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Rock Island

Page 12

by Bill Etem

in the balls, what motivation do you give them, what tempting inducements to you give them to just take a time out, and to think for a quiet minute or two, to reflect during a span of time when some right-winger is not kicking them in the balls, to contemplate the errors of their ways. The Liberal Heathens spit on Romans 14. 12. But you Protestants don’t spit on Romans 14. 12, right? Are you Rock Island Protestants going to say it’s voodoo? Are you going to say Romans 14. 12 is a superstition? The truth of the matter is everyone is going to have to give an accounting of himself before God some day, and you don’t want to have to admit to God that you did nothing to help unborn babies escape the knives of the abortionists and their Liberal accomplices….

  Moderator - ‘Do you ever shut up?’

  Me - ‘Paul Johnson informed us in ‘A History of Christianity’,

  ‘Tertullian broke with the Church [Rome] when Calixtus of Rome determined that the church had the power to grant remission of sins after baptism, even serious sins like adultery or apostasy...Julian claims Catholics slaughtered “heretics” with state military support. Whole communities were the 5th century there were over 100 statutes against heresy. The state now attacked heresy as it had once attacked Christianity...Jerome describes horrible tortures inflicted on a woman accused of adultery [inflicted by the Catholic-State]. In the late 4th century there was despotism in Christendom. The rack and red-hot plates were used. Ammianus gives many instances of torture...the Inquisition was born...Spain was staging pogroms of Jews by the time Augustine became a bishop...Inquisition: anonymous informers, accusations of personal enemies allowed, no right of defending council...Possession of scriptures in any language forbidden...from 1080 onward there were many instances of the Pope, councils and Bishops forbidding the Bible to laymen...people burned for reading the Bible...Erasmus saw 200 prisoners of war broken on the wheel at Utrech, on orders of the Bishop...Justinian Code: provided basis for persecution of dissenters...Protestants adopted the Justinian Code as well...Lutherans and Calvinists just as intolerant as Catholics...Counter-Reformation embodied no reform. It’s sole effect was to stamp out Protestant “error”...It is a tragic but recurrent feature of Christianity that the eager pursuit of reform tends to produce a ruthlessness in dealing with obstacles to it which brings the whole moral superstructure crashing down in ruins...The Gregorian papacy, so zealous for virtue, fathered some of the worst crimes of the Middle Ages...mass burnings of Protestants in Spain 1559-1562...Spanish Inquisition was self-sustaining. It confiscated the property of the condemned...women 70-90 years old were tortured...young girls tortured...witch-hunting couldn’t survive without torture...witch-hunting had papal sanction to use torture...Luther burned “witches”...Calvinists very fierce...Loyola popularized witch-hunting...Loyola not an anti-Semite...Vicious cycle: torture produced accusations - more torture, more accusations...’

  Me continuing - ‘So, obviously, this is clear proof in itself of a falling away from the True Faith. And the nice Christians under the sign of the cross, the nice Christians who failed for century after century to excommunicate the evil Christians under the sign of the cross, also fell away from the True Faith, because good Christians are supposed to excommunicate evil Christians, according to the True Faith….And then you have to determine if the evils perpetrated by people carrying crosses over the centuries are reflected in the sign of the cross, or, if the evils perpetrated by people carrying crosses over the centuries are divorced from the cross, because God says so, because God says the cross is pure and holy and sacred…We know the New Testament says the cross of Christ is sacred, Galatians 6. 14 and Philippians 3. 18. But this sacred cross of Christ is something spiritual. It is not material. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is sacred, but to insist, to dogmatically insist, that a pagan instrument of torture, or a representation of one, to insist that a material cross is sacred to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, when Christ and the apostles never took crosses as their symbols, and they never said material crosses were sacred, is insanity! Now you people come back at me and you say I’m insane. You say I’m a satanic ass. You say I teach people to commit sacrilege, and therefore you say I lead people to perdition, and this makes me a satanic ass….We all seem to agree that it is sacrilege when you declare that things which God says are evil are holy, or when you announce that things which God says are sacred are evil. Atheists excluded, we all seem to agree that the sin of sacrilege leads people straight to perdition...We have two especially dramatic and interesting scenarios with the sign of the cross, a very dramatic Case 1 and a very dramatic Case 2. Case 1: the sign of the cross is sacred, and perhaps it is also this seal of God mentioned in Revelation 9. If one has the sign of the cross / seal of God on one’s forehead then one will be saved from torments described in Revelation 9 during the Great Tribulation, provided the cross is sacred, and is the seal of God. Case 2 says the sign of the cross reflects the evils perpetrated over the centuries by those united under the sign of the cross. It’s an evil symbol. Revelation 14. 6-11 comes to mind if the cross is an evil symbol. You burn in hell forever if you have the mark of a cross on your forehead or right hand! If every sect under the sign of the cross, including every Protestant sect under the sign of the cross, leads people to perdition, if every sect under the sign of the cross is in some sense a satanic cult – because that’s what you call a church which leads people away from heaven and to perdition – a satanic cult - this doesn’t prove the sign of the cross is evil. But, nevertheless, if every sect under the sign of the cross leads people to perdition, then there is something satanic about every sect under the sign of the cross. Now if at least one sect under the sign of the cross led people to heaven, if at least one church under the sign of the cross, Protestant or otherwise, is the Church which Christ founded on a rock, then you can trust that Church when it says the cross is sacred, and, therefore, during the Great Tribulation, you would want the mark of a cross on your forehead, as it will save you from torment if it is the seal of God. But if the sign of the cross is the mark of the beast, then you burn in hell forever if you put the sign of the cross on your forehead, recall again Revelation 14. 11. If the cross leads people to perdition, then, obviously, it is satanic to say the cross leads people to heaven. And, obviously, if the cross leads people to heaven, then it is satanic to say it leads people to perdition….Will you burn in hell forever if you put the mark of a cross on your forehead or right hand? Or are you saved from the torments described in Revelation 9 if you put the mark of a cross on your forehead? If just one sect under the sign of the cross led people to heaven, because it is the Church which Christ founded on a rock, because it has not fallen away from the True Faith, then you can trust that Church when it insists that the sign of the cross is sacred, therefore, during the Great Tribulation, you would want to put the mark of a cross on your forehead, to save you from torments, recall the seal of God and the torments described in Revelation 9. But if every church under the sign of the cross has fallen away from the True Faith, if every church under the sign of the cross has been subverted by satan, and leads people to perdition, then, you might have to assume that you will burn in hell, burn in hell forever and ever, if you put the mark of a cross on your forehead or right hand.’

  Moderator - ‘Well, that was a mouthful. I gotta step out for a minute or two.’

  While the Moderator – he’s just some guy I’m paying a few bucks to serve as Moderator – while he grabs some food we might have some light chit-chit. Before the current cover of this ebook, I used the Doré Tower of Babel photo on the cover of this ebook, and before that I used a photo showing some nice-looking women in some movie where it looks like they’re caught up in a nasty cult. But I got rid of that cover. I think the first girl in the other photo was Maria Perschy but I’m not sure. The image of the women in the cult pops up when you Google her name, but it’s weird how some people look like totally different people in different photos. Like there are shots of the Olsen twin
s where they don’t look anything like the Olsen twins. And Joan Crawford at the beginning of the film Possessed doesn’t look the way Joan Crawford usually looks. Look at Janet Margolin, who is super-beautiful throughout Morituri, where she co-stars with Marlon Brando and Trevor Howard, I mean from every angle her face is perfect; whereas, she’s nice-looking in the shots of her on Google but you wouldn’t say she is super-beautiful, super-beautiful in the sense that she is in the same league with women like Fran Jeffries, Nathalie Delon, Angelina Jolie etc., but in Morituri she is most certainly in their league. Maria Perschy had some excellent close-up shots in a film called 5 Golden Dragons where she looks like a blonde version of Jennifer Lopez. 5 Golden Dragons had lots of big stars in it but it’s not a film that you have to immediately push to the top of your Neflix queue. The late Christopher Lee was in it, oh sorry, that’s Sir Christopher Lee – and you can’t say Joan Collins anymore either, you

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