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Page 19

by R C Knight

“Shut up,” Zane muttered as he held back his laughter. “You don’t sound anything like her.”

  “You’re right,” Kai laughed. “I’ll just sit here awkwardly and wait for something to happen.”

  “Good,” Zane responded. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He bounced on his toes, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He pictured Aria in his mind, her sweet smile as she gazed up at him after they made love. The brightness of her green eyes, how they sparkled just for him. His heart filled with happiness as he played these memories that he stored close to his heart. Memories he knew he wouldn’t get to make more of. He sighed wearily as he imagined her smiling like that at Ryder. Her eyes lighting up for Ryder instead of him. He felt the pain lance through his chest as the darkness boiled in his soul. Control it. He reminded himself as the corruption started to take over. Control it. You don’t want to hurt Kai. Images of Aria moving on with Ryder consumed him. He allowed the corruption to spread through his body. He could feel his power surging, waiting to be released. With a growl, he let it go, feeling the power spread out around him. He grunted with frustration as he focused on keeping the energy around him, letting it build. He focused all of it at the tree next to the crater. The sound of an explosion reverberated around him.

  “Holy shit.” Kai’s voice pulled Zane out of his mind. He looked around him, his face filled with surprise. The tree was gone, it had been disintegrated, a pile of ashes sat at his feet.

  “I didn’t think that was going to work,” he shouted as he turned towards Kai.

  “How did you control it like that?” Kai asked. “It was clearly your corruption, because your eyes are black as fuck right now.”

  “I don’t know,” Zane responded. “I just let the corruption take over while reminding myself that I didn’t want to accidentally kill you.”

  “Aww, how comforting. I’m glad you didn’t want to kill me.” Kai chuckled wryly. “We need to try and re-create this again. Not the explosion,” he added quickly. “Just the control of the corruption part.”

  “Got it.” Zane sighed wearily as he stared at the ashes. “Let’s try it again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Earth - Atlanta

  Four months later…

  The once tall, proud buildings of Atlanta were decrepit and crumbling. Fallen blocks of concrete had scattered along the road, its once smooth surface marred with cracks and craters. The light of the afternoon sun shone harshly through the crumbling buildings. Liam sighed with relief as they reached the hotel. The white stone was mostly intact, showing some signs of wear. The top half of the building had crumbled, but a roof had been made from the broken stones. Liam and Cyrus walked up to the entrance, the smell of cooking meat and the sounds of laughter greeted them as they opened the door.

  Liam’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at what was before him. The floor was covered in white and black marble in a checkerboard pattern; a curved white marble staircase led upstairs to the rooms. “Looks like the demons must have really liked this place to keep it looking so nice.” Liam muttered to Cyrus as he looked towards the receptionist desk.

  “Yea,” Cyrus muttered in response. “They always did love the expensive stuff.” They walked up to the polished wooden desk. A short brunette smiled up at them.

  “What can I do for you gentlemen?” she asked, her voice courteous and soft.

  “We need a room for two nights.” Cyrus replied, his voice smooth as he smiled at the receptionist.

  “Of course.”

  “By chance, could you tell me if my friends have already checked in?” he asked, his hazel eyes shining brightly. “The name is Alex Johnson.”

  “Sure.” The receptionist smiled brightly as she looked down at her ledger book, her finger tracing the names on the page. “Looks like he’s here already, in room 204.” She smiled up at Cyrus, a faint blush forming on her cheeks. “Room 206 is open if you’d like to be next to them.”

  “Perfect.” Cyrus smiled as the receptionist handed him two keys for the room.

  “I’m off in a couple hours.” The receptionist smiled innocently, her blue eyes sparkling. “In case you and your friend would like to have some fun.”

  Cyrus chuckled. “Let’s see where the night goes.” He smiled as he turned towards Liam and motioned towards the stairs. “You heard the woman, room 206.”

  “Yea,” Liam muttered as he made his way to the marble staircase, his footsteps echoing off the polished marble. Cyrus handed him his key as they reached the door to the room, he quickly unlocked the door and sighed with relief as he tossed his bag on the floor. “I could sleep for days,” he muttered as he fell onto the bed closest to the door.

  “Not yet,” Cyrus chuckled as he walked to the bed by the window and threw his bag onto it. “Let’s meet with my friends first. Then you can sleep all you want.”

  “Really?” Liam sighed as he placed his hands behind his head. “Just a few minutes,” he mumbled as he closed his eyes.

  “Not a chance,” Cyrus responded as he smacked Liam’s stomach. Liam curled into a ball, his arms wrapping around his stomach.

  “Cheap shot,” he coughed as he looked up at Cyrus. “Fine,” he muttered as he pushed himself up from the bed. “I’ll give your friends five minutes. Then I’m coming back here to sleep.”

  “Great.” Cyrus’s smile lit up his bronzed face as he made his way to the door. “Come on then, they’re just one room over.”

  Liam sighed wearily as he got off the bed and followed Cyrus out of their room. They approached room 204 and Cyrus confidently knocked on the door. They could hear footsteps approach. “What is the specialty for today?” A man’s muffled voice sounded from the other side.

  Liam’s hazel eyes filled with confusion as stared at the door. He could feel the stare of the man on the other side of the door, his eyes focusing on the peep hole.

  “What?” he muttered towards Cyrus.

  “The mandarin chicken on steamed rice,” Cyrus responded confidently as he nodded at Liam. The door opened silently as a man in a black suit gestured for them to enter. Liam sighed with unease as he followed Cyrus into the suite. Another man in a black suit was sitting on the couch, his arms resting on the top of the couch and his legs kicked out on the ottoman. His muscles were massive, threatening to rip through his fancy suit. His light brown hair had been shaven close to his head on the sides, fading up to the couple of inches left on the top of his head. His dark blue eyes scanned Cyrus and then narrowed in on Liam.

  “Who’s your friend?” The man’s voice was one of authority as he leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Liam.

  “Alex.” Cyrus smiled as he walked farther into the room. “This is Liam. He’s a new acquaintance of mine.”

  “And?” Alex responded as Liam looked around the room, examining the two other men in suits that were standing by the door. Each of them had their hands folded neatly in front of them, their eyes following Liam and Cyrus’s every move.

  “I brought him here for a supply run,” Cyrus responded casually. “I told him that you have the best deals around.”

  “That I do.” Alex smiled as he leaned back and gestured towards the chairs across from him. “Please, take a seat. Both of you.” Liam sighed with relief as he slowly made his way to the chair, his body filled with unease. As he sat down, he couldn’t help but stare at Alex, his presence was one of power. Liam could tell this was a man that expected only the best and would get it no matter the cost.

  “So, Liam was it?” Alex asked as Liam nodded his head. “What, exactly, do you need from me?”

  “We made a list,” Cyrus replied for him as he pulled a worn piece of parchment from his jeans. “Here you go.” He smiled as he unfolded the parchment and smoothed it out.

  Alex grabbed the paper from Cyrus, his eyes examining the list. “These supplies will be easy to retrieve.” He smiled as he looked at Liam, who fidgeted uncomfortably in the chair. “Anything else?”

much will it cost?” Liam asked quietly, his eyes avoiding direct contact with Alex.

  “Oh,” Alex chuckled darkly as he looked at Cyrus. “Cyrus here knows the price.” Liam’s eyes darted to Cyrus who just shook his head. “And I’m sure he’s brought it.”

  “I have.” Cyrus smiled softly as he pulled a small black pouch from his jacket and threw it in Alex’s lap. He quickly opened the pouch and glanced inside, a smile crossing his face.

  “Perfect,” he responded as he looked up at Cyrus and Liam. “Now, if there’s nothing else?” He paused as Liam and Cyrus shook their heads. “I have other business to attend to.”

  Liam and Cyrus stood from their chairs and turned towards the door. The two men in the suits by the door nodded at Alex as one of them opened the door. “Cyrus.” Alex’s voice was loud behind them. “Why don’t you come with me? I would love to catch up. I haven’t seen you in years.”

  “Oh, of course,” Cyrus responded as he shrugged at Liam, who sighed wearily as he headed to the door.

  “Have fun,” he muttered. “I’m going to get some sleep.” With that he quickly left the room, his body tense with unease. That was weird, he thought as he pulled out the key for his room and quickly unlocked the door. Once inside, he locked the door and threw himself on his bed. I wonder what kind of payment was in that tiny little pouch? Liam thought as he stared at the white ceiling, his mind wary. Guess I’ll have to ask Cyrus about it when he gets back. He sighed as he rolled onto his side, exhaustion taking over.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  The black stone walls were rough and cool to the touch, their edges razor sharp. The stone reflected the dancing flames that swirled across the floor. Screams from the tortured souls echoed down the hallway, their torment never-ending. Abaddon couldn’t help but smile, the screams of the tortured bringing peace to his soul.

  He walked quickly down the hallway, his heavy footfalls echoing off the stone walls. His biceps bulged as he flexed his massive arms, his body filling with anticipation for a fight. A loud cracking sound filled the air as he cracked his neck and shrugged his shoulders. This will be fun. He smiled darkly as he continued down the hallway, stopping in front of a blood red door.

  A man’s muffled scream filled the chamber behind the door. Sounds like she’s having some fun. Abaddon smiled as he knocked on the door.

  “Damnit.” Lilith’s voice was filled with anger as her soft footsteps approached the door. The blood red door opened as Lilith poked her head out. Her black hair fell around her face in waves. Flecks of blood marred the porcelain skin of her face, making her blue eyes shine even brighter than before. “Can I help you?” she asked, her lips tight and voice filled with irritation.

  “Lucifer sent me,” Abaddon responded, a smile on his face. “Care if I come in?”

  “If you must.” Lilith sighed as she opened the door, allowing him to enter her chambers. He looked towards the corner, his eyes landing on a man strapped to a table. Bright red blood trickled off the table into the pools that had formed on the obsidian floor. The blood was a sharp contrast to the smooth blackness of the stone.

  “I didn’t know they let you bring him here,” he commented as his eyes lingered on the man, admiring Lilith’s work.

  “Oh yes,” she responded with a sly smile. “We’ve been having quite the fun. Haven’t we?” she shouted towards the table. An exhausted grunt was all she got in response. Lilith giggled as she sat down on her red couch, her long porcelain legs stretched out before her. “So, my dear Abaddon. The angel of destruction.” She giggled. “What can I do for you?”

  Abaddon ran his large hand through his black hair, his dark eyes tracing Lilith’s pale form. She smiled seductively as she opened her legs and ran a hand up her thigh, her blood red nails tracing the path along her porcelain skin.

  “Are you sure you didn’t come for some fun?” She giggled; her blue eyes filled with excitement. Abaddon grunted as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Always so serious,” she scoffed as she closed her legs. “Does your wardrobe have anything other than black?” She asked as she motioned at his torn black shirt, black pants, and black boots.

  “No,” he responded firmly as he clenched his jaw.

  Lilith sighed wearily as her blue eyes traced Abaddon’s massive form. She stood up and sauntered over to him, her face meeting his chest. She looked up and smiled as she traced her blood red nails along his tense arms. “Now, now Abaddon,” she commented, her blue eyes filled with lust. “Don’t you want to relax?”

  Abaddon could feel his body responding to Lilith. It’s not happening today. He reminded himself as he tried to focus his mind. “Looks like your cock has answered that question for me.” She laughed as she caressed his cock through his pants. She’s damn good at her job. Abaddon thought as her laughter echoed through his mind.

  “I’m here on business from Lucifer.” Abaddon said sternly as he pushed her away from him. “Not for your tricks.”

  “Tricks?” Lilith responded; her voice filled with shock. “I don’t do tricks. It’s not my fault your body is lusting for me.” She smiled, her bright blue eyes sparkling with delight.

  “Not today,” he responded.

  “Fine,” she muttered as she sat on the couch in defeat. “What does our dear Lucifer want?” She asked as she looked up at him, his massive form towering over her.

  “He wants results, Lilith. Results that you,” he paused as he waved his hand at her, “have not been getting.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” she responded hastily. “He will have results soon enough.”

  “You have a week,” Abaddon responded. “Lucifer is tired of waiting.”

  “What? Just a week?”

  “Surely that’s enough time?” Abaddon responded; his voice filled with sarcasm.

  “Of course, it is. I just –”

  “Look Lilith,” he sighed as he relaxed his arms. “Lucifer has always been a fan of seduction over torment. Which is the only reason he’s given you so much time to complete this task.”

  “But –”

  Abaddon held up his hand as he continued. “This is your last chance, Lilith. If you don’t bring him the angel and the Nephilim in a week, then I will be taking over.”

  “Oh, he’ll have Raphael’s little protégé.” Lilith growled as she stood from the couch and walked up to Abaddon, placing her hand against his chest. “My plan is already coming to fruition. I’ll have that little pest in a few days.”

  “You better.” Abaddon responded as Lilith pushed him towards the door. “But if you don’t.” he shrugged nonchalantly as they reached the door. “Then I will get to have some fun.” He smiled darkly as he turned and left the room. “One-week, Lilith!” he shouted as she closed the door behind him.

  She turned towards the corner with the man strapped to the table. She sauntered over to him, a sadistic smile on her face. As she approached, she picked up a black obsidian dagger from the side table. “Don’t worry my sweet.” She giggled as she ran the dagger across his sunken abdomen. “You’ll be reunited soon.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Aria was running through the dense undergrowth of the forest. The blood red light of the moon filtering through the canopy above. She could sense her pursuers closing in, she picked up the pace, the skin on her face and arms being torn by the forest as she ran. She stumbled forward as her foot caught on something in the undergrowth. Her breath forcefully left her lungs as she landed with a thud on a smooth stone floor. What the hell, she thought as she slowly stood up, her hair whipping across her face from the wind. The red light of the moon reflected off the black stone floor. The stars shimmered brightly above her. A moan filled with pain sounded from behind her, causing her to turn around while reaching for her daggers.

  “Damnit,” she muttered as she realized she no longer had her daggers. Her eyes landed on a stone table; a man had been chained to it. Clearly the source of the moaning. She slo
wly stepped forward, her eyes scanning the otherwise empty rooftop. She examined the stone table, bright red blood ran down the black stone, forming in pools next to it. Her hands trembled as she reached the pale form, slowly stretching her hand out to check for a pulse. The man jumped as her hand landed on his cold skin, he turned his head towards her, his piercing blue eyes filled with pain. “But you’re dead,” she whispered in shock.

  “Aria.” Raphael’s voice was strained. “You need to get out of here.”

  “But… How are you still alive?”

  “Leave me, Aria,” he rasped through trembling lips. “You’re in danger here. She’s going to –”

  Aria’s face filled with shock as a dagger pierced through her back and out the front of her chest. She looked down, the red light of the moon dancing off the silver dagger. She watched in horror as her blood streamed down her body to the floor, mixing in with Raphael’s. He screamed in agony as she crumpled to the ground.

  Aria bolted upright from her sleeping mat, her breathing heavy. “Are you alright?” Ryder asked groggily as he sat up from his sleeping mat.

  “Yea,” she responded, her voice shaking. “It was just a dream.” She sighed with relief as Ryder gently ran his hand up and down her back. Her mind calmed as she looked around their rawhide tent, the sounds of owls out on the hunt filled the night air.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “It was Raphael,” she said softly, her eyes staring at the tan side of the tent. “He was alive and being tortured.”

  “Ah,” Ryder sighed as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. “Raphael is dead, Aria. He is at peace now.”

  “I know,” she responded as she looked up at his face, her green eyes meeting his. “It just… just seemed so real.”

  “I’m sorry.” He continued to rub her back as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I think the stress of this mission is getting to you. I know how difficult it has been to control everyone with this damn red mist hanging around. Although, I am impressed with how well Kai’s training has helped them control their demon side.”


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