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Page 14

by Melinda De Ross

  “Wait,” he gasped.

  “No ... Now!”

  I helped him discard my panties, and as soon as he slid into me, I cried out. He was hard, full, and perfect. I dug my fingers into his buttocks, urging him deeper as his mouth moved to my neck, adding to my wild arousal. When he began to rock his hips and move inside me, I matched him stroke for stroke and brought him to a climax in just a few moments. His body, unfairly subjected to abstinence for so long, was unable to prolong the inevitable. His breaths were rapid as he pushed one last time, a guttural sound vibrating in his throat as he climaxed.

  Even though my own body still quivered with need, Carter trembling in my arms, shaken by his own orgasm, was satisfying. I held him tightly, locking my limbs around him, embedding him deeper inside me. Not only inside my body, but inside my soul.

  For a few silent moments, we lay in an unbreakable embrace. When he’d recovered enough to speak, he said, “I’m sorry. I ... It’s been a very long time.”

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. Just having you in my arms gives me incredible pleasure,” I whispered honestly, guiding his head to rest against my chest.

  His heart hammered fast, echoing mine. When our pulses steadied, he rolled onto his back, taking me with him. He stroked my hair, laying tender kisses on my forehead, my eyelids, my cheeks. I basked in the glory of having satisfied this man’s hungry body, knowing this had been as special for him as it had been for me.

  As though reading my thoughts, he raised my chin to look into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to do this from the first moment I saw you that day in the park.”

  I smiled, burying my face in his neck. “So did I.”

  His hands cruised lazily down my bare back, caressing the damp skin. When had I shed my dress?

  “This isn’t fair,” I said drowsily. “I’m naked and you’re still half-dressed.”

  He scoffed. “You’re right.” In a few easy movements, he kicked off his jeans, boxers, and socks. “Better now?”

  The feel of him completely naked, our bodies skin to skin, renewed my desire for him.

  “Much,” I whispered, surrendering my mouth to his searching lips.

  I couldn’t get enough of him. Soon his penis hardened once more, the tip of it pressing against my moist sex. I started to lower my body, but he gripped my hips and guided me up the length of him, until my breasts were at the same level as his mouth. He kissed each one, sucking greedily on the nipples.

  I gasped. I had no modesty when I was with Carter. The shy, inhibited person I usually was when it came to sex had disappeared, leaving a wanton in her place, one who reveled at every touch, every kiss. Still, I was more than a little shocked when he guided my body farther up until I straddled his shoulders. I gripped the padded leather headboard when he lifted his head to kiss my center. Suddenly, I was so dizzy that I had to press my forehead to the headboard.

  I couldn’t believe this! Never had I experienced such earth-shattering sensations. I whimpered unable to hold back the primal pleasure when his tongue stroked me.

  “Oh, God!” I cried out minutes later when an orgasm shook me. Carter held my hips firmly to his face, his mouth hot and giving.

  It was a long, long time before I stopped quivering and slid weakly over him again. I would’ve lain there forever, drifting away in a state of blissful satisfaction, but Carter pushed me onto my back and stretched on top of me, claiming my mouth. Before I could utter a sound, he drove into me hard and deep. A moan escaped my lips as I began to spiral again, winding tighter and tighter.

  The suppressed longing within us gushed to the surface once more. Each powerful thrust of his hips drove him deeper inside me, and pushed me to a level of ecstasy I’d never imagined existed.

  When the tumultuous release came once more, I gasped his name, shaken to my very core by the most exquisite climax I’d ever experienced.

  It was well past midnight when Carter left me. After locking the door after him, I returned to bed, and wrapped myself in a cocoon of sheets and blissful happiness. Even though he hadn’t declared his love, I instinctively knew there was more between us than the fantastic sex we’d shared. Sometimes you didn’t need words to know what your lover felt when he held you close, or when he called your name over and over again, on the edge of supreme pleasure.

  I mattered to Carter. The human heart was complex and capable of so many different emotions. While I knew I would never replace his dead wife in his heart, there was a place there for me, too. I planned to carve my name deep within his soul. He would profess his love for me one day just as I would for him. I hadn’t said it, but the truth was that I was desperately in love with him. I just needed to be patient until he realized he loved me, too.

  I stretched, my body slick and naked within the twined sheets that still bore his scent. Curling up on my side, I closed my eyes. Tuning out the sounds of Bernie’s BBC in action, I relived my wonderful evening and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The radio alarm sounded, waking me from an exquisite dream. Stretching like a pampered cat, I smiled. I was more energized than I’d ever been. My body wore the faint traces and aches inherent to a fantastic night of lovemaking, but I felt wonderful.

  In my tuneless voice, I sang along with Shania Twain as she declared, ‘Man, I feel like a woman.’ I showered and then proceeded with my morning ritual, hurrying a bit because of the time.

  Between our bouts of lovemaking, when we’d recharged with delivery pizza, Carter had given me the newspaper office’s address and had instructed me to be there at nine. As excited as I was about that, I had to stop by the hair salon first to speak to Gabriel and tell him I was quitting. I doubted he would be too upset about it since I was hardly an asset to the hair styling business, but he’d taken a chance on me, and he deserved to hear the truth from me. It occurred to me that this was the first time I was quitting a job, not getting sacked.

  I giggled. I’d spent more than enough time in the sack last night and had enjoyed every single minute of it. That kind of sacked I would take any day.

  Still, working as a legal consultant to the reports at the newspaper, maybe even getting my own column one day was almost as thrilling. Finally a job I would love with a man I already did. Now, all I had to do was pray I could keep them both.

  I put on a pair of black slacks and a white, body-hugging top that gave me a sharp professional look. I did my makeup and pulled my hair back into a simple ponytail. After feeding Fish, I chugged half a mug of coffee and was gone.

  As I expected, Gabriel sighed when I gave him the news.

  “I’m not really all that surprised,” he admitted. “I didn’t expect you to last long here anyway, doll. You’re meant for BBT—bigger, better things. But we will miss you.”

  “Aww, I’ll miss you, too.” I hugged him and patted his back, not unlike a mother does burping a baby. “I’ll visit often, and I promise never to have my hair done anywhere else.”

  He tugged my ponytail. “Why mess with perfection? Good luck with your new job. Maybe someday you’ll write an article about me and the salon,” he suggested, grinning.

  “Who knows? At the moment I’m just going to be a consultant, but one day I may be able to write about whatever I want. When that day comes, I promise a feature about you, Hair God.”

  After tear-filled goodbyes, I climbed into my car and drove to the newspaper. Suddenly, I was nervous about seeing Carter again. Yesterday, I’d been so into our lovemaking that I’d completely lost control. How would he see me now? What would he think of my behavior? Of my lack of inhibitions?

  I chewed my lower lip, getting more and more panicky as I approached the downtown skyscraper where the newspaper offices were. My self-confidence slipped a few notches as I looked in the mirror and added more lipstick.

  I inhaled. Deep breaths. Taking deep breaths was supposed to be good for everything from panic attacks to childbirth. Placebo or not, it seemed to help, because two minutes and a lot of deep
breathing later, I was calmer.

  I grabbed my bag, climbed out of the car, and, after straightening my spine, I walked through the main doors of the building.

  The lobby was spacious and blissfully cool. I spotted the bank of elevators, got into an empty car, and pressed the button for the fourteenth floor.

  As the elevator rose, so did my heart rate. I wasn’t sure whether my sudden case of nerves was because of the new job or about seeing Carter again. Probably both. I continued breathing deeply until the elevator stopped. No backing down now.

  I stepped out into a corridor. A plump brunette walked by, carrying a stack of folders.

  “Excuse me,” I asked, stopping her. “Where can I find Carter Evans? I ... I have an appointment with him this morning.”

  Her thick eyebrows rose dramatically. Judging by the once over she gave me, it was obvious Carter didn’t have many visitors.

  After a moment she smiled, “Right over there, the door on your right.”

  “Thank you.”

  I headed toward the door, the first of about a dozen along the corridor. I knocked.

  “Come in,” Carter called.

  He sat at a desk, framed by a breathtaking panorama of the city behind him. I swallowed nervously, unnerved because I couldn’t see him with the light streaming in from the window behind him. He stood and came around the desk, giving me a dazzling smile.

  “Hi. I hope I’m not late.”

  “Hello,” he replied, pulling me into his arms and kissing me softly. “You’re right on time. You look beautiful this morning, but then you looked beautiful last night, too.”

  “So do you,” I said, wiping my lipstick off his mouth.


  I grinned. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He laughed, squeezing my shoulders as he opened the door and ushered me out. “You’ll be fine. Let’s go see Roger first. He’s the managing editor.”

  Roger Fields was a large man with white-blond hair, matching eyebrows, and a ruddy complexion that told me he enjoyed life. He greeted me heartily, rising from his chair when Carter introduced me, and giving me such a firm handshake that I was amazed I could still move my fingers.

  “I’m delighted to meet you, Camilla. Our golden boy here hasn’t stopped praising your interview skills since you talked to Regina Doleman.”

  “Thank you, Mister Fields,” I began, glancing at Carter.

  “Roger,” he corrected, signaling for us to sit in the chairs facing his massive desk, cluttered with papers, two phones, and a dish full of mints. “Carter tells me you have a degree in law and worked as a paralegal.”

  “Yes, I did.” I sat, gripping the handle of my purse to keep my hands from trembling.

  “Why not continue with that profession?”

  Tricky question. “Well, working as a paralegal was interesting, but not really fulfilling. I didn’t really want to go that extra step and qualify for the bar. I chose Law with a minor in English because I assumed it would cover a wide range of opportunities in the work market. I could be a secretary, a consultant, or a paralegal.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire!

  “And you think you would be happy working in journalism?”

  “Yes, I do,” I said confidently. “I enjoyed my interview with Regina Doleman. It wasn’t that different from sitting in when one of the lawyers interviewed clients, but instead of just sitting there taking notes, I got to be an acting participant.”

  He laughed heartily and nodded. “I can see how that would appeal.”

  I chose my words carefully. “It’s important to me that I find a career that’s more than just a job. I want to do something I enjoy. I know there’s more to being a legal consultant than just asking questions, just as I know legwork is only a small part of journalism. I’m ready to help in whatever way I can and learn all that I have to in order to do the job well.”

  He watched me from under his rare, blond eyebrows, then looked at Carter.

  “I think we have a winner here, Carter. I’ll give her a chance, and not just because she’s as pretty as a daisy. She has brains, too. Make sure you put them to use.” He stood and held out his hand to me. “Welcome aboard, Camilla. Carter will take you to the HR department to take care of the paperwork. For now, you’ll be assigned to Carter since he’s the one who walks closest to the law, but should any of the other reporters have questions for you, I have no doubt you’ll help them out, too. You’ll start at the minimum salary level, but that will change quickly as you prove yourself. When I decide you’re ready, if you’re interested, I may offer you your own column. Good luck!”

  I managed to mutter a gracious thanks, then Carter led me out of the office. My knees felt like rubber.

  “Oh, my God!” I breathed once the door closed behind us. “I can’t believe I’m hired! You did it!”

  Carter took my hands in his. “No, you did it. Roger would never have hired you if he hadn’t thought you would be an asset to the paper. He’s a shrewd businessman. Congratulations!” he said, picking me right off my feet, and spinning me around. “Let me introduce you to the reporters you’ll be assisting, then we’ll take care of your paperwork.”

  He pushed open one of the doors, revealing a larger office where a couple of men and three women were arguing like cavemen over a dead gazelle.

  “Hey, everyone!” Carter shouted over the raucous conversation. “Meet Camilla Jackson, our new legal consultant. Camilla, these animals are Pete, Jamal, Glenna, Penny, and Georgia

  ,” he said, pointing to each person as he named them. “Since I’m the one most likely to end up in legal hot water, she’ll be attached to me, but if you have a question or concern, she’s ready, willing, and able to help you, too.”

  “Hello there,” Pete said, a salesman’s smile on his face. “I’m the sports editor. Welcome aboard!”

  “Thank you,” I answered shyly.

  “I’ll be happy to show you around if you would like.”

  “Hands off, Casanova. I’ll show her around,” Carter said, slipping a hand around my waist, while the others whooped and wiggled eyebrows.

  “I see you’ve staked a claim,” Penny said. “I look after the local page, but look forward to bending your ear about some of the most often ignored by-laws.”

  “I’ll look forward to it,” I said, vowing to revisit all of Jersey City’s municipal by-laws before the end of the week.

  We left the five to pick up their earlier discussion and moved on. Twenty minutes later I’d met two dozen people, whose names I didn’t remember, but who’d all greeted me warmly.

  “Now, let’s find you a place to work,” Carter said as we headed back to his office after finishing in HR. I was really excited. I would be making as much here as I had at Finch & Associates, and would have a lot more fun doing it. “There’s enough room in my office for a second desk. That might me best until you get comfortable.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Working within arm’s length of Carter was just icing on the cake.

  I was overwhelmed by the activities that took place at the newspaper. Unlike my previous experiences, this was the first time I was truly excited about working. I knew I would come to love this job and this workplace. Not only that, but I had the feeling that this time, I wouldn’t screw up. I’d found my vocation. No more getting sacked!

  “Carter, I don’t know how to thank you for this,” I said, sitting in my new chair at my new desk. It wasn’t much bigger than the laptop resting on it, but I couldn’t be happier.

  “You can thank me by doing the great job that I know you can.” He smiled.

  “I’ll do my best, I promise. I’ve never been more excited about anything than I am about this job!”


  My cheeks burned under his smoldering gaze.

  “Well, almost anything,” I amended breathlessly, glancing at him from under my lashes. “But I was referring to work now. I don’t think we should mix ... anything with work.”

/>   “I agree. From now on, you’re my little minion at work,” he joked wickedly, “and my sex goddess the rest of the time.”

  “Really?” I grinned, not at all put out by either offers. “So what do you want this minion to do first, oh, lord and master?”

  He leaned close to me until our mouths were just inches away. “Start by writing up your notes on the interview with Regina Doleman. I want to see copy in an hour. We’ll compare notes and collaborate on the final article.”

  With that, he walked out and left me to my own devices. I scratched my chin thoughtfully, staring after him. After last night, he was a whole new person. I loved this new playful and teasing man I’d uncovered. I wanted to please him as much as he’d pleased me.

  Pursing my lips, I created a new document and began methodically writing up my notes, just as I’d done as a paralegal, only this time, it was my interview I was writing up, not one I’d just listened to.

  Two hours later, I was still bent over the keyboard, my hair tousled, my reading glasses crooked, and the pencil I held in my hand full of teeth marks.

  I dropped my head into my hands just as Carter entered the office.

  “I brought lunch,” he said, lifting a paper bag for me to see. “How’s it going?”

  “Ugh,” I moaned, taking off my eyeglasses and rubbing my tired eyes.

  “That bad? Here, I brought you a sub and a cola.”

  He handed me the food and drink.

  “Thanks. This is harder than I expected. I’m not complaining—far from it—but I want to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything,” I rushed to add, “I think I may need to revise my note taking.”

  “Maybe.” Carter sat at his desk. “Bring your lunch and your laptop over here.”

  “Where will I sit?”

  “In my lap.”

  Oh, yeah! I loved this wicked, playful man more and more. I took my laptop, sandwich, and drink and put them on his desk.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I joked. “We may be on lunch break, but what if someone walks in and finds us in a compromising position?” I grew serious. “I don’t want to jeopardize this job, Carter.”


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