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Rock Island

Page 7

by Bill Etem

Roman Catholic Church leads people to perdition, because Rome has fallen away from the True Faith and Rome is not the True Church, and therefore Rome leads people to perdition. If the True God / True Jesus is an anti-Roman Catholic God, then the Roman Catholics worship a false god, because they worship a god who is pro-Roman Catholic. False gods are evil and beastly because they lead people away from heaven and to perdition. So, is the Roman Catholic crucifix sacred or not? Well, obviously, if the True God / True Jesus is Pro-Roman Catholic, if the True God says the Church of Rome leads people to heaven, then we know I commit sacrilege when I insist the Roman Catholic crucifix - an image of a Roman Catholic god – is evil. But if the True God / True Jesus says the Roman Catholic Church has fallen away from the True Faith, and therefore leads people to perdition, then the Roman Catholic crucifix, an image of a Pro-Roman Catholic god / and image of a Pro-Roman Catholic Jesus – is the image of a false god, because the True God / True Jesus reject Rome, at least they do in Case 2. The Roman Catholic crucifix is not the image of a Mormon god, and it is not the image of a Protestant god – it is the image of a Roman Catholic god - therefore it is an image of a false god provided the True God / True Jesus says Rome leads people to perdition, hence the Roman Catholic crucifix is evil, if the True God / True Jesus says Rome has fallen away from the True Faith and leads people to perdition. If the True God says the Roman Catholic crucifix is evil, then you commit sacrilege if you say the Roman Catholic crucifix is sacred. Again, images of false gods are beastly and evil, because false gods lead people to perdition, and it is beastly and evil to lead people away from heaven and to perdition….If the Roman Catholic Church has not fallen away from the True Faith, if Rome leads people to heaven, if the Church of Rome is God’s True Church, then the Roman Catholic crucifix is sacred to God. And it is a sacrilege to say it is evil. It is the sacred image of the True God. If the Roman Catholic Church is God’s True Church, then we should not be Protestants. Rather, we should be Roman Catholics. But if Rome leads people to perdition, if God says Rome has fallen away from the True Faith, then we are wise to reject the Roman Catholic Church. Whether we are wise to be Protestants is a separate issue. But if God rejects the Roman Catholic Church, if rome leads people to perdition, if rome has fallen away from the True Faith, then we are wise to reject Rome…But, obviously, if the True God / True Jesus is anti-Roman Catholic, if the True God / True Jesus / True Creator of the Universe says the Church of Rome leads people to perdition, because Rome has fallen away from the True Faith, because Rome is not the Church which Christ founded on a rock, then the image of a Pro-Roman Catholic god - which is what the Roman Catholic crucifix is - is the image of a false god, because, again, we’re in Case 2 now, the True God / True Jesus is Anti-Roman Catholic not Pro-Roman Catholic, the True God / True Jesus say Rome drags souls down to perdition, therefore an image of a Pro-Roman Catholic god – I know I’m repeating myself terribly – is the image of a false god, and false gods are evil because they lead people away from heaven and to perdition, therefore the Roman Catholic crucifix is evil provided the True God / True Jesus / True Creator of the Universe is an Anti-Roman Catholic Deity. And you commit sacrilege when you say something which is evil is sacred….And of course one can make analogous arguments about the Eastern Orthodox crucifix / Anglican crucifix….So much depends on finding the True Faith, finding the Faith which leads people to heaven and not to perdition. So much depends on getting the Divine Law / True Faith mentioned in Jeremiah 31. 31-34, Isaiah 59. 20-21 and Ezekiel 36. 24-28 written on your heart. You don’t want to ignore what is written in 2 Thess 1. 8, you know that info about hellfire being in store for people who do not know God and who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You’ll want to make sure you know if God is a Roman Catholic God, or an Eastern Orthodox God, or and Anglican God, or a Protestant God etc., etc. The god of the Muslims is wonderful and benevolent if he leads people to heaven, but the god of the Muslims is evil and beastly if he leads people away from heaven and to perdition. The gods of the Hindus are wonderful if they lead people to heaven, and they are beastly and evil if they lead people away from heaven and to perdition. The gods of Buddhism are wonderful if they lead people to heaven, and they are beastly and evil if they lead people to perdition. If the True God / True Jesus / True Creator of the Universe says the Eastern Orthodox Church has fallen away from the True Faith and therefore leads people to perdition, then the Eastern Orthodox crucifix – which is an image of a version of Jesus who says the Eastern Orthodox Church leads people to heaven, is a false and evil version of Jesus, a false and evil god, a false and evil god who leads people away from heaven and to perdition, provided of course the True God / True Jesus says the Eastern Orthodox Church has fallen away from the True Faith and therefore leads people to perdition. So, you get the idea here, right? Are you sort of catching on? I don’t want to repeat all of this stuff again. You can sort of understand how a version of Jesus who says Rome leads people to perdition is not the same Jesus as a version of Jesus who says Rome leads people to heaven, right? You can sort of graps the concept of how a version of Jesus who says the Eastern Orthodox Church leads people to heaven is a different Jesus than a version of Jesus who says the Eastern Orthodox Church has fallen away from the True Faith and therefore drags souls down to perdition, right? You can understand this, right? You can see how if the True God says the crucifix is evil and it pertains to Revelation 14. 11, which mentions an ‘image of the beast’, then you can understand that it is a sacrilege to say the crucifix is holy, right? You understand that saying that evil things are sacred is a sacrilege, right? Either the cross reflects no evil because it is pure and holy in the eyes of the Deity, or else it reflects some evil. There’s nothing in the New Testament which would lead you to conclude that the sign of the cross and material crosses are sacred to God. Christ and the apostles never used the cross as their symbol. Of course Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is sacred. Of course Galatians 6. 14 and Philippians 3. 18 are accurate. But this cross of Christ is a spiritual thing. As I say, with the material cross, with the sign of the cross, we have two options: the cross reflects no evil because God says so, or else the cross reflects some evil, because God says so. If the cross is sacred, and reflects no evil, then you would have to think it might be this seal of God mentioned in Revelation 9 which protects one from torments when placed on ones forehead. But if the cross reflects some evil – and look at all of the evil which has been perpetrated over the centuries by people carrying crosses…then it is logical to speculate that the cross is the mark of the beast, and if the cross is the mark of the beast then no church under the sign of the cross leads people to heaven; every church under the sign of the cross leads people to perdition; the Church which Christ founded on a rock, the Church which leads people to heaven and which leads no one to perdition, is not going to tell you that the cross is sacred, and that it is safe to put the mark of a cross on your forehead, if in fact putting the mark of a cross on your forehead buys you eternity in hellfire. God’s True Church will not lead you to eternal hell, obviously! But churches which have been corrupted by satan, churches which have fallen away from the True Faith…Let’s review Revelation 13. 1-8, which runs as follows:

  ‘THEN I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns…Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion...And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war against him?..It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life…’

  ‘It’s rather unlikely that people will worship a literal beast with seven heads and ten horns, so we ar
e looking for a figurative interpretation of Revelation 13. 1-8. A Muslim certainly does not believe that he worships an evil beast, but, suppose, Allah is a false god who leads people away from heaven and straight to perdition. If Allah is a false god who leads people away from heaven and to perdition, which is an evil and beastly thing to do, then, Allah is a beastly false god, and it is reasonable to assume that, in some figurative way, the Muslims worship this seven headed beast mentioned in Revelation 13. 1-8, though they insist they worship the True God, the Creator of the Universe. If the Buddhists worship false evil beastly gods who lead them away from heaven and to perdition, though they claim to worship the Creator of the Universe, then, in some figurative way, the Buddhists can be said to worship this multi-headed beast mentioned in Revelation 13. 1-8. If the True God, if the True Creator of the Universe, says the Church of Rome leads people to perdition, because it has fallen away

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