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All I want for Christmas is my Alien: A Christmas Novella (Zerconian Warriors Book 8)

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by Sadie Carter

  Zoey snorted. “I should have known.”

  Elodie smiled and kicked her feet, and Liula softened further. “Or perhaps Lulu?”

  “Lulu, I like it.”

  “Now, this nonsense about Hagartha. She always thought herself better than everyone else.”

  Zoey looked at her in surprise. “I thought you were friends.”

  “We are. But I understand her. She has always wanted more power and prestige. You cannot let her take your place.”

  “I wouldn’t say she is doing that exactly…” her voice trailed off at Liula’s firm look.

  “She is. Bit by bit. Until before you realize it, she will be doing everything for Dex, and you will find yourself without a place by his side. I know, I had someone attempt to do the same to me.”

  “To you? Seriously?” Wow, that would have to be a very brave or very stupid person.

  Liula actually smiled slightly. “It was soon after Dex was born. I was tired and overwhelmed. But once I understood what she was doing, I took action. You must be firm with her. And Dex.”

  “But there’s less than a week left and a lot of work to do.”

  “There is one thing I admire about you, Zoelle.”

  “Just one?” she asked dryly, lifting an eyebrow.

  “Yes. It is your ability to garner others’ loyalty. You will have many helpers. You have just to ask. Go. I wish to speak to my son. Gather your troops.”

  Zoey stood. “You’re right. Let’s deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa la la la la.”

  “I have no idea what you just said. You make as little sense as always.”

  Zoey leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re back. I think I almost missed you.”

  Chapter Four

  Dex could scarcely believe his eyes. There lay his mother, more fragile than he had ever seen her before, but her eyes were alert and her tongue as sharp as ever.

  “Mother. I did not think you would awaken.”

  “I would not have if your mate had given me more than a few moments of rest. I do believe I shall have her voice ringing in my head for years to come.”

  “She has been visiting you a few times a week so you could see our daughter.”

  She smiled slightly. “She is beautiful. Elodie. I approve of the name.”

  He didn’t tell her that Zoey chose the name. The two of them had the habit of disliking what the other said or did on principle alone.

  “She is amazing. I am so glad you have awoken.”

  “It sounds like you need me.”

  He sat up straighter. What had she heard? That he was not performing his job properly? “I am trying to uphold father’s memory and honor. We have plans to attack the Coizils financially. An open war would only hurt us further at this point.”

  Liula sighed. “I am not speaking of your revenge plans, my son. I feel the death of your father more than anyone. Do I want revenge on those that took him from me? Yes, most fiercely. But perhaps the time has come to end this feud.”


  “You have a family now. A daughter and mate who depend on you. And your mate could use your help. A lot of help. If you are successful in finding more mates for our people, then many can look forward to children of their own. If we are in the midst of war, then what sort of world are we bringing these children into?”

  “But Father—”

  “Your father would expect you to do what is best for the greater good,” she told him, clasping hold of his hand in a rare sign of affection. “He was a great man. We will miss him. Mourn him. I am not certain how long I can go on without him. However, he would not expect you to allow revenge to consume you.”

  “It has not.”

  “No? Then how have you not seen what is happening to your mate?”

  “To Zoey?” He gave her a puzzled look. “I have been taking care of Zoey. Insisting she rest. I know I have been working long hours, but I have been attempting to spend more time with her and Elodie.”

  “I know you wish to protect her. I cannot believe I say this, but your mate is one of the strongest females I have ever met. You are treating her as though she is fragile. She is an Empress. She must learn how to be one. You must treat her as one.”

  “But I have everything set up, so it is not necessary for her to do anything except look after herself and Elodie.”

  “I cannot believe I raised such a foolish boy.”

  He stared at her in shock. Foolish boy?

  “Zoelle wishes to help you. She does not wish to be coddled and protected. You have allowed your emotions to rule you. I taught you against that. She feels you do not think her capable of ruling beside you.”

  What? Had he really done that? Tension filled him.

  “You took away something important to her. This celebration of Christmas sounds foolish, I grant you. But if it is important to Zoelle, then I suppose you must support it. I know you did what you thought best but to take it away from her undermines her power.”

  Perhaps he had made a mistake, Zoey had seemed very sad this last week.

  “You could be right.”

  “I am always right.”

  “I will give her back Christmas.”

  “No. You must let her take it back. Now, bring me a mirror.”

  He held the mirror up so his mother could look. “Hmm, you know, I do believe this shade of red lip color suits me.”


  “Hagartha, I’m taking back Christmas!” Zoey stormed into the reception area of Dex’s offices where Hagartha sat at a desk.

  The other woman looked up at her. “I am sorry. I do not understand.”

  Zoey smiled. Extra sweetly. “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me speak more slowly. I am taking over the Christmas celebration preparations. Thanks so much for your help, but I am sure you have other duties that need your attention.”

  Zoey had dropped Elodie and Giz off at her quarters and then waited for Rastian to arrive to babysit. There was no need for them to witness the bloodbath. Then she’d quickly contacted Mila to let her know what was going on. She’d talk to everyone else while Zoey tackled Harry.

  “The Emperor tasked me with organizing this Christmas. I am afraid I cannot go against his orders.”

  “Well, I am the Empress. And I am telling you that I am taking Christmas day over.” Keep smiling. “But don’t worry, we’ll incorporate some of your ideas.”


  “I do not wish to upset you. But I believe the Emperor did not wish you to undertake this task because he did not believe you were capable.”

  “Actually,” Dex said from behind her, “I believe my mate is more than capable of this task. You will update her on everything you have done so the Empress can take over.”

  Her heart thudding so loudly, she wondered if he could hear it, Zoey turned to look at him.

  He watched her closely. “My mate is capable of doing anything she puts her mind to.”

  “But there is less than a week to go. There is no time to change anything,” Hagartha pointed out with a frown.

  “Oh, you’d be surprised what I can do in a few days,” Zoey told her confidently, even as nerves threatened to overwhelm her.

  She could do this. She had to.

  “Come with me,” Dex commanded, leading the way into his office. She very carefully didn’t look at Hagartha, she didn’t want to rub her victory in.

  As soon as the door slid shut, she walked up to Dex and hugged him. “What was that for?”

  “A thank you. For believing in me,” she told him. “For thinking I can do this.”

  He cupped her face between his hands. “My own, I never doubted you. I am sorry if you believe that I did. Or if I undermined you. There has never been any doubt in my mind that you can do whatever you put your mind to.”


  He nodded. “I always knew you would make a wonderful Empress because you care about people.”

  She felt tears threaten and blinked rapidly.

/>   “I know these last few months, I have been busy with my new duties, my need for revenge. I have not been as attentive to you as I should have been.”

  “Well, you’ve got a whole planet full of people to look after.”

  “But none are as important as you and my daughter. There will always be someone wanting something from me.”

  He kissed her. “I promise to try and let you help more and to delegate more. And I am rethinking my plans to punish the Coizils.”

  She sighed with relief and leaned against him. “Thank you. You don’t know what a relief that is.”

  He ran his hand over her head. “Yes, my mother feels the same way.”

  “Are you saying that the old bat and I are actually in agreement?” She gaped at him in amazement.

  “Yes, that is correct.”

  “Hell really has frozen over then.”


  “Right, troops, listen up.” Zoey clapped her hands and stood up on a chair. There were about three dozen people gathered in the palace kitchens, and they all stared up at her. A mix of humans and Zerconians. For a moment, she paused, nervous, but then Mila gave her a thumbs-up, and she grinned. They had this.

  “There are less than four days until Christmas. We have a lot of cooking and decorating to do. Lucy is in charge of the cooking, so any questions go to her.” She directed this to the kitchen staff who all nodded.

  “Willa is in charge of location. She’ll scout out the best place to hold the dinner and figure out the seating and numbers. She’s also looking after decorations.”

  Willa nodded and raised her hand so everyone could see her.

  “Mila is in charge of communication. She’ll make certain everyone has invitations and knows where to go and when. Now, gifts.”

  This was the difficult part. Zerconians didn’t understand the point of giving gifts, and they had little time to come up with them, anyway. One of the few men present stepped forward and raised his hand. Zoey recognized him from the market.


  “Perhaps we could hold a special market the night before, Empress. Then people could purchase gifts then.”

  Yes. That could work.

  “Will you have enough stock?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I think we can manage.”

  “Not everyone will give gifts this first year,” Mila said. “But next year might be a different story.”

  Zoey clapped her hands. “Then let’s get to work.”


  Zoey looked up at the beautiful tree dripping in lights. Underneath the tree, tables were sprawled around. How Willa had found this many tables and chairs, she didn’t know, but the woman was a miracle worker. They all were.

  “You did it.” Mila stepped up beside her and squeezed her arm. Willa stepped up to her other side.

  “We all did. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.”

  “Hey, that’s what minions are for, right?” Willa asked with a grin.

  Zoey returned her smile. “Are you saying I’m evil?”

  “Yep. But I like you that way.”

  Zoey laughed then she suddenly stopped. “Oh no.”

  “What is it?”

  “I was so busy, I forgot to buy gifts for Dex, Elodie, and Liula.” Shit! How had she managed that?

  “Don’t worry.” Mila patted her arm. “I have an idea for Dex.”

  “And I’ve heard a rumor that Liula quite likes that shade of lipstick you used on her, didn’t you say the other day that you’d bought more?” Willa asked.

  She had. That just left Elodie.

  “And I think Elodie gets an amazing gift. Christmas with her family,” Mila told her. “Now, about my idea.”


  “Why does that tree have lights on it?” a sharp voice asked from behind her.

  She turned to find Liula sitting in a hover chair glaring up at the huge tree they had decorated in lieu of a Christmas tree. The tree didn’t have much foliage, but they’d managed to attach lights to the branches. Zoey thought it looked pretty good.

  “It’s festive and pretty,” she told the older woman.

  Liula snorted. “Foolish waste of time. But I suppose the children will like it.”

  “I’m glad you could make it, too bad you won’t be able to stay all night, what with you being so weak and everything,” Zoey goaded her. In truth, Liula was doing amazingly well. She couldn’t walk on her own yet, but Thor was hopeful that would happen within the next few weeks. Still, Zoey figured she could use a bit of pushing along.

  Liula sniffed. “Do not think you will get rid of me so easily. I need to test this food you have made. No doubt it is ghastly.” She waved her hand at the healer accompanying her. “Come, take me this way.”

  Zoey gave him a sympathetic look as he directed the hover chair towards one of the tables.

  “So, you really are eating outside, is that not unsanitary?”

  Great. She’d kind of hoped Harry would stay at home. She turned to give the other woman a wide grin. “Hagartha! So glad you could make it.”

  The other woman didn’t smile back. Surprise. Surprise. “I am the Emperor’s personal assistant. It is my duty to be here.”

  Zoey wondered if the other woman ever relaxed. She was as stiff as cardboard and twice as boring.

  “Sit. Eat. Enjoy. And if a little dirt gets mixed in with your food, well, it’s all part of the fun.” Zoey stepped away before the other woman could answer. She wasn’t going to let anyone ruin this night for her, and she moved over as someone called her name and waved. The truth was, most of the Zerconians were great people. And they were her people. She’d take the good with the bad.

  This was home.


  Dex was honestly amazed by what his mate had organized. Around him, people were talking, laughing, and eating. Not everyone had participated in the gift-giving, but those that had seemed to enjoy it immensely and he was sure there would be many more participating next year. The ship filled with humans had arrived that morning and they all seemed to be having a good time. Many were mingling with the Zerconians. Some might even find their mates tonight.

  “So, what do you think?” Zoey stepped up beside him.

  “I think that you have done a wonderful job, my mate.”

  “I know parts of it were a bit weird for you guys, but I think people are enjoying themselves.”

  “They are. Because of you.”

  “And my minions.” She grinned.

  He shook his head, not asking what she meant. He probably would not understand, even with an explanation.

  “Where is Elodie?”

  “She’s with Mila and Koran. They’re taking her for the night. It’s their gift to us.”

  “And that is all right with you?” he asked with a frown, not certain he liked the idea.

  “Yes. I’m not saying it will be easy. And I might crack and go get her in the middle of the night. But I know she’ll be well looked after. Besides, Boris and Rastian are going. They want to stick close by.”

  The two men were very protective over both his mate and daughter. “What about feeding her?”

  “I expressed. That means you have me to yourself for the whole night. It’s my gift to you.”

  His body tightened. “Is it?”

  “Yes, and you get to do whatever you like.”

  Heart beating fast, he gave her a heated look. “I think I like this Christmas. I have a gift for you,” he told her.

  “I have everything I need,” she told him. “A healthy, happy daughter, my friends, and my alien. All I want for Christmas is you.”

  “You have me, my mate. Always.”

  Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoyed this little Christmas novella.

  Please read on for a teaser from Big Wicked Wolf, the first book in my paranormal series.

  Books by Sadie Carter

  Zerconian Warriors Series

  Alien Warrior

  Alien Lover

  Alien Mate
  Sweet Alien Savage

  Alien Savior

  Alien Morsels (a novella)

  Alien Mine

  A Christmas Alien (a novella)

  Joyadan Mates


  Shadowpeak Wolves

  Big Wicked Wolf

  Excerpt from Big Wicked Wolf

  Laney moaned as something moved behind her. She didn’t want to move, could stay lying in this position forever. But it wasn’t to be as she was turned, rolled onto her back, her legs pulled apart. She came fully awake with a whoosh of shock as a warm cloth was applied to her sensitive lower lips.

  “What are you doing?” she screeched, her eyes zeroing in on the man lying beside her, cleaning her folds.

  “Soothing you, sweet.” He patted the top of her mound lightly with one hand as he washed her gently with the other. “This little pussy had a lot of attention tonight, now it needs a little TLC.”

  “Umm, I think I can take care of that,” she said desperately, reaching down to try to wrestle the cloth away.

  “But you won’t.” He glanced up at her and she gulped at the possessive look in his eyes.

  “Look, Cooper,” she began uneasily, trying to sit up. Clothes, she needed clothes. One could not conduct a serious conversation naked. She was sure that was a rule, and if it wasn’t it damn well should be. Shit! Where were her clothes?

  “Lie down, gorgeous, you must be feeling sore. Besides, I want to take care of you.” His soft Southern drawl was so damn sexy her pussy tingled in response.

  “Look, I can take care of myself. I think…I think it’s time you left.” She tried to firm her voice, to keep it steady, while inside her wolf howled in disapproval. Was she mad! Reject him? A Greek god who caused her body to scream with rapture one moment, then treated her as if she were precious the next.

  An inky eyebrow rose in query as he gazed down at her in amusement.

  “I don’t think so, sweet,” he murmured softly. “Now go back to sleep, you’ll need all your strength to pack tomorrow.”


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