Tempting the Artist

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Tempting the Artist Page 13

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Luke’s large hands gripped the bottom of her thighs, lifting her up and down his slick shaft. Christina held on for the ride as he went faster, harder, deeper. Her sensitive nipples grazed his chest with every move, sending a whole new wave of pleasure pulsing through her body.

  “Luke,” she said on a breath, unable to form any other words, barely able to breathe.

  He picked up speed, thumping in and out of her like a man possessed and she loved every moment. She loved the intensity she saw wading in his eyes. She loved the erotic sounds he made as he plunged even deeper.

  A surge of ecstasy throbbed through Christina’s body and her stomach tighten. Heat sizzled along her spine and her body bucked and bounced on top of Luke. She was losing her grip on her control, her climax within reach. One powerful thrust and Christina screamed out, her nails digging into Luke’s shoulders as she surrendered to the whirl of sensation that hurled her over the edge.

  Luke growled his release with such force, his fingers digging into the skin of her thighs as the turbulence of his explosion rocked them both. Christina’s heavy breathing mingled with his and they collapsed against each other.

  “Maybe we can just stay like this,” she wheezed, her head resting in the crook of his neck. “I don’t think I can move.”

  “Fine by me,” he panted near her ear, “you done wore me out.”

  Christina had no idea of how long they sat there. Her limbs were weak, her mind blank.

  “That was intense.” Luke held her tighter keeping her in place, his breathing almost back to normal. When she lifted her head from his shoulder, her hair covered her face and Luke brushed it back with his hands. Of course, there were a few stubborn strands that wouldn’t cooperate. After several tries, he finally had the wayward curls under control, holding them back while he cupped her face between his hands, forcing her to look at him. “Can we agree that you won’t listen to anything by R. Kelly unless I’m here? I wouldn’t want any of your models to reap anything remotely close to what you just gave me.”

  A smile tilted her lips. She loved how understanding he’d been. Most men would feel insecure and probably act a fool knowing their woman had naked men posing for her for hours sometimes.

  She nodded and placed a kiss on his lips. “I think that’s definitely something I can agree to. Besides, nobody else turns me on the way you do. Not even when R. Kelly is singing in the background.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Christina didn’t care how many art shows she participated in, her gut twisted with anxiety every time. The Chicago show was no different. Despite Luke’s presence, insecurity wrapped around her like an unwanted cold, refusing to give her any peace and she couldn’t seem to shake the anxious unease.

  She and Luke had arrived in town three hours earlier, their visit starting out perfect. They checked into the hotel, and it hadn’t taken long for them to strip down and take advantage of the luxury accommodations, specifically the king sized bed. Christina didn’t think she would ever get enough of Luke. Even after months of being back together, it was as if they were still trying to make up for lost time. Still getting reacquainted with each other’s body.

  Christina moved slowly around the open space, her heels clicking against the shiny hardwood floor. The gallery was hosting three other artists, whose styles varied considerably, giving her a chance to check out the other talent.

  She stopped in front of a piece entitled: Between the Tides. Perusing the dramatic oil painting, rich with blues, gold and purples she immediately felt as if she was looking down from heaven viewing a cyclone hovering above the earth. Outstanding. The colors complimented each other and the artist’s brush techniques were precise.

  She continued on her tour of other paintings, glancing over her shoulder once to see if Luke had returned. He had reluctantly stepped outside a moment ago to take a telephone call from his office.

  Christina slowed again when she reached an abstract painting, appreciating the artist’s unique way of using a combination of techniques. She always preferred shows where she wasn’t the only artist featured. Less pressure. Less stress. She had four nude pieces and two abstracts on display. Already she noticed two of her paintings had sold signs hanging from them. This was her fifth show in two years and so far they all had been successful with her selling all of her paintings either during the show or shortly after.

  “Sorry it took me so long,” Luke said when he came up behind her, placing a kiss near her right ear. “I thought I had taken care of everything at work before we left this morning, but sure enough, an issue popped up that I hadn’t anticipated.”

  Christina turned to face him as he stuffed his cell phone into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. Tonight he hadn’t worn a tie and instead left the top three buttons of his striped dress shirt undone, a gold curb chain hanging around his neck. That bad boy persona he rocked so effortlessly was in full effect, turning her on without him even trying. He looked sexier than usual and more relaxed. His workload had practically doubled in the last two months, but according to him, he still wasn’t putting in the type of hours he had while in New York.

  “No problem. I’m glad you were able to come with me. I can’t tell you how good it feels to share one of my shows with someone. Jada attended my first one, but normally it’s just me standing around trying to blend in.”

  “What are you talking about? I attended your last show with you.”

  “That was different. You didn’t know that I was Sasha Knight at the time.”

  He nodded. “True. Now some things I noticed back then make sense, like why you seemed to be on edge that night. I had also noticed you checking out the people in attendance, more so than the art displayed.”

  “Yeah. That was a stressful weekend. Between knowing I couldn’t travel with you that next day and displaying the nudes for the first time, I’m glad I didn’t have a heart attack. Talk about stress.” She shook her head thinking about that night. She had no way of knowing how her paintings would go over. Everyone wasn’t comfortable viewing nudes, but that had ended up being one of her most successful shows.

  “Well, I’m glad that weekend is behind us though I still wish you would have told me what was going on. It would have relieved you of a lot of unnecessary anxiety.”

  “I know. That will be the last time I keep something from you.”

  She stepped closer and slid her hands slowly up his chest, needing to be near him, feel him.

  “You know if you keep touching me like this, I’m going to pull you into the nearest broom closet and have my way with you.” He snaked his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. Having her hair piled up on top of her head also gave him easy access to place feathery kisses against the sensitive spot behind her ear.

  “I like the way you think. Maybe we—”

  “There you are. I was hoping you hadn’t snuck out yet,” Christina’s agent said. Valerie Cook was a ball of energy and talked a mile per minute. Christina didn’t know if she was on a natural high, or if her high came from the four cups of black coffee she consumed on a daily basis. “There are some important people in attendance who are very interested in your work.”

  “Valerie, we already talked about this. I know you think I should reveal myself as the artist, but I’m not interested. I don’t want the attention. I prefer staying anonymous.”

  “CJ,” she said on a frustrated sigh and turned to Luke. “Can’t you talk your girlfriend into stepping into the spotlight? She would sell twice as many pieces and I’m sure there are a number of buyers who would love to commission her work. Look at her.” She grabbed Christina’s chin. “She’s absolutely gorgeous. This face alone would get her a ton of business. Add her talent and how fast she paints and she’d be a millionaire by the end of the year.”

  Luke pulled Christina closer, forcing Valerie to drop her hand. Christina had already told him about her overzealous agent, and how she was trying to get Christina to reveal herself as Sasha Knight.

p; “I agree Valerie. She is stunning. But I think we should respect her decision. Her talent alone is enough to sell out at every show.”

  “Ugh, you two,” Valerie said exasperated. She had to be the most dramatic person Christina had ever met. Instead of being an art agent, she should really consider a career in acting. Surely Christina wasn’t the only artist who preferred to hide behind a pseudonym. “Fine. We’ll keep doing it your way.” Spotting someone she knew, her agent waltzed across the room in her usual exuberant fashion.

  “Damn she’s a piece of work.”

  “You have no idea.” Christina stepped out of his arms and smoothed down the front of her blouse as she glanced around the space. The beautiful gallery had a bronze color fabric draping a portion of the ceiling dramatically, with the ends falling midway down some of the exposed brick walls. There were twice as many people in attendance than when they first arrived. “Valerie is really starting to get on my nerves with her persistence,” Christina said when she noticed her agent fluttering around a small group of people standing near one of Christina’s paintings. “I’m not sure what the big deal is, but she’s been calling me every couple of weeks trying to get me to change my mind.”

  “Yeah, she does come across as having another motive besides selling more paintings. Do you still need her? Are you able to set up showings on your own now?”

  “I probably could, but it’s not something I want to take on. Between working during the day and painting at night and on the weekends, there’s not much time for anything else.”

  Luke continued watching Valerie. When he first met her, he had made a comment about her being a bit shady. He didn’t like that she couldn’t look him in the eye and she talked a mile a minute, seeming to glaze over important information. Christina assumed she was just a little high strung. Okay maybe very high strung, but harmless.

  For the next thirty minutes, they roamed around the gallery’s second level and Christina felt truly blessed. In the big scheme of things, she considered herself a newbie, especially compared to some of the other artists whose work was on display. Yet, some of her pieces had already sold and there was still one more day left.

  Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise, Christina stopped and glanced around. Luke had stepped outside again to take a call and from the moment he walked away, she felt as if she were being watched.

  She stood next to a wrought-iron railing, her gaze taking in her surroundings. Maybe she was overreacting. No one stood out.

  Shaking her head at her skittish behavior, she headed back downstairs hoping to run into Luke.

  Okay, something is definitely off. And that’s when she spotted him. A man dressed in all black openly stared at her. Unease crept up her spine and a shiver shot through her body.

  Looking away, Christina rubbed her hands up and down her bare arms to eliminate the goose bumps. She had noticed him earlier, and didn’t think much of it, but now …

  She turned and headed toward the front entrance. Hopefully, Luke wouldn’t be on his call too much longer.

  Finding a spot off to the side of the main door, she turned back and glanced in the direction she had just come from. Sure enough, the man’s steely gaze was still locked on her. He nodded, but Christina diverted her gaze, not wanting to encourage any interaction.

  She startled when someone placed a hand on her shoulder and jerked around barely holding back a scream. “Luke, oh my God, you scared me to death. I didn’t see you come back in.”


  Luke’s eyes narrowed at Christina’s reaction, her eyes round with fear. His protective instinct immediately kicked in.

  “What’s going on?” He placed a hand at the back of her neck and gently pulled her close. “You okay?” His lips gently touched hers as he caressed her cheeks. Christina wasn’t the jumpy type. Something had spooked her.

  “I’m fine, but there’s this guy over my left shoulder who keeps staring at me, the man with a camera hanging around his neck.”

  Luke discreetly glanced over her shoulder and sure enough, there was an older man looking directly at them. Average height with a café au lait complexion, he wore a black beret and wire rim glasses. He didn’t look familiar.

  Keeping his gaze on the man and hoping to calm Christina, Luke said, “You’re a very beautiful woman. Of course, he would stare. Are you sure you don’t know him?”


  Luke didn’t know who the guy was, but he had every intention of finding out.

  When the man in question headed in their direction, Luke stepped in front of Christina, partially blocking her.

  “Excuse me, can I get a picture?” he directed the question to Christina.

  “No, you can’t get a picture. Who are you?” Luke kept his voice low, but couldn’t keep the venom from his tone. Who walked up to people at an art gallery asking to get a picture of a perfect stranger?

  “I’m with The Artist in Us magazine. I heard that your companion is Sasha Knight.


  “And where did you hear that?”

  “From a reliable source.” The man fidgeted under Luke’s scrutiny, sending off signals that he was lying.

  Christina stiffened next to Luke and before either of them could respond, the man snapped several pictures.

  “What the hell!” Luke growled. He reached out and placed his hand over the long lens, yanking the camera out of the man’s grip.

  “Hey!” The guy attempted to grab the camera, but Luke shot him a scathing look, daring him to come any closer. “Give that back to me!”

  “Not until I erase the photos.” Luke pushed a few buttons until he found the right one that would delete the pictures of Christina. He shoved the man’s camera back at him. “If we see any photos of her anywhere or if you ever approach her again, you and that magazine better find a damn good lawyer.”

  With his cell phone, Luke snapped a few pictures of the man and then grabbed Christina by the hand. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Weeks later and Christina was still thinking about her show in Chicago. Despite the night ending with the pushy photographer who had invaded her space, all of her paintings had sold. Sasha Knight would soon be a household name when it came to art. Some days she couldn’t believe her success. Everything seemed to happen so fast when in reality this is what she had been working toward since high school.

  She wasn’t the only one who was excited about her success. Her agent, Valerie, was beside herself, eager for Christina to create more masterpieces. She had called earlier to let Christina know that the Chicago gallery was interested in hosting another show for her in six months. Christina couldn’t ask for better news, but she hadn’t been painting as much, which meant she didn’t have many pieces. And the man with the camera that night in Chicago made her realize just how much she hated being in the public’s eye.

  Christina pulled the tossed salad she had made earlier out of the refrigerator and set it on the counter next to the bottle of wine. Friday nights, when Luke wasn’t working late, had become their movie night as well as her favorite night of the week.

  A soft knock sounded. Ahh, think about him and he shall appear.

  Christina opened the door smiling. “Hey there.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Luke walked in and set the pizza box and movies on the counter. He gathered her in his arms and lifted her in the air.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing?” She squealed, giggling uncontrollably when he spun her around. “Put me down. What’s gotten into you?”

  “You, baby.” He set her on her feet and kissed her. This, all of it, was what Christina looked forward to at the end of a busy workweek. Him, a night at home, and pizza – even if it was a vegetable pizza.

  With a hand at the back of his head, Christina held him close, desiring to put everything she had into the kiss. He tasted like peppermint with just a hint of nicotine. She loved him dearly, but she had to convince him, once and for all, to give up the smokes.
  With one last peck on his lips, she leaned her head back to look at him.

  “You have to quit smoking. And before you try to deny anything, I can taste the evidence.”

  “What if I can’t quit?” He rested his forehead against hers.

  “Then we can’t kiss.”

  He dropped his arms from around her waist and stepped back. “So, are you saying that if I don’t quit we’re through?”

  Christina recognized the defensiveness in his tone, but it didn’t scare her. Instead, it showed her just how accustomed he was to losing people and she knew he was afraid of losing her … again.

  “I’m never walking away from you,” she said with conviction watching him closely. “You’re stuck with me whether you quit smoking or not.”

  His grin was slow in coming, but his eyes brimmed with love. “Really?” He reached for her again and lowered his mouth over hers, but she placed a finger against his lips, stopping him within an inch of meeting her mouth.

  “I said you would never lose me. I never said anything about you being able to kiss me again.”

  He hesitated, but then laughed. “There is no way I can be near you and not kiss you.”


  “Well, I guess the cigarettes have to go.”

  Christina narrowed her eyes and folded her arms. “Don’t say you’re going to do something until you know you can do it.”

  “Baby, if it means having free access to that luscious mouth of yours, the last cigarette I had will be the last one I have.” He pecked her on the lips. “Now, let’s eat and get this movie started before you fall asleep.”

  “Me? You’re the one who can’t seem to stay awake past the first five minutes of a movie unless you’re eating.”

  “That’s because the last three or four movies you picked were girly and I don’t do chick flicks.”

  “You don’t even give them a chance.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about me falling asleep on the ones we’re watching tonight. Between Denzel Washington and Samuel L. Jackson, I’ll probably be able to pull an all-nighter.”


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