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Page 26

by R C Knight

  “Awá fight with you,” Dominick shouted from the seating area, motioning for his tribe to gather around him. As one, they jumped into the arena, decimating anyone in their way as they tried to join Zane’s group. Dominick’s eyes lit with excitement as they landed on one of the Elites. “This one is mine,” he muttered as he broke from the group, his eyes locked on the target. The Elite made eye contact with him, his eyes calculating. He stood roughly seven feet tall, his massive horns protruding from his head. His armor shimmered in the moonlight as he turned towards Dominick, rolling his shoulders with anticipation.

  Dominick kept his eyes locked on the Elite as he grabbed the demon in his way and ripped off its head, a black wisp floating away in front of him. He smiled as he knelt and picked up the demon’s sword that had fallen to the ground. He growled as he sprinted forward, closing the distance between him and the Elite. The Elite smiled as he unsheathed his sword, quickly blocking Dominick’s attack.

  “I’m surprised you would turn on your God so easily,” the Elite hissed, his dark eyes staring down at him.

  “They tribe now,” he muttered as he jumped back and squared his stance. “I protect tribe.”

  “That’s very foolish of you.” A small clearing had formed around them, the demons and half-breeds allowing them to fight without interference. The Elite raised his sword and closed in on him. Dominick side-stepped the attack and countered, his blade bouncing off the Elite’s armor. “You think you’ll win this?” The Elite chuckled darkly as he continued to attack, Dominick blocking each blow and countering.

  “I protect tribe!” he shouted as he charged. Just before their swords clashed, Dominick rolled to the side, popping up behind the Elite. He thrust his sword upwards, piercing the base of the Elite’s skull. The Elite crumpled forward as he pulled the sword back. A deep growl emanated from him as he stepped over the Elite and thrust his blade into the Elite’s neck. With one swift motion, he decapitated the Elite, watching with satisfaction as a black wisp floated away.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  Cain tightened his grip on the hilt of his ax as he rushed into the horde. Zane fought next to him, his massive two-handed sword carving through their enemies. “Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!” Cain shouted, black wisps floating around him as he went. Bodies of the half-breeds littered the ground around them.

  “You’ll have to do better than that!” Zane shouted. “I’m already at fifty-seven!”

  “Fucking cuck!” Cain shouted back as he pulled his ax out of a demon’s skull.

  Zane smiled as he looked up at Abel. “Hey, our little magician!” He chuckled as Abel frowned down at him.

  “I am not little.”

  “But you knew I was talking to you.” Zane laughed. “Can you cover me for a minute?”

  “Fine.” Abel sighed as he began to chant, using as little magick as possible with each spell. Zane rested his sword on his shoulder as he inhaled deeply and slowly released his breath. Find the connection. Just like Kai taught you, he thought as he focused on finding his soul. Perfect. He smiled as he pulled on the darkness that surrounded it. He could feel the power building, spreading through every fiber of his being. He smiled as he opened his eyes, focusing all of that power towards the horde in front of him. Black flames appeared from the ground, incinerating all those in their path.

  “Oh, come on!” Cain shouted in defeat. “There’s no way that counts!”

  Zane chuckled as he ran through the flames, targeting the rest of the horde that had escaped his attack.


  A demonic grin spread across the Red Horseman’s face as he watched the onslaught from his viewing area. “I have taken peace from this land, and it burns by my will,” he shouted triumphantly. “You will not be able to restore this world.” He watched as Zane released the black flames, burning half of the horde with one attack. They are stronger than I anticipated, he thought as he made eye contact with his five remaining Elites. He nodded his head at them, watching with satisfaction as they entered the fight.

  They pulled out their weapons, their black eyes alit with bloodlust. The red light of the moon reflected off their breastplates as they ran into the fray. Cain eyed one of the Elites, fighting the exhaustion trying to take over his body. Steam billowed from his cracked skin, his muscles tense in anticipation.

  “Watch this!” he shouted at Zane as he ran towards the Elite. He raised his ax as he ran, heading straight for the Elite. The demon smiled as it turned towards him, preparing for the strike. Just as he was about to strike, he dropped his ax, letting it land in front of the Elite. Cain’s dark laughter filled the air as he jumped, wrapping his arms around the Elite’s neck. He howled as he lowered his head and bit into the Elite’s flesh. He released the venom from his fangs, pumping it into his victim.

  The demon’s flesh began to decompose, falling off the Elite in chunks. Cain jumped off the demon and rolled, picking up his ax as he went. He looked back up at the Elite, watching with satisfaction as it fell to the ground. His breathing was heavy as he walked forward, he grabbed the Elite’s arm and ripped it off with ease. The demon’s cries of pain filled the air as he lifted his ax and brought it down, burying it into the Elite’s exposed skull.

  “How was that?” he shouted.

  “Impressive,” Zane responded as he sliced a demon in half. “But it still only counts as one!”

  “Fucking cuck,” Cain muttered as exhaustion took over. His body reverted to its original form. He buried his ax into the ground, balancing his weight on it as he took a deep breath in. He examined the battlefield. We’ve barely made a dent. He sighed as he looked over at the others, Abel had reverted as well, his face filled with pain as he forced his body to continue, bashing in the skulls of his enemies with his maces. Cain took another deep breath. “Let’s kill some more demons,” he muttered as he picked up his ax, charging back into the fray.

  Chapter Fifty


  Aria sighed wearily as they reached the top of the staircase. Her mind was on high alert as her bright green eyes scanned another empty corridor. Her fists tightened around her daggers as her eyes landed on a closed door at the end of the dark, unlit corridor. “Well,” she sighed as she looked over her shoulder at Bishop, “this is the last stop.”

  “There better be some demons for me to fight behind that fucking door,” he muttered as he shoved his way past her. “Otherwise I’m going to have a fucking meltdown knowing that Zane got to have all of the fun, again.”

  She chuckled softly as she followed him, her heart pounding with anticipation. They closed in quickly on the door, their footsteps echoing loudly around them. “So much for a quiet approach,” she muttered as they reached the door. She inhaled deeply as she reached for the handle, a moment of surprise as the door opened without resistance. Bishop ran through the door, his sword at the ready. She followed quickly behind him, anticipation coursing through her veins. Her body froze, images of her dream of Raphael mixing into the reality in front of her. Bishop stood frozen next to her; his hazel eyes locked on something in front of him.

  The stars shimmered brightly above them, their light casting a soft glow on the black stone. Bright, red blood had pooled on the ground under a worn, stone table. Moans of pain and agony filled the night air. Aria’s eyes slowly followed the blood to the metal chains that had been anchored into the stone floor. She followed the chains up to the top of the table. Her breath caught in her throat as a pair of familiar blue eyes locked onto her face. “It can’t be,” she rasped; her voice barely audible. Her eyes traveled along his body, noting the deep cuts scattered across his torso. The chains wrapped around his body were so tight that they were digging into his skin. Another moan of pain filled the air as the light flickered across a silver knife sliding across his chest. “Raphael?” She took a step forward, her eyes focusing on his face, taking in the delicate features she had memorized over the decades.

  “I told you not to come,”
he moaned; his voice weak. “You need to leave while you still can.” She inhaled deeply as she tightened her grip on her daggers.

  “Who is that?” Bishop stepped next to her, his weary eyes staring at the man in front of them.

  “Raphael,” she muttered as she glanced up at Bishop.

  “I thought he was dead,” he whispered with disbelief.

  “So did I.” She sighed as she took another step towards the table.

  “Please… leave,” Raphael pleaded as a tear rolled down his cheek. Aria shook her head as she continued towards him, her eyes focused on him.

  “I was wondering when you’d arrive.” A woman’s voice floated on the air around them. Aria froze, her knuckles whitened as she tightened her grip on her daggers.

  “Who’s here?” Bishop’s deep voice echoed through the silent night air. A woman stepped forward from the shadows, her porcelain skin shining through the darkness. Her black hair fell in waves around her face, her blue eyes shimmering with excitement. Her lips curled into a smile as she walked up behind Raphael, dragging her blood red nail across his chest.

  “Lilith,” Aria growled; her eyes narrowed as she assessed her opponent. She wore a red dress that accentuated every curve of her body, a slit ran up the side, revealing her porcelain thigh. “No weapons,” she muttered to Bishop.

  “Awe, the little angel knows who I am.” She giggled as she looked down at Raphael and patted his cheek. “Looks like you taught your protégé well.” She smiled as she looked back at Aria. “Although, I was hoping Zane would be with you.” She pouted as she glanced at Bishop, disappointment flashing through her blue eyes. “Oh well,” she sighed as she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’ll just have to work with what I have.”

  Bishop tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword as he took a step towards Lilith. “I don’t think so,” she growled as she flicked her hand towards him, freezing him in place. His eyes filled with anger as he glared at her. Aria’s breath shook as she inhaled deeply, willing her mind to calm. I need to concentrate.

  “Now.” She smiled down at Raphael. “Who should I kill first?” She giggled as she waved her hand, pulling Bishop to her. She pulled his sword from his hand and threw it on the ground, the metal crashing against the stone echoed through the silence as the sword’s holy light disappeared. “The former best friend with a death wish?” She smiled as she ran a blood red nail across his cheek, a thin red line of blood forming as she went.

  Aria moved slowly; her feet barely made a sound as she went. Raphael’s blue eyes followed her, pleading for her to leave while she still had a chance. She shook her head stubbornly as she continued her way around, moving to get behind Lilith. Bishop inhaled sharply as Lilith shoved her hand down his pants, grabbing his flaccid cock. “Well now,” she giggled. “Maybe I’ll keep you alive. I could use the entertainment.” Her nails dug into him, making him holler in pain.

  Aria moved quickly while Bishop screamed, concealing herself behind a stone pillar. She peeked around the corner, Lilith’s back was completely exposed, her red dress barely covering her ass. Aria closed her eyes and concentrated, sending as much lightning into her dagger as she could muster. She stepped around the pillar; her eyes locked on her target as she moved.

  “Now, now little angel.” Lilith giggled as she let go of Bishop and waved her hand. Aria growled with frustration as she froze in place, her dagger mere inches from Lilith’s back. “Did you think I had forgotten about you?” She smiled brightly as she turned to Aria and walked around her, examining every inch of her body. “So… this is the secret lover?” She giggled as Aria’s green eyes narrowed. “It’s a shame you didn’t bring Zane. I was looking forward to killing you in front of him.” She looked over at Raphael, his eyes widened as his hands began to tremble. “I guess killing you in front of Raphael will have to do.” She smiled as she pulled Aria’s dagger out of her right hand. “Maybe it will give him the motivation he needs to tell me what I want.”

  “I’ll never tell you,” he gasped, his voice breaking. “Never.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She smiled as she examined the dagger, her eyes tracing the Enochian runes.

  Aria closed her eyes as she focused all her magick into her other dagger, sending a silent prayer to Heaven. Lilith giggled as she placed a hand on Aria’s shoulder and pulled her into her chest. She whispered into her ear, her lips brushing against Aria’s skin. “With your death, Raphael will finally break and give me the information I need. And when Zane finds your lifeless body, well…” She smiled darkly; her blue eyes filled with bloodlust. “Hopefully that will push him over the edge as well and he’ll let the darkness fill his soul once and for all.” She thrust the dagger through Aria’s back, watching with satisfaction as the tip protruded from her chest. Aria’s eyes widened as her blood ran down her chest. Lilith started laughing manically as her screams of pain filled the night, followed closely by a bright flash of light.


  Bishop threw an arm over his eyes as he fell to the ground. A bright light illuminated the top of the spire; the hair on his arms stood on end as electricity sizzled through the air. He didn’t know what it was or where it came from, but he was free from Lilith’s control. He grunted loudly as he grabbed his sword from the ground, its holy light glowing once again. He raised it high and brought it crashing down, easily cutting through the metal chains that had bound Raphael.

  “Aria,” Raphael wheezed as he rolled of the table, landing on the ground with a thud. Bishop looked over at the pillar, Aria’s body was crumpled on the ground, a pool of blood forming around her. “No!” he shouted as he scanned the area, searching for Lilith.

  “Aria!” A female’s voice echoed through the still air. Bishop squared his stance in front of Aria, his eyes searching for the source to no avail. He heard soft footsteps coming towards them, he raised his sword, his body tense. Myra emerged from the darkness, the red light of the moon shining off her platinum blonde hair. She walked slowly, her arms trembling as she carried something wrapped in a worn blanket.

  “No,” Raphael gasped from behind him. He glanced back at Raphael, he was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the stone table. His blue eyes narrowed as he looked at Myra. “When did you become corrupted?”

  He looked back at Myra, his eyes examining her exposed skin. Black, thick lines had formed all over her porcelain skin. Her eyes were dark, her breathing heavy as she walked past him to Aria. “What happened to you?” He hesitantly followed her to Aria, watching as she knelt, setting the worn blanket on the ground. “And where’s Lilith?”

  She glanced up at Bishop as she pointed to the ground a few yards away from them. “She’s temporarily paralyzed, but we don’t have much time.” He stared as Lilith’s frozen form on the ground, her blue eyes were filled with hatred as she watched them.

  “But how?” he asked in shock as Myra unraveled the blanket. Raphael chuckled hoarsely as he stared at Lilith.

  “Aria’s lightning.” He smiled, his blue eyes shining with pride. “She must have been able to use it during the attack.”

  “But…” Bishop looked back at Myra, his eyes widened as she slapped Aria across the face. “How are you here?”

  “She prayed for me,” Myra responded matter-of-factly as Aria slowly opened her eyes, a grimace of pain etched across her face. “I have it,” she whispered as she motioned towards the blanket.

  Aria looked at the blanket with disbelief, her pale hand slowly reached for it. She pulled back the corner, revealing a golden chalice shining brightly against the worn cloth. Her breath caught as she looked up at Myra. “How?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Myra responded with a sad smile. “Go on… take it.”

  “What is that?” Bishop muttered to Raphael.

  “The Holy Grail,” he responded with disbelief.

  “No!” Lilith’s scream echoed around them as a wave of pressure knocked everyone down. Bishop landed next to Raphael, hitting his head on the
hard stone. His vision blurred as Lilith ran forward, Aria’s dagger still in her hand. Myra stood up, her body trembling from the effort.

  “Grab the chalice,” she ordered, her voice firm.

  “But it can save you,” Aria whimpered, her voice shaking. “I can’t let you die for me.”

  “It’s not your choice.” Myra smiled softly as she stepped in front of her. “I couldn’t imagine a grander death than this.” She looked down at her, her dark blue eyes filled with reassurance. “Take it. Finish what we started.” Aria nodded as she reached for the chalice, her body trembling.

  Lilith lunged forward; the dagger pierced through Myra’s chest. Aria froze, her vision began to fade out as she watched Myra fall forward, Lilith catching her limp form. “The chalice,” she grunted as Lilith threw her body to the side. She crumpled onto the black stone, her eyes staring blankly into the darkness as a gold wisp floated through the air. Lilith growled as she strode towards Aria, bright red blood dripping off the silver dagger. Aria mustered the last of her strength and lunged forward, grabbing the golden chalice and pulling it into her chest. Her screams echoed through the night air as a bright, golden light illuminated the darkness.


  Ryder continued his battle with two Elites. He dodged and countered their attacks with ease, his movements like an elegant dance. He continued to shoot spikes from the earth, impaling those that dared to close in on him.

  How the fuck can he maintain his prowess with his sword and use his magick without missing a beat? Zane wondered, watching in awe, a pang of jealousy in his chest. He looked over the battlefield, it felt as if the horde was never-ending. At least we have a plan… kinda. His lips curved into a smile as another Elite approached him, he swiftly brought up his blade, slicing its arm off with ease. In one motion he turned the blade, quickly decapitating the demon. Exhaustion began to set in, the weight of his sword in his hands increasing with each demon he defeated. He was relying more on his corruption to give him the strength he needed to continue the fight. This must end soon.


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