Tempting the Artist

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Tempting the Artist Page 12

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Gary slowly backed away, a wicked smirk on his face. “I’ll go, but this conversation isn’t—”

  “Get out!”

  Christina didn’t release Luke until Gary was out of sight. She hurried across the room and locked the door.

  “What is wrong with you?” She ground out as she approached Luke, her eyes shooting daggers. “I know you weren’t about to hit that man and risk everything you’ve worked so hard for!”

  Breathing hard, Luke leaned on his desk. With his body shaking, teeth clenched, and fury rioting inside of him, he could barely grab a hold of the control that had taken a backseat to his temper. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had rattled him the way Gary seemed to enjoy doing.

  Luke’s heart, still beating erratically, felt as if it would leap out of his chest. He had to put a stop to this. A stop to whatever game Gary was playing.

  After several deep breaths, Luke ran his hand down his face and chanced a glance at Christina. The uncertainty he saw in her eyes should have made him feel guilty about his outburst. It didn’t.

  “Seeing him flat on his ass with a broken jaw and a bloodied nose would have been worth the consequences.”

  Christina’s mouth dropped open and she narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re not serious! If being around that guy makes you consider doing something that stupid, you need to stay away from him. He’s not worth you losing control. I could tell he was baiting you. I don’t want to think about what would’ve happened if I weren’t here.”

  Luke paced behind his desk, rubbing his sweaty hands down the side of his pants legs. That was the last straw. He had to do something about Gary. There was no way in hell he was going to let that asshole continue yanking his chain and pawning off his work. And the day the stupid jerk made partner, would be the day Luke quit.

  Once his anger dissipated, Luke stopped pacing. Christina stood at the edge of his desk. Her wary gaze telling him that she wasn’t sure what to think of him at the moment.

  “I can’t stand that guy. There’s something about him that shoots my bullshit meter through the roof.”

  “I gathered as much, but Lucas you can’t give him this type of control over you. Maybe you can talk to one of the senior partners about him.”

  Going over Gary’s head was too high schoolish for Luke. No. He would handle Gary, but first he had to find out what he was up against. The guy rarely did any work, yet he was in the office most days. If he was trying to hand off his work to Luke, chances were he was doing it to someone else as well.

  “Sorry about that,” he mumbled.

  “No need to apologize. Just promise me you won’t do anything crazy and get yourself locked up.”

  Without making any promises, he pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth over hers. He nipped at her lower lip, then the top one, preferring to kiss her than do any more talking. Warm. Soft. Delicious. Her sweet kisses were all he needed as desire quickly squashed the battle that was brewing inside of him. If only he could keep her by his side 24/7 to surround him with the peace that only she could provide, the better he would be.

  Reluctantly, Luke broke off the kiss. Touching his forehead to hers he said, “I hate that you had to witness … all of that.”

  “Me too. I know you’re going to do whatever you want to do, but be careful. Okay?”

  He gave a slight nod. “Why don’t we save our office rendezvous for another time. ‘Cause right now I want to get you home and horizontal so that I can make love to you as promised earlier.”

  A slow smile spread across her mouth and she batted those big beautiful eyes at him. “Well then, don’t just stand there. Let’s go.”

  Luke chuckled. Forgetting about Gary, he grabbed the file he had originally come in for and gave thanks for the beautiful angel who had dropped into his life. Tonight he planned to expend all of his pent up energy on pleasing her, but tomorrow, he was going to figure out what to do about Gary. The man was going to regret getting in his face.

  Chapter Ten

  Christina yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time doing everything she could to stay awake. It was already ten o’clock at night and she couldn’t leave the art studio until she finished the painting she was working on. The last piece needed for her show in Chicago in three weeks.

  She set down her brush and scooted her stool back, cringing when the metal legs scraped against the concrete floor. The floors weren’t painted, but she didn’t want to do any more damage than was already done to them. For two years now, she rented the one room space that had an attached bathroom and a small kitchen area. The room was nothing to brag about, but it beat having to paint at the loft. Most importantly, she liked not having the models in her home. They were wonderful to work with, but she definitely wanted to keep her personal life separate from her business.

  Standing, Christina lifted her arms high above her head, reached as far up as she could and stretched. “Alright, Luke, where are you?” She dropped her arms and shook them out. A quick glance at the clock on the far wall revealed that he was late. He had called an hour earlier, agreeing to bring her dinner once he left the office, and she was beyond hungry.

  She tidied her workspace, placing brushes she wouldn’t be using for the rest of the night into a can of paint thinner. A couple of more hours and she should be able to call it a night. All she had to do was figure out how to stay awake.

  Checking her cell to make sure she hadn’t missed a call, she thought about Luke’s encounter with that slimeball attorney. She could only hope he was telling the truth when he said there hadn’t been any other altercations. This week he hadn’t talked much about work, seeming a bit more distracted than usual.

  “Come on, Luke.” She needed to get back to work, but couldn’t focus when her stomach was growling.

  Feeling a little restless, she strolled over to her iPod speaker and cranked up the volume. When working on nudes, she usually painted to the tunes of Tupac or R. Kelly. The raunchier the lyrics, the better.

  She shuffled through her playlist and stopped when she found the album she’d been searching for.

  “Oh yeah.” Nothing got her creative juices flowing like music.

  Catching the beat, Christina snapped her fingers. She bobbed her head and rocked her hips as R. Kelly’s song “Leg’s Shakin’”, pumped through the speakers. Wiggling back over to her painting, she twirled and dipped just as the door buzzer rang.

  Even after months together, a sweet thrill of excitement soared through her veins whenever Luke showed up. She hurried to the intercom near the door.

  “Who is it?” she asked and released the intercom button.

  “It’s me.” She buzzed him up.

  The moment she heard footsteps, she swung open the door. Luke was barely in front of the entrance before she leaped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Whoa, baby!” He chuckled and bumped into the doorjamb as he held her tight with one arm around her waist, his other hand holding a bag with their dinner.

  Christina squealed when he bent forward, thinking he was going to drop her. Instead, he released the bag he was holding and held her with both arms.

  “Are you happy to see me?” He covered her mouth before she could respond, her lips parting automatically. Luke closed the door with his foot and backed her to a wall. Christina moaned as their tongues tangled. His kiss as potent as usual. “Mmm, I’ll take that as a yes.” He gave her one last kiss before slowly lowering her to the floor.

  “I’m very happy to see you.” She kissed him on the cheek and hurried to the bag he left at the door. “Unbelievably happy.”

  “Yeah right.” He stuffed his hand in the front pocket of his jeans. “I have a feeling you’re more excited about seeing that food than you are me.”

  “Never.” She walked around him and over to her art table carrying the bag. Once she pushed paints and her brushes out of the way, she pulled out a salad, two soft bread sticks, and utensils. “Hmm …I wish you wo
uld have brought fried chicken.”

  Luke’s brows drew together. “Since when did you start eating meat?”

  “I haven’t. I just wish you would have brought some.” She’d been a vegetarian for almost nine months now and it was a struggle. For as long as she could remember, she’d had a healthy appetite and it seemed lately she couldn’t get full.

  “Well, if you want chicken, I’ll go and find you some. Or whatever else you want.”

  “Nah, that’s okay. I just had a moment.” The last thing she needed was to give Martina and the others an opportunity to talk about her not following through with her vegetarian diet. She unwrapped the utensils and dug into her salad. “Where’s yours?” she asked between bites.

  “I ate earlier.” He stood in front of her easel studying her latest piece, his hands still in his pockets. “Is your music loud enough?”

  “Not really. I wanted to make sure I heard the buzzer when you arrived.”

  He grinned and shook his head.

  Christina let her gaze wander down his body. She could look at him all day. She loved seeing him in a suit, but no man could rock a pair of jeans the way her man could. The pair he had on emphasized his long legs and thick thighs. Zoning in on his perfect butt, something stirred within her.

  “What do you think?” she asked when he turned from the painting and headed to the upholstered chair in a nearby corner of the room. She was almost done with the painting but needed to do some blending of color in the background.

  “I think it’s amazing, as usual.”

  Maybe she was more insecure about her work than she thought because heat rose to her cheeks at his compliment.

  “Not many artists can be talented in different art styles, but you have nailed three of them –landscapes, abstract, and nudes. I’m beyond impressed.” He stretched his long legs out in front of him and crossed them at the ankle. Laying his head on the back of the chair, he looked more tired than she felt. “What do you think about when you’re sketching or painting a male model?”

  She stuffed a fork full of salad into her mouth and turned slightly to better see her painting. He hadn’t asked many questions regarding her models, male or female and she was a little surprised he hadn’t asked about them sooner.

  “I think about you.”

  His left eyebrow rose a fraction. “Is that right?” His voice dropped an octave, into a sexy vibe. With the way, he watched her, and R. Kelly crooning erotic lyrics in the background, she suddenly wasn’t as hungry. At least not for food.

  “When you’re positioning your models, for just the right pose, what’s going through your mind?

  “Thoughts of you. I envision you posing. I think about the angles I want to capture and the feelings I want to evoke through the painting, but always, my mind is filled with thoughts of you.”

  It was suddenly getting a little warm in the room. All their talk about models and posing had her body humming.

  She set her salad on the art table, not taking her eyes from Luke, who watched her intently. Her pounding heart kicked up a notch. So much for the air conditioner. Luke only had to look at her and she got all hot and bothered.

  “I’m starting to see a pattern in your responses.”

  She stood and unhooked the straps of her paint-splattered coveralls. She let the front bib fall to her waist, giving a better view of the blue tube topped she wore underneath. She almost smiled when she heard his intake of breath. The thin shirt made it obvious that she was braless.

  “That’s because when I’m drawing or painting nudes, I think of you,” she said seductively.

  He slouched down in his seat, one of his hands rubbing the short stubble on his chin. “I see.”

  What she saw was desire swimming in his eyes. He might’ve been trying to play it cool, but no doubt he felt what she felt. Heat. Desire. And the need to get naked.

  “I hear you rockin’ some of R. Kelly’s tunes. How do you decide what music to listen to while you’re painting?”

  “Depends on how I’m feeling.”

  “And how are you feeling?”

  “Prurient. Libidinous. Horny as hell.”

  Luke cleared his throat and chuckled. “I see.”

  Christina laughed. “I see? Heck, for a person who has such an extensive vocabulary, you sure aren’t showing it off tonight.”

  She grabbed the upright chair that was near the art table and pulled it to the center of the floor. After working nonstop for the past four hours, it was time she took a proper break and have a little fun in the process.

  She turned back to Luke. He was so damn cocky, but tonight she planned to bring the brother to his knees.

  Her fingers teased the bottom of her tube top as she swayed her hips to the beat, becoming one with the rhythm of the music. The pleasure that came with being with a man you loved, a man who adored you was one of the most satisfying feelings she had ever experienced.

  Still rocking to the tunes, Christina took her time and lifted the thin material of her shirt. Inch, by inch, by salacious inch. No matter how in control he was trying to be, she knew it was only a matter of time, when the sight of her bare breasts would short-circuit his brain. No doubt he was almost at that point. The perspiration gracing his hairline a tell-tale sign that she was turning him on as much as she was turning herself on.

  He scooted lower in his chair and adjusted himself. Oh yeah, she definitely had his attention.

  She pulled the top over her head and tossed the material to the floor, her breast hanging free as she gyrated to the music. Luke sat staring. No, actually it was more like gawking. Gone was that confident air that he wore like a shield, and in its place was the look of desire.

  Christina loved to strip for him, loving how he responded.

  She crooked her index finger back and forth, giving him her most seductive smile, and summoned him over to the chair, her gaze holding his. For a moment, she thought he would continue sitting there, staring, no words or reaction, but then he sat upright in his seat.

  A burst of giddiness shot through her as Luke toed off his shoes. It was only a matter of time before they came together.

  Standing slowly, he flashed that crooked, sexy grin that always made her wet. Her heart hammered wildly when he lifted his T-shirt over his head, his muscular chest and flat abs on full display. The man had a body that was meant to be caressed, licked and worshiped. And she planned to do all of the above.

  She bit down lightly on her bottom lip and watched as he took his time walking toward her. Her heart rate picked up in speed. Luke slowed his steps, unbuckled his belt, and carefully unzipped his jeans.

  Christina was cool. Staying in control, at least until he stopped. He snaked his tongue across his lower lip and cupped his package.

  Damn him!

  He hadn’t even stepped out of his pants and she was already panting and squeezing her thighs together. Knowing that he had her complete attention, he let his pants drop around his ankles and stood in the middle of the floor, his erection pressing firmly against his black boxer briefs. Suddenly she wasn’t the one controlling this show. As a matter of fact, she was about ready to scream uncle and pounce on his ass.

  She was enraptured by the slow, precise movement of his hand, stroking himself. She found the way he gripped and massaged his package, sexy as hell. The throbbing between her legs grew more intense and she teetered on the edge of control.

  Luke finally claimed the chair that she had placed in the center of the floor, still holding and caressing himself, watching her behind lower lids. “Don’t let me interrupt your little show,” he said.

  Yes, this had been her show, but somehow, within minutes, he had distracted her with his erotic moves. But there was a chance that she could regain some of the control.

  Suddenly the song in the background changed and R. Kelly started singing about licking Oreos and giving up the cookie.

  How appropriate.

  Christina fiddled with the two buttons on each side of th
e coveralls, her gaze locked with Luke’s as he sang along with one of his favorite music artist. Christina undid the buttons and let the material slide down her legs.

  Luke sat up and she almost burst out laughing when his mouth dropped open.

  “Damn, girl.”

  He acted as if he had never seen her naked before. He was out of his briefs and had sheathed himself faster than she had ever seen him move before.

  “Have I ever told you that I’m glad you’re not a fan of underwear?”

  She cleared her throat, distracted by his thick shaft. “You might have mentioned it a time or two.”

  Something inside her stirred. The lustful glint in his eyes practically forced her to move. Really feeling the music, she snapped her fingers above her head and bounced to the beat as she eased up on him.

  Luke groaned. “Aw, baby. You’re killing me here.” His arm snaked out and pulled her to him. He lowered his head to her breast and flicked his silky tongue around her hardened nipple before pulling the taut bud into his mouth.

  Christina whimpered as he stroked, teased, sucked. With each lash of his tongue, heat singed every nerve ending within her and she gripped his upper arms to keep from sliding to the floor. He performed the same pleasures on her other breast, the sweet torture almost too much.

  “This seduction scene has been fun, but I need to be inside you,” Luke said in a husky groan when he made his way back up to her lips. He ran his hands down her hips and palmed her butt, moving rhythmically in beat to the music, his mouth ravishing hers. Christina felt as if she would burst if he weren’t inside of her soon.

  As if Luke were reading her mind, he lifted his head and backed them up to the chair. She straddled his lap and cried out with pleasure when he entered her in one smooth motion.

  “Ah, yeah,” she moaned, her eyes closed and her body slowly adjusting to his size. She savored the feel of him inside of her, rotating her hips wanting, needing to feel all of him. The wood chair creaked under their weight, but Christina was too far gone to care whether it held them or not.


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