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Up In Knots

Page 11

by Gillian Archer

  Her cheeks flushed and her eyes took on an unfocused dreamy quality, even as her pussy fluttered around his cock. Ah, so his girl had a hidden exhibitionist side. He’d thought so.

  “Naughty, naughty. You like that idea, huh? Should I call our waiter over here and see if he could help us out? He seemed to be very interested in your wicked display with your panties. Couldn’t take his eyes off your breasts, either. He probably wondered what you looked like beneath your dress—the part he didn’t see. I bet he was picturing your tight, bare pussy.”

  Her thighs tensed above his as she raised herself up the length of his cock.

  His hands tightened around her waist, holding her at the peak with only the head still nestled inside her. “I don’t know if you noticed it, poppet. But I have this thing about control. We don’t do things at your pace. I control it. I control everything about our arrangement.”

  “Please, Sawyer. Please, I need...” Her head fell back with a groan.

  “What, baby? What do you need?”

  “You, Sawyer. Please. I need you.”

  Fuck yeah. His hands relaxed, letting her slide back down his length. But when he reached bottom, he grabbed her hips and held her tight against him.

  Her groan would’ve alerted anyone nearby exactly what they were up to. If there were anyone around, of course. Thank God she wasn’t a screamer.

  He gripped her waist and slowly thrust his hips up into her. She whimpered and her head fell back as his cock rubbed against her cervix. She arched her back, jutting her breasts closer to his face. He continued his short thrusts, wishing he could rip her dress off and bare her breasts so he could suck on her hard little nipples.

  She moaned again.

  “You gotta stay quiet, Kyla. The people at the table opposite us are getting a bit anxious. The guy keeps looking over here. His date is looking anywhere but. Think she’s jealous? Maybe I should invite them over? We could have a fucking contest. See who makes their woman come first? Could you hold out, baby?”

  Her breath came in short pants while her hands tightened on his sleeves as if she were holding his arms down. He held back a groan of his own. Christ, he wanted to come. Wanted to roll over and hammer her pussy until they were both just lifeless husks. Sometimes this whole control thing was overrated.

  Leaning forward, he ran his teeth up her neck in one long, sensuous scrape until he reached her earlobe. He teased her lobe with his tongue before he caught the end between his teeth and gave it a nibble. Her whole body shook with her shivers. Still holding her hips, he plunged once. Twice. He tried to hold back his own orgasm as he reached up and found her clit. Thumbing back the hood, he slowly caressed the nub, timing his strokes in counterpoint to his thrusts.

  Four. Five. Her thighs grew tense and she arched into him even more.

  “Shit, stay still, baby. That table’s looking over here again.”

  Her body jerked at his teasing fantasy. He raked his thumb over her clit one last time, and she climaxed. Husky little whimpers left her as her pussy clenched around him. Unable to hold back, he thrust again and went over the edge. A long, low groan left him as her pussy milked every last bit from his cock.

  Emotionally and physically drained, he pulled her close to him and slumped against the booth bulkhead. He stroked her back, wishing the entire time he could feel her naked skin against his own. Kyla let out a sigh, her soft breath puffing against his neck, and he shivered. She shuddered against him as her body racked with an aftershock.

  “Oh, good golly, no more.” She moaned.

  He had to smile smugly at her G-rated plea. He’d pound his chest in triumph, but he didn’t really have the energy at the moment.

  Kyla jerked in his arms at the sound of someone coughing discreetly nearby.


  He looked up at their waiter standing next to the table, his eyes respectfully averted. “Yes, Sean?”

  Kyla stilled in his arms as he addressed their waiter by name for the first time.

  “We will be closing soon, sir. I wanted to give you sufficient warning before some of the other staff begin moving around this section.”

  “Thanks, Sean. I’ll let your mistress know how well you did tonight. You’re quite the actor. Please let her know how much I appreciate her loaning you out to me tonight.”

  He felt Kyla jerk in his arms again as she must have realized what was going on.

  “I think an invite to your next party would be thanks enough, sir,” Sean not-too-subtly suggested.

  Sawyer had to laugh at Sean’s boldness. He must’ve really fallen hard for Lady Grace to be so brave. Sawyer could remember when Sean had been afraid to speak openly with someone who wasn’t his mistress. Amazing what a year with a loving top could do.

  “No worry there. Lady Grace is always welcome at my house.” Sawyer reached into his inner coat pocket and withdrew a wad of cash. Plunking it down on top of the bill he never bothered to read, he pushed the pile toward Sean. “Thank you again.”

  With a deferential bow, Sean took the pile of bills and left.

  “You can come out, poppet. He’s gone.”

  She pulled back at his teasing remark and narrowed her eyes at him. “You knew our waiter?”

  “The waiter, the manager and the owner. How else do you think we’d be able to have sex in the middle of a busy restaurant? Of course, it helps that no one else is sitting in this section.”

  Kyla’s head swiveled as she looked first over her left shoulder, then her right. “But that other table—the ones who were watching us!”

  Sawyer gave her a one-shoulder shrug.

  She leaned back against the table with a sigh. “Wow. I thought... I can’t believe... I don’t know what to say.”

  “Yeah the whole exhibitionism thing really seemed to turn your crank. Sweet. We’re like two peas in a pod.”

  She visibly flinched. And all the levity from their exchange melted away.

  “Christ, Kyla, I didn’t mean—”

  “No,” she answered quietly. “I know exactly what you meant. Sorry, it’s just that Adam used to call me sweet pea in our down moments.”

  Sawyer couldn’t look away as a veil of sadness filmed her eyes. She was obviously remembering time spent with Adam. Wishing. Mourning. The fact that Sawyer was still buried balls deep inside her probably felt like an insult to his memory.

  After a beat, she looked up at him and smiled tremulously. “Thank you for that, Sawyer. I spent so much time being angry about what his death had robbed us of or avoiding memories of him altogether because they were so painful. I can’t remember the last time I thought of just him.”

  This time it was Sawyer’s turn to avoid her eye contact. He wondered if anyone would ever think of him in those same loving tones. Somehow he didn’t think so. Unable to stand the turn the conversation and his thoughts had taken, he groped for something to change the topic. “We should probably start thinking about getting ready to go. Unless of course you’d prefer an audience... I’m sure I could smooth things over with the staff later.”

  She jumped like he’d prodded her with an electrode from a TENS unit. With very little grace, she pulled herself off him and slumped onto the seat next to him. Performing an interesting shimmy, she tugged and pulled her dress down until it covered her thighs once again. It was the funniest and cutest show he’d seen in a while. But when she reached up for her panties still sitting on the tabletop, he moved.

  “Uh-uh. Those are mine.” Batting her hand away, he scooped up the scrap of satin and shoved it in his coat pocket.

  Kyla fell back against the booth with a laugh. “What are we going to do about you?” She waved at his flagging erection covered in the sticky condom.

  He smirked at her and reached for the plastic bag Sean had so kindly left on the edge of the table.
He quickly disposed of the messy condom before whipping out his trademark gray bandana and cleaned himself up as best he could. After he tucked his cock back into his pants and hid the baggie and bandana in his other pocket, he slid out of the booth and came around to her side.

  Kyla took his offered hand and let him pull her up to his side.

  “Come on, sweetheart. I still have plans for your sweet body. The night is young.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kyla blinked slowly, trying to clear the haze of sleep away. Where the heck was she? Looking around the dim room, all she could register at first was that it wasn’t her bedroom. After a few moments, as her eyes adjusted to the dimness, she recognized the large armoire on the other side of the room and the stretch of satin sheet underneath her. Sawyer’s house. A flood of memories filled her mind. The restaurant. His playroom. They had spent the rest of the evening in a hedonistic tangle of limbs and rope. The things he had done to her. She shivered. The bite of rope. The feeling of his rough fingers caressing her. His goatee rasping against her thighs. And his staying power! That man could go all night. He had a stamina that put her to shame.

  She cuddled up to the lump beside her, desperate for some warmth. A/C and satin sheets really didn’t mix well.

  Sawyer gave a muffled groan.

  She smiled at the annoyed sound. Somehow she wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t a morning person. The man was practically a vampire—only instead of blood, he lived off women’s orgasmic highs. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  “Christ, you didn’t tell me you’re a morning person.” He bit out the term like it was a curse. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know. This room is like a casino—no clocks, no windows.”

  Sawyer let out a stifled laugh. “There’s a window. It’s just hidden behind my toy box.” He nodded at the huge armoire across the room. “The lack of light helps with sensory deprivation. I’ll show you sometime.”

  The thought of playing with a hood on or whatever other sensory-denying equipment he had caused her to shudder. She bit back the urge to say heck no. That kind of play was way outside of her comfort zone. Sawyer had pushed enough of her boundaries, although she knew he’d find a way to make her enjoy it.

  “Here, hand me my cell.” Sawyer gestured to his phone lying on the nightstand.

  She passed it over to him.

  “Mmmmm, still early. Only ten o’clock.”

  “Ten! Crap, I’m late.” She sprang from the bed and tore around the room, looking for her clothes. Whitney would kill her if she showed up late two weeks in a row. Her sister hated anything getting between her and her one food vice, pancakes. And then Kyla’d get the third degree from her brother, Trevor. She had never been good at lying, and her siblings could always see through her.

  “Late? For what? I thought you didn’t work weekends.”

  “I don’t. I meet my brother and sister every Saturday for breakfast.” Spying her dress balled up in the corner, she grabbed it and pulled it on. “Crap, crap, crap. I don’t have time to swing by my house and change. But I can’t show up wearing my date-night dress.”

  Sawyer sat up with a frown. “Why does it matter what you’re wearing?”

  “Come on, Sawyer. You know how family is.” She pushed her tangled hair off her forehead and faced him. Taking in his dubious expression, she winced and back pedaled. “Er, well, my family gives me no end of hassle. They tease me about everything. If I showed up looking like I spent the night doing naughty things in the dark with you, they’d never let me hear the end of it. Dang it, I’m not even wearing panties. Screw it, I’ll run home to change and ride out Whitney’s carb-deficiency rant.”

  And she would rant. Remembering last week’s tirade, Kyla really wasn’t looking forward to more of the same this week. Discovering her purse hanging off one of Sawyer’s rope racks—how the heck did it end up there?—she grabbed it and fished her cell out of a pocket.

  “If it’s so annoying and you have to hide the core of who you are, why bother?”

  Kyla looked up from her texting and snorted at Sawyer. “Like I have a choice. They’re family.”

  Sawyer pulled his knees up and leaned against them, appearing as confused as all get out.

  “We’re family. They might give me a hard time but they’re there for me whenever, however I need them. This—” she waved at the room, “—what I like between the sheets, my kinky side, is not the sum total of me. I have a past, a job, a family. They know all the important bits about me. Would go to hell and back for me. And I would for them. That’s what family does.”

  Sawyer looked away. “Not my family,” he muttered.

  His statement hit deep inside her. Kyla stood frozen, uncertain what to say. She wanted to comfort him. If he were her boyfriend, she wouldn’t have hesitated. But he wasn’t. She didn’t know what they were to each other. Fuck buddies? Would she be breaching some unspoken rule if she reached out to him? She stepped forward to do just that when he turned to face her again, his eyes shuttered.

  “I guess you’d better get going then.”

  She searched his face for a hint of the vulnerability she saw moments ago but there was none. Stepping back, she clutched her purse like it was a lifeline. “Yeah. I should.”

  With one last look, she turned and walked to the door.


  She turned back and found him sitting in the middle of the bed with his rakish grin as though nothing had happened. She shook her head in disbelief. “Yes?”

  “I need a model for my suspension class next Friday. Could you help me out?”

  Her stomach clenched at the thought. Sawyer, rope and an audience? Again? Oh, heck yeah. “Sure. Sounds like fun. But I’ve never done suspension before.”

  Sawyer smirked. “Kinda figured, since you’d never done rope before me either. Stick with me, kid. We’ll have you turned into a hardcore kinkster in no time.”

  And then he’ll turn me loose. Hopefully with at least some part of my heart still intact.

  * * *

  The following Wednesday, Sawyer read his texts with a smile.

  From Kyla: U never told me what I shld wear Friday!

  He texted back, I’m thinking nothing.

  From Kyla: U would. Perv.

  Is that any way to talk to ur master?

  From Kyla: U gonna do something about it? :-p

  He laughed out loud. What a little brat.

  Jamie looked up from inspecting his climbing gear. “What’s going on?”

  Sawyer shrugged him off. “Nothing. Give me a sec.”

  He texted, Whoa. Brave words. I’ll b sure to make u think 2x about baiting a dom.

  From Kyla: I’m soooooo sorry, master. What can this lil subbie do 2 make it up 2 u?

  Fuck, now was not the time to be sporting wood. His climbing harness would frame it perfectly, and Jamie would give him no end of hell about it. Rolling his shoulders and trying to think about anything except Kyla naked and begging, he replied.

  I’m sure I’ll think of something. You’ll need workout clothes Fri. Tight, like spandex.

  From Kyla: Will do. Can’t wait.

  Sawyer smiled at her eagerness and tossed his phone in the corner with their other stuff.

  “Who was that?”

  Crap. Jamie. Sawyer turned to his friend and shrugged a shoulder. “No one. Just Kyla. Do you want to go first and I’ll belay?”

  “Kyla? Who’s Ky—wait. Not the girl from your couples class a few weeks back. That Kyla?”

  Oh, Christ. Here we go. “Do you know any other Kyla?”

  But Jamie was unflappable. “Huh. So what’s the deal?”

  “The deal is we got the rock wall for the next—” he looked at his watch, “—fifty-five minutes. Do you want lead
or second?”

  “Ah, come on, man. Don’t be like that. Tell me about her.”

  “What? Mr. Commitment needs to get his vicarious thrills?”

  “Fuck you. I get plenty of my own thrills. I got thrilled last night.”

  Sawyer couldn’t help but smile. Jamie had always been a bit of a goofball. How the hell he’d ever landed a class act like Lauren, Sawyer could never figure out.

  “If you don’t want to talk about her, fine. I just thought... Never mind. Let’s climb.” Jamie turned to the climbing wall, grabbed the rope and started to tie it into the harness.

  “Fuck. Fine. We’ve gone out twice. Exchanged a few calls and texts. It’s nothing serious. I agreed to help her get back into the scene.” He quickly explained Kyla’s history and losing Adam.

  “And you’re only with her to help her meet some good doms.”


  “That’s right neighborly of you. Who’d you set her up with?”

  Sawyer’s mind blanked. “I-I-I haven’t. I—She’s not ready for that yet. I’m helping get her back into the scene. I’ll set her up. When she’s ready.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure.”

  “Fuck off, man.” He gave Jamie a one-shouldered shove. “And tie in already.”

  Sawyer grabbed the rope and quickly threaded it through the belay device. He couldn’t look at Jamie. His friend shined a light on something he wasn’t quite ready to face himself. Kyla wasn’t different than any of his other girls. He just wanted to enjoy her before he introduced her around. A few more weeks and he’d be searching for the next thrill. Like every other time he played with someone new.

  He stepped around Jamie’s back, double-checking his harness and knots. And let Jamie do the same for him.

  “Ready to climb.”

  Sawyer grabbed the brake end of the rope. “On belay.”



  Jamie got a few footholds up, then looked over his shoulder at Sawyer. “There’s nothing wrong with sticking with one woman for more than a minute.” He turned back and reached up for another grip. “Hell, you gotta eventually grow out of that shit.”


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