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Handcuffs and Haints

Page 2

by Thalia Frost


  “Really? I mean, really, deputy?” Zoe rolled her eyes, watching the flat landscape roll by out the window.

  “I only said it’s possible. There are stories back there about things that happen. Everything can’t be explained, Zoe.” He glanced at her, and she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

  “I know. I just haven’t had any spooky things happen to me…at least I don’t think.” She laughed, but the sound was unconvincing.

  “You’re lucky then.”

  The tone of his voice made her skin crawl. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. I’ve seen things I wouldn’t have believed years ago, but I do now.” He clenched his jaw.


  “Nothing major, just stuff I can’t explain.”

  “I see.” They pulled into a hole in the wall place, and Zoe decided it was the perfect time to drop the whole creepy business of the sounds in the night and Nick’s own supernatural experiences. “Smells great.”

  “It is.” Nick came around to her door and helped her out. Zoe stopped herself from rolling her eyes. It’s going to take some getting used to the deputy. It must be a Southern thing to open the car door like that. She couldn’t remember having it happen since her junior prom.

  Mama’s Hog Heaven lived up to Nick’s claim. Zoe relaxed in the cool, friendly place. She couldn’t help but notice more than a few admiring female glances and waves toward Nick.

  “You’re quite popular here.”

  “I’m the deputy.” He gave her a slow grin as he polished off his rack of ribs.

  “I think it’s more than that.” Zoe blushed at her own words, and Nick laughed.

  “Not many men around here to choose from. Most are married or rednecks. I’m exaggerating but not totally.” He stared into her eyes, and Zoe looked away.

  “You certainly know where you stand.” She gave him a wry grin.

  “I do.”

  They ate in a comfortable silence, and Zoe realized she enjoyed Nick’s company.

  I always do enjoy their company…for a while. It’s the later on thing which gets to me.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Nick’s words jolted her out of her reverie.

  “Nothing major.”

  “Didn’t look like it. You were frowning big time.”

  “Was I? Just thinking about things I’d rather forget.” Zoe finished her glass of sweet tea, feeling his gaze on her.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  His words astounded her. No wonder he has all the chicks. He knows how to get them.

  “No thanks.” She stood up.

  “No problem. The offer is open, though, if you change your mind. I do a lot of listening in my job. Been told I’m pretty good at it.” His eyes glimmered blue in the afternoon sun as they walked outside.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Zoe ground the words out, not wanting to be too gracious with him. Nick Wheeler was dangerous. She didn’t have time for another flirtation ending in a mess.

  I’ve got a book to write.

  “Well, I have to get back, so I’ll take you home. I enjoyed lunch.” Nick opened her door, and she rolled her eyes. Why does he have to be so dang nice?

  “Me too. Thanks.” Zoe said nothing on the way home, wanting to be away from him. His scent like mossy trees and pinecones in sunlight overwhelmed her in the cab of the truck.

  “Here we are. Call me if anything happens. I mean it. I can be here any time night or day.” Nick touched her shoulder, and the slight contact burned like a brand through her thin T-shirt.

  “I will. I swear, but I’m a big girl, and I think I’ll be fine. Whatever I heard last night…well, who knows? I don’t think it was anything.” Zoe wished she could believe her own words.

  “You’re probably right. Like I said, it’s different out here away from it all. Takes some getting used to.” He held open the door for her, and Zoe hopped out.

  “I’m sure I’ll do fine.”

  “I know you will. Good luck with the book.”

  Zoe pivoted away from him, the sight of him almost too much to bear. After spending more time with him she could say he was one of the most handsome and kindest men she had ever met…so far anyway.

  Loneliness washed over her as the truck pulled away and she mounted the steps. Dust motes danced in the afternoon light.

  Zoe gasped when she walked into her room. Her clothes lay all over the place, and her laptop was gone.

  Chapter Three

  Nick Wheeler stepped out of his truck, and Zoe made herself walk toward him. She wanted to run. Her heart skittered in her chest almost ten minutes after her find.

  “Let me take a look.”

  “Please do.” Zoe had called Nick as soon as she saw the mess in her room. He had been right down the road and came back.

  “Are you okay?” He stopped halfway up the steps, Zoe trailing behind him.

  “Not really. My laptop is gone. I have the novel on my key chain memory, but I just can’t believe it.”

  “I’ll get the locks changed by tonight.” Nick took the rest of the steps in leaps.

  “Okay.” Zoe whispered the word. So much for my getting away from him.

  She followed him into her bedroom, her hands shaking at the violation of her privacy and belongings. All she wanted to do was pack up what was left and leave.

  “So, what’s missing? Just the laptop?” Nick walked around the room, studying everything.

  “I think so.” Her jewelry was in the bathroom.

  “It almost seems like they were looking for something. It’s hard to tell.” Nick stopped and turned to her.

  Zoe sat on the bed with a sigh.

  “I wonder what they could have been looking for.”

  She heard the speculation in his voice and clenched her fists. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s just a question.” Nick shrugged, studying her.

  “I have no idea. Just money I guess. There was none here, so they took the laptop.”

  “I know. They did, and you’re probably right. I just wonder why they made such a mess.”

  “I have no idea. I think I’m leaving as soon as I get packed up.”

  Nick walked over and sat down beside her. His thigh brushed hers, and Zoe caught her breath. “I can understand why, but I hope you’ll stay. I want you to know this is a one of…a rare occurrence. When I came by and told you I was here to help, I had no idea something like this would happen. I just wanted you to feel like you had someone to call if you needed anything since you’re single and all.” He looked away from her.

  Zoe threw her hands up. “I don’t even have a computer now.”

  “You can use mine for as long as you’d like. Did you get to save your manuscript?”

  His usage of the proper term reminded Zoe again of his intelligence, of how he was everything she didn’t expect a small town Southern deputy to be.

  “I do, and I appreciate the offer.”

  “Don’t just appreciate it. Accept it. Please.” He touched her hand, and Zoe took a ragged breath.

  “Okay, I will. Here’s hoping yours doesn’t get stolen, too.”

  “It won’t. I’m going to have surveillance out here. I’ll bring the computer by when I come back on the first shift.” The closeness of his body distracted Zoe.

  “What? I don’t think I’m staying.” She shook her head, not meeting his gaze.

  “Please stay. I want you to see how great our little town is, Zoe. I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  The warmth of his words made Zoe’s next protestation fly out of her head. “Well…”

  “No buts about it. I’m going to make sure you’re okay. I’ll patrol around here tonight, and I’ll make sure the sheriff keeps someone on the case.” Nick leaned closer to her, and for a crazy moment, Zoe thought he meant to kiss her.

  She leaned back a bit, her head swimming. Zoe couldn’t remember a reaction this visceral to any man.

  “All right. We�
�ll see how it goes.” She stood up, needing to distance herself from Nick Wheeler. Turning toward the window, she watched the shimmering leaves of a few old oak trees waving in the breeze.

  “Good. Well, I’ve written this up. I’ll call you if I find anything out. Do you want me to bring my computer by when I get off work at six?”

  “Sure. That would be great.” Zoe faced him, sucking in a breath as she felt herself spiraling into Nick’s sphere. It felt chaotic and overwhelming.

  “I’ll do that then. Let me know if you think of anything else…old enemies that sort of thing.” He grinned at her, and the dimple in his right cheek made her want to sigh like a school girl.

  “I will. Thanks again, deputy.” Zoe’s voice came out strident, and she saw him flinch. It gave her a satisfaction to put distance between them.

  “Just doing my job.” He pivoted away from her and walked out of the room without another word.

  Zoe slumped back onto the bed. “Great. Just great. Now I’ve pissed him off.”

  I have a real way of doing that with men. She squared her shoulders and tried to shrug it off. Better now than later on when she decided he was getting too close, expecting too much…

  She walked to the window, hoping he wouldn’t see her there. She watched him get into the car, her heart hurting a little.

  “Get over it.”

  Zoe straightened up the room as the last rays of the sun went down. The thought still troubled her. Who could have done this and why?

  The doorbell rang, knocking her out of her reverie.

  “What now?” She muttered under her breath. Her heart pounded, and her palms sweated. “Screw you. I’m not scared.”

  A man she didn’t recognize stood at the door.

  “Can I help you?” She didn’t open it.

  “I’m your neighbor. Just wanted to come by and be neighborly.” Zoe noticed his forehead had a strange slope to it, when he turned aside to spit. Not a handsome man by any stretch.

  “I’m not sure…” She tried to stall, not wanting to open the door.

  “Oh, it’s fine. I don’t mean you no harm.” He grinned, and black chew oozed between his teeth.

  Zoe tried not to wince as she cracked the door open.

  He stuck a booted toe in the door.

  She frowned and didn’t open it further.

  “How you liking it here so far?” He gave her a slow grin as his gaze traveled the length of her body.

  “It’s nice.” She didn’t want to tell him about the break in.

  Maybe he did the breaking in. Zoe shivered at the thought, wanting him gone.

  “That’s good.” He didn’t try to push his way inside, but he leaned against the doorjamb as if he would never leave.


  “You hearin’ any funny noises like around here at night I mean?” He looked down at his feet, a smile playing about his thick, chew stained lips.

  “No.” Zoe wasn’t about to tell him about the team of mules she thought she had heard.

  “Oh. Well, there’s tell of a ghost ’round this place.” He gave her a serious stare, and Zoe broke eye contact.

  “That’s fascinating. No, can’t say I’ve heard or seen anything.” She gave him a tight smile, willing him in her head to go away.

  “Well, if you do, I’m your neighbor, just a half mile down the dirt road to your left. You can come by anytime.” He leered at her.

  “Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.”

  He moved his boot slowly from the doorway. “Bye now. I’ll come around and check on you again.”

  “That’s really not—”

  “I insist. We take care of our neighbors here, Miss?”

  Zoe’s cheeks grew hot. “Zoe Scott.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Zoe. I’m Cletus Pool.”

  Cletus? Zoe had been sure that name was only for Dukes of Hazzard characters.

  “Nice to meet you. Thanks again.”

  She closed the door on his “you’re mighty welcome, Miss Zoe.”

  He walked backward, staring and grinning at her all the way to his rusty brown truck. It belched and gulped as he started it, and Zoe breathed a sigh of relief when he was out of sight.

  Just as soon as Cletus’ truck disappeared, Nick’s pulled down the drive and disappeared. What’s he doing? Zoe caught her breath, wondering if she had hurt his feelings with her brusqueness and hoping she had at the same time.

  “I see you met your neighbor.” Nick walked through the door a few minutes later, and the scent of cool waves and water hit her nostrils. He had his full uniform on.

  He showered before coming back over. The thought sent a thrill down her spine. “I see you’re in full dress.” She gave him a slow grin.

  “Part of the job. If I get a call, I have to go.”

  “I see.”

  “But I’m not planning on it.” Nick pulled something out from behind his back. “Here’s the laptop. Use it as long as you need to.”

  “Thanks. I really owe you one. It won’t be long. I’m going to get online tonight to order a new one.”

  “Good. Take your time.” He moved past her, his arm brushing hers with a sizzle of heat.

  “Want something to drink?” She spoke to fill the strange silence that had opened between them.

  “No, I’m fine.” He leaned against a kitchen table chair. “I want you to be careful, Zoe.”

  Chapter Four

  The tone of his voice took her breath away. It was serious and filled with concern.

  “What do you mean?” The defensiveness he brought out in her was apparent in her shrill question.

  “I mean Cletus Pool is a slimeball, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one who broke into your place…or one of his relatives or friends.”

  “Really? No way.” Zoe froze in her chair.

  “Yeah, I’m afraid it’s possible. He has a criminal record for petty stuff, he’s bad news. A few years back, he got in trouble for messing around on the grounds of this place. When he was questioned about it, he said he was looking for the treasure.” Nick snorted in a half laugh.

  “Hmm. Yeah, he mentioned the mule team. He said it was a ghost.”

  “He did?” Nick raised a fine dark brow. “Sounds like he wants you to be scared.”

  “Well, I’m not.” Zoe met his stare, unflinching as tension grew between them.

  “Good. I’m staying here tonight.”

  “What?” Her voice came out in a squeak at the thought of him there in the house, so close to her…

  “Either in the car or on the couch. It’s up to you.” He licked his lips, and heat shot through her. There was no denying the message in that gesture.

  “On the couch. I wouldn’t make you sleep in the car.”

  “Sounds good to me, but I would.”

  Zoe swallowed, glad she was sitting down since she felt wobbly all over.

  “Thank you.” She realized with alarm how early it was. Just past supper time, and she hadn’t eaten. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I brought us some Chinese. I just need to get it out of the truck.” He flashed a megawatt smile her way.

  “Oh my gosh.” She breathed out as he left the room, trying to gather her thoughts. How am I going to sleep tonight with him in this house?

  “Here you go. I hope you like kung pao chicken or chicken with rice or any of the rest of it.”

  Zoe laughed. “You brought enough to feed a small army.”

  “It’s not good to go hungry when you’re fighting crime.” He winked at her, and she grinned back in spite of her desire to stay reserved, to be safe.

  They dug into the food, and she was struck by how comfortable it was just to be with him. “This is wonderful. Thanks so much,” she said around a bite of rice.

  “My pleasure. You’ve had a crazy day.”


  “I feel better being here with you and knowing you’re safe.” He touched her hand, and heat seared where his fingertips lay.

/>   “Nick.” She could hardly speak.

  “What?” He massaged her wrist, moving his hand further up her arm.


  “Oh, I think it’s something, and I feel it, too. The only difference is, I’m not fighting it.” He stood up, moving behind her chair and running his fingers through her hair.

  Zoe fought a moan and lost as the pleasure of his warm hands on her scalp overwhelmed her. “Are you here just to seduce me?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m here to protect you.”

  “I don’t know if a back rub is protection.” His hands kneaded into her tight shoulders, and she sighed with arousal and contentment.

  “Maybe not, but if you like it, I won’t stop.”

  “I do.”

  Nick lifted her shirt, running his hands under it and around her sides to cup her breasts.

  “Oh, no.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t.”

  “I know you’ve been trying to resist me since you saw me, but I wanted you as soon as I laid eyes on you, Zoe.” He undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. “Get up.”

  She heard the note of command in his voice, and her heart leaped at it. “What if I don’t want to?” Her voice was only a tremor.

  “I want you to, and I’m not going to let you weasel away from me. I know you like to run, Zoe.”

  She stood then as his hands fell from her breasts. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I think I do. You put up walls to keep people out. You get scared.”

  Zoe couldn’t speak as he took her into his arms. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, Zoe.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes unbidden. This is ludicrous, and I’m falling for his two bit lines. “I bet you say that to all the girls, deputy.”

  “Hardly. Only to this girl.” He pulled her shirt off and kissed her, his lips bruising hers in their urgency.

  Zoe responded to him, throwing caution to the wind as she pulled his shirt off, too. She traced the contours of his pectoral muscles as he kissed her neck.

  A loud crash made them both jump.

  “What was that?” Zoe stood still, her heart thumping.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not waiting around in here to find out.” Nick had his shirt back on in a flash, disappointment and something like relief surged through Zoe. His gun drawn from its holster on his jeans, he moved outside.


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