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Scout's Honor: A Planetary Romance

Page 15

by Henry Vogel

  “Well,” the king mused, “I must admit you’d be quite a bit safer if you and your staunchest defender were sleeping together...”

  I felt the heat rise in Callan’s cheek as she gasped, “Daddy!”

  “Blast, I didn’t mean that and you know it!” King Edwar said.

  “Well, we do want grandchildren and an heir, Edwar,” Queen Elaina said. “That’s never going to happen if they don’t sleep together.”

  “Mom!” Callan cried, hiding her face in her hands.

  “Good point, Elaina,” King Edwar said, “but only after they’re married!”

  Callan pulled her hands from her face, “So we have your blessing?”

  “Of course you have our blessing, Callie!” her father smiled. He turned to me, “Welcome to the family, David.”

  Chapter 101

  After the king and queen left, I had a steady stream of visitors. Milo, Kim, and a girl about Milo’s age visited. The girl didn’t say much, but she sat close to Milo and held hands with him.

  After they left, I asked Callan, “Milo already has a girlfriend here at court?”

  “No, it’s more like he’s holding auditions for the post,” Callan laughed. “Milo is quite the hero around here. The guards respect the courage he showed helping us in Faroon, the pages are in awe of his accomplishments behind enemy lines, and all the younger ladies swoon and hang on his every word. His dating schedule is so complicated, I believe Kim has taken to keeping an appointment book for him.”

  “I hope he can keep their names straight,” I said. “Hero or not, young ladies are not amused when you call them by the wrong name!”

  “And how would you know this?” Callan folded her arms across her chest.

  “I have been to seven settled worlds besides this one,” I said. “I’ve met my share of women and even dated a few of them. But you’re the only one I’ve wanted to marry.”

  Martin entered as Callan was rewarding me with a kiss. “If I’m interrupting something, I can come back later.”

  “You are,” I said. “Begone foul raider!”

  At the same time, Callan said, “Of course not, Martin! Please stay.”

  So Martin pulled up a chair and told me a most amazing story.

  “David, did you know you have magical powers?” he asked.

  “I-. What?”

  “Yes, indeed! You are so pure, just being around you can cleanse the soul of the even the most foul villain!” Martin said. “Yes, David, you brought the wretched raider, Martin Bane, back from the darkness with your purifying light of truth, goodness, and the Mordanian way!”

  “That’s crazy!” I said. “Who makes this stuff up?”

  “No idea,” Martin said, “but I added the bit about Ardhan Windslow turning my soul toward the darkness in the first place. I was just an innocent Terran Scout before his foul influence drove me to become a raider.”

  “Until I saved you from the darkness and all that bunk?” I asked.

  “Exactly, oh shining light in my darkness!” Martin laughed.

  “Callan, would you hit Martin for me?”

  “It’s actually a useful story, darling,” Callan said. “It makes it easier for some of our subjects to accept Martin’s heroism in Faroon and the pardon my father granted.”

  “And,” Martin added, “everyone wants to hear the story straight from the devil’s mouth. I haven’t had to pay for a drink in days!”

  “As long as no one asks me to make blind men see and lame beggars walk, I suppose I can live with it,” I said.

  We chatted for a while longer, then Martin said, “That’s your third yawn in five minutes, David. Either I’m boring—which I know isn’t true—or you need some rest. I’d best be going.”

  As he rose, I said, “One more thing, Martin. Now that you’re all purified and everything, I have a request for you.”

  Martin hesitated a second, then said, “Name it.”

  “Strange as it may seem, you’re the best friend I’ve got on this planet. Scratch that. You’re the best friend I’ve got on any planet. Would you be the best man in our wedding?”

  For the second time since I’d met him, Martin Bane was at a loss for words. After several attempts to speak, he just nodded.

  Chapter 102

  The next day, King Damon of Tarteg arrived. The situation had been tense enough with just Prince Rupor around. It got worse with his father on hand. Prince Raoul was released into his father’s custody, but he was restricted to the chambers set aside for visiting royalty.

  For once, I was happy to be restricted to bed rest. It allowed me to avoid most of the difficult diplomatic wrangling. Not even doctor’s orders could save me from being called upon to tell my tale to King Damon. He was escorted to my room and spent three hours grilling me. No detail escaped his notice and I was exhausted by the time he was finished with me.

  “Do you think he believes us?” I asked Callan when we were alone.

  “Yes,” she answered. “He wishes he didn’t and who can blame him? But he knows Queen Beatrice and he knows Raoul.”

  “What about Rupor? How is he taking all of this?”

  “I think Rupor is embarrassed and ashamed of Raoul,” she said. “Rupor is also not very fond of you. I think it has something to do with stealing his woman. According to Milo, the Tartegian royal guards are upset, too. He says they were looking forward to watching my backside.”

  Callan heaved a theatrical sigh and wiggled her backside, “When the Tartegians leave, who will I get to watch my backside?”

  A slight gurgling sound came from the door. Tristan was standing in the doorway, his eyes wide and his face red.

  “It appears Tristan is already watching it,” I said. “Problem solved!”

  Tristan turned brighter red, “You seem to have survived your royal interview in fine fettle.” Backing out of the room, he said, “Well done, my boy!”

  Callan collapsed into my arms and we laughed long and hard.

  The next day, the Tartegian delegation left. Raoul would be given an airship and sent into exile. Queen Beatrice was to spend the rest of her days in a convent. Callan and I were just glad to put the whole affair behind us.

  The day after that, Tristan allowed me to get up and walk. Callan was there, helping and encouraging me. A short walk left me gasping, but I had begun to hate lying around in bed. I pushed myself hard to make sure I was ready for the wedding and all of the festivities which would follow the ceremony.

  Five weeks after I was shot, I stood next to Martin before the gathered nobility of a dozen countries. My heart was hammering as the cathedral doors were thrown open and I beheld my bride. Callan was radiant, more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I’m told her father looked splendid, as well. I never even noticed him.

  The ceremony passed in a blur. We gave our vows and had our first kiss as husband and wife. Then it was down the aisle and into a waiting carriage. We paraded through the streets of Morda, cheered by thousands of subjects who had turned out to see their beloved princess and her new husband. At the end of the parade was the wedding reception, with dancing and dining.

  It was late before we were allowed to escape the festivities. An honor guard, led by Captain Hunter, escorted us to our chambers. Captain Hunter held the door as I carried Callan across the threshold and closed it once we were inside. At long last, we were alone.

  We fell into each other’s arms, time went away, and we were as one.


  Growing up, Henry worked at the usual range of menial jobs -- from grocery store bag boy to pizza delivery to retail sales -- before ending up in software development. In between the menial jobs and the IT jobs, he achieved some small fame as the writer and co-creator of the small press comic book titles Southern Knights and X-Thieves. For the past ten years, Henry has also taken up the mantle of professional storyteller, performs regularly throughout the state of North Carolina, and has recently released his first book of children's stories.
  Henry has been a fan of science fiction for as long as he can remember. He has loved space opera and planetary romance since the beginning, which is why his science fiction novels end up in those subgenres.

  Henry currently live in Raleigh, NC, with his wife, son, two cats, and lots of imaginary friends all clamoring to tell him of their adventures.

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  Other Books by Henry Vogel

  Scout Series:

  Scout’s Honor

  Scout’s Oath

  Scout’s Duty

  Matt & Michelle:

  The Fugitive Heir

  The Fugitive Pair (August, 2016)

  Standalone Novels:

  The Counterfeit Captain




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