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Rainier, Heather - Sparks Fly! A Divine Creek July 4th Family Reunion [Divine Creek Ranch 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Heather Rainier

  “That’s right, darlin’. Feel good?”

  She whispered, “You fuck me so good. Harder, cowboy.”

  “Want it hard?”

  “Ride me hard.”

  Holding on to her hip with one hand and fingering her slippery, swollen clit with the other, he felt it when her cunt drew up as the tension built inside her. She was close to coming, and so was he. Each thrust into her perfect, hot little cunt drove him near to insanity, unsure if he’d be able to remain quiet when he came. The inferno grew inside him, arcing down his spine as his hips flexed in rapid rhythm and gathering in his balls as they drew tight. He changed his angle slightly and was rewarded with her soft cry and the sight of her gorgeous body bowing as she reacted to the repeated strumming of her G-spot.

  She raised her head and mewled softly. “It’s coming, Ash. Oh, I’m coming! Yes!”

  He didn’t care if anyone heard them as he growled deeply and his orgasm hit him the same time her pussy convulsed in climax. “Fuck, yeah.” He thrust hard against her, riding the pulsing waves with her until he couldn’t move anymore, and then laid his forehead against her spine. The only sounds were their combined panting as they caught their breath, and the occasional nicker of a nearby horse.

  “Think anyone heard us?” she asked as he pulled reluctantly from the heat of her snug, silky embrace.

  He listened quietly as he pulled a box of tissues from a shelf, absently wondering who needed tissues out in the tack room, and replied, “It doesn’t sound like it. Shit!”

  Juliana lifted up off the saddle and looked at him over her shoulder again, her hair a mass of untamed waves now that it was drying in the afternoon heat. Her cheeks were rosy with her afterglow as were her chest and throat. It pleased a primitive part of him that his fair-skinned wife bore such an obvious marker that he’d done right by her. He hated to ruin the happy, languorous mood she was in.

  “What is it?”

  He pulled several tissues from the box and handed them to her and then cleaned himself up a bit and looked into her eyes. She squinted at what was no doubt a sheepish grin on his unrepentant face and answered her own question. “We forgot a fucking condom…again!”

  Chapter Seven

  Teresa nodded silently when Joaquin patted his thighs as they reached the back end of the Divine Creek Ranch, near the small waterway it was named for. She could see the heat in his smoldering green eyes and knew he wanted to do more than take a simple horseback ride with her. He’d teasingly suggested on several occasions that they should try this but hadn’t acted on it until today.

  As she released one foot from her stirrup, the warm breeze caressed the bare flesh beneath the hem of her sundress. Joaquin caught the reins on her horse, Adoración, and drew Deseo closer so they were juxtaposed alongside each other. She reached out for Joaquin, and he lifted her as though she weighed nothing and placed her in front of him, facing him. The breeze lifted the loose hem of her sundress again, exposing her clear to the tops of her thighs.

  Joaquin growled softly, causing her pussy to tremble at the desirous sound. “I’m so glad I asked you to leave the panties in the truck now.” She was too. She’d waited all during lunch, getting hotter and wetter, wondering what their plan was.

  At Joaquin’s side, his brother, Angel, the other great love of her life, nodded in agreement as she smiled up at him.

  “I feel very naughty.”

  Joaquin’s chest vibrated with a chuckle. “You’re going to feel a whole lot naughtier before this little excursion is over. Angel has plans for you too.”

  Teresa looked into Angel’s golden-brown eyes. “You do?”

  “Yes, beautiful. I want to watch you ride Joaquin’s cock on horseback and then you’ll find out what I’m going to do with you.”

  The thought made Teresa squirm in Joaquin’s lap, drawing a happy groan from him. Her gaze locked with his, and she smiled as she unhooked his silver-plated belt buckle and unbuttoned the fly on his Wranglers. “I’m not sure how good a job I’m gonna do of saving the horse while I ride the cowboy.”

  “Funny, sugar.” Joaquin helped her, leaning back and drawing the zipper down. “Deseo doesn’t mind, remember?”

  How could she ever forget the night Joaquin had proposed while they’d taken a moonlight ride together on Deseo’s back? The bright moonlight had given the landscape an ethereal, dreamlike quality as Joaquin had shared what was in his heart. From that day to this she’d never looked back with regret.

  Angel ambled up beside them to watch and help as he scanned the area around them, making sure they were completely alone, before lifting the skirt of her dress out of the way. Teresa’s cunt spasmed with need as her naked flesh was exposed to the open air.

  Joaquin parted his fly, revealing his convenient commando state and fisted his thick cock. “Ready to ride, sugar?” His voice was deep with lust.

  At her nod, he wrapped his other arm around her back and lifted as she placed her thighs on top of his, braced the balls of her feet on the insteps of his boots in the stirrups, and arched her back. She felt his blunt head at her slippery, wet opening and squirmed against him, causing both Joaquin and his brother to groan.

  Angel moved ahead of them, and Teresa surmised he was watching as her pussy took Joaquin’s cock in tiny increments as she moved. She knew Angel enjoyed watching her take them, one at a time or both at the same time. She delighted in providing the show for him and waited as Joaquin held her tightly and slid in by careful degrees, impressing her with his tremendous strength and control.

  Deseo shifted beneath them, but Joaquin held him steady and turned him toward a shady stand of trees in the distance. Deseo walked at a slow pace, with Angel leading her horse, Adoración, right beside them. Her heart pounded when Angel reached over and slid his hand between them and caressed her engorged pussy lips and her clit. Joaquin whispered to Deseo and his gait increased to a light canter, which nudged the head of Joaquin’s cock in and out between her lips with a maddeningly erotic motion. A moan came from her, and she laid her forehead against Joaquin’s shoulder as she redoubled her efforts to get more of his cock inside her.

  “Teresa, you feel so damned good. I’ve looked forward to this for a long time. Ready to pick up the pace?”

  She wanted all of him, and she was ready to start begging as Angel continued teasing her clit. Her cunt ached with a deep need, and she cried out, “Please, yes, Joaquin!” She was already writhing toward climax as he finally released her and she slammed down on his cock, crying out in triumph. Angel pulled his hand back and let his brother have the moment.

  Joaquin spoke to the horse, and the strong animal quickened his pace, moving from a canter to a long-legged, smooth gallop that she matched in his arms. The hot wind blew around her naked flesh, and she’d never felt wilder as she rode Joaquin with abandon. A lump clenched in her throat at the sounds of absolute pleasure Joaquin made as he rocked with her, somehow dividing his focus between controlling the speed of the horse as he held her securely and let her move to her heart’s content.


  “Oh, yes!”

  Deseo broke into a full gallop, and Teresa bit her lip as her cunt clenched and the bowstring inside her snapped, releasing the explosion of her climax at the pounding rhythm.

  Joaquin growled in approval and swallowed her cries of pleasure with his kisses until he threw back his head and cried out with his own orgasm as his release pumped inside her. Her pussy throbbed as she held on to his shoulders, the echoes of her peak shuddering through her. He slowed their pace as they finally entered the stand of trees, and Teresa sighed blissfully as they were enveloped in the shade.

  Joaquin seemed content to hold her, humming a soft tune as he squeezed her every so often and directed the horse through the wooded area. Teresa relaxed and leaned against him, breathing in his manly scent.

  He chuckled when she licked at his neck. “That tickles, but I like it.”

  Teresa giggled and looked around them as
her senses returned and she heard the sound of moving water. They’d journeyed deeper into the shadows, and she sighed in enchantment when the gurgling creek came into view. They reached a bend in it and arrived at a wide spot where there was a little grass growing so the horses could graze.

  Looking up at Joaquin, she asked, “Can we play in the water to cool off?”

  Joaquin’s eyes twinkled playfully, and he gave her his naughty-boy grin as he murmured, “Something like that, yes. We found this spot years ago with Jack, Ethan, and Adam, when we were all boys. In the summers, we came with Dad to the Warner Ranch. We’d sneak over the fence line not too far from here and play in the creek. That’s our old rope,” he said, pointing to a short length of rope that hung in one of the trees near the bank. “When the boys are old enough we’ll show them this place and probably replace the rope for them. For now it’s our secret hideaway.”

  Angel walked up close beside them, and she felt his caress at her waist. “Ready to dismount, beautiful?” She turned her gaze to Angel and smiled. The way he said that endearment made her heart tremble because she knew he really meant it every time he said it. Angel didn’t just pay lip service. He backed up his words with action.

  Joaquin kissed her one last time and whispered, “Thank you for trusting me, sugar.” Considering the sheltered upbringing she’d had and then the way fear had ruled her life until she’d met them, Teresa really had demonstrated her trust today. Sex on the back of a galloping horse was definitely on the wild side.

  “My legs are like limp noodles.”

  Angel shook his head. “That’s all right. I’ve got you and I won’t let you fall.”

  Joaquin gently grasped her thighs and lifted her off his cock as Angel took her in his arms and held her. Joaquin heaved a sigh of male satisfaction as he carefully put his sated cock back in his pants and zipped up before climbing from Deseo’s back. He stroked the horse and whispered to him as Deseo turned to the spot where Esperer and Adoración grazed unfettered.

  Teresa smiled up at Angel as he carried her down to the gently sloping creek bank. The water flowed freely around the bend, thanks to the recent rains they’d had, and Teresa giggled mischievously when Angel placed her on her feet at the edge and lifted the hem of her light sundress and pulled it over her head. He smiled when he saw the lacy push-up bra she’d worn for them and bent down to kiss the tops of her breasts. His breath was hot and tickled her skin, as he licked her with the tip of his tongue. Her pussy responded with a rush of wet heat, her labia engorging as her excitement grew at being completely naked in their secret hideaway.

  “I’ll bet you never envisioned playing naked with your wife down here, did you?” she said.

  Angel smiled, entrancing her with his golden eyes as the flickering shadows and glimmers of sunlight illuminated them. “Not when we were little. More recently it’s become a bit of an obsession. We’ve drawn up plans to build what the boys will think is a special tree house down here for them, but in reality it’s a playhouse for the grown-ups as well.”

  From behind her, Joaquin whispered next to her ear, “And we’ll bring you here and make love to you anytime you want.”

  The thought inspired a pool of her slick juices to seep from her slit. “Are you going to make love to me down here today?” She slipped her sandals from her feet and dropped them near her dress.

  Angel held her gaze as he unhooked his belt buckle and pulled his T-shirt from his jeans. “Very thoroughly, yes.”

  Teresa looked around for a likely spot but then realized if they’d been thinking about this then they already had the spot picked out. She turned toward the gurgling water and looked over her shoulder at them. “You don’t mind if I cool off in the water, do you?”

  “We’ll join you as long as you don’t cool off too much.” Angel yanked his boots from his feet and placed them with his hat and her clothes before shucking the rest of his clothes along with Joaquin.

  She slipped into the cool water and watched as more and more of their masculine physiques were revealed and cooed in appreciation when she noticed that not only was Angel hard and ready for her, but Joaquin was already stiffening up again. Their stamina never ceased to impress her.

  She splashed with her foot and giggled as she moved deeper in the water.

  “Teresa,” Angel called softly. When she met his gaze, he slowly pointed beyond her and put his finger to his lips. Slowly she turned and looked over her shoulder and peered down the creek. About one hundred yards down, a bobcat crouched at the water’s edge, gazing warily at her as it drank from the creek. It stopped and raised its head and blinked and then leaped away into the brush.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of those down here,” Joaquin said as he joined her in the water.

  Teresa turned to look at him and asked, “If we’re really quiet, do you think it might come back? Could there be more?” She peered up and down the creek bank.

  Angel shook his head as he joined her on her other side and kissed her shoulder. “Doubtful. He’s long gone until we leave, and if there are any others, they probably are too. The noise and the horses probably scared them off.”

  “Noise?” She didn’t think they’d been all that loud as they’d come upon the creek.

  Angel grinned. “Joaquin hollered loud enough to wake the dead when he came.”

  Joaquin turned in the hip-deep water and splashed Angel then dove away. “You’re just wishing it had been you comin’ so hard you saw stars.”

  Giggling at their antics, Teresa pulled the clip from her long black hair which had come loose as they’d made love earlier. She ran her fingers through it before she twisted the mass back up and replaced the ornamental clip.

  She stretched her arms over her head, arching her back and feeling completely alive and in love. Closing her eyes, she smiled as the dappled sunlight warmed her skin, and reveled in her contentment. She was ready to be made love to by another of the most important men in her life. The quiet caught her attention, and she opened her eyes to find both men staring at her, frozen in action.

  * * * *

  Angel’s heart pounded a rapid rhythm as he watched his beautiful woman bask in the sun’s rays like a goddess. Her movements as she ran her slim fingers through her long, silky hair had caught his attention and earned him an extra full splash in the face before Joaquin noticed and turned to stare too. She stretched her arms over her head and smiled with her eyes closed. The beat of his heart turned to a full gallop as the look of utter joy passed over her sweet face. His heart was filled with pride that he had helped put it there. His heart was filled with gratitude to God for bringing her into their lives.

  She opened her eyes and caught them gaping at her. Her eyes twinkled merrily and she hit the water with the side of her hand, sending a spray into both their faces, and then splashed away. She watched over her shoulder, seeming more intent on having them chase her rather than whether or not she actually got away.

  Angel easily closed the distance between them and scooped her up in his arms as she let loose a high-pitched giggle. “You caught me. Now what are you going to do to me?”

  “Woman, I’m going to show you how much I adore you.”

  Teresa gazed up at him, and the lust and love in her eyes had his heart racing yet again. She swallowed and managed one syllable. “Oh.”

  Angel nodded and carried her to the creek bank where they’d entered the water. He set her on her feet and pressed his lips to hers as he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her warm, naked body to him. Joaquin retrieved the blanket from Deseo’s saddlebag and laid it on the thick groundcover of leaves in a flat area nearby.

  She scanned the creek bank around them. “Right here in the open?” Her eyes glittered with desire and heat, so Angel didn’t worry that she was truly concerned.

  Nodding as his cock twitched with excitement, he replied, “Where anybody could see your beautiful body while I make love to you.”

  She bit her trembling lip and
smiled at them both. “Only if you keep me safe.”

  “We’ll protect you,” he whispered in a deep voice that almost didn’t sound like his. Angel crushed his lips to hers in a swift, hot kiss and then let her step away. “Lie down on the blanket. I want to see you open and ready for me.” She took her time, getting on her hands and knees and giving them both a good look at her derriere and pussy before turning and lying on her back.

  She removed the clip and shook her hair out so it was a wild mass around her head on the blanket. Resting one forearm behind her head, she arched her back and slowly spread her legs, revealing her drenched, swollen lips a bit at a time. Angel growled with pleasure as she painstakingly slid one graceful hand down her torso to her abdomen and her mound.

  With almost shy movements, she slid a single fingertip through her wet slit, stroking her clit and causing her back to arch further with her pleasure. She added another fingertip and spread her lips so they could clearly see her engorged, glistening flesh. She smiled at him as her fingers ventured deeper, and his mouth watered at the sight of them dipping into her tight little cunt. Biting her lip, Teresa moaned, then spread her legs wider in invitation as she continued to stroke her pussy.

  “Damn, our wife is hotter than hellfire,” Joaquin groaned.

  Angel nodded mutely and stepped between her legs and kneeled before her, watching as the rosy blush in her cheeks grew, and she sighed as she pleasured herself. His cock pulsed in need of release inside her slick depths, and he reached for her questing hand. He bent down and sucked her slick fingertips into his mouth one by one, her juices flavorful on his tongue.


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