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The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1)

Page 12

by Dele Andersen

  “Then you would go,” Alexis said.

  “Alexis!” Nathaniel burst out. “The rebels would release the Healing Méndez to only her,” Alexis replied, talking like he knew for sure it would happen. “Bathe would be by your side all the time.” He looked around, “no one should mention anything to Sofia. I would handle that myself.” He looked down back at Wanda. “We are still expecting some Vitrians who are outside in the city. So we leave tomorrow late afternoon, you and Petter would move with Bathe's team because they are the closest to you, but before then, you will spend the entire morning and afternoon tomorrow training. Becky would oversee that; she is the best trained young lady in the Fortress.”

  Wanda could hear Becky mumbling beside Charles, but she didn't mind as she'd achieved her goal.

  “Tomorrow might be tough and rough. Let us all go get some rest and get ready for demon extermination,” Alexis finished. His voice revealed battling demons was indeed something he derived pleasure in.

  Wanda looked at Alexis, and their eyes met. They gazed at each other for some seconds, but she wasn't sure if he was happy or sad. For reasons she couldn't understand, she had a feeling deep in her heart that there was a big smile, which was unnoticeable behind the scar that disfigured his face.

  “Thank you,” she said finally, letting out a deep breath knowing she might be throwing herself up for dead, but she didn't mind. She wanted Jason saved, and she was ready to sacrifice whatever it took, even if it meant giving herself up to the rebels for them to torment her.


  Chapter 10

  The night seemed very short for Wanda. She had thought falling asleep would be a problem, but it happened swiftly, taking her away like she was in fairy-tale land. Unfortunately, her sleep was cut short because of her decision to go after the insurgent. Also, the training she was to undergo was on her mind. She repeatedly dreamt about Eric and the incident at school, waking up from sleep calling out his name. It happened several times, and her bed was wet with sweat every time she woke up after having dreamt about him.

  Sometimes the dream changed, and she found herself in the position of being pinned down by the talons of the demon that was sent to fetch her, but most times, it was about Eric and the guilt of leaving him for dead.

  Wanda was up and out early. She stood by a set of steps leading to the entrance of the Praying hall, waiting for her trainer. While she waited, she wondered why she had dreamt again and again about Eric. The only person she had dreamt about like that was her dad, and now he was dead. Devastatingly, she began to accept her fears that Eric did not make it, but she hoped that it wasn't the case. She hated thinking about the fact that people were dying because of her.

  She watched as people came into the hall so early. She hid her face from them, not wanting any unusual stares. They were mostly young adults, teenagers, and people in their early twenties with a few older adults. She wasn't surprised, Petter had told her the night before that the Fortress gets packed in the summer when all the Vitrian children are on break and those that don't actually live in the Fortress spend their summer holiday there, to train and spend time with other Vitrians.

  Wanda watched them walk in one after the other, dressed in black fitted clothes that reminded her of spandex that people wore when jogging around in the city. The material used for making the clothes was thicker and stronger than regular exercise clothes; the Greek symbol was designed on the clothes. The symbol was used to create patterns all over the clothes. As she stood, Wanda saw some other group of people, both adults and young adults jogging past the Praying hall on the road.

  The entrance to the Praying hall had the same design as the Medical hall; it looked the same from the outside. The only difference was the writing above the big door, which was in a language Wanda didn't understand, but she could guess the language was Greek. Next to the written words was a large sign of the Vitrian symbol. She had seen the symbol at the Medical hall the day before. She had turned back and observed the building when she and Petter stepped out of the Medical hall. Wanda noticed the symbol then, but she wasn't able to pay much attention since Petter seemed to be in haste to get her out of the hospital area.

  “I see you're trying to make a good impression,” Becky said, breaking Wanda's concentration as she was studying the symbol. Her disdainful look was still visible on her face. “Becky thought, Becky'd have to wake you up.” She spoke, looking away like she was referring to a totally different person. “You know that symbol means everything to the Vitrians; it brings healing to Vitrians but is deadly to demons.”

  Seeing Becky made Wanda's stomachache churn like she'd caught a stomach bug from standing out there early in the morning and waiting. Looking at Becky just brought all the memories of Wanda's last two traumatic days flashing back in her mind.

  “Well, thanks to Petter,” Wanda looked away after staring at Becky irritably for a moment, “I got to know Vitrians are supposed to rise up early. And I'm not going to let you have the fun of the day ridiculing me.”

  “Oh, I am!” Becky turned to her, and again they gazed in annoyance at each other. Becky blew the chewing gum she had in her mouth into a big bubble and burst it.

  Wanda watched in disbelief that Becky could be so uncouth as well as being sassy at such a time when her own family was in distress. She was still thinking about Becky's impudence when Becky interrupted.

  “By the way, Petter told me ...” Becky broke off, making sure she got Wanda's attention. “He told me he had mentioned to you that you should get here early. And I made sure you waited thirty good minutes before I arrived. Petter and I are very close.” Becky raised her eyebrows as animosity boiled within Wanda. “You know what I mean.” Becky rubbed her lips together tightly and made sure Wanda saw her do it.

  “So you made me wait thirty minutes ... so early in the morning,” Wanda complained, but it wasn't the waiting that got to her; it was the way Becky had said she and Petter were very close. “I've been here since half past six this morning.” “Oh, sorry!” Becky placed her right fingers on her mouth and patted her lips gently with her fingers, signaling Wanda was boring.

  Wanda noticed her nails had red nail polish on them, and they were nicely trimmed and filled at the tips. The colour of her nail polish matched her lipstick, and her long black hair was properly rolled up and tucked in behind her head, accentuating her facial features, but Wanda believed behind all the makeup was someone not so good looking – she hoped she was right. Very close now, Wanda could see they were probably age-mates. Becky wore a lot of makeup, so she looked a few years older and more mature.

  “Petter told me you were all over him yesterday ...” Wanda turned befuddled. “Follow me,” Becky said, making sure Wanda had no time to object. She walked towards the door of the hall.

  A bitter taste welled up in Wanda's mouth as she followed Becky. She couldn't imagine being used and played upon like a piece on a board game. She began to dislike Becky as jealousy erupted furiously in her. She already knew she had made a mistake telling Becky she was not going to allow Becky to have the fun of the day.

  She recalled her brief cozy moment the day before with Petter, how she had wanted him to touch her, or hold her, but she didn't really have any deep emotions towards him and now knowing that he could be close to Becky made her – resentful.

  The hall was massive and the moment Wanda stepped in she became surprised. The hall was like an entire open warehouse building with a proper structural roof and wooden walls. The walls of the hospital and other houses in the Fortress were designed with wood and transparent glass, making it possible for people to see outside in some sections.

  “Why is this called the Praying hall?” Wanda asked without looking at Becky.

  Becky smiled, knowing Wanda was expecting to see something else, “You were expecting to see people kneeling or folding their legs together and sitting like monks, weren't you?”

  “Well, not really, but at least something of that
nature, I would have thought.”

  “You pray in your house, prayers are done discretely,” Becky replied and continued chewing hard on her gum. “Here, we train for battle. Everyone here should have spent adequate time praying on their own, in their rooms and homes.”

  “So, it's a training hall.”

  “Yes, more or less,” Becky answered. “But again, it could be chatting and getting together hall, as I term it to be.”

  Wanda didn't have to ask what that meant; she could see people chatting a lot in groups of three or more. The groups were in different sections of the hall.... several of them, Wanda counted at least twelve sections very quickly. The people were all in their exercise outfits and were doing different forms of exercise. Some were stretching their backs or feet to exercise their muscles. Some were working on gymnastics polls, some were lifting weights and some practising how to jump. But what caught Wanda's attention the most were those training with objects, throwing them at target points some distance in front of them.

  Wanda realised from the distance that the objects they were practicing with were like the ones she had seen in her father's box and with Eric.

  The thought of Eric saddened her suddenly. She could picture him here at the training hall throwing objects and practicing, but she knew even Bathe had said he could not remember any such person amongst the Vitrians. She wanted to ask Becky – She looked up and observed as Becky walked in a particular way, which ensured her body was wriggling. Wanda knew that asking about Eric was throwing her goods out to someone who cared less, even if she dropped dead during training this morning.

  Immediately they got to a group of Becky's friends, Becky purposely made sure she notified everyone she was the tutor and not the tutee. This gave Wanda the understanding that, usually, the young ones were trained by adults.

  “This is Wanda,” Becky said to the first group of friends as they walked past. “I am training her today.” She spent her time chatting with one of the girls in the group, making Wanda wait while people stared at her.

  Wanda could hear the murmurings, people talking about The Chosen, and passing comments as they stole glimpses of her.

  The moment Becky finished chatting, Wanda walked up to her. “I know you don't really like me,” Wanda said. “But can we get to the point of my training now? You can chat later.”

  “I'm not going to let you have the fun of the day,” Becky reminded Wanda what Wanda had said earlier on. Wanda said nothing, she realised she had goofed thinking she could challenge Becky in a place that seemed to be Becky's turf.

  Becky turned and chewed vigorously on her gum, she could see the crinkle between Wanda's eyebrows, and she liked it. She felt her task to get Wanda enraged was underway.

  “What!” Becky shrugged after pausing and studying Wanda, who was staring at her.

  “Please can we get started with the training,” Wanda said in a very meek way. “People are staring and mumbling.”

  “Let them! With that, you assert your position and who you are.” Becky shook her head. “C'mon, let's go.”

  They walked another five metres into the hall, and then Becky pointed. “We're training up there. It's a special place for the elders to train, and Alexis wants you trained there.”

  “Okay,” Wanda said gently, not knowing what to think about the elders having a special place to train. She followed Becky towards a metallic staircase, which had its steps painted black. The railings were designed with beautiful light brown wood that had been well polished. Between the polished wood and the black metallic steps, on each side of the staircase, were thick four inches of glass. They covered the space and prevented anyone on the steps from falling.

  “Now, let's change your clothes to training clothes so that you can enjoy your silly training before some demons tear you apart later on today.” Becky paused and looked around. “First things first, stop calling those fighting tools - pegs,” Becky pointed to the silver object Wanda had seen before with Eric. “They are called Necatus, they are meant to kill demons and can kill small and weak demons easily.”

  Although Wanda was irritated, she only stared at Becky and said nothing, knowing whatever she said would easily be used against her. She was in Becky's world, and she had to play by her rules and how Becky wanted.


  Petter stood in front of the House first thing in the morning the next day. His fingers were twitching, which signified how edgy he was as he proceeded to walk through the main entrance. He turned to the staircase and went up to the penthouse while his heart palpitated rapidly as he pondered on why Alexis had summoned him.

  Petter got to the door and said to the man in front of the penthouse. “Alexis summoned me.”

  With a smile that made Petter feel like the man at the door knew he was in trouble, the man stepped away from the door and let him in.

  “I am surprised you got Wanda to come over to the House yesterday.”

  “I didn't have to do much,” Petter looked down. “She was bent on coming herself.”

  “You did well staying with her; you're the only friend she has around here - you know.”

  “I know,” Petter's response was cold and cautious.

  “And we need to take care of her and protect her. She is The Chosen, after all.” Alexis said, but Petter kept quiet. “Did she tell you anything about another Vitrian she met at your school?”

  “Vitrian?” Petter raised his head up and looked at Alexis. “No,” he replied gently after a pause, not knowing if his answer was right or wrong to Alexis.

  “Are you sure there's no one in the school sent by the rebels.” Alexis wanted confirmation.

  “Yes – I am sure. I checked everyone out in the class and in the school. I am the only Vitrian there.”

  “You've failed at your task,” Alexis adjusted his body and sat up straight. The words sank deep into Petter's body, his heart flickered in desperation. He had been an orphan since he was two. Things would have been more comfortable if his parents were around, but children like him were only pushed around in the Fortress and used for unscrupulous jobs.

  “There is definitely one other Vitrian at the school,” Alexis said, looking confused. “I haven't been able to place my hand on the person.”

  “If I've failed, I'll make up for it,” Petter said quickly, looking at Alexis, his hands shaking slightly. “I can still get you the information you need from the school. I know a lot of people and have their data.”

  “No!” Alexis answered and stared down at Petter. “The rebels are trying to play us, and we need to be careful here ... even Bathe is unaware of who the person could be.”

  “I'll give you another chance.” Alexis' voice carried a sense of pain in it. “You now have to protect Wanda, make sure she gets the Healing Méndez, and come back home safely with it.”

  “I will, sir,” Petter said with a persuasive tone in his voice.

  “Petter was about to step out when Alexis called out his name. Petter - you know so many lives and families depend on that Healing Méndez.”

  “I know,” Petter answered.

  “Including yours,” Alexis stressed to drive the point home further. Petter nodded in confirmation with a saddened look. He knew he needed to prove himself because he was an orphan, and then he stepped out.


  The elders' training area was a sealed elevated section at one of the corners of the massive training hall. It was surrounded by thick plain glass, so Wanda could see people down in the training hall.

  Wanda was kitted in a training outfit found in one of the closets. Becky took her through the weapons; arrows and bows, large knives, machetes, the Necatus, and also the Praying Méndez.

  They had spent the entire morning going through some of the weapons. Wanda tried the arrows, but she could hardly get a hold of them properly. The knives and machetes were too big. She worked on them for about two hours but could not handle them properly or swing hard enough because her heart was heavy, and she was
disturbed. Becky thought the knives and machetes were also too dangerous, so after their short lunch break, they settled on training with only the Necatus.

  After several failed attempts at throwing a Necatus straight and with precision, Becky, who was watching, continually laughed at Wanda. The laughed did nothing but scorn Wanda and got Wanda invigorated. After a while, Becky walked up to Wanda and adjusted her arms and elbow.

  “You need to hold tight,” she squeezed Wanda's hand tightening it and wrapping it around the Necatus.

  Wanda could see Becky was about two inches taller than her. She kept quiet though anger welled up in her at everything. The more Wanda failed trying several times to throw straight, and Becky laughed, the more she hated the rebels for what they have caused her. More and more, she wished for revenge, just to inflict on them a tiny fraction of the pain they have caused her.

  “You adjust your elbow,” Becky repositioned Wanda's hand. “Then you take a quick brazing position – never attack a demon in a rush - and then you throw.”

  With Becky holding on, Wanda tried what she said and saw the Necatus leave her hand and buried itself into the target though it was still out of the actual marked point.

  “Well, you are getting there,” Becky opened her eyes wide to signal her acceptance of the attempt. “Keep trying.” She let go of Wanda's hand. “I still think the demons would make a good meal of you today.”

  “How do I shrink this and make it expand once I throw it?” Wanda asked, ignoring Becky's remark. She remembered what Eric had done at school. She picked another Necatus studied the marks on the silver item. They were all the same marks, showing the Greek symbol with two snakes. She turned to ask about the mark when she realised Becky was staring uncontrollably at her.

  “What?” Wanda asked.

  “For starters, I hate it when my comments are ignored,” Wanda was about to respond when Becky continued shaking her head, waving her finger and speaking out in a rush, “anyway, anyway, I thought you hadn't had any training.” Becky continued to study her.


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