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Always Enough

Page 28

by Kay Edwards

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Wendy sat up in bed. She shuddered trying to get the nightmare out of her mind. She took a deep breath trying to gain control of her thoughts.

  Stefan glanced up at his wife. He touched her hand knowing she was still half asleep. “I’m right here.” It had been just over three months since Jake had been killed. Wendy’s physical injuries were healed. Her mental ones were still an issue.

  Wendy lay back down beside Stefan. “They are getting better.”

  Stefan pulled her against his chest. “I wish they were gone. I don’t like seeing you afraid.”

  Wendy felt his lips on her forehead. She closed her eyes and absorbed her husband’s strength. She sighed softly as their morning alarm went off. “I almost made it through the night. I feel rested.”

  Stefan loved how she felt in his arms. He kissed her softly. “I love you so much. I could stay here forever.”

  Wendy snuggled into his chest. “I would let you keep me here forever. I love you too.”

  Stefan reached for the devotional and his Bible. As they had done every morning since they were married, they started their day seeking God first. When they were done praying together, Stefan watched Wendy get out of bed.

  Wendy put her robe on and headed for the shower. She smiled back at Stefan. “It still feels funny being married.”

  Stefan watched her as she paused at the door of their bathroom. He chuckled. “It is hilarious when new clients realize why I’m flirting with my assistant.”

  Wendy giggled as she turned. “Of course, your assistant certainly does like to flirt back.”

  Stefan heard the shower turn on. He put on his sweats as he walked toward their closet. Hearing a knock on their bedroom door, he changed directions.

  Cory looked up at Stefan. “I can’t button my shirt.”

  Stefan knelt in front of him and helped. He kissed the top of his head. “Have you had your breakfast yet?”

  Cory nodded. “Uncle Liam helped me pour some cereal.”

  Stefan held up his hand for a high five. “Good job your mom and I will be out in a few minutes.”

  Cory threw his arms around Stefan’s neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you Dad. I like calling you that too.”

  Stefan hugged the boy back. “I like being called that.”

  Cory gave Stefan another high five before heading back to the kitchen. Stefan watched him close the suite door before turning back toward the closet.

  A few minutes later Wendy joined Cory, Liam, and Trevor in the kitchen. She smiled at Trevor. “Are you ready for the interview today?”

  Trevor frowned at her. “I am not.”

  Wendy giggled. “You did know your assistant was married. Things happen.”

  Trevor knew his sister-in-law was being a brat. He turned the tables on her. “So, when are you and Stefan going to present us with a new niece or nephew?”

  Wendy blushed. “I guess you put me in my place.”

  Liam laughed. “You really do turn all sorts of color.”

  Trevor took a deep breath. “I’m happy for her and her husband. She is very excited to be a mom.”

  Stefan walked in and pulled his wife into his arms. He looked at Trevor. “You know I kind of dreaded interviewing my assistant too. It kind of turned out for me.”

  Liam laughed at the look on Trevor’s face. “It could happen. You never know.”

  Trevor shook his head. “I’m hoping to meet a nice girl at church. I am not sure every workplace romance has the ability to turn out as nicely as it did for you two.”

  Carla laughed from the doorway. “I was hoping the same for me too. Didn’t quite work out that way.”

  Trevor shook his head. “Your new job agrees with you because you were dating the boss before he hired you. Not all of us can date our assistants.”

  Carla giggled as she poured some coffee in her travel mug. “He was a bit high-handed about the position. I’m glad he insisted.”

  Liam chuckled. “Malcolm had no intentions of letting you out of his sight after Jake.”

  The group made their way toward the door. They would drop Cory at school before heading into the city. Stefan stopped and just watched his family get into the minivan. He made eye contact with his wife. Her love was evident in her eyes. He glanced at his new son as he climbed in with Liam. His heart was overwhelmed by the grace that God had given him. Christ had taken a heart that was hurt and angry and transformed it into one that lived for His purpose. Stefan knew God’s tomorrow for him may not always be comfortable, but it was always enough.

  Note From The Author

  If you enjoyed the first book of this series, please join Trevor for his story in A Heart’s Strength. In the second book, you will meet Bri. A tragic past puts Bri in many difficult situations. As Trevor finds a way to earn her trust Bri opens her heart to a gentleness she can’t ignore. You will see a heart’s determination to not just survive but thrive as Trevor helps Bri realize not everything is lost. Kay will pull your heartstrings with this one. A Heart’s Strength is available for pre-order now.



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