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Page 21

by R C Knight

  “Well,” Ryder muttered as he walked with Aria, his hand brushing against hers with each step. “That was awkward.”

  “I can hear you,” Bishop grumbled as he walked past them, bumping Ryder with his shoulder.

  “Even more awkward,” he sighed as Aria giggled.

  “Don’t worry.” She smiled up at him. “Once the Red Horseman is defeated, this red mist will disappear, and everyone will be back to normal.”


  The walls of the city towered over them as they approached the gate. The giant, wooden doors were propped open. A demon stood on each side of the doorway; black blood oozed down their charred skin. Flames danced in their eyes as they screened those entering the city. The demon on the right held out his arm, stopping Zane and Dominick.

  “And what tribe are you from?” he asked, his voice rough.

  “We Awá,” Dominick responded as he banged his chest. “We fight for God. These.” He waved his hand at Zane, Cain, and Abel. “Tributes for fight. Go to Colosseum.”

  “Very well,” the demon responded as he nodded to the other demon. “Vikas,” he shouted. A small demon appeared; his large horns wrapped over his head. “Bring these three to the Colosseum,” he commanded as he nodded towards Zane, Cain, and Abel. “The rest of you,” he continued as he stepped to the side, “are free to find accommodations for the night.”

  Aria glanced nervously over at Zane as the small demon led them away from the rest of the group.

  “Just relax,” Ryder whispered as he nudged her forward, following Dominick into the city. Her eyes widened as they walked through the gate. Steel buildings lined the paved streets, the sun glinting off their sides and into her eyes.

  “I didn’t expect this,” she muttered.

  “Neither did I.” He agreed as they followed Dominick further into the city, the buildings getting bigger as they went. He pointed off towards the coastline, a massive stone structure was outlined by the blue waters.

  “That Colosseum.” He smiled as they eyed the structure. “Fights start when sun rises. Until then.” He turned and continued down the street. “Stay here.” He stopped in front of one of the buildings. It rose above them, reaching into the heavens.

  They followed Dominick into the building. The glass doors opened automatically as they approached. Soft, yellow light lit the interior.

  “They have electricity.” Aria smiled as she looked up at Ryder. “That means they probably have showers as well.” A smile formed on his face as he relished her excitement. They followed Dominick to the front desk, where he rang a silver bell. A frail, old woman came from a room behind the desk. Her white hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

  “How can I help you?” her voice was soft and brittle.

  “We Awá,” Dominick responded; his voice filled with pride. “We here for fight. Need rooms.”

  “Of course.” The old lady smiled as she examined the small group. “Separate rooms?”


  “Alright.” She opened a book that had been sitting on the counter, quickly running her finger along a list. She picked up a pen and marked in the book. With a smile she turned and pulled out a small silver key, quickly placing it into a small door that was in the wall. She opened the door and pulled out several keys, each with a room tag, and handed them to Dominick. “Here you are,” she sighed as Dominick grabbed the keys from her. “As always, the bar is open all day and night. As are our women. They can be found down the hall.” She pointed to a hall off to the right of her. “In the Red Room.”

  “Yes.” Dominick smiled as he handed out the keys to the group. He glanced at Aria and Ryder. “You join us in Red Room.”

  “Ah,” Aria shifted her feet uncomfortably as she glanced at the old woman behind the desk, her brown eyes watching their every move. “Maybe,” she muttered as she grabbed her room key. Ryder nudged her towards the stairs.

  “Let’s go,” he muttered as they turned from the group. “Mind if I stay with you?”

  “Not at all,” she sighed as they made their way up the grand staircase, the silver key grasped tightly in her hand. Ryder placed his hand on her lower back as they entered the hallway.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “We can stay in our room tonight. There’s no need for us to spend any time with them.”

  “I know.” Aria sighed as they reached their room door. She unlocked the door and entered the room, quickly closing the door behind them. A king size bed was centered in the room, a nightstand on each side. Another door was next to them, leading into a small bathroom. She threw her satchel towards the bed and entered the bathroom. She reached the shower, slid the glass door open, and turned the dial. A smile lit up her face as water began to pour down.

  “Come on.” She looked over her shoulder at Ryder as she began to strip. “This is just what I need to relax.” A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stepped into the warm water. “Hurry up,” she muttered as Ryder stared at her, watching the water glide down her smooth skin. “You’re letting all the heat out,” she whimpered, her bottom lip trembling.

  “I’m coming,” he responded; his voice hoarse. He dropped his satchel at his feet and quickly stripped off his clothes. With a smile, he entered the shower, sliding the glass door closed. Aria smiled up at him, her cheeks pink from the heat. His breathing was heavy as he looked down at her, his eyes tracing her body, stopping on the small scar on her abdomen before going back to her face.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered hoarsely; her eyes filled with longing.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as he leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t –”

  She bit her lower lip as she wrapped her hands around his neck. “Please.”

  He leaned forward, losing all control as their lips met. He could feel her smile as he kissed her. His heart was pounding as she pulled him in tighter, her breasts pushed up against his chest. A soft moan escaped her lips as he pushed her against the wall, his hands running up her back before resting on the wall next to her. His body kept her pinned as he passionately kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair, meeting his passion with her own.

  “Aria,” he whispered hoarsely as he pulled away, breathing heavily.

  “Don’t stop,” she responded breathlessly as she leaned into him and nibbled his ear. “Don’t.”

  A guttural growl escaped his lips as he leaned into her, kissing up the side of her neck before reclaiming her lips. His hands slid down her back to her thighs, lifting her up with ease. She smiled as she wrapped her legs around his waist, squeezing him tightly with her thighs. He wanted her with every fiber of his being. A deep moan escaped his lips as he thrust inside her, a feeling of completeness filling his body. This feels right, he thought as he continued to pump inside her.

  The world dropped away as he relished the sensation of her. Her soft skin against his, her moans of ecstasy as he devoured her. He increased his pace, her body tensing, waiting for release. He stopped kissing her to nibble her ear. Her body writhed against his as her nails dug into his back. His body began to tense as he quickened his pace. He lightly bit the side of her neck and was rewarded with a soft moan. He went faster as she moaned his name and nibbled his ear. Their bodies tensed in unison as they found their release. He pulled her tightly against his chest as he slowly pulled out of her and she lowered her legs. She smiled up at him, her cheeks flushed, her bright green eyes filled with satisfaction. She leaned forward, softly kissing him.

  “You ready for more?” he muttered against her lips. She smiled as she leaned into him.

  “Let’s make it to the bed first,” she responded hoarsely.

  “As you wish.” He smiled as he wrapped his hands around her and lifted her up. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around him. He turned off the water and quickly left the shower, heading straight for the king size bed.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Ryder sat on a marble bench overlooking the waterfalls. The sound of the water sp
lashing into the crystal-clear pool below filled the air. He sighed wearily as he stared into the water, his mind uneasy.

  “You alright?” Raphael’s voice startled him. He looked over his shoulder to find Raphael approaching, his feet silent on the stone path.

  “I’m fine,” he muttered as Raphael sat down next to him, the sunlight reflecting off his golden top. “How’s Aria?”

  “Stubborn as ever.” He chuckled as he ran a hand through his wavy blonde hair. “She doesn’t want to stop training and got upset when I told her we weren’t going to train again for at least a month.”

  “That sounds like Aria.”

  “Which makes me wonder why you are out here, staring at waterfalls, instead of spending time with her.”

  Ryder sighed as he looked back at the waterfall, the predictable fall of the water relaxing his mind. “She doesn’t need me,” he muttered, hating himself for admitting it out loud.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “All she wants in life is to be a warrior. Training is the only thing she cares about. You should know that better than anyone.”

  “Ryder,” Raphael’s voice was stern, causing Ryder to look up at him. “She needs you more than you know. She just hasn’t realized it yet. The two of you are destined to achieve great things together. Don’t let her stubbornness get in the way.” A smile formed on his face as he clapped his hand against Ryder’s shoulder. “Trust me. Now.” He cleared his throat as he nudged Ryder. “Go drag her out of the library and have some fun.” Ryder stood up with a sigh. “And don’t let her tell you no!” Raphael demanded as Ryder turned and started down the pathway back towards the city.

  “Ryder,” Kai’s voice echoed through his mind, waking him from his sleep. “Ryder, are you fucking there?”

  Ryder rubbed his head as he groggily looked around the room. He smiled as his eyes landed on Aria, her head resting softly on his chest, her golden blonde hair strewn across her face. She’s so peaceful when she sleeps. A soft, silver glow surrounded the emblem around his neck.

  “Ryder!” Kai’s voice screamed in his mind. “Who is peaceful when they sleep? Did you and Aria finally hook up?”

  “Fuck,” Ryder responded. “Do you hear everything I think through this damn link?”

  “Yup,” Kai chuckled. “So, who are you watching sleep?”

  “Mind your own business.” Ryder sighed as he gently brushed some of the hair from Aria’s face. “Anyway, I’m glad this link works.”

  “Yea,” Kai responded. “We finally made it to the city, sorry it took longer than we had planned.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “So, have you guys made any plans yet?”

  “No,” Ryder responded wearily. “We just got to the city today. The fights start at dawn tomorrow. We won’t be able to start any planning until I see how the Colosseum is set up.”

  “Okay, great,” Kai responded. “Now, you gonna tell me who’s in your room?”

  “Shut it, Kai.” Ryder sighed as he grabbed the silver emblem and pulled it off over his head. He reached over to the nightstand and gently set the amulet down. I don’t need that fucker in my head all night, he thought to himself as he gazed at Aria, feeling at peace for the first time in his long life.


  Music echoed off the walls of the bar. The dance floor was filled with various tribe members, all of them enjoying a release from the constant fighting. Bishop sighed wearily as he watched from the bar, a cold beer in his hand. The women that were available all day, as the old woman had said, were working the room, going from one man to the other. Some even propositioned the women, their faces filling with triumph each time they scored. Some of them would have sex on the spot, oblivious to those around them. While others left, presumably to find a private room.

  Half demon scum. Bishop sighed as he watched another couple start having sex against the back wall. Thankfully the music was loud, covering their moans of ecstasy. He motioned to the bartender. “Another beer,” he muttered, the bartender nodded and made her way to the tap, filling another glass to the brim. She set it down next to him, the froth pouring over the top of the glass. Bishop downed what was left in his other glass, set it down, and grabbed the new glass.

  I can’t wait to kill them all. A smile crossed his face as he lingered on that thought. I will have my vengeance.

  “What the fuck!” Bishop shouted as a man fell onto him, causing him to spill his beer. He dropped his mug and quickly stood up, pushing the man away from him.

  “Sorry.” The man chuckled as he swayed on his feet. “I didn’t see your tiny form sitting there.”

  Bishop clenched his fists as he stared up at the man. “You owe me a beer.”

  “I don’t think so,” the man responded as he straightened to his full height and looked down at Bishop. He smirked as he started to turn away from him, wrapping his arm around a woman that walked by. “Come on baby,” he whispered to the woman.

  Bishop’s vision went red with anger. His jaw clenched as he reached up and grabbed the man’s shoulder, forcing him to turn around. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he swung, striking the man square in the jaw.

  The man’s eyes watered as he grabbed his jaw. “You want a fight?” he muttered as he pushed the woman away from him.

  “You have no idea,” Bishop snarled as he squared his stance, bouncing on the balls of his feet with anticipation. The man smiled as he squared off and threw his first punch. Bishop blocked the blow and quickly countered. He quickly gained the advantage over this man and knocked him to the floor. Dark laughter left his lips as he pummeled the man’s face, blood splattering the ground around them. This is what I needed, he thought as he landed blow after blow. I need to kill all these demon scum. Then, and only then, will my soul be at peace.

  Chapter Forty


  Water trickled down the cool stones of the cell. The smell of death surrounded them, like the stones had been painted in it. Zane sighed wearily as he glanced over at Cain and Abel. It had been a long night with fitful bouts of sleep. He could feel himself losing control of his anger, the red mist was even thicker in the cells than it was outside.

  “You feeling alright?” Cain asked.

  “Yea,” he muttered. Cheers erupted from above them, the crowd’s rumbles and shouts were filled with bloodlust. “They must be putting on a good show.”

  “Huh,” Cain scoffed as he crossed his arms across his chest, his muscles bulging. “We’ll be better.”

  Zane chuckled as the iron gate at the end of the hall screeched open. A tall, hooded demon came through the gate. He had two large horns that curled back over his hood and two smaller horns that shot forward like spikes. A smile crossed his face as he approached them, the ragged edges of his cloak dragging along the worn stone. The demon approached their cell and unlocked the door. Zane stared at the demon’s face, his skin was red and smooth. His yellow eyes shone brightly in the dim light.

  “Follow me,” the demon grunted, his yellow teeth making an appearance. “We’ll go to the armory for you to choose your weapons.” His voice was filled with excitement as he led them down the hallway. “Once you’ve chosen your weapons, you’ll be released into our holding area to prepare for your battle.”

  “Yes,” Cain muttered excitedly as he smashed his fist into his hand.

  The armory was small but well stocked, there was a large variety of weapons to choose from. Some of which Zane had never seen before. The air was heavy from the sinister aura that radiated from the demonic weapons. Cain immediately spotted a large, two-handed, single-edged ax. The blade was long and jagged, going halfway down the haft.

  “This is just what I wanted.” He chuckled darkly as he picked up the ax, checking the weight. A sinister smile crossed his face as he turned towards the demon, ax in hand. “Hurry up you two. I’m ready to fight.”

  “Whatever you say, Cain,” Abel muttered as he scanned the racks, waiting for something to catch his eye. Two twisted
daggers sat on a small shelf. The black blades seemed to absorb the light from around them. Abel picked up the daggers, twisting and flipping them in his hands. “Perfect,” he said firmly with a smile as he made his way next to Cain.

  Zane sighed as he continued searching the racks, searching for anything he would be comfortable using. Finally, he saw it, a large, two-handed sword. A glint of light flickered across the black blade, almost as if it was winking at him. Zane picked up the blade, the hilt slightly burning his hands as he tightened his grip. “A little light,” he muttered as he turned towards Cain and Abel, “but I’ll make do.”

  The demon smiled and gestured towards a door in the back of the armory. “This way to the arena.” They followed the demon through the door and into another hallway. A bright light beckoned them at the end of the narrow hallway. A piercing, screeching roar echoed down the hallway, causing them to drop to their knees. The demon looked over his shoulder at them and smiled.

  “What the hell was that?” Abel said, a touch of worry in his voice. He looked over at Zane and Cain, who were forcing themselves up from the ground.

  “Your first challenge.” The demon smiled as his yellow eyes scanned them. “My Kybus, a demon of my own personal design. He’s a result of my experimentation.” A fond smile crossed the demon’s face as his eyes filled with pride. “My lord was getting bored with these matches again. So, I created new monsters to keep things entertaining.”

  “That’s fucked up,” Zane muttered as they continued down the narrow hallway.

  “My Kybus is a four-armed, three-headed demon. He should put on quite the show. Although.” The demon chuckled darkly as he glanced at the three of them. “I have a feeling there will be plenty more fights for him.”

  “I highly doubt that,” Cain responded, his voice dark and menacing. “This will be his one and only fight.” Zane and Abel muttered in agreement as they made it to the end of the hallway.


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