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The Anime Trope System

Page 18

by Alvin Atwater

  "We don’t have time for this," said the black dress harpy. "His friends may be able to catch our trail. But if I get a load of semen inside of me, I’ll cast something that will make us disappear."

  "Oh fuck no," Clyde said. "I’ve got shit to do."

  "You can still do whatever you want," the black-dressed harpy said. She had long black hair that draped past her back. "But as my husband, you’ll have curfew. And you’ll have to help raise the kids. Don’t worry about money or anything. Our queen will guarantee us happy lives."

  She massaged Clyde’s manhood. The young man inhaled sharply.

  He thought to himself, will he really become of the raped. Dignity aside, he would no longer get to tease Toru and Seth. And bird kids? Fatherhood was very far from his mind.

  [Paralysis has worn off!]

  [Your heart protection has warded off the Harpy’s mind control.]

  He blinked. The harpy believed he was under a spell... Interesting. The paralysis only made things easier.

  The harpy licked the tip of his horn, giggled, then licked down again and again. She started off slow with the blowjob. Clyde felt like he was in heaven—he’d at least let this finish before she attempted to mount him.

  Harpies were strong—and probably stronger than him. If she got on top, he’d blow a load in her for sure.

  The sliding of her mouth and tongue made Clyde quiver. He felt the climax nearing. The harpy probably did too because she stopped. She gave the young man a longing look as she stripped.

  As much as Clyde wanted to finish, he knew it was time to act. He located a door not too far off, which marked his avenue of escape.

  With one hand aimed at the unsuspecting horny harpy, he released his attack.

  [You’ve entered combat]

  [Activated Spirit wave!]

  [From the up-close and unarmored range, SUPER CRITICAL! Enemy is stunned!]

  [Enemy HP has dropped to 45%]

  The impact of the attack blasted the screaming, stunned harpy off the side of the building.

  [You have killed 1 harpy.]

  Her partner looked horrified. Instead of attacking Clyde, she leapt after her friend, hoping to save her.

  [Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 1200 EXP and $200.]

  Clyde wasted no time bolting to the door. To his relief, it was unlocked. He ran down the stairs nearly three at a time.

  Within minutes, he burst out of an emergency exit to the sweet, sweet road. He activated his mental navigation system and watched the meters count down as he ran. He ignored the screeching and flapping of wings in the distance. That sounded like reinforcements. If caught, he’d be killed for sure. Probably eaten alive.

  To think he went from a normal patrol leader to a terrible harpy killer. Just what the hell was going on?

  [You’ve gained a Wanted Rep with all harpy clans. Current Wanted level: 5/5.]

  "Ah shit," Clyde said softly. "I didn’t expect for the attack to…Well, a monster is a monster. Just because it has a pretty face…." He paused, continuing his running. He made sure not to be out in the open like an idiot. The deadly angels from above would surely snatch him up if he made one mistake.

  Episode 10 (Part 1): Horny Monster Chase. Lot City's Door of the Stone!

  Clyde swiped a t-shirt and sweat pants that barely fit him from someone’s clothes line. He felt uneasy about not having his sword, especially against the demons that roamed the city. Damn demon lord and his fucking army. Before he found the line, he ducked over his shoulder constantly to make sure cops weren’t going to catch him for indecent exposure. His worries were for nothing. Not a single human police patrol was out. The young man suspected that they knew everything about the demon lord. And they were afraid of him.

  Clyde checked his mental navigation system, frowning at the large numbers that still remained. He wasn’t terribly far from the others but sneaking and ducking when flapping and screeching sounded in the distance slowed him considerably.

  The young man still felt a little down about losing his clothes and killing the harpy. The spirit wave seemed to get stronger with every use, despite not having a level. Even though the harpy basically sexually assaulted him, he was still a man. A single man with a beautiful woman. Well, some a bird woman attempting to force him into fatherhood. Monsters and humans had vastly different thought processes. Both could be forceful. Once again, being the Stone was now starting to mean something. Still, he hoped self-defense was enough justification for the deed.

  Clyde was crossing an intersection when the sound of conversation caught his ear. He dashed behind a parallel parked car and watched.

  "Lord Zeth is being so pushy tonight," a feminine voice said.

  "Like yah," an accented voice answered. "I tried to get him to rest, maybe mess around a bit, but he’s being such a stick in the mud."

  Clyde saw two demons moving slowing past him from less than fifty yards away. One was a Lamia, a pink-haired girl with the upper body of a pretty young woman and a snake-like lower body. The second looked to be some kind of bee woman. Short blonde hair, lower body of a bee. Disturbed, he analyzed the two.

  Lamia- Sui.

  Level: 25

  Type: Monster

  Work under: Zeth; Hidden Lotus.

  Special: Charm. [Great chance to charm males for up to 1 hour.]

  Weakness: Your hostile detection isn’t high enough for this.

  Resistances: See above.

  Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn’t high enough for this.

  Honeybee- Abby.

  Level: 23

  Type: Monster

  Work under: Zeth; Hidden Lotus.

  Special: Lustful sting. [Great chance to stun. Honeybee may lose control and vigorously super-rape victims].

  Weakness: Your hostile detection isn’t high enough for this.

  Resistances: See above.

  Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn’t high enough for this.

  Just then, they stopped, as if sensing his analyze. Clyde held his breath, feeling like an idiot. He should’ve remembered the dark slime’s reaction. Anyone of the Hidden Lotus seemed to be able to sense themselves being magically analyzed.

  "Did you sense that, my dear Sui?"

  "Sure did, Abby."

  Clyde felt their grins.

  "I taste him in the air—over there!"

  "Fucking son of a bitch," Clyde hissed as he peeked around to see them moving toward him with unhurried paces.

  "I get first dips," Sui said. "It’s been a while since I’ve had sex with a human."

  "Pssh—I don’t have all day to wait for you to climax. We share him."

  "Fine with me," Sui said. "But try not to sting him. It’d be a pain in the ass to get my ride in if you’re raping him to oblivion."

  Clyde hopped to his feet and bolted with all of the strength his legs could muster. His speed stat was forty-six, paired up with the passive-skill Athlete. Then…. He wanted to punch himself for forgetting an important skill. A skill that could be used outside of battle at the risk of his MP. Flash Step. The pursuers were laughing as they sped up, easily gaining.

  [Activated Flash step.]

  Within seconds, he lost them—not caring how much MP he wasted to get far away from them. He managed to circle the area and get back on track with his Mental Navigation System.


  Clyde turned to the source of the voice. A sense of sweetness and honey pressed against his mind, but his Heart protection warded it off. Stepping out of the shadow, armed with a glowing red katana, was Melody.

  "What do you want?" Clyde said, uninterested. "I’m busy here."

  "Why you!" Melody pointed her sword at the young man. "You better take me seriously. I owe you death so many times over."

  "First all you little twat, you started this shit," Clyde said. "I don’t have time for the dramatics. It’s fucking dangerous out here."

  Melody lurched toward the young man, uncaring to the bigger situa
tion at hand. Like the distant wing flaps.

  [You have entered combat!]

  "Are you being serious right now?" Clyde dodged the katana’s swipe, took aim, and released his magic.

  [Activated energy ball!]

  Clyde predicted her dodge, aiming at the spot she dove right into. Mortem wanted him to use his head. He would. And hopefully not get fucking caught by the approaching harpies.

  [Enemy HP has dropped to 76%]

  Melody slowly stood, snarl on her face.

  "You know, I’ve had it up to here with you," Clyde said as he raised a hand over his head. "You have issues. Like, scamming and then sending those guys after me because you didn’t have your way. What’s your problem?"

  The redhead said nothing. Clyde shook his head. "Okay, you’re attacking with a sword. In a threatening manner. I…I’m no killer, but…" Then an idea came to mind. He quickly shook it away. Bind her, leave her to be raped by monsters. As much as she probably deserved it, the redhead was still human. Armed, but still human. "Why the fuck are we fighting each other when those things are out there?" Comprehension actually came to her eyes. "I know you’re not out here after curfew, armed unless you’re some kind of chuuni. In that case, the monsters will rape and eat you. And I’ve got some really strong ones chasing right now. So, truce?’

  "No," Melody said. "Let them kill you for all I care."

  "Fine then, back to the original dick move it is," Clyde said, aimed, and released the tendrils of blue magic.

  [Activated Binder’s hand]

  [Your luck has caused the binding to work when it would fail! Binding active!"]

  Each tendril held the redhead in place.

  "Hey—you asshole, let me go!"

  Clyde willed the tendrils to hold her to the side of a building like glue. She struggled but couldn’t move.

  "Well, see you. I feel like a dick for doing this, but thanks for the sword." He snatched it out of her grasp. The girl struggled harder, eyes frantic.

  "Give it back to me…It’s mine—give it back now!"

  [You have found Blade of the Red Souls. Item class: very rare.]

  "I gave you a chance to work with me, but I’ve got better plans for you," Clyde said. "That binding will release right as they get here."

  "No, please." Tears dripped from Melody’s eyes. "Please don’t leave me here. I’m sorry for being a bitch—just don’t let them."

  Clyde shook his head.

  "Bye. And have fun."

  "I’ll do anything! Please!"

  Clyde stopped his forward step.

  "Anything, you say?"

  "Anything—I don’t want to die."

  Clyde shook his head.

  "But you sure had no problem killing me. One who did jack shit to you. Pfft, you know what, have fun. I hope you get raped by empire state building-sized penises."

  As Clyde took another step away, Melody’s crying pierced his ears. She sobbed like a ten-year-old girl. The prompt that he’d been waiting for finally appeared.

  [Enemy has lost the will to fight!]

  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t let you stay here to be monster bait."

  He cackled softly. "Never mind."

  System, I need you to make sure this girl honors her promises, Clyde thought. He wasn’t sure if it was going to respond, but it did.

  [You may make a nonattacking Pact with Melody via a promise. She will be unable to attack you for the rest of the night. Any further day, if she even so much as thinks of harming you, you will given a one-time warning. Her defenses will be dropped by half.]

  "Fine, I’ll let you down, but you must give me your word that you won’t try anything. I’m also keeping this sword, because you know, trying to kill me and all. You’ll have to help me though—so I hope you know unarmed combat."

  "I give you my word," Melody said, tears flowing. A little snot trickled from her nose and from her blush, all dignity was gone. "Please. I swear."

  [Promise accepted. She is now bonded to you via nonattacking Pact.]

  She looked surprised when Clyde actually released the binding.

  [Your relationship with Melody has changed from utter hatred to feared.]

  Clyde sighed.

  "Remember, you started this not I. Now let’s get going. We’ve wasted enough time. And I’m sure we can’t avoid conflict now."

  Episode 10 (Part 2)

  Dark Lord’s Estate….

  Zeth glared at his kneeling minions then let out a guttural roar in frustration, roar fiercer than a lion’s, a dark, demon’s roar. He just wanted to get things done! To get that promotion. And maybe have even the slightest shot at marrying Alice just so he could dominate her. Ooh he wanted to put that bitch in her place, to make her kneel and lick the sweat upon his feet. He froze, letting the dark thoughts fall.

  Zeth couldn’t forget the promise he made to himself years ago. That despite the humiliation, he’d be the example to his troops. The star and light in which they’d look upon. If only they took their jobs seriously.

  Some of them lost respect for him because he simply let Alice go after she denied his honor. He should be dead. Yet even the demon lord spared him, forced him into this leadership position. Forced him in front of the others so that everyone could witness his shame. All in her name.

  "Miserable failures," he said. "You are my elites. Hidden Lotus. STOP EMBARRASSING ME! You dare throw away all of the training? Is there any professional left here?"

  His minions were bowing low to the ground, trembling with fear. Despite the loss, they still did this. Things shouldn’t be this way. He needed honor! Honor! HE WANTED TO EARN HIS GODDAMN HONOR! FUCK! "Of the three demon lord eyes, I’ll look the worse. They underestimate the patrol because the gifted are human and this Neko is a beast kin. Fools! I may end having to do everything myself."

  He stormed out of counseling chambers, fuming.

  Lot City Streets….

  Clyde and Melody dropped to the rough concrete of an ally, panting. Covered in sweat like the breath of a marathon, the duo double, then triple-checked the area for pursuers. This cat and mouse game felt like it raged on for an eternity. Clyde wasn’t sure if they’d ever make it back to the others.

  He stared at the streetlights, which seemed to darken with every blink. A chilly breeze whipped across his face, calming him for only a second before fear retook the mind’s seat.

  Abruptly, a shape that dripped from the shadows, down the alley walls. A tentacle of slime flashed around Melody’s arm before the thought to run had the chance to process.

  The redheaded young woman yelped, frantically hitting at the tentacle with her free arm. A second one shot out of the darkness to grab onto the other arm right as Clyde raised his blade. Melody screamed as the tentacles slowly pulled her into an inky blackness. A third rope of slime lurched itself around the sword.

  Clyde held on, but he was simply not strong enough. The tentacle yanked his weapon away then tossed it on the rooftop of a nearby building.

  "No," Melody gasped fighting with everything she had to no avail, tears streaming from her eyes. Clyde’s analyze activated involuntarily.

  Abyss to the Blackness

  Level: 464

  Type: unknown.

  Work under: N/A.

  Special: Unknown.

  Clyde’s heartbeat hammered. FUCKING LEVEL FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR?

  Sure, he could leave the girl behind—he owed her nothing. She’s been nothing but a pain in the ass the entire time and truthfully, his life would be easier if she perished. But Clyde’s sense of humanity still stirred, at least for now. He was no hero of legend. He didn’t have the power to take on something this goddamn strong.

  Another tentacle in the shape of something Clyde pushed away from his thoughts, emerged. It ripped off Melody’s skirt, revealing pink panties.

  "Oh, hell no," Clyde said. "I am not about to see this in real life. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, just to live with myself. Assuming I live."

  [You’ve entered a Death Sentence!]

  Clyde’s MP wasn’t high due to the flash steps and previous battles. He recovered a little, but it was enough, especially against something that even the system named death. It felt more than alarming that something like this lived within the city.

  [Activated Scatter shot.]

  The energy balls did no damage—but stopped the tentacle that was seconds away from violating Melody.

  [Abyss HP: 95,000,000% You are unable to damage it. Warning, you must retreat! Warning, you must retreat!]

  A tentacle seemed to appear out of nowhere to slap Clyde to the ground. The pain to his jaw felt like a bowling ball exploding to his face. Blood gushed from his nose.

  [Your HP has dropped to 15%]

  The young man shook his head, feeling very small. What was he even doing here? Why even bother with this scammer anyway? She meant nothing to him. But…that thing. It was surely going to pull her into nothingness while he did nothing. Power. Just a little power—anything.

  Nothing happened.

  Melody screamed as she was yanked further and further toward the blackness. The tentacles were watching Clyde as if he’d destroy them if they were distracted with violating the girl. Another ten feet and she’d be gone for good. A blessing…right? Who would ever house to the power to take on something like this.

  [You have lost the will to fight.]

  [Enemy has sensed this and spared you. Go while you have the chance.]


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