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Arianna Rose: The Gathering (Part 3)

Page 17

by Martucci, Christopher

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Arianna said with her cheek pressed to his chest.

  “I am so sorry for how I left you,” he began, his voice a deep rumble echoing comfortingly through her mind. “I was wrong, so wrong.”

  Wrong? She wondered. Wrong for what, for surviving a murder attempt orchestrated by your own father? The question spun in her head.

  Arianna’s grip slackened and she stepped back, confused. “Wait, what?”

  “You know, what happened the last time we were here,” he fumbled and color touched his cheeks. “And then I just left like an idiot, left you here. I don’t expect you to forgive me for how I behaved,” he started, but she interrupted him.

  “None of that matters now. I am just so glad you’re alive,” she assured him.

  “Alive?” he asked and looked at her warily.

  “Yes, after Agnon, I mean your father, told me he’d had you killed, I just, I felt my whole world collapse.”

  “My father?” Desmond growled and dropped his arms. He took a step back and watched her, shock and horror etched in his features. “He came to see you?”

  His mood shifted from passionate to furious in a matter of seconds. With his jaw set in stone, the muscles around them twitching anxiously, his fair brows gathered and his eyes narrowed, he looked as if he were ready to pounce, and not in the way she would have liked.

  “Yes, he showed up at the house of those two back at the school,” she said referring to Jess and Josh. “A group of witches and warlocks are students at the high school I started two days ago. They all live in the same house. They invited me over and he was there.”

  Desmond raked a hand through his golden waves and began pacing.

  “There is a coven here in Hallowed Hills?” he asked.

  “Yes. I assumed that was why I was drawn here,” she answered honestly.

  “And they know who you are, right?”

  “No, they have no idea. They were screwing with me, actually. They have this guy, George. He can block my powers and the powers of others like us,” she said and the mere thought of George made ire bubble within her.

  “They screwed with you?” Desmond said through his teeth. His fists were balled at his sides and for the first time, she realized how dangerous he looked when he was angry. “And this George, he blocked your powers?”

  “Yes,” she admitted and her fingertips tingled involuntarily.

  “Did my father know what was happening, what they were doing to you?”

  “He didn’t say if he knew about that specifically, but he knew they were going to parties and killing people for fun.”

  “What?” Desmond asked heatedly.

  “Look, none of that matters now, Desmond. You are alive and that’s all I care about. We can deal with everything else tomorrow. The others, your father, we will take care of them, all of them. Trust me, we will.”

  His face smoothed and a slow smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

  “I just need to take everything in now, to, I don’t know, enjoy the fact that you’re alive.”

  “I am alive because of you. I live for you, Arianna Rose,” he said and looked at her for a long moment before closing the distance between them.

  Without hesitation, he scooped her into his arms, clamping his substantial arms around her waist. He drew her close, hugging her so tightly, their forms molded to one another. Her head rested over his heart and its steady rhythm made her nearly weep with joy. He was alive and safely in her arms. His beating heart was proof.

  With her head on his chest, she breathed in his scent and was suddenly desperate to feel him as close to her as he could possibly be. She rose on to her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. Soft and inviting, they tasted of night air, salty and sensual. He kissed her gently at first, almost timidly. She nibbled at his lower lip playfully then traced them both with her tongue. A low growl rumbled deep in his chest and his kisses ceased being gentle and timid. He began kissing her with ferocity, as if he’d abandoned tender need and replaced it with animal lust. He kissed her with intense desire that shouted he would take what was his. And she was his, body and soul.

  Her heart pounded and her mind spun as emotions inundated her, overwhelming her. Each of her senses was heightened, begging for more of him. His tongue swept against hers, deeper and deeper. Need pooled low in her belly and her hands went to the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his chiseled midsection. Her hands grazed the valleys and mountains of muscle along the way as she slowly slid his shirt up. She knew he’d have to pull away from her for her to fully remove it, but she was reluctant to separate from him, terrified of losing him again.

  As if intuiting her reluctance, Desmond pulled away from her quickly and just far enough for her arms to snap his shirt over his head then returned to her. She allowed her eyes to drop and see what her fingers had felt seconds earlier. His pale skin, stretched tightly over powerful muscles, looked like marble. He was perfection, golden, glorious perfection. She allowed her fingertips to trace the swollen peaks of his chest, her legs growing weak as she did. The need to memorize every magnificent inch of his form became unexpectedly urgent. She had lost him once before, at least she’d thought she had. She would not waste a moment taking him for granted, not ever again.

  She watched as her touch made him shudder. His breath caught in his chest more than once and she found herself giddy with delight. He, a powerful warlock, nearly a hundred years old, was quivering at her touch. She stole a glance at his face and was startled to find his brilliant blue eyes trained on her. But he did not watch her with primal lust as she’d expected, the lust he’d kissed her with a moment ago. Lust was there, but it was not alone. Softness was there as well, a softness that made her belly flutter. She was no longer hurting. She was no longer scared. She and Desmond existed as if suspended in time, just the two of them.

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers.

  “Arianna,” he sighed, his breath hot against her lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she breathed and she saw tears well in his crystal-blue eyes.

  Her heart hammered. He loved her. And she loved him. No doubt existed in her mind. For the first time in her life, she was absolutely certain of her feelings. She was completely and irrevocably in love with Desmond.

  He slipped his arm around her waist and lifted her, cradling her against him. As he did, she felt the heat of his body melt her, his heart pounding in time with hers. He carried her to her bed and laid her there, planting soft kisses at the corners of her mouth, and rested his weight beside her instead of atop her as she wanted. He lifted his head and gazed deeply into her eyes and she swore he saw her soul, naked, vulnerable. Her throat grew thick and she fought the tears that threatened as she reached her hand to his cheek.

  “You’re really here,” she murmured as a tear slid from her eye.

  “I will never leave you again,” he promised and cupped her face in his hands.

  His mouth made a slow, torturous descent before it found hers. He kissed her tenderly for a long while and every part of her craved his touch. She tugged at him, urging him to slide over, on top of her. When finally he did, he lowered himself on her so carefully, her body cried out. She wanted to feel him, all of him, surround her. She wanted to tear her shirt and bra from her body and feel his warm skin pressed to hers, but Desmond remained unhurried. He teased and tempted his way down her chin to her neck, stopping and lingering at the sensitive spot behind her ear, before making his way down. He nibbled and tantalized the tender skin of her neck to her collarbone then began unbuttoning her shirt.

  With infinitesimal slowness, his kisses travelled lower. He lifted his head briefly, watching her. She arched her back, her body begging for more, for his touch, for his hot mouth to take a rosy bud between his lips. He watched her writhe for a moment and she glanced at him. His eyes were glazed and desirous as he lowered them to her chest.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured. />
  Her breasts grew heavy under his gaze, her nipples beading as need coiled at her center. He began kissing them, trailing his tongue around a stiff peak before licking and suckling them. She moaned and shifted, parting her legs farther and pressing her pelvis to his. She could feel his excitement and tangled her fingers in his hair as his kisses lowered more. He placed wet kisses down past her bellybutton then stopped just long enough to unfasten her pants. She closed her legs as he slid them over her hips and feet and watched as he tossed them to the floor. He yanked his own pants down and stood in only his boxer-briefs.

  Desmond was an amazing sight, every inch of him solid, hard. His broad shoulders and tight waist, his brilliant blue eyes and golden hair, every part of him was perfection. She wanted him as she’d never wanted another in her life.

  He lowered himself on her, his excitement rubbing pleasurably between her legs. All that stood between them was the thin fabric of their undergarments. She wanted nothing more than to strip him of his last remaining article of clothing, to tear her own from her body and take him inside of her. But he seemed determined to take his time. His kisses returned to the peaks and valleys of her breasts, tempting and coaxing ripples of sheer pleasure from her. She inhaled sharply, relishing in the feel of him, and in his delicious scent. He smelled of leather and musk and another spicy note that was purely masculine, purely Desmond.

  “I want you,” she moaned. And with her words, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her underwear and tugged them down her thighs. He pulled his down as well and stood before her, completely naked, before hovering over her.

  “I want you,” she whispered again.

  “I love you,” he breathed and she felt him lower his body and enter her.

  His hands slid under her hips and with a thrust, he was fully inside her. The motion was almost her undoing. She heard herself cry out in ecstasy as shivers raced across her skin. She wrapped her arms around his powerful back, kneading his thick muscles as she wrapped her legs around his and lifted her hips. Every nerve ending in her body screamed for him, aching and throbbing for release. He gazed at her lovingly as he moved slowly, drawing out and surging back into her. The feel of him, of being one with him, was so intense, so satiating, she wished it would never end, wished they could stay as they were forever.

  Desmond’s pace increased and Arianna closed her eyes, no longer able to control the swell of bliss that beckoned. She arched her back and moaned as her body tightened around him and every part of her shuddered. Bursts of light flashed in her eyes and she was adrift on a wave of pleasure. Desmond groaned and his face was a mask of delight before he collapsed atop her.

  “I have lived for almost a hundred years,” Desmond said breathlessly. “But I have never felt as alive as I do right now.”

  Arianna smiled. His words, save for the part about living for nearly a century, echoed her thoughts exactly.

  She giggled. “Well, I can’t say I’ve lived that long, but I know what you mean. I feel the same way.”

  Desmond rolled to his side and lay next to her. She knew they had pressing matters to discuss, but was loath to begin. She did not want to ruin what she was feeling, the peace, the happiness, both so pure they were as brilliant as the white light she had seen when she’d teleported. It was as if she were feeling her true life force.

  “Can we stay here forever, just hide out and forget about what we are?” Desmond asked her and she became convinced he was reading her mind.

  “I wish,” she said and meant it. “Count me in.”

  “I don’t want to leave, ever.”

  “Me neither,” she agreed. “But somehow, Desmond, I think whatever it is we’re up against would find us no matter where we went. Whether we went to the far ends of the Earth, or stayed here, it would always come knocking. It would always find us.”

  She did not know exactly what was expected of her, what the Sola was supposed to do in the face of witches and warlocks like Jess and Josh. Prophecies foretold of her leading others. But so far, she’d done what had felt natural to her. She’d ended Jess and Josh’s deadly existence with Desmond’s help. And she knew there were more, more like Scott’s group in Hallowed Hills, those who sought to harm humanity. Their foulness summoned her and she could practically hear her purpose, her calling, hard and demanding, a voice echoing from everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. She would never feel continual peace as she felt it now. Not until her mission was complete and the evil ones fell.

  “You feel it, don’t you?” Desmond asked softly. “You feel the calling.”

  How he knew that was beyond her. “Yes, but how the hell do you know that?”

  “Your energy,” he said offhandedly.

  “My energy?” she asked and quirked a brow at him.

  “I feel a shift in your energy,” he said simply as if she should just understand what he meant.

  “Oh, yeah, right, a shift in my energy. Sure, who doesn’t understand that?” she said with playful sarcasm.

  Desmond laughed a deep, rich laugh. “Oh Arianna, I do love you so much.”

  “And I love you, too. But what the hell do you mean when you say you feel a shift in my energy?”

  He paused a moment and looked as if he were deep in thought. “It’s hard to explain now that you’re putting me on the spot.”

  “Jeez, sorry to put you out,” she elbowed him in the ribs lightly.

  He laughed again. “All right then, here goes. When we were together a few minutes ago, I felt like we were one.”

  “That’s because we were, genius,” she sassed and he rolled his eyes at her exaggeratedly before a mischievous look flashed in his features.

  “We were?” he joked. “I hadn’t noticed. Huh, gotta pay closer attention next time.”

  “Hey!” she said and tapped his arm with feigned insult.

  They both laughed. “Can I explain now, you know, without you heckling me?” he asked lightheartedly.

  “Okay, fine,” she said and pretended to pout.

  He propped himself up on his elbow and kissed her lips quickly. “Thank you,” he winked. “So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he began and slid her a glance. “Before when we were intimate, I felt as if we were one, as if, I don’t know, the essence of our beings had united. But it wasn’t an altogether new feeling. I’ve always felt that way about you, just not as fully as before.”

  He paused as if considering his words. “I’ve always felt attuned to you, to your energy. But recently, as your powers have grown, that feeling has strengthened.”

  Arianna was suddenly beset by a frightening thought. What if Desmond was only attracted to her energy, to her power? She was the Sola, a leader of their kind. What if, within that role, was an attractive force? She wondered.

  “See, I feel it now,” he said and his brows knitted with concern. “What’s troubling you?”

  She felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment and contemplated making up some silly reason for her upset. But that would not help matters in the least. Honesty was the only way her relationship with Desmond worked. In fact, he was the only person she’d ever been able to be completely and utterly honest with.

  “Well, I was just wondering, I mean, it would make sense if,” she fumbled. “Oh damn, I’m scared that you only love me because I’m the Sola,” she blurted out.

  The hurt that streaked across his face made her regret saying anything. “What?” he asked and his shock was evident. “Are you kidding me? I can’t believe you just said that.” He flopped backward and lay flat on his back. Arianna propped herself up on her elbow and arched a brow at him.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” she prodded.

  “I don’t even want to dignify that with a response,” he said tightly and she couldn’t tell whether he was legitimately angry with her or whether he was just exaggerating.

  “Come on, answer the question,” she shook him playfully.

  “No,” he said and raised both brows as he closed
his eyes.

  “No as in you won’t answer my question or no as in you aren’t just attracted to my power?”

  “The second one, obviously,” he answered. “When I fell in love with you, your powers had not even begun to manifest themselves. Hell, in the beginning, I didn’t even think you were the Sola. I thought my father was wrong.”

  “Hmm,” Arianna said. “When and why exactly did you fall in love with me?”

  “I don’t know when exactly. It happened gradually, over a long period of time. It wasn’t until we teleported to the meadow together, when you’d been at the nightclub, that I realized how deep that love ran.”

  Arianna frowned and swallowed hard against the lump that had gathered in her throat. Emotion welled there, as well as in her eyes.

  “What is it?” Desmond asked concernedly.

  “It’s just,” she started. “It’s just what you said, that’s all.”

  He sat up immediately and looked right into her eyes, his expression serious. “Oh Arianna,” he said gently and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. Her insides fluttered at his touch, at his warmth. “I didn’t mean to upset you. Forget what I said. I love you for your body, your smoking-hot body. That’s all. Nothing else,” he smiled broadly and his eyes danced with merriment.

  Arianna’s intense emotional moment quickly switched from tears born of heartfelt declarations of love, to tears of laughter. She laughed so hard, her face and stomach hurt.

  “Oh my god, Desmond,” she giggled and brushed tears with the back of her hand. “I never knew powerful warlocks were such goofballs.”

  “It’s a well-known fact,” he smiled, satisfied.

  “Jeez! Talk about hamming it up!” she said and laughed as she ruffled his hair playfully. With his hair mussed, he looked like a model that had tumbled from the pages of a magazine. Her smile faded as did his. His eyes locked on hers and held them for a long while before roaming her nude body lovingly. He shook his head slowly.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, his gaze filled with yearning.


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