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Conquest of the Alpha

Page 6

by Jessica Caspian

  “I don’t like the look in your eye, Tanner, and you are making me a little nervous to be around you.” Julia was trying to get him to tell her, but could see he was either unwilling to or wasn’t sure himself.

  “We have to go, and this time I’m taking no chances.’ This was way too important and he wasn’t even sure if they could do anything about it. Lucas was the last of the vampires, sent into eternal damnation by a fire that burned his house down to the ground. Tanner and his clan stood there watching as they heard Lucas’s screams of agony, and then saw him as he came out of the house engulfed in flames. How he could possibly survive such a thing was beyond his understanding, but the recovery time alone would probably be years or even decades. Lucas would have all that time to concoct his ultimate revenge, and somehow he was now using Julia as his own personal slave to do his bidding.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, Tanner, but I feel that something is very close.” The window in front of the house blew inwards showering everybody in the room with shards of glass. Julia watched as Tanner was embedded with several pieces of jagged glass, essentially knocking him down onto the ground with his own blood splattering the floor. At the last second, Calley had moved behind the couch as a makeshift shield, only managing to get hit with one shard of glass that was now protruding obscenely from her shoulder.

  Julia on the other hand was unscathed, almost as if what ever happened was not meant for her. Through the wind, coming through the window, a figure emerged and landed softly on the floor in front of Julia. “You have been a very hard person to find, but you and I have work to do.” Lucas found the idea of revenge titillating, and it was the only thing that fed his need to survive all these years. The fire had burned away most of his skin, leaving him a shell of his former self and having to depend on others. His loyal servant Jagger was the only reason why he was still alive, as he had dragged whatever was left of his body into the woods and away from the presence of the wolves. He had allowed Lucas to feed on him, and every day he supplied him with new blood. Even with that, it had taken him several years to even begin to speak again, and even a few more years to begin to walk.

  “Stay…away…from her Lucas. I should’ve known that a cockroach like you wouldn’t stay dead for long.” Tanner was standing on shaky legs, the pieces of glass still firmly implanted into his body, and he had no way of bringing on the transformation to make this fight a fair one.

  “Tanner, you and Chance were the main reason for what happened to me, but at least he will never have a chance to raise his hand again. I should kill you with my own bare hands, but I have far better plans for your demise.” Lucas went up to Julia, looked her into the eyes and told her without saying a word that her job was to destroy Tanner by any means necessary.

  Julia found herself holding onto tanner’s neck, lifting him up in the air in the same way that she had done with Chance. This time was not the same, and Julia was quite aware what was going on, with her hand shaking and her face showing a resilient fight to pull back from what she was doing. She could see herself in the mirror, which made her look at it with contempt and resignation. Dropping Tanner onto the ground, she turned her attention towards Lucas, who was now looking on with a certain curiosity.

  Tanner was now holding onto his neck, but what he had seen in Julia’s eyes was something so amazing that he had to take a double take just to make sure what he was seeing was real.

  “You cannot control me, and I have my own will that supersedes anything that you can do. What you made me do to Chance will never happen again, and I now have full rein of the power that exudes from every pore of my body.” She had now changed into half wolf and half vampire, but this time she was well aware of everything and was able to feel that power flowing through her veins. “I will not let you use me again, and I feel that I am even a match for you.”

  “You are a little girl, with no idea of what I am and what I am capable of. You will do as I tell you to do, or you will suffer the consequences like nobody else. I will not tolerate this disobedience, and you are my weapon to unleash on whoever I so desire. There is no escaping my will, and by everything that’s unholy you will obey.” Lucas moved in closer, thinking that maybe his power of control could be exerted close up and in person. He looked into her eyes, felt himself wavering slightly, and then it was as if an energy wave had crashed into his body. “This can’t be, and I have worked too hard to let my revenge be taken away by a mere human girl.”

  “By your own admission, she is no longer just a mere human girl, and now she is a lot more dangerous than just that. You have created a monster that you can’t control, and now you are facing down against an enemy that you have never perceived. You thought that you could use her to come after us, but it looks like your plan has backfired, Lucas.” Tanner was now able to stand, and in the corner of his eye he could see that Calley was now brandishing a knife and holding it out in front of her as a means of defense.

  Julia began to stalk her prey, and Lucas seeing that this was now a losing battle had now decided to make a discreet exit. He moved through the window from whence he came, moving quickly through the forest, avoiding branches and wild animals like they were standing still. He would go back and rethink his plan, still not able to comprehend just how Julia had broken his spell. It was unheard of, and he had the perfect weapon and no way to use it. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of crashing behind him; wood splintering and making him turn around to see that Julia was now hot on his tail.

  “I can’t allow you to leave like this, not after everything you have done. This power that I have of you and the wolves is mine to use as I see fit. The best use of the power is getting rid of you once and for all. I could’ve let you leave, but I realized that you would just try this again. You can’t be allowed to try this with somebody else; even if that means that I have to stay like this for the rest of my life. It is a small price to pay to protect the innocent from the likes of you. I may not know exactly what I am, but I have a feeling that I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what this power is going to allow me to do.”

  “You are not thinking clearly little girl, and do you really think that you have a chance against me? It took Tanner and both clans to stop me, and even then they only slowed me down for a decade or so. I am awake now, and nothing is going to stop me from making those that did this to me pay for their crime.” Lucas could see a determination in her eyes, something that was hell bent on stopping him by any cost.

  “I may not walk away from this in one piece, but I will make sure that you never see the light of day again.” These words were foreign to Julia, yet she believed everything that she was saying with everything in her entire body. “This ends here and now.” The wolf was crying out for vengeance, but the vampire side of her wanted nothing more than to submit to his will. These were the two fighting factions inside her, and she was making them work for her than against her.

  Not seeing any other choice, Lucas decided against his better judgment that it was better to destroy his creation, than to have it come after him over and over again. He reached out with one hand, but suddenly pulled it back with only a stump and spurting blood looking back at him. He didn’t even see it coming, and looked up to see that Julia was holding onto his dismembered hand. She moved like nothing that he had ever seen before, attacking with pure blood lust, using both her vampire and werewolf skills as one.

  He tried to open his mouth, only to have pools of blood come spurting out, once again looking over to see that Julia had ripped out his throat with such speed and determination that he never saw it coming. Drowning in his own blood, he fell onto his knees, knowing now that his creation had surpassed anything that he could imagine. His eyes were wide, and he suddenly realized that his death was coming at the hands of something that he had made. Well, that wasn’t completely true, and he needed one other component to make it complete.

  Julia never stopped, slashing out with everything she had, essentially bri
nging to bear the full weight of what she had now become. It didn’t end until she had ripped his entire head off his body, lifting it up to her eyes to make him see who he was dealing with. “I told you that you would never do this again, and that is a promise that I am keeping.”

  Lucas had never felt like this before, and then just as quickly as it had happened, he turned to ash, which then lazily fell between her fingertips and onto the ground. She heard heavy breathing, and turned to see that Tanner had now finally made it to the fight.

  “It’s over, but unfortunately I am still this thing that has no name. I wouldn’t blame you for killing me, but I’m not sure that the power inside me would allow you to get that close. It looks like I’m going to have to live with this, and try to stay in control.”

  Tanner couldn’t believe that she had taken apart Lucas by herself, and she was indeed a force to be reckoned with. “I’m not going to try to kill you, and I’m not even going to tell anybody about you. If this gets out, you will become the most hunted creature in the world, and you’ll never have any peace to live a normal life. I’m not even sure if you can lead a normal life, but I would like to give you that chance. With that in mind, know that I will be keeping an eye on you, and making sure that you don’t do anything that you will regret. It’s too bad that the police are still looking for you, but it’s a good thing that they didn’t have a chance to fingerprint you or get your name. That means you’re going to have to leave this town and never look back, starting over in someplace new with one eye over your shoulder all the time.”

  “I can see that you’re terrified of me, but not any more terrified than I am of myself. I can’t have this around my friends and family, and I will gladly leave to protect those that I love.” It was not something that she wanted to do by any means, but there was really no choice in the matter. Tanner would always look out after her, and it would be like she had a guardian angel sitting on her shoulder. They decided together that they wouldn’t go back and make Calley relive any of this, walking away and hoping that her power could be contained.

  In the woods, another pair of eyes watches from afar, the wolf wanting to intervene on his master’s behalf, but deciding that it would only end in his own demise. Jagger was the last and final component that made Julia who she was, and then he suddenly turned and casually made his way back into the forest as the wolf that he was. He could never go up against such power, so he would try to live his life on his own for the first time in several years.

  The End

  Other books from Pyramid Moon Publishing

  By Jessica Caspian

  Bear to the Bone

  The Bare Bear Pair

  Along Came a Tiger

  Call of Darkness

  By Nicole Hofbrauhaus

  Happily Ever Afterlife

  Her Tom, Her Lover

  First Chair

  Vampire Cadet

  About the Author

  When Jessica isn’t working part-time at a hospital, or raising her daughter, or taking care of her three cats, it is usually very late. If she doesn’t have to go to work the next day she lights a candle, pours a glass of wine, and tells her stories.





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