Twisted Stars (Hardest Mistakes #3)
Page 4
Suddenly, Jayden is there, blocking our path. “She said let go,” he directs at Connor, who frowns at the interruption and squints at me. I nod once, eyes wide. When he doesn’t immediately let go, Jayden takes a menacing step forward, fists clenched at his sides.
Connor staggers back, hands lifted in surrender. “She’s all yours,” he slurs before turning back to the party and heading for another young girl.
I rub my shoulder and throw Jayden a small smile. “Thanks.” His eyes search my face, and he nods once. “Do you want to go home?” I ask. “Maybe watch a movie with me? You don’t have to. I mean, if you want to stay or…”
I honestly don’t expect him to even consider it, but he agrees.
With Jayden trailing along behind me, I search out Dylan to let him know I’m leaving.
We catch an awkward, silent cab ride home. As soon as we get inside, I head for the living room. I switch on the flat screen and press play on the DVD player. Jayden frowns at the title as he sits down on the couch beside me.
“What are we watching?”
I grin. “My favorite movie of all time. You’ll love it. I promise.” He screws up his nose as the main characters kiss on screen, making me laugh.
We watch in silence. Jayden’s so quiet that before long I’m so engrossed in the movie I’ve forgotten he’s there, sitting beside me…our legs touching.
Suddenly, the feeling of being watched washes over me. I glance sideways to see Jayden staring at me. His dark gaze sends tingles over the back of my skull and down my neck, making me shiver.
“What is it?” I ask quietly.
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he moves closer until we are only inches away. The sound of the movie fades into the background. I lean in slowly, giving him time to pull away. His breath mingles with mine just as our lips meet. He feels like a dream—soft, but hard. It’s so difficult to describe. I lose myself in the feeling. His hand snakes up my back and into my hair, pulling my hair tie free. His fingers weave through the loose strands, sending tingles over my scalp. I push closer until I’m nearly on top of him, our bodies pressed up against each other.
Jayden drops his hands and pulls away, leaving me gasping for air.
“What is it?” I ask, suddenly unsure of myself in a way I’ve never been before. “Did I do something wrong?”
A light pink blush appears on his face, and he turns away, shaking his head. I almost smile at how adorable he is, but I stop myself.
“I think I should…” He doesn’t finish. Instead he jumps up and races to his room, leaving me open-mouthed and confused on the couch.
I take a few moments to calm myself, and then I follow him up the stairs. His closed door taunts me. Testing to see if I’m brave enough to go after what I want. I’ve never been afraid to before, so why start now?
Edging the door open, I search the dark room beyond. Jayden is sitting up in the bed, watching me.
He doesn’t say anything as I approach, closing the door behind me.
He doesn’t say anything when I slide onto the bed beside him.
He doesn’t say anything as I lay down on my side, facing him.
Instead, he does the same, lying down beside me. We face each other in silence, our eyes locked on one another.
He shifts. I glance down at our intertwined hands. He’s trembling. Maybe this is too intimate for him? Maybe I’m pushing too much too quickly? I can feel his fingers clench and unclench around mine. I shift and pull my hand away. He grips tighter. “No, don’t let go…not yet.”
I study his eyes as they glitter in the weak light from the street shining through the window. I lift my hand and trace my fingers down his cheek until I hit stubble. In the quiet, I can hear his sharp intake of breath.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to anyone,” he whispers, closing his eyes.
“Me either,” I admit. “Not like this.” And it’s true. This feels like something more. We haven’t known each other long, but something about this feels so right. I can’t ignore it.
He sighs softly and pulls his hand out of my grip. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
I frown. “Then don’t.”
“No, you don’t understand. There are people…bad people looking for me.”
I should have known…of course he’s in trouble. “Who? What do they want?”
“It’s not important. The point is…” He doesn’t finish. My lips press against his softly. He’s still for a moment, and then his hand is in my hair, and he’s pulling me closer. The way he kisses me back is almost desperate. He rolls us over until he’s on top of me. All I can feel is his body around mine. Cocooning me. His hand cups my cheek softly, his thumb running down my chin. I draw him closer until there’s not a single millimeter of space between us. The need grows, smothering me until I can’t hold it in anymore.
Chapter Five
I wake to a feeling of warmth and safety. I don’t remember falling asleep. Jayden shifts his arm underneath my neck as he rolls to face me. I look up and meet his searching gaze.
“Good morning.” My voice comes out soft, almost scared.
“Morning,” he whispers back. He lifts his hand and runs a finger down my face. I close my eyes, savoring the feeling. “I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”
I scrunch up my nose, keeping my eyes shut. “Did what?”
Instead of answering, he presses his lips to mine, igniting a fire within me.
It’s much later in the day when I stretch, rolling over on my bed…and over. Shouldn’t there be a warm roadblock on this side of the bed? I open my blurry eyes and frown. I’m alone.
Where is Jayden?
I get up and wrap my robe around my body. He’s not in the bathroom or any other room on the top floor.
I tiptoe down the stairs and find…nothing. He’s not here. Maybe he had to run an errand? I shake my head and head back upstairs to shower.
Jayden doesn’t return that night or even the next for that matter. I wake up on the third morning alone and throw back the covers with unnecessary force. He used me, plain and simple. I feel like punching something, namely his stupid, pretty face.
Taking a deep settling breath, I get ready for class and stomp down the stairs in the loudest possible way I can.
Brooke picks up on my bad mood as soon as she spots my face.
“What’s happened?”
I grunt at her and sit down at my desk with a heavy thump.
She raises an eyebrow at my flattering behavior. “That bad?”
I throw her a glare she doesn’t really deserve. “Yes. That bad.”
She glances toward the classroom door then back at me. “Where’s what’s-his-name? Jayden? Isn’t he living with you?”
I narrow my eyes. “He used me. Then threw me away. Nobody throws Ashlee Reynolds away. Nobody.”
She barely stops herself from laughing. “Oh, honey, it’s okay. Do you want to skip class, come home with me, and trash-talk him while binging on chocolate and ice cream?”
I pause and take a deep breath. “Yes. That actually sounds amazing.”
“Come on, then. Let’s go before you hit somebody and I have to bail you out.” She drags me down the hall and out to her car. We drive to her place in silence, and when we walk through the door, Kelly is already waiting with a table full of chocolate, ice cream, and marshmallows. I grin and sit down across from her.
“You guys are awesome.”
“We do try,” Brooke answers, leaning in to give Kelly a peck on the cheek. “That was quick.”
“So what happened?” Kelly asks.
“This guy was staying with me, and we were beginning to get close. The other night we kind of…” I lift my eyebrows. “You know, and then I woke up alone. I haven’t seen him since.”
“Wow,” Kelly says. “That’s harsh. So he just slept with you then left?” I nod. She screws up her nose and whispers, “Was he bad?”
“What? No! It was wonderf
ul—we even cuddled afterwards.”
“As one does,” Brooke pipes in.
“So then, what’s his problem?”
I purse my lips. Exactly. What’s his problem?
By the end of the week, I’m mostly over Jayden’s disappearance.
“Do you want another drink? Or are you just going to continue killing that one?” Dylan asks over the chatter of people.
I jerk my head up in surprise. For a second there, I completely forgot where I was. I shake my head and glance down at my drink. The straw is twisted and broken, and I’ve started crushing the ice with my stirrer.
Dylan raises an eyebrow, and I smile innocently. “No, this one’s fine.”
“Are you okay? You’ve been a bit distant all week.”
“No, I haven’t,” I snap back defensively. Then I remember who I’m talking to—Dylan sees everything. Observant little asshole. He sits back in his chair with a smirk.
He knows.
Probably not everything, but he knows something.
“Is this about that guy you went home with at the party?”
I purse my lips, saying nothing. He’s not getting information out of me that easy.
“Oh come on, Ash.” He laughs. “What happened?”
“He went missing.”
He sits up and tilts his head. “Excuse me?”
“Nothing, never mind. He’s out of the picture, and that’s all that matters.”
He nods but narrows his eyes in thought. He’s not going to let it go.
“Hi,” a new voice interrupts. I look up at the newcomer—at his dark blond hair and sparkly eyes. Just what I need right now—a distraction.
I smile invitingly and stand. “Hey, want to dance?”
He answers by taking my hand and leading me out into the crush of people. Dylan shakes his head at me from the table.
Chapter Six
I hate cleaning.
Absolutely hate it. Isn’t this what they pay professional cleaners for? I flick the duster away from me and sit with a heavy sigh on the couch. The vacuum cleaner lays sprawled out on the kitchen floor, and I left the mop bucket full of water in the bathroom. Cleaning stinks. But it’s raining outside, and I have nothing else to do.
A loud banging knock on the door startles me. I jump up, grab the duster, and hold it out in front of me like a weapon as I edge toward the front door. Who in their right mind is out in the middle of a storm? As I get closer, I call out, “Who’s there?”
The banging stops.
I frown and reach forward to pull the door open.
I stare at the shadow in my doorway and then gasp when I realize who I’m looking at. I throw a hand over my mouth as Jayden collapses to his knees on my step, rain mingling with bright red blood on his face.
“Oh my god.” I drop to my knees in front of him. “What happened?”
He opens his mouth to say something, and then he shuts it again.
“Where have you been?”
He tilts forward precariously, and I have to reach out and hold his shoulder to stop him from falling.
His eyes are wide and afraid. “They’re coming.”
My heart rate accelerates, the breath leaving my lungs in one big whoosh. I drag him inside by his wet shirt, and he falls onto his side on the tiles in the entry. I close the door behind him and then kneel down on the tiles. He’s breathing in heavy puffs, and the cut down the side of his face looks deep and painful.
“Who did this to you?” I whisper, leaning down to look into his eyes.
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he lifts his head to stare down the hallway toward the kitchen.
The back door shatters, throwing glass shards down the hall toward us. I scream as four soldiers wearing camouflage push their way through the opening, rifles raised and pointed at us.
A short, young woman pushes through the center and smiles. Her red hair is pulled back in a severe bun, and she’s wearing a tidy dress suit.
“Nice to see you again, Jayden.” She nods her head at me. “Miss Reynolds.” Two soldiers step forward, closing in on us. I back up just as they lunge and grab me, turning me around, forcing my hands behind my back and securing them with plastic ties. “Sit them down while we search the house.” She gives me a harsh once-over as she leaves the room, heading up the stairs.
The man holding my arms pushes me forward. I stumble as he throws me to the floor in the kitchen beside Jayden, who is lying on his side, puffing. He lifts his sad eyes to mine but doesn’t say anything.
I lean closer. “Are you okay?” He shakes his head once. “Who are these people?” My hair falls in front of my face, tickling my nose. I flick it away and sit up, squashing my hands against the wall.
“A research company. They specialize in genetics.”
“A group of genetic engineers have a military guard?” I ask, incredulous. “What do they want?” Jayden tilts his head away from me, ignoring the question. I frown. “What are they going to do to us?” He glances over at the man standing guard over us and shrugs. I narrow my eyes on him. Not good enough. He obviously knows what’s going on, and he’s not telling me.
“I never meant to involve you. I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I knew they would find me eventually. I just thought I had more time.”
Something bangs from the other side of the house, making me flinch. They’re searching through my stuff. I can hear their loud voices as they talk amongst each other.
Bringing my legs up to my chest, I lean forward and rest my head on my knees.
Surely one of the neighbors heard me scream or the glass shattering? Why has no one come? Unless the soldiers have already silenced them.
No, I can’t do this.
I should never have let Jayden in my house.
I should never have kissed him.
Jayden shifts back around to face me. I glance at him quickly. I’m so angry I could throw something. Glass shatters as the soldiers destroy my home. I can’t stop shaking. I look up as footsteps approach.
Two of the soldiers enter the room. “On your feet.”
I stand on shaky legs and look at the ground. One grabs my arm and tugs me along behind him as he leaves the kitchen and leads us into my living room.
“Right, you lot get them back to the institute. I have some business to take care of in town, and then I’ll meet you there.” The red-haired woman turns her gaze on us, smirks, and then leaves the house through the shattered back door.
The soldier behind me shoves me forward. I cry out as I hit the ground awkwardly with a thump. Lifting my head, I watch the other soldier force Jayden to his knees across from me. The other two enter the room and circle us.
“He doesn’t look dangerous,” one man sneers, pushing Jayden forward roughly.
“You’re right—he doesn’t,” another says, walking over to him and yanking his chin up so he can look at his face. Jayden smirks at him. The soldier frowns and shoves his face away. “So we have to take the girl as well?”
“That’s what Cait said. No idea why, though.”
The men all make noises and ready themselves to leave. Jayden looks over at me. I meet his dark gaze and shake my head ever so slightly—don’t let them take us.
A soldier near me starts whispering to his companion. “I don’t understand what everyone’s scared about. He’s just a kid. How is he a threat?” The man beside him shrugs and walks over to where Jayden is still kneeling. Another one lifts me off the ground. I glance at Jayden, but he’s not looking at me anymore. The soldier grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls my head back roughly.
“You’re a pretty one, aren’t ya?” His breath is foul, like rotting meat. I nearly gag.
He pushes me back against the wall and holds me by the throat. I gasp for air. His hand tightens. What is he doing? I try to call out, but the only sound that leaves my mouth is a gurgle. His dirty hand runs up my leg, making me squirm. His grip loosens
just as I start seeing black dots. I gasp for air, sucking it down greedily. Hidden by the others, Jayden cries out in pain.
I stumble forward and fall onto my side.
“Jayden…” His name only comes out as a shouted whisper from my sore throat.
The man that was choking me joins them, leaving me to my own devices.
I slowly lift myself into a sitting position and lean against the wall to stop the dizziness. Everything suddenly goes quiet as if all sound is sucked out of the room in one big whoosh. The lights flicker and pop, the glass shattering, plunging the house into darkness. I hold my breath and listen. A low sound interrupts the quiet, getting louder. There’s a startled shout then the soldiers start yelling and screaming in pain and terror.
I struggle to hold myself against the wall as two of them run past me, their feet hitting me as they leave. All I can see are shadows while my eyes slowly adjust. There are two dark lumps lying on the floor in front of my feet. I can just make out their scared faces. Oh god, are they dead? I close my eyes tightly and shake my head. No, no, no.
Where the hell is Jayden?
There’s a loud thump beside me. I open my eyes and search the darkness. Across the room, its gold eyes literally glowing in the dark, a big cat turns its head and looks right at me. I whimper. Oh god, please don’t kill me. Tears dribble down my face as it approaches. The rest of the house is quiet—the soldiers either dead or gone.
The cat stumbles like it’s hurt, and then it stops walking and snuffs, collapsing onto the carpet near me, puffing quietly. It’s so dark; I can only see its shadow. It groans loudly, its glowing eyes fade.
What just happened?
I don’t move a muscle. What if it attacks me too?
It groans again. This time, it sounds eerily human. I hesitantly lean closer, trying to see into the dark. The shadow moves, moaning softly. I roll onto my knees and slowly shuffle over to it, scraping my legs on the broken glass littering the carpet. In the dark, I can just make out a person’s face. I squint and nudge my knee against him. He’s naked. I blush and turn my face away.