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Conquest of the Alpha

Page 3

by Jessica Caspian

  Lost in thought and fantasies, she was in the process of going to her last class, when she bumped into Tanner.

  “If I am a betting man, I would say that Chance chickened out at the last minute. He probably thought that you couldn’t handle it, and you’re still as much in the dark as you were before. Why not come with me and I will show you what you are. Unless of course you are afraid and if that’s the case then you are not the woman that I think you are.” His arrogance appalled her, making her shy away from him, only to have his hand grab onto hers. “You can’t hide it from me, and I know that you want me as much as I want you. Give in to those impulses, and you will see a whole world come to life in front of your eyes. You will live like nobody else, doing things that nobody else can do, and having the power of the beast in the palm of your hand. Tell me that you don’t want that, and I will leave you in peace and never return.”

  “God help me…but I do want that.” His dazzling white teeth were followed by him grabbing her and pulling her outside to a very daunting and pure black motorcycle. He motioned for her to get on, but not seeing a helmet made her a little bit weary. He laughed out loud, lifting her easily onto the back of the motorcycle, before getting in the front and grabbing her hands and putting them around his waist.

  He peeled out of there in a hurry, looking back to make sure that Chance hadn’t seen his double cross, and was right now about to intervene on her behalf. He had to smile seeing that he had gotten one over on him, and the fact that he was unwilling to admit to changing her was something of a surprise to Tanner.

  Speeding along traffic, the speedometer was almost at the very top, and he could feel Julia’s hands digging into the sides of his waist. She was holding on for dear life, and he loved putting her through hell, making her adrenaline push to the maximum, and consciously awakening the sexual side of her beast. This was after all his way of doing things, and after physically joining with a new recruit, it was virtually impossible for that recruit to turn down his request. They would be forever enamored with him, following him around like a lost puppy, never quite having the control over their powers that they would hope they have.

  He drove them to the top of the city, parking and putting his hand back to graze her cheek with his fingertips. “All you have to do is tell me to stop, and we will go no further than this.” Her mouth came forward and they began to lightly kiss, with his head to the side and his tongue playfully playing over her lips. She grabbed onto with her teeth, pulling it into her mouth and twisting her tongue around it. There was this heat between them that she couldn’t deny and he turned around to face her with his genitalia not more than a few inches from her own. “I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to do.” His fingers suddenly showed longer fingernails and she remembered, gripping her blouse and ripping it open with the buttons flying in all directions. The sharpness of his fingernails sliced through the middle of her bra, cutting it in half and making her shrug it over her shoulders in self defeat. Julia had never felt this way before, never having this raw animal hunger that consumed her every thought.

  “You won’t be able to make me do anything, and right now I want to see that nice hard cock of yours.” The way that she said it made him almost regret what he was doing, as there was something about her that went beyond the true wolf inside. There was something there that scared him, but at the same time it was exhilarating all his senses and made her impossible to resist. “I have this need…a compulsion that makes me want to strip you naked and do unspeakable things to you.” Tanner had never seen a woman act like this before, even with the wolf dying to get out, and he was powerless at her touch.

  She was biting her lip, pulling at his belt and using it to slap it across his face two times in succession. The blow took them both by surprise, and he was suddenly feeling the beast come alive within his own frame. “You are something else, Julia, but I can’t figure out just what it is. Right now, I couldn’t care, and all I want is to have you in the worst way possible.” She was busily unzipping his pants, reaching down into the fabric of his underwear to hold him tightly in the palm of her hand. It swelled and throbbed in her hand, making her stroke him, while still looking in his eyes with this intensity that had them both going crazy with desire.

  “This is just too much to handle, and I think you purposely took me up here to have sex with me. Unfortunately for you, it is going to be the other way around, as you are now mine for the taking.” Her own fingernails were now longer, but that didn’t seem to faze her in the very least. In fact she didn’t even recognize it, or give it any kind of substance in her own mind. Lifting her bright red saucy skirt, she used her long index finger nail to slice through the middle of her underwear, ripping through the lacey fabric and leaving behind a telltale opening towards her sex.

  His jeans were down past his ass, as she leaned down and licked lightly over the head of 8 inch cock, making his entire body shiver with a new sensation that took him by surprise. Julia looked up in his face, smiled wickedly and then inhaled every single inch in one swallow.

  “Whoa... I didn’t for once think that you could be that kind of girl. You didn’t take me as somebody that could do that….ahhhh… but I now see just how wrong I was.” Her head was bobbing up and down, twisting and turning her head in such a way that he was striking against her cheeks on both sides. Tanner had his hands behind him, holding onto the handlebars and lifting his hips, so that she could get to his balls as well.

  She lifted both of them with her hands, licked both of the finely shaved orbs, and just as he was about to expel his juices into her mouth, she stopped him short with two of her sharpened fingernail digging into the skin of his shaft.

  “AWOOOOOOOOOO.” Tanner threw his head back in frustration, allowing her intense need for him to bring about the animal savagery inside himself.

  Even though she had heard that sound before, her lust filled veins were calling the shots. She leaned back with her breasts raised to the sky, reached out and grabbed Tanner by both ears, before slamming him headfirst into her lap. She felt him struggle, but didn’t care about his own personal safety any longer.

  Tanner was now taking the full brunt of what he was unleashing, and was now struggling in vain to push away from her strength. He found her to be overpowering, and even though he knew in the back of his mind that he was stronger than she was, at this very moment it didn’t appear that way. He had only one choice, and that was to jab his tongue into her pussy, letting her smother him with her loveliness. There was a small part of him that didn’t care if she ever let him breathe again, as he drank from the source of her warm twat.

  “”Yes… lick and suck my cunt. I will not let you breathe until you make me come all over your face.” Julia had never been this forward before, always taking the lead from the man, but this time it was different. It wasn’t just that it was wild and uninhibited, but it was a pure sexually enticing experience that made her want more. “Jesus…yes feel my pussy grab that tongue of yours and never let go….YESSSSSSSS.” this was the type of orgasm that she had always dreamed about but had never attained. It was the kind that turned the world upside down, making her slam her pussy against his mouth, until finally laying back and thinking how nice it would be to have a cigarette.

  Feeling him shift on the motorcycle, she put her hand on his chest stopping his forward momentum. “Come on…you know you want it, so why not just give into it and let your body do the talking for you.” Tanner was almost to the point of going out of his mind, never once having this kind of intense reaction with any other woman besides the one that was now teasing him beyond reason.

  “I think that’s precisely the reason why we’re going to stop, because I am going to leave you wanting more. That way you will come back crawling on your hands and knees on glass to be with me. Trust me, I can see in your eyes that you will come when I call, and that is one thing that I crave more than anything else…your undying obedience.” This was the kind of sexually open woman tha
t she wanted to be, and now she was living that dream and really having no idea why she was able to do this now.

  “I think you need to know that you are a…”

  “Stop…not one more word, or you will have to answer for all of this. When I smelled your scent, Tanner, I knew that you weren’t alone. I think that you should get out of here before I forget that I can control my temper, and I think that you should do it sooner than later.”

  Tanner lifted Julia onto the ground, her tattered clothes still clinging to her body parts, looking behind him and giving Chance the evil eye. “I will leave, but I think that you are doing this girl a grave injustice. The time is near, and the sooner that you get it over with, the sooner that we can figure out where she belongs.”

  Julia watched as he went around the corner and out of sight, leaving the scrutinizing eyes of Chance left behind in his wake. “I don’t know what came over me, but now I feel like I should apologize for something. I’m glad that you came when you did, but something tells me that I could take care of myself.” Feeling dirty and insecure, she was now trying to hide her nakedness with her hands, while Chance went around and picked up the pieces of her discarded clothing. It took everything in his will power not to drape that small piece of cloth from her ripped underwear over his nose.

  Being the gentleman, he took off his own shirt, making her deeply sigh with the exposure of his manly chest. Had she not just had some of the best oral sex of her life, she might have jumped on Chance’s body, but at the very least she was able to hold back that compulsion.

  It made her feel like a princess, as he draped his own shirt around her shoulders, putting her arms through and then buttoning it up to hide her obvious embarrassment. “That was part of who you are, and Tanner used that against you for his own personal gain. It was wrong, but was not the first time that he has resorted to those methods. You could say that he has a pattern, but the way that you shut him down was almost too good for words. I don’t know how you were able to resist his charms, but I applaud you for not taking it all the way.”

  The sun was going down, and the black night was slowly surrounding everything around them. “It’s like I had no control over my own body, and the feeling of this sexual fire had consumed me.”

  “I guess I should’ve been clearer, and I really wanted to be there for your first change to show you what you are capable of. At the last second I didn’t think it was fair to you, but I now see that I was being selfish for protecting you. This thing that you have inside of you is in both myself and Tanner, and on a full Moon we have no control over any of it. You are a werewolf, and I am sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner. This was your right of passage, and telling you was my responsibility. I know that you probably don’t believe me, and that you think that I am crazy in the head, but in a few minutes when the full Moon rises, you’ll see that what I’m telling you is the truth.”

  “I’m sorry, but I am having a hard time believing any of this, and isn’t it a little bit more plausible to think that you are both part of some kind of cult and is using some kind of mind control to make me join your ranks?”

  “I can see that you are scared, and that you wish that that was the case, but I’m afraid that what you are is a mistake. None of us were supposed to change any one, and for him to blatantly lie to your face like that is unforgivable. He should be ashamed of himself, but I think that he is proud of the fact that he used your condition against you.”

  “For argument’s sake, let’s say what you’re saying is true. When the full Moon comes to full power tonight, you are saying that I will turn into a werewolf, and become a man-eating beast. Let me guess, and I imagine that I will wake up sometime in the morning completely naked and feel like I did something wrong.”

  “In a matter of speaking yes, but you have to remember that you have no control over yourself during the change. That’s the reason why we give the person that choice, instead of just changing them like a bunch of animals. We used to do that in the past, but we have evolved to the point of choosing more selectively these days. There are some that still believes in the old ways, but the treaty was made specifically to keep them in line.” At this time, Chance was looking at the sky and seeing the first peek of the full Moon through the clouds, which was now making it necessary for him to take off his clothes in front of the naïve Julia.

  “What… think that you are doing?”

  “I think you know what I’m doing, Julia, and I’m about to change myself. Perhaps our two wolves will be friends, and mine will take yours underneath his wing. It will be the first time that yours will awaken, and she will have this need to hunt for something that has a beating heart. It is possible that you will wake up with a taste of squirrel, or possibly even something even bigger in the animal kingdom.” Julia was looking at him with awe, as his body was now on full display for her very eager eyes. The way that he was putting himself out there, not caring about his own nudity, and basically acting like it was one of the most natural things in the world to be standing in front of her naked.

  “Ahhhh…what was that….ahhhh…” She looked down to see that her hands were now covered with fur, but the palms of her hands were still human form, and there was an intense pain shooting through her skull like a hot knife through butter. “ STOP THIS…I don’t want any of this. All I want is to be myself…ahhhhh….god it hurts.”

  “Julia, you have to stop fighting it, and then you can finally accept your place. Fighting it only makes it worse, and you have to except the pain for what it is and let the beast take you over.” He was changing himself, his face contorting and becoming the animal that he was known to be. Through his transformation, he noticed that Julia was not completely changing, and maybe it was taking a little bit longer because it was her first time. He saw her eyes turn red, and not the normal yellow or green that werewolves are known for.

  Her voice changed, and now she was sounding more baritone “HELP ME…OH GOD…THIS CAN”T BE RIGHT.” Her teeth were now forming, but instead of changing to a wolf, there was something else more…something that was making her grab Chance by the neck and lift him in the air. Something that made her drive those newly formed teeth into his neck. Julia was no longer there, somewhat hidden in her own mind, as this thing ripped into Chance, draining him dry and letting his carcass feel to the ground at her feet.

  She felt like herself, and she was looking up at the moon, but she was not the wolf. All of this was some kind of practical joke, but then she looked down to see Chance in human form…dead at her feet. There was the taste of copper in her mouth and she put her finger up to her lips to come back with blood soaking the digit.

  In the distance…a man all in black watched…and then whispered. “My dear, you are but one, and now it begins. As a vampire and werewolf…you are a new breed of warrior…one that will bend to my will and become the product of those mangy mutts demise.”


  Julia stood with her hands bloody and looked down at the carcass of Chance. She had no idea what was happening, only that it was a foregone conclusion that she was responsible. She froze, and then a bright light shone in her face. A police officer knocked her down onto the ground and began handcuffing her behind her back. She heard them talking to her about having the right to remain silent, but for the most part she was in a state of shock and denial.

  “Call ahead and have a psychiatrist on call, because I can’t see anything in her eyes to indicate that she’s there.” They loaded her up into the police car, her face showing no emotion, unable to speak or say anything at all. “I think she killed him in an act of passion, and now she can’t believe that she killed the person that she was in love with. I’m not a psychiatrist by any means, but I can see that she is being eaten up inside by what she did. No matter, our duty is clear and we have to bring her in and have one of the investigators interrogate her.” The officer was a veteran on the force, someone that thought he had seen it all, yet what he had seen back on that mountain w
as something else entirely.

  “I can’t get over the brutality of it all, and it looked to me like she had ripped his throat open with her bare hands.” Officer Timmons had been on the force less than two weeks, and unfortunately he wasn’t ready for the intense feeling he would feel when he saw his first body. “I didn’t mean to get sick, but at least I had the semblance of mind to do it away from the crime scene.” He thought that he was prepared for this type of work, especially being a third generation police officer in his family. He knew that his father would find his weakness distasteful, and would think that his son was not strong enough to do the job. Nobody knew that Officer Timmons father was a cruel man behind closed doors, and on more than several occasions he had felt the back of his father’s hand across his face.

  “Just breathe, and just know that we have all gone through it before ourselves. You just have to get used to this, and over time these things will not affect you as much as they do today.” Officer Kane was only trying to convince himself, because after this one he was going to need a very stiff drink to wipe the memory from his mind. All these years, and even a couple of tours of duty overseas, and he had never seen a cold-blooded killer with no emotion for what they did. She didn’t seem the type to have a bad bone in her body, but maybe it was true about what they said about not knowing what goes on in the minds of anyone around you. He had been surprised before, having only taken out his gun one time against an enemy that was suppose to be his friend.

  They were so engrossed in driving her down to the station that they never noticed the shadow looming over the car, as a true living vampire was watching their every move. He smiled knowing that his plan was working perfectly, but he needed to get Julia away from the authorities. The one thing he did believe more than anything was that the human population could have no knowledge of his existence. He thought he had that in common with the werewolves, but that was the only thing they had in common and nothing more. He found them to be useless, a pestilence on the shoe of mankind, and something to be eradicated with extreme force. Lucas was the last of his kind, but that was about to change, especially now that Julia was part of a great tradition.


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