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Dying to Live

Page 3

by Annie Alvarex

  My mind raced forward…I saw a very young Jules watching a vampire attack and kill her parents, swearing to avenge their deaths.

  My mind raced ahead to the evening that Kaley and Jules had their fight. Kaley had tried to leave several times that night, each time she met with Jules’s resistance. The fight escalated and stumbled into the kitchen where Jules grabbed a knife. Kaley took hold of it, holding it to her own throat crying, if my death will avenge your parents, kill me now or love me without reserve. In a moment of panic, I watched Jules grab a syringe off the countertop and jab it into Kaley’s arm. The magical concoction, which had Celeste’s signature all over it, affected her immediately, her eyes turned blood red, and she went to her knees, screaming and foaming at the mouth. Struggling to her feet, she raced out of the house, heading to the one person she knew would help her, but found me instead.

  My mind raced forward to the night of Tamara and my union and I caught a crude glimpse of what our blood mixture had created. As she took it in, it settled into her bloodstream, negating her vampirism, forcing her heart to beat and her lungs to burn with air for the first time in hundreds of years. Warmth had started returning to her cold body. I’m sure her mind had forgotten the involuntary reflex of keeping her organs working after so many years. I have all but forgotten mine, after such a short amount of time. I breathed because it was habit, not because I needed to. I now understood why the mental connection between Tamara and I was failing. She was turning human and would surely die!

  Again, my mind raced and I saw Kaley sitting on a dance floor. Bodies littered around her as she drained the last of Rosalie’s blood. This was not good! If she left a shifter alive, there would be catastrophic problems.

  With a grinding halt, my mind went blank. I was too afraid to open my eyes for fear of what I might see next.

  “It is done, Izzy,” Natasha said, “Release her. Now.”

  Keeping my eyes closed, I contemplated her request. Abby’s blood surged with a power that made me feel warm and alive. It worked itself into every fiber of my body, overwhelming me in passion. Thinking about Tamara, I forced my lips away from Abby’s flesh, slowly gliding my tongue along her wound as I pulled away. Everything had become so painfully clear and obvious. The tides of destiny had shifted, sending everything into a chaotic tailspin.

  I didn’t so much as see but felt the fall of the Hightower Clan. Vampire or not, I couldn’t, wouldn’t see my life without Tamara in it. I could easily live an eternity by her side, but I couldn’t fathom living five minutes without her. She had made me whole in the muddled reality we call life. Her cold, dead heart warmed me and she filled the empty gaps in my life with love. “I’ve got to get home.” I scrambled out from underneath Abby. “I have to see Tamara,” I said, heading for the door.

  Denton blocked my way.

  “Move,” I commanded in my most powerful vamp voice. “Move now.” She instead, stood motionless.

  “We do not respond to your powers.” Natasha stepped toward me. “You respond to ours,” she said, taking my hand and leading me back to the bed, then motioning for me to sit. I stood, refusing her invitation.

  “Izzy, what you saw was a possible future. It doesn’t mean it will happen, only that the possibility exists. Relax. Tamara is well for the moment.”

  “What do you mean for the moment? I saw the fall of my clan. I can’t continue to waste time chasing after someone whose mind is gone. Kaley has reverted to the animal within. There is no help for her now.” Turning on my heels, I stared at Abby. “Please help me save Tamara.” I would swallow my pride and beg, if that’s what it took. “There is no help for Kaley, but Tamara…” I let out an exasperated sigh. “There is still hope for her if we get to her in time.”

  “We have a more prominent danger to stop first and then I’ll help you. Now, we have to get back to Pinky’s…” Abby caressed my face and her words burned true.

  “And stop her.” I finished her thought.


  Abby hopped off the bed and disappeared into the enormous closet, leaving Natasha, Denton, and me in the room. We just stared at each other, unsure of what to say. My experience with keepers was not what I had expected. I thought they would be more like humans and even though they carry human form, they are far from it.

  “Well,” Natasha said, breaking the silence. “Now that you’ve fed from Abby, you’ll be able to better control your hunger.” She smiled and then added, “When it comes to her.”

  “That’s nice,” I mumbled, feeling the pressure of this mission and the new visions straddling my shoulders.

  “You will find Kaley,” Denton interjected. “I have seen it in my dreams.” She rocked her weight uncomfortably.

  That wasn’t reassuring.

  Abby came bouncing out of the closet dressed in a tight pair of black jeans, a low cut purple blouse that accentuated her amethyst eyes, a silver and black scarf and a pair of black cowgirl boots. In spite of the dangers I would soon face, I couldn’t help but stare at her full cleavage. She looked absolutely enchanting.

  “Okay, let’s go kick some vamp ass.” She caught her breath and whispered, “Oh sorry. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

  “It’s okay. Really.” I laughed, unable to restrain the smile that crept across my face. “I know exactly what you meant.”

  Chapter Two

  The tires of the ‘69 Mustang squealed as Abby hooked a sharp right into Pinky’s parking lot. The car bucked, throwing me forward, bringing us to a sudden stop by the front doors. She looked around the parking lot, then shot a disturbing glance at me. I had noticed it, too. No one mingled in the small lot—not like there had been before. Now, only empty beer bottles instead of would-be customers adorned the cement pavement. Abby pulled the emergency brake, turned off the car’s engine and looked at me.

  “This isn’t good.” She squeezed my thigh. “Is she inside?”

  A chill ran down my spine as I scanned the bar. There was a vampire in there, but I hadn’t picked up the scent of blood, yet. Yeah, Great Whites didn’t hold a candle to what I could smell, sad that I was comparing myself to a shark, but true. However, I did notice the scent of fear and adrenaline. A lot of it. Tension was building. We had to get in there fast. “I think so.”

  Abby scrunched her brows together in a way that screamed a you-think-so-how-can-you-not-be-sure look.

  Ignoring her unspoken sarcasm, I opened the door, jumped out of the car and within a fraction of a second, found myself inside the bar.

  Again, all eyes turned to me as I entered the bar, only this time I knew why. Two vampires, one obviously a whack job, in such a small confined space, didn’t look like a good idea. I can’t say I blamed their uneasiness. It was a little unsettling for me, too.

  The crowd had dispersed, leaving Kaley, in full view. Her tall, lanky frame leaned against the bar while her black gaze fluttered around the room. She reeked of death and my stomach turned. The smell of wet dog was easier to take over her. Her energy was sporadic. I knew she was trying to keep control—I felt it. She jerked her sights on me and a cold chill ran down my spine. My fears didn’t disappear when I turned into a vampire. If anything, I’ve added a few things and right now, Kaley was number one on that list.

  “We must stop her,” Abby whispered, then sidestepped to move past me. Kaley hissed and I put my hand out, stopping Abby’s approach.

  “We must not threaten her. She fights to keep control.” Slowly stepping toward Kaley, I positioned myself between them. “Empty out the bar. Slowly,” I ordered while continuing my approach.

  Kaley took a step back and then raised her eyebrows as if she had recognized me. She smiled, but the smile only paved the way for a monstrous warning hiss that weakened my knees. It made me want to run out of the bar screaming like a sissy. That’s what it intended to do—to scare the shit out of me and it worked. I forced myself to keep a stern face, straightened my back, flared my shoulders and puffed out my chest. I refused to show
weakness. I had to trust that Katherine’s experience would not fail me now.

  Abby had managed to get everyone but a few stragglers out safely. Among them were Rosalie, the disc jockey and a couple of inebriated dancers. I wanted to remove Kaley’s food source, forcing her to deal only with me, but that wasn’t going to happen because too many grab-n-go snacks stayed behind.

  She leaned toward a drunken girl hunched over on a small table. My face tightened into a disapproving glare as I stiffened my brow, slightly cocking my head to the side. I sent a clear message. I would challenge her if she tried to feed. Kaley stopped, meeting my defiant stare. The terror oozing off the disc jockey caught both of our attentions. Luck was on my side. I had fed earlier and was able to control my hunger. I moved to the center of the dance floor, giving me a more open area, in case Kaley lunged at me. Taking in a deep breath, I let out a warning hiss that reverberated off the glasses. Abby stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing I was capable of that. In a split second, I had turned it from a feeding challenge to a battle of dominance and I would not tolerate insubordination.

  Kaley took notice and the energy around her changed as she crouched on one knee.

  I remembered that move. The same one she used on the vamp who assaulted me on the beach. She was readying herself. I knew formalities would soon be over. First, there would be an intimidation round. We would each have a chance to show off our strengths, giving the other a chance to submit. If that failed, we would battle for our positions. I knew she would accept nothing less than total submission from me and I expected the same in return.

  Kaley took a leap, flying through the air, extending her leg as she careened toward me. I turned, just barely missing the impact. Spinning around, I connected a well-placed jab to her side as her momentum kept her moving forward.

  She landed on her feet, rubbing her side, applying pressure to her ribs.

  I stood my ground. I was not the defenseless human she had attacked months ago. Surprise! I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

  Kaley growled.

  Her anger resonated a rip current, trying to drown me in fear. I knew better than to let it take me under. Standing my ground, I slowly inched toward her and claimed the bar as my territory. She shifted into another attack stance, placing her weight on her right leg and slightly turning her body away from me. She had a crazed, wild look about her and her eyes burned with rage.

  Abby unexpectedly moved and Kaley leapt toward her, hands outstretched.

  I flung myself in front of Abby, ready to tackle Kaley to the ground, but she pulled a fast one. I watched helplessly as if it took a lifetime to complete Kaley’s deception. She shifted in mid-air, heading for the disc jockey instead. Her hands grabbed and put the woman into the perfect feeding position before I could react.

  Head up, neck exposed, artery thumping fervently with Kaley standing behind her, ready to sink her fangs in for the kill. The woman struggled for only a moment while Kaley invaded her mind. The woman’s body went limp.

  I threw my thoughts out, finding Kaley’s mental grip and challenged the hold. The woman twitched instantly, stopping Kaley from driving her fangs in. I had gained position.

  She snapped her head up, eyes blazing a red glow, snarling at me.

  I had successfully pissed off an ill tempered, out of her mind vampire. God help me.

  Throwing the woman aside effortlessly, she sprang forward, heading right for me. I saw her extend her arms, ready to grip me in her grasp, her pearly whites shinning between her parted lips. Formalities were officially over. She was going for the kill. Time slowed down around me. Everyone except me, moved as if being held back by the hands of time itself. I could have run a full circle around her before she actually reached where I was standing, but two things happened at once. I saw Abby sluggishly waving the scarf she had been wearing and the vision of seeing Kaley tied with it tore through my mind. I knew what to do.

  I raced toward Abby, yanked the scarf out of her hand and met Kaley at the point where we would have collided. Gripping and encircling her, I wrapped the long scarf around Kaley’s hands and arms, then tied it around her torso. I watched as it took several seconds for her expression to change as she realized what was happening. I stepped back, keeping an eye on her as time returned to normal, and let her fall to the ground, skidding to a stop against one of the massive speakers.

  I was on her in an instant, but she just lay there, hissing, struggling to get free, while she kicked the speaker, threatening to knock over the 200-pound box. I waited, waited to see if Abby’s scarf could really contain her without physical harm coming to anyone, especially me.

  The cloth would hold. Thank goodness. I took a deep breath mainly out of habit, and stood over her, careful to avoid her sporadic kicking as she continued to squirm violently in a tantrum, jerking herself around, trying to get free. Kneeling next to her, I got the sense that what I wanted to do was wrong, but chalked it up and rammed a fist into her side, feeling her ribs break. “That’s for bleeding me.” I panted and slammed my fist into her again. “And that’s for disappearing and making me come get you.”

  Kaley hissed.

  I cut loose with yet another punch, this time connecting with her face. “And that’s for scaring the shit out of me.”

  “Do you plan to beat the crap out of her or take her back?” Abby asked, giving us a wide birth.

  Abby was right, I needed to get Kaley back to the estate and let Katherine deal with her. Although, now that she was tied, it didn’t bother me one bit to keep unleashing my anger on her.

  “The Zenoro will hold her, but don’t take unnecessary chances,” Abby added.

  Still on my knees, I shifted, catching Abby’s concerned look. “The what?”

  “Do I have to teach you everything?” She rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. “The scarf that’s holding her,” she pointed at Kaley. “It’s the belt part of the vestment that priests wear. It will hold, but don’t provoke her. I don’t know its breaking point.”

  I knew what it was. Vestments were the ceremonial robes that priest adorn themselves in for special ceremonies and Holy days. What I didn’t know is that the belt had a special name.

  “For vampires,” she added, “a Zenoro is like titanium. It’s blessed by the Pope and it’s the only material that can truly hold a vampire…without hurting you.”

  Why didn’t I know that? I had so much to learn about vampires, especially since I’d officially joined their ranks. Regardless, I had fulfilled my duty and captured Kaley. I was ready to go home and fall into Tamara’s loving arms once again.

  It took me a few moments to realize that Abby had been shaking. I had almost forgotten that she wasn’t a vampire. If I had been human, I guess I would have been shaking, too. I stood, taking a step toward her and Rosalie jumped in front of me.

  “Now that we have her, she must be put down!” She snarled, glaring at Kaley.

  “Calm down, Rose. The worst is over,” Abby’s shaky voice assured her.

  “You think so?” Pointing a finger at Kaley, she snapped. “She came here and butchered our pack. She is dangerous. She must not be allowed to exist. The wolves gather outside for vengeance.” Pointing at me, she lowered her voice, “They have many ideas for you, too, bloodsucker.”

  That’s just great. I captured Kaley, their biggest threat yet and now they wanted to lynch me. I wasn’t feeling the love or gratitude. Damn, I hated complications! For the record, I knew someone would call me a bloodsucker someday. What a crappy, but precise word to use for vampires. Even though I couldn’t argue the term, that word made my skin crawl. It’s worse than being called a cunt!

  “I cannot let you hurt Kaley,” I said, disappointed that I didn’t even get a thank you. “You’re their leader. Command them to give up this suicide mission. They must listen to you.”

  I knew a pack must obey an alpha female. There was only one exception, an alpha male could technically overrule her, but I doubted that would happen
since Kaley took them out.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Abby blurted out. “And yes, Kaley killed Rosalie’s mate. She is justified in wanting her dead.”

  “I’m truly sorry for your loss. It must have been very difficult for you to lose someone you love, but I cannot allow you to hurt her. This is not her normal behavior. Our Matriarch has decreed that I return Kaley alive.” I wish I could have told her that I felt her pain, that I understood and that the bitch stole my humanity, but that would only fuel the hatred that burned in Rosalie’s eyes. “I am, by blood, to obey my Matriarch. Convince them to let us pass unharmed or we can settle this privately, if you wish.”


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