one’s mind.

  There were so many houses at the Fortress, possibly over a hundred. One after the other, the houses and roads showed that the entire Fortress was a planned little community like an estate she had heard existed in some other countries. It had an uneven fence that ran around it. Situated at the edge of the mountain were some houses at a level higher than others, and the roads linking the streets were not perfectly straight.

  “Where are we?” She enquired but didn't turn to Petter. She knew he was staring, perhaps smiling at how astonished she looked.

  “Trollveggen,” he answered.

  Wanda turned to look at the train and tourists that were some miles away.

  “This Fortress started as a camping site over two centuries ago. The few Vitrians in the city would come over here; some pulled their cabins here in the summer, and together, they spent the summer here as Vitrians. Little by little, people started building proper houses until it became this massive community.”

  “The tourists?” Wanda focused on the campers and tourists some distance away.

  “They can't see the Fortress,” he replied, knowing what was on her mind. “People don't know this place exists ... the government?”

  “No, the power around the Fortress is supernatural. No one can see it except one is a Vitrian.” He waited for a few seconds allowing her to view the surroundings like she had just found a piece of new jewelry and was admiring it, over and over again.

  “The major streets in the Fortress that you need to know are the four big streets.” Petter pointed using his finger to describe the crooked roads. “The main roads are designed to run from North to South and from East to West. Although you can see the main roads are not straight, they have a crossing at the centre over there. The massive two-story building over there at the centre is called 'the House'; it's the council of elders' hall, where the elders meet to discuss each issue.”

  Wanda looked at him and turned back to the tall white building in the middle of the Fortress. It looked beautiful with a modern-day clear glass design that would make anyone sitting inside and working enjoy the lovely summer sun outside.

  “Alexis has an office there?”

  “Yes, he does, at the top level. People go there to see and to discuss things with him. You can always go there if you need to talk to him.”

  “It's going to take ages to understand and navigate the streets ... and the houses, they all look alike,” Wanda complained about the maze-like design she was looking at.

  “Nah!” Petter shrugged. “All you need to remember are the four main streets, which intersect at the House. They are not actually straight.” He pointed to the streets again. “The one from the hospital that's not too far from us is called the Healing road. The one to the east is the Praying Road, then the Golden Road, and the Vitrian Road. Those names except the street called Vitrian represent the three Méndez that form the original Greek Méndez.”

  Like he had completed his task, Petter suddenly jumped down and stretched his hand out again to help Wanda down. “Go to Alexis if you need anything,” he said with a cold smile that made Wanda know he was not saying it from the depth of his heart. He said it like he'd been told to tell her.

  She looked into his eyes and couldn't comprehend where the sudden loving-care and assistance that Petter was offering came from. They had been close, but he had always done his own stuff, and she had to make her own move herself, even when they had to do group work together.

  “No thanks,” Wanda bent down and leapt, she landed smoothly on her feet a few steps from Petter. “Where to next?”

  “Your house,” he muttered and paused for a moment. “I don't mean to seem overprotective.”

  It was like Petter could see Wanda's thoughts displayed in the air in front of him as he focused his attention straight ahead into the horizon.

  “I want you to be okay.”

  “I am okay, Petter,” she answered. “So, stop acting like I am your responsibility ... Stop acting like my paid bodyguard and just take me home.”

  “This way then. We're going to cross the Praying road towards the houses by the Vitrian road.” Petter said, and went quiet.

  Wanda felt stupid after a while. She felt this was Petter only trying to be himself and maybe a bit nicer than usual, so she could feel at home.

  “So you and Bathe actually know each other well ... I mean being Vitrians?” Wanda tried to change the topic and control her thoughts about the way she'd been treating Petter.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Do you think he ...” Wanda wanted to ask about Bathe's loyalty.

  “What is it?” Petter turned back gently to observe her. “I don't know,” Wanda replied. “I keep having this solid feeling that Bathe knows more about the demon that attacked me at school and the one that attacked Jason.”

  “Who?” Petter had a smirk on his face, and Wanda could see how foolish it was reporting a Vitrian to another when she barely understood what they were all about. “Bathe is a loyal elder here; if anyone would betray the Vitrians, I am sure it wouldn't be Bathe.”

  Wanda went quiet studying Petter. She could hear the sincerity in his voice like he sounded at school sometimes when he had to explain things she and Tutu didn't understand in a class.

  “Sorry ...” she said after a while as they crossed the Praying Road. “For what?” He said though he knew what she was sorry about.

  “For pushing you off when you were only trying to be nice.”

  He raised his hand up gently and back down, signifying he was indifferent about it. “I only want to see you smile, nothing more. You haven't really smiled, and I heard it has been extremely rough for you since I left you at school yesterday. Alexis and Bathe told me when they stepped out of your room in the medical hall that the only time you smiled was the moment you saw me at the entrance of the room.”

  Wanda thought about it, and she didn't need a crystal ball to see her last day and a half or to know that she had hardly smiled from the moment she laid her eyes on the demon she saw at school.

  “So how did you become a Vitrian?”

  “Me,” Petter was surprised. “You don't become one; you are born one. It's a community of families that have grown over several centuries.” She was about to ask more questions when he added. “Here we are - your home!”

  They both stepped up the litt
le white painted staircase in front of the house and straight to the entrance. Petter was about to touch the door when a woman pulled the door open.

  “Where have you children been,” the woman complained. “I've been waiting for hours.”

  “I had to show Wanda the Fortress,” Petter explained. I took her to the little hill.”

  “Oh, that is a good spot to view the Fortress from,” the woman complimented Petter's choice. “Anyway, I have to go now. The house is clean and in order.”

  Wanda was surprised that the woman had cleaned the house. “Thanks,” she said, feeling embarrassed as the woman stared.

  “Don't feel bad about anything,” the woman said. She could see Wanda was uncomfortable. “You were chosen, and you don't have to hate yourself for that, even if others do. And I am sorry about your father; he was such a nice man – He had a good spirit.”

  Wanda smiled coldly, barely pulling up the corners of her lips.

  “Okay, I am off,” the woman said. “I was told Sofia would be home soon too.” She called Wanda's mum like they had known each other for years, but Wanda wasn't surprised anymore; she knew a lot of people in the Fortress knew her mum, probably better than her.

  “Thanks,” Wanda said once more as the woman descended the stairs and walked away.

  The house was clean and neat; nothing about it said it had been deserted for years. The furnishings were simple, and yet everything used in the house matched with chocolate colour; the sofa, frames, dining table next to the sofa, the little rug in front of the sofas, and the centre table on it. The walls were painted cream making the room appear a lot spacious when viewed.

  Wanda could see her mother's touch in the way the house was designed and decorated. The walls in some parts were made of plain transparent glass while in some other parts, the walls were made of chocolate-coloured wood or walls that were painted cream.

  “Your parents used to live here,” Petter said as Wanda did reconnaissance on the house. “They left when you were two or three.” Petter shrugged, indicating he didn't know more than what he had just shared.

  “It is beautiful,” Wanda managed after a moment. “Simple but well decorated. Actually, I can see my mum's touch on it.”

  “I have something to tell you, Wanda” Petter stepped closer to her. Wanda turned to see him standing right in front of her. His eyes were not scary or worried but carried some warmth. His head bent slightly downwards as he looked into her eyes and his breath as beautiful as she could imagine.

  Wanda knew she must have been seriously pushing him off previously not to notice his breath and the perfume he wore that had a lovely and robust aroma. His eyes were as caring as she had ever seen them; they were penetrating through her as he took both her hands. Though Petter showed no sign of trepidation, something in Wanda told her Petter had practised what was unfolding before coming to the medical hall to meet her.

  She knew she was tired and wanted something to take the pain she was still experiencing away. The walk from the medical hall had helped, but the instant she stepped into the house, the stress had all comeback. She felt like she could cuddle her pillow and cry a little to let out the pain and agony.

  “I have always wanted a moment with you, a moment where I could truly share my heart with you,” Petter said tenderly, and no doubt, he had chosen the right moment to let the words out. She had pushed him off before, and she wasn't going to do that again. Besides, she was tired and welcomed the affection, something to take the soreness on her mind away, to take away the endless thoughts of her dad's death, Jason's comatose state, and the rebels that were after her.

  He moved his head downwards, and she could see what he intended to do. Her thoughts blew into a thousand confetti at once. Wanda could recall several girls at school, talking about their first kiss. She had not been privileged to be kissed by anyone due to her mother's incessant shield. Her mum had protected her, picked her up, and dropping her herself at every outing. Sofia had made sure she scrutinized thoroughly before Wanda was allowed to go to a friend's house. Boys were off-limits, so she never even went to Petter's house in the city.

  A part of her complained that Petter was acting very unusual, but she brushed it off. “It was just Petter – Moreover, she won't be the first girl to date the boy next door,” she thought.

  Although she knew that kisses don't take away sorrows or the pain one feels, but she didn’t mind the distraction. She wanted to feel happy and to feel good. Without having an affectionate emotion towards Petter, she was about to close her eyes and let the moment carry her pain away when what seemed like a big object was used to punch the entrance door, and the door burst open with a loud bang.

  Wanda jolted awake and instantly flew out of Petter's arms that were holding her elbows. She and Petter turned abruptly at the same time towards the door to see Sofia rushing into the house.

  Sofia's hands were on her face. She was weeping profusely, like a pouring rain that had decided not to stop. Wanda had only seen her mum weep like that once before in her lifetime; it was when her father was proclaimed dead.

  Staring at her mother in horror, she could think of no other reason that would cause such tears except that – Jason’s case had become hopeless or that he had been proclaimed dead!

  With Wanda's hands fidgeting in trepidation and deep animosity for the agony, the rebels had caused her family. The tears Wanda had been holding back for so long slowly began to run down her cheeks even before she could ask her mum what the problem was.

  She could infer from her mum's cry that Jason was probably dead.


  Chapter 9

  The world seemed to rotate faster the instant Sofia rushed into her Fortress home, crying rancorously. Wanda stood frozen and shocked to see her mother in such a state. With the way her mother was crying, she could guess what the news was, but she needed confirmation.

  “Mum!” Wanda called, with shock and trepidation apparent in her voice. At the same moment, tears had begun to trace their way down from her eyes to her cheeks.

  Sofia took her hands off her face to see her daughter. The hair on her head was all ruffled and damp. Wanda knew instantly that her mother must have been crying all the way from the hospital.

  The moment Sofia saw Wanda, she hurried to her daughter and threw her arms around Wanda tightly.

  Wanda felt the tight grip, but it wasn't the same grip she had experienced some hours before when her mum had seen her and hugged her joyously at the hospital. This was different; it was more like a grip of survival, like holding firmly to one's child to ascertain that the child was there, alive and well, that there was hope to carry on living.

  “Mum – what is happening?” Wanda used her hands to wipe away the tears on her cheeks as her mother held her tight. At almost the same height, hugging her mother was easy for Wanda. And with her father gone, she was used to hearing her mother out on such occasions whenever she was depressed.

  Sofia pulled away gently. “Jason, Jason – my little baby,” she groaned.

  The mention of Jason's name and her mother calling out his name in the manner she usually did whenever she was proud of him intensified the burning hatred that was gathering in Wanda's mind.

  “Is he alright, mum?” Wanda looked intensely at her mum for answers.

  “No,” Sofia shook her head and struggled to continue speaking. Her lips trembled, trying to make some other words, and then more tears poured out from her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to say the words. “He's gone worse ... to die in a few days ... actually, in three days, Ventress said. They can't help him without the Healing Méndez.”

  Wanda felt like she had the weight of the world on her temple. For a few seconds, she became lost in a hurting reverie. She remembered how she had rushed back into school to look for Jason, but it was too late. Her mother had always told her that she should get Jason after school, make sure they leave school together, and come home straight away. Wanda heeded to the warni
ngs except on that one day, which was the last day of school for the session. Excitement about the trip to Paris had overrun her thoughts as she rushed out with Tutu. She had always thought her mum was weak whenever her mother freaked out concerning their whereabout, but now she regretted all the times she had looked down on her mother. She hated herself for all the unnecessary comments made behind her mum.

  Agonising tears poured from Wanda's eyes as pain, coupled with venomous hatred for the rebels, filled her mind. She was ready to do all she could to pay each and every rebel back for the evil they have done. She was filled with revenge for the pain they have caused her and the death of her father. For her mother's suffering and all the sorrowful years, they made her pass through and now for Jason.

  Just then, a loud sound caught their attention, and immediately Wanda and her mum left each other and turned towards Petter.

  Like a statue, Petter stood in the same position by the wall ever since Sofia pushed the door open with the bang. He took a few steps backwards when Sofia walked to Wanda and hugged Wanda, but neither Sofia nor her daughter realised Petter was still in the room. The thought of Jason dying had overwhelmed them, so they did not notice there was someone else in the room.

  “Petter,” Sofia called, her voice changed the moment she noticed him. She calmed herself and looked towards Petter's pocket as his mobile phone continued to rattle with a loud sound. “Are you going to pick that up?”

  “I am sorry, Mrs. Troms,” Petter said politely as he urgently dipped his hand into his pocket, feeling rather awkward to have witnessed the scene of Wanda and her mother weeping together.

  “Hello,” Petter answered and began to discuss with the person on the other end of the line.

  “I didn't know you had Petter here,” Sofia apologised to her daughter for any form of embarrassment she might have caused. “I'll be upstairs in my room.”


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