The Promise

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The Promise Page 17

by Natalie Clarke

I just stare dead ahead. I'm not entirely sure what it is I’m feeling, hurt, betrayal, anger... I think it’s a mixture of all three. Getting involved with that bitch was the worst mistake I have ever made, and I’ve made a lot.

  “Zach?” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gwen’s head turn, her eyes landing on Carly. “That’s her, isn’t it?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yeah,” I manage to say.

  “What really happened?”

  I tear my gaze from Carly and look down to see jade eyes staring back at me. I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It clearly does, you were just shooting daggers at her from all the way over here.”

  “Just leave it. Please, Gwen, drop it.” I turn on my heel and head straight for the bar.

  Of all the fucking places she could turn up and it had to be here.

  “Whiskey, neat,” I tell the bartender.

  The bartender returns with my drink and I tip my head back and swallow the entire contents of the glass. My throat burns and I let out a cough. “Another, please,” I say, shoving the empty glass away.

  Two more drinks later and I feel the gentle brush of a hand on my shoulder. “Hello, Zach.”

  My back stiffens. I turn my head to see Carly leaning against the bar, her strawberry blonde hair falling over her shoulders, her red lips turned up into a smile. If I didn’t know the bitch better I’d think it was genuine, but there’s nothing genuine about her, not even the “Gucci” dress or the “Dior” bracelet she’s wearing.

  “Since when do you drink?” she asks.

  “Not really your concern now is it?” I snap.

  “Zach, don’t be like that.”

  “How the fuck do you want me to be, Carly? You want me to act like you didn’t screw me over, trick me into marrying you just so you could get your hands on my fucking money, all the while screwing someone else behind my back?”

  “Zach, it wasn’t like that.”

  “The fuck it wasn’t,” I spit. “Does he know the real you? I bet the poor guy is clueless. Maybe I should warn him of who you really are, tell him to watch his back, and his fucking bank account. I almost lost everything because of you.”

  “Zach, I-” she starts, just as an arm snakes around my waist and a finger turns my chin before soft, warm lips meet mine.

  I look up to find Gwen, smiling. She’s like an angel. “Hey, baby. Come dance with me.” Her eyes flick to Carly who’s stood behind me. “Excuse us.” Gwen take my hand and pulls me off my stool, my free hand instinctively reaching out to grip her waist.

  She walks us over to the dancefloor and spins around to face me, locking her arms around my neck as she rests her head on my chest. My hands reach around her back, encasing her in my arms as we begin to sway to the music.

  “How much did you hear?”

  She pulls back to look up at me. “Enough.”

  I heave out a sigh. “You remember when Kyle and I became partners?” She nods. “Well, my company was struggling because when we divorced, she took half of everything I owned, including my company. My lawyer begged me to get a pre-nup, but like the fucking idiot I was, I trusted her. I fell in love with her, but she never loved me, all she loved was my money. I didn’t want her to have any part of my company, so I was forced to buy her out. It almost bankrupted me, so I sold the company to Kyle, only he agreed to merge and made me a partner.”

  “What a bitch,” she spits. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “I’m not, not really. If it hadn’t, I would never have met Kyle, or Hayley,” I say. I reach up to touch my fingertips to her face. “And I would never have met you.”

  It’s the truth. After everything that happened between Carly and me, strangely, I wouldn’t have had it pan out in any other way.

  She reaches up on her tiptoes and presses a gentle kiss to my lips before pulling back to rest her head back on my chest, her arms tightening around me.

  I dip my head into the crook of her neck and breathe her in.

  Right here, right now, it’s just Gwen and me. The rest of the world can go fuck itself.

  Chapter 38


  The blood in my veins boils with rage.

  That bitch.

  I want to rip her fucking hair out for what she did to Zach. I want to march over to her and pour her fucking drink all over her ten thousand dollar dress. Who’s dick did she have to suck to get them to buy that? They shouldn’t have wasted their money, it's hideous. You could have dressed up a bin bag and made it work better than the pile of shit she’s wearing.

  She’s the reason he’s so screwed up, why he walked out on me a year ago, why he ran to Boston, why he kept pulling away from me. It’s all because of her.

  I hate her.

  Zach and I dance through a couple of songs, locked in each other’s arms. Every now and then I glance over to where Carly is stood with her sugar daddy, her stares unfaltering as she watches us. If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under by now.

  Okay, so I won’t lie and say that I don’t enjoy making the bitch a little jealous, cause I love it. I love showing her what she lost, what she gave up on.

  I reach up and press my lips to Zach's who responds immediately. His tongue slipping into my mouth and mine in his as we taste each other. His arms tighten around my waist as we spin slowly on the spot, continuing our dance to the slow song.

  I tear my mouth from his and unwind from Zach’s body. “I’m just going to the bathroom.”

  “Okay,” he says, planting another kiss on my lips. “Be quick.”

  It doesn’t take me long to find the bathroom and as I step out of the cubicle my eyes fall on strawberry blonde hair, her attention trained on me as she looks at me through the reflection in the mirror above the sinks.

  My fists clench.

  Keep calm Gwen. Don’t give her the satisfaction.

  I look away and walk towards the sink, washing my hands, trying my best to ignore her.

  “I’m Carly.”

  Fuck, even her voice annoys me, it’s one of those annoying high-pitched screeches that goes straight through you.


  “Pleasure.” She smiles falsely.

  I glance over to her. “Pleasure’s all mine,” I say, returning her sarcastic smile. “Excuse me.” I reach for a handful of paper towels to dry my hands before dropping it in the trash can and walking out.

  As I walk down the corridor I hear the restroom door swing open behind me. “You’re not his type.”

  I stop dead before spinning around to face her. “And what the hell would you know?”

  “I’ve known Zach for over five years. We may have been apart for most of that, but I know he makes mistakes, I’m his wife, I should know. I'm just warning you. You may be with him now, but it won’t last.”

  “Mistakes?” I snort out a laugh. “Well he married you didn’t he? And you’re his ex-wife, he divorced you when he found you on your back with another man between your legs. You never loved him, you were only after his money.”

  “He doesn’t love you, he never will. He still loves me.”

  “You don’t know a fucking thing about love, how could you? You’re just a leech. And not that it’s any of your business, but I happen to love Zach, a lot. And not because of his fucking money, I couldn’t give a shit about that. I love him because he’s a really great guy, and if you’d just paid even a little attention to him rather than his bank account, you would have seen that. You broke his heart, now it’s my job to put it back together.”

  I turn to walk away but she grabs my arm, pulling me back forcefully.

  Before I can register what is happening, my palm connects with the side of her face, the sting of the blow radiating from my palm, all the way up my arm.

  She stumbles back, holding her cheek in her hand as she stares at me wide-eyed. “You bitch!” she screams.

  “Don’t you dare fucking touch me. Go back to your sugar daddy and stay the hell o
ut of our lives.”

  I turn on my heel to find Zach standing a few meters away from me. “Zach,” I breathe out, coming to a stop.

  Time stands still, and I can’t distinguish the expression on his face. Is he mad? Upset?

  I get my answer when he closes the distance between us, his steps eating up the floor as he strides towards me and our lips collide in a desperate, frenzied kiss, his hands either side of my face, his tongue tangling with mine. My arms wrap around his back, holding his body close to me.

  He tears his lips from mine and takes my hand in his. “Come with me,” he growls as he pulls me behind him and drags me back down the corridor, past Carly who looks on in shock, still holding her cheek.

  We round the corner of the corridor and Zach suddenly grips my waist, spinning me around until my back hits the wall and his mouth crushes to mine. He leans into me, pressing me further against the wall, trapping me there while his fingers wind through my hair.

  I bring my hands up and touch his cheek while my other grips his hair in my fist, tugging gently, bringing him even closer. Zach pushes his knee between my thighs, allowing me to grind my core against his leg. I can feel his hardness pressing against my lower stomach which turns me on even more.

  He pulls back panting, our noses brushing ever so slightly.

  “Zach,” I whisper. “Please.”

  “I can’t wait until I get you home, it will take too fucking long. Need to have you now.” He links his fingers with mine and leads us into the lobby of the hotel where we head straight for the reception desk.

  The only room available at such short notice was the presidential suite, and once inside the elevator, Zach backs me up against the wall, his mouth crashing back to mine. He tugs on my bottom lip with this teeth gently, his thumbs rubbing my hardened nipples through my dress, my back arching into his touch as I glide my hands down over his body, untucking his shirt from his pants and reaching in to fist his hardened cock. He lets out a deep guttural groan as I work him with my hand as he continues his assault on my mouth.

  We find the room, and before we’ve even passed the threshold, I’m in Zach’s arms, pressed up against his hard body with his lips on mine. We're a tangled mess of limbs. I fumble with his tie and the buttons of his shirt, stripping him of both, while he pulls down the zipper of my dress, tugging it off, leaving me in just a thin pair of black lace panties. Zach grips my thighs and lifts me up off the ground, my legs wrapping around his waist as he walks us to the bed.

  We collapse back onto the cool crisp white sheets, Zach’s body flush against mine, his hands roaming over my body as his mouth peppers kisses across my jaw and down my neck. His hand reaches between my spread legs and finds my clit over the thin lace which he rolls with his thumb, he slides the material to the side and dips a finger inside me and I cry out. He sucks on the sensitive skin of my neck just below my ear as his fingers begin to work quicker.

  I go to kick off my heels, but he pulls back, his finger slipping out of me.

  “No. Heels stay on,” he orders, before shifting back slightly, spreading my legs apart wider, and brings his mouth to the inside of my knee, kissing and licking his way up the inside of my thighs until his mouth meets my pussy. My hips buck off the bed as he explores me, his fingers fucking me while his tongue flicks my clit, sending bolts of pleasure coursing through my body.

  “Zach,” I moan. “Fuck me.”

  He growls before pulling back and flipping me over in one swift move so I’m lying on my stomach. He grips my hips and pulls me up so I’m kneeling, my ass is in the air, my face buried in the sheets.

  “Hands above your head,” he commands in a low voice and I do as he says. I reach my hands up over my head, my fingers gripping the top of the mattress. He leans over me, his lips level with my ear. “Good girl.” His voice sends a shiver through my body, my arousal dripping between my legs.

  I feel him shift behind me as his hand glides over my hips, toying with the waistband of my panties before tugging them down my legs, leaving them around my knees. I’m completely exposed.

  He blows out a strained breath. “Christ, you’re so fucking wet.” He spreads my legs apart with his knees as wide as my panties will allow. “You wet for me, Red?”

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  His palm connects with my left ass cheek, the sound filling the room, the sting of it sending tingles across my skin and pleasure through my body.

  I hear him unbuckle his belt and the rustle of clothing being removed. He groans behind me and I feel the head of his cock brush against my opening. My legs begin to tremble in anticipation. He rubs his tip through my wet folds, teasing me.

  “Please,” I beg, the ache between my legs becoming too much to bear.

  He takes me in one hard thrust of his hips, and I cry out as he fills me completely. He stills once he’s buried deep inside me, before gripping my hips roughly, and begins to fuck me.

  He takes me hard.

  His long, thick length stretching me, hitting the back of my channel with every harsh snap of his hips. Zach’s hands stay locked on my hips, his fingers biting into my soft flesh. His rough touch hurting in the best possible way.

  He is unrelenting, unrestrained as he pounds into me, his strokes becoming faster and wilder with every passing second, bringing us both closer to the edge of heaven. A hand slips from my waist and moves to between my legs where he rubs my clit with the pad of his finger. My teeth clamp down on my bottom lip as I stifle a scream. With every thrust, Zach let’s out a deep groan, a sound that shoots straight between my legs and I clench around him.

  He growls. I do it again, because I know he likes it.

  “Zach, I’m so close... I'm so...”

  After a few more thrusts, I hurtle over the edge, the sheets muffle my screams as I come, my eyes screwing shut as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me, so hard my legs almost give out, my orgasm seems to go on forever. I clench around Zach so tight, sending him over the edge not long after me, his deep groans filling the room, his cock throbbing and twitching as he empties himself inside me. His pace slows as he wrings out the last of his climax before collapsing on top of me, his head falling to my shoulder, panting.

  He stays buried inside me until his breathing begins to slow before he pulls out of me, and I groan at the loss of him inside me.

  He wraps me up in his arms me we lie beside each other, the thin sheen of sweat cooling on my skin.

  “Fuck, Gwen. I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Chapter 39


  “So what flavour do you want?” I ask Lucas as I hold him in my arms so that he can peer over the counter through the glass at all the different colours of ice cream they have.

  I never in a million years anticipated how quickly this little boy would steal my heart, or his mother for that matter, who stands beside me, her hand clasped tightly in mine.

  I never imagined that they would become my whole entire world in such a short space of time.

  Nothing else matters unless I’m with them.

  I never imagined I could be this happy.

  Seeing Gwen stand up to my ex-wife last week did something to me.

  You broke his heart, now it’s my job to put it back together.

  I can’t even describe what it felt like to hear her say that.

  “Uh… chocslate!” Lucas says.

  “Chocolate it is.” I turn to Gwen, “what do you want, baby?”

  She peers up at me and smiles. “Vanilla, please. I’m boring like that.”

  “Baby, there’s nothing vanilla about you.” I squeeze her hand, giving her a wink, and she squeezes back.

  “Well, hello there!” the young woman behind the counter says, wearing a huge smile that stretches from ear to ear. She glances between the three of us, her eyes landing on Lucas. “And what can I get for you, young man?”


  “How many scoops, one, two or three?”

  Lucas peers up to
me, silently asking me through the excitement in his eyes.

  “He’ll have three, please.”

  “Yay!” Lucas bounces up and down in my arms as he watches the woman reach in and scoop the ice cream into the dish, squirting chocolate sauce and adding sprinkles on top.

  I watch as she occasionally looks up at Lucas over the top of her glasses, fighting back a smile. I set Lucas down on the ground and give the woman mine and Gwen’s order. Once she’s done, I pull a couple of bills out of my wallet and hand them to her.


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