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Fox Revenge (Madison Wolves #5)

Page 11

by Robin Roseau

  "Yes," she said.

  Michele Lassiter was in the kitchen. She didn't normally cook for us, but she was putting the finishing touches on a full breakfast. I didn't question it.

  I got Lara settled, then interposed myself between her and Kimberlee. Serena and Rory both hovered protectively, and I was happy to have them. Elisabeth and Kimberlee took seats, and Karen took another position of security, slightly behind Kimberlee.

  "I know I represent a significant difficulty," Kimberlee said. "And I wish I had not brought my troubles to you. But I myself am not trouble." She glanced at all the enforcers.

  "Two of them are mine," I said. "And I have a hard time chasing them out of the bathroom when I need to use it. Karen, however, is yours, and if you make a false move for my mate, you will be lucky if she gets to you before I do."

  The woman held up her hands in surrender. "I mean no ill will," she promised. "I had heard you were small and assumed you were crafty, but I did not know you would be so fierce."

  "Stand down," Lara said quietly to me alone. "Let Elisabeth manage security."

  I glanced over at her but I didn't relax.

  "Tell us your story," I demanded.

  She repeated things pretty much as we already knew, offering a few new details. As we suspected, she was being offered as a bribe to prevent a challenge to the alpha. "My brother would sacrifice me for his position. He never should have challenged the old alpha. It was a mistake he now regrets, but he doesn't know how to resign gracefully. I will not be a pawn to his aspirations, especially not to that man."

  "How much of this can we verify?" Lara asked Elisabeth.

  "As best we can tell," Elisabeth said, "Everything she has told us is true. We have photos of Kimberlee Mortens, and if this isn't her, she is a darned good body double. Her brother-"

  "Brody," Kimberlee interjected.

  "Does not appear to have the strength or cunning to hold his position. He is hanging on only because the head enforcer is exceedingly scary."

  "Johnny knows he'd be a bad alpha and doesn't want the position," Kimberlee said. "But he expects his loyalty to be bought or he'll challenge my brother, probably kill him, then place an alpha in place who will give him what he wants."

  "Which is?"

  "A significant expense account and the opportunity to practice his sadism unchecked." Kimberlee looked around between us. "My brother is not a bad man. He isn't even necessarily a particularly bad alpha. However, he has spent so much effort staving off challenges that he has not been able to focus on running the pack properly."

  "That just leads to more challenges," Elisabeth said.


  "He should resign," I said. "Rather than offer his sister as sacrificial lamb."

  "And go where?" she asked.

  "Anywhere." I turned to Lara.

  "No," she said.

  "Why not?"

  "Because a wolf who would challenge a sitting alpha once might do it again," Kimberlee said.

  "So he's fighting for his life," I summarized.

  "Yes," Kimberlee said. "My defection will seal his fate, unless he can buy Johnny Mack off in some other fashion. I feel badly for that, but he did not consult me before challenging the old alpha. I would have advised against it. I did not make this problem, and I should not be the one to pay for it."

  "You are being very reasonable," I told her.

  "I feel, at least temporarily, safe," she said. "For the first time since Brody made his fatefully stupid mistake. Thank you."

  "Lara has that effect," I said. I clasped her hand.

  Kimberlee smiled. "You perhaps understand my position." I did.

  "Your brother may not be a bad man," I said. "But if Lara had been in the same position, she would sacrifice herself before asking others to pay for her mistake. So would everyone else in this room."

  "He has grown desperate and short-sighted. Perhaps he will come to this conclusion as well."

  We ate while continuing to discuss the situation. Finally I said, "I need to go. I have class to teach."

  "Francesca is teaching your classes today," Elisabeth said.

  "I need you here," Lara added. "You may go consult with her, then please return."

  "Yes, Alpha," I told her. I kissed her quickly and turned to Elisabeth. "I want a full security detail on Lara until this is resolved."

  "I don't have the forces," she said. "Not to protect the three of you. And frankly, if he wants her back badly enough to cause trouble, taking you would be a better choice than attacking Lara."

  "I can defend myself better than she can right now."

  Lara began to growl, but I turned to her. "It's true! You have to protect our babies. That is your only job!"

  "Yes, Michaela, but you will have four enforcers full time."

  "Emanuel and Eric are on their way," Serena said.

  "Get Gia here," I said.

  "Gia is busy," Elisabeth said. "Trust me to run security, Alpha."

  "Elisabeth," I said, ready to plead with her.

  "I will not allow anything to happen to your mate, Michaela," she said firmly. "Trust me to do my job."

  I studied her. It was hard. Lara chuckled. "Michaela," she said gently. "What you are feeling right now is how I feel about you all the time. All the time, Love."

  "Elisabeth," I said. "The pack has three hundred and forty two members. Surely there are a few toughs who could use some extra cash."

  "I'm sure there are," she said. "We won't be using them."

  "Why not?" I demanded.

  "Kimberlee," Elisabeth asked. "Do you know the easiest way to infiltrate a pack's security?"

  "Of course," she said. "You pay off any greedy enforcers you can find."

  "It isn't hard finding people willing to take a job as enforcer," Elisabeth said. "It's damned hard to find one I would trust with your life, Michaela."

  I stared at her. "I bet you salivated when Angel inquired."

  "Yes," she said. "I did. And she'll be good, once we train her up. That's long term."

  "Call Greg," I said.

  "I did. He's fully committed somewhere. He wouldn't say where, just that he was using every resource he has, and the other people he would recommend as reliable are also busy. He can loan us counter-intelligence support, but no muscle."

  "There is a war going on between Arizona and Colorado," Kimberlee offered.

  "Oh hell," I said. "So Daniel and Brooke can't help, either. Are they all right?"

  "I called Daniel," Elisabeth said. "He sounds stressed but said everything is fine. They are not directly involved, but they are on high alert. He wasn't willing to take this problem off our hands."

  "Emanuel and Eric are waiting outside," Serena said quietly. "Alpha, we are ready to escort you to the school."

  "None of your games, Little Fox," Lara said to me.

  "No," I said. "None of my games." I turned to Serena. "Thank you."

  She nodded to me then gestured me out of the kitchen, inviting me to lead. I left the kitchen saying, "I will return as soon as I am able." At the front door, I turned to Serena. "I will do whatever I think I am supposed to do, and you will tell me if I must stop."

  "Thank you," she said. "Emanuel and Eric are on the porch. We will box you. You understand."

  "Yes, I do."

  I turned to the door and stepped out. I began down the steps, Emanuel and Eric moving in front of me, Serena and Rory flanking me. I turned around suddenly and looked at Serena. "Are you my security chief?"

  "Yes," she said. "For now."

  "Not Karen?"

  "No. Elisabeth wants her close to Lara. If I am unavailable, you may talk to Emanuel."

  "I understand." I turned towards the school.

  * * * *

  When I returned, everyone had retired to the living room. Gia was there, taking notes as Kimberlee was dictating everything she knew about the Iowa pack.

  "I should have been here for the start of this," I said to Lara as I settled down next
to her.

  "We'll have a transcript for you."

  I sat back and listened.

  Promptly at nine, Elisabeth interrupted. "It is time, Lara," she said.

  "Someone call him," Lara said.

  Elisabeth pulled out a phone. It wasn't her normal phone. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Burner," she said. "If it rings, I know who it is, and when this is over, I can throw it away." She punched some buttons and I listened as she worked her way through two flunkies before reaching Kimberlee's brother. She handed the phone to Lara, and I listened in.

  "Mr. Mortens," Lara said.

  "Ms. Burns," he replied. "You have something that belongs to me, I believe."

  "I am sorry," Lara said. "I didn't know that. I have a guest in my house, let me ask her." She looked at Kimberlee. "He is suggesting you brought something with you that is his."

  "I stole his car," she said. "I can't think of anything else."

  "We will have the car driven into Iowa if you tell us where you would like it," Lara said.

  "I don't care about the car," he said. "Well, I do, but I want Kimberlee back. She is my wolf."

  "Kimberlee is a sentient creature. She appears to be of legal age. By every law I know, that means she is able to make her own decisions."

  "I need her," Brody said, sounding desperate. "Return her and we'll forget this little difficulty."

  "Kimberlee," Lara asked. "Your brother invites you to return to Iowa. Will you do so willingly?"

  "I would rather not," she said. "I think I would rather slit my wrists before I'd go back."

  "I'm sorry," Lara said. "She politely declines your invitation. Perhaps there is another solution to the difficulty you have created. We would be happy to offer some advice."

  "I don't need your advice," he said hotly. "I need you to stop interfering in a family matter!"

  "Brody," Lara said quietly. "Do you claim your sister as your personal property? A slave? I do not see a slave collar, but maybe she took it off. Very sloppy of you."

  He didn't say anything. "Please, Alpha. Give me back my sister."

  "Your sister is free to return to you if she wishes," Lara said. "I will not force her. It is the policy of the Wisconsin weres to treat all sentient beings as sentient beings. There are no slaves in Wisconsin."

  "You don't know what will happen," Brody said.

  "Are you threatening me because I have offered to treat your sister with the sort of respect a real brother would have offered her himself?"

  He grew quiet. "I know I'm a lousy brother," he said. "Johnny isn't as bad as she thinks. He wouldn't hurt her."

  "She believes Mr. Mack to be a sadist," Lara said. "Does she have reason to believe that?"

  "Maybe," Brody said in a small voice. "But that's not the point."

  "I can't imagine offering any of my wolves as wife to a sadist," Lara said. "Much less my own sister. Are you suggesting I am a better alpha than you are? A better wolf than you are? A stronger wolf than you are?"

  "You don't know what you would do until presented with the situation yourself," Brody replied.

  "You should solve this problem with your sadistic enforcer yourself," Lara said. "If that means your death, at least it would be with honor."

  When Brody responded, he did so quietly. "I would do that, but he would kill me. And he wouldn't stop with me. He would spread his sadism throughout all of Iowa. I can't allow that."

  My estimate of Brody went up with that statement. I believe he actually cared about his pack.

  "So you would sacrifice your sister to him to protect the rest of the pack?" Lara asked.

  "Yes. I would hate myself, but yes."

  "He won't be satisfied," Lara said. "He'll use her up and look for more. Where will you send him then? Wisconsin?"

  He sighed. "You are right, Alpha. You are right. I must seek another solution. May I speak with my sister?"

  "Of course." Lara handed her the phone.

  "I'm not coming back, Brody," Kimberlee said immediately.

  "I know, Kimber," he said. "I'm so sorry. You were right all along. I'll find another solution. Are you safe there?"

  "I believe so," she said. "Yes. They are cautious, but treating me with a great deal of respect. I like the alpha's mate." She smiled at me when she said it.

  "If Johnny were out of the picture, would you return? I'll need you to help me here."

  "If he's dead and you promise you won't give me to someone else, yes, I'll come back. I'll need to see a body, Brody."

  "I understand. Will you stay in Wisconsin, then, until this is settled?"

  "If I am welcome," she said. "Do you promise not to start a war here?"

  "No war," he said. "I'll find someone to help. Somehow. A hunter, maybe."

  I perked up at that. Lara took one look and said, "No."

  She was probably right. It wasn't really our fight, anyway.

  "Good luck, Brody," Kimberlee said.

  "I am sending Elaine to you," Brody told her. "You should have a friend with you. Now give me back to the alpha, please," he told her. She handed the phone back to Lara.

  "Will you take care of my sister?" he asked. "I do love her, you know."

  "She is welcome here as long as she wishes," Lara said. "Are you declaring war?"

  "No," he said. "Your pack outnumbers mine two to one, and mine won't fight for me."

  "Would they fight for Johnny Mack?" Lara asked.

  "No. From him they would run. If I die, you will have more refugees."

  "If they come here, we'll find homes for them in places further away."

  "Thank you for understanding, Alpha," he told her.

  "Good luck, Alpha," Lara told him back. She hung up the phone and tossed it to Elisabeth.

  "I don't believe a word he said," I said as soon as I was sure the phone was off.

  "He was sincere," Kimberlee said. "He is sending my best friend to me. Is she also welcome?"

  "Do you vouch for her?" Lara asked.

  "Of course."

  "Then she is welcome." Lara sighed. "He won't start a war," Lara said. "He doesn't have the forces. I also don't believe he has the capital to hire the forces."

  "No," Kimberlee said. "But he may try subterfuge."

  Lara looked at me. "I know, I know," I said. "I won't shed my guards."

  * * * *

  Two days later, we had another house guest. Kimberlee, who told us to call her Kimber, introduced us to her best friend, Elaine. Elaine was a nervous wolf when she first arrived, jumping at noises and eyeing all of us cautiously, but she settled in, and we achieved a new meaning of "normal".

  The beginning of October arrived. Lara was now four weeks from her expected delivery. Our sex life had curtailed, but she remained pleasant company and deeply appreciative of any pampering I gave her.

  Kimber and Elaine were fully incorporating into the pack, joining us for our runs and games. They even introduced a few from Iowa, but they didn't prove to be as popular. Kimber privately told me our games were better.

  We didn't play any games of catch the fox. My security detail stayed glued to my sides, and I didn't even ask for anything else. I in turn stayed glued to Lara as much as I could, making sure she was deeply protected. She was getting fat and slow, and anyone who wanted anything to do with her would have to go through me.

  The first Saturday in October arrived. I was hovering around Lara, and she snapped at me. "Michaela! Please! I just want to rest. Go shopping or something. Kimber and Elaine need more clothes, and you could use some, too. I'll pay your credit card bill this month. Please."

  I eyed her and said sadly, "You don't want me here?"

  "Oh honey," she said. "You are going stir crazy. You need to get out. Spend a day in the city. Buy some clothes for Celeste and Rebecca. Buy me a new pair of earrings. Do a little Christmas shopping. You aren't going to have time once the pups are here."

  "I don't want to leave you unprotected," I said.

  "I won't be. Now go.
Serena is waiting downstairs for you. I am going to nap. I'll see you this afternoon when you get home. Buy something sexy. I might not be able to do everything I want to do, but I can still enjoy looking at you."

  "All right," I said. "Did you clear this with Elisabeth?"

  "Yes," she said. "Go."

  I kissed her, loaded up on all my favorite weaponry, kissed her again, found my purse, kissed Lara, checked my cell phone, kissed Lara, checked my weapons, kissed Lara-

  "Knock it off!" she said. "Go."

  I kissed her once more before leaving her on the sofa. I collected Kimber and Elaine; they were both ready to go. We got downstairs, and Serena was waiting.

  Elaine asked, "Where are we going?"

  "No idea." I turned to Serena. She mentioned a mall in Madison, the one we normally visited.

  "Great," Elaine said. "Are the stores good?"

  "They aren't bad," I said. "It's not New York."

  She laughed. "It's probably better than what I am used to." Then she patted herself. "Oh, I forgot my purse. I'll be right back." Before I could stop her, she ran upstairs. She was gone for a couple of minutes, then I heard a flush and she joined us.

  Shortly after that, we were on our way, three shoppers and four enforcers.

  We shopped like crazy. I bought a new nightgown for myself; I was sure Lara would approve. We bought clothes for the babies. We went from store to store, finally arriving at our real destination, a women's dress shop named, "Shape." I loved their clothing. I had never been a clothes horse before, but this shop could make me amend my ways.

  We'd been there for thirty minutes, sorting through dresses. I looked at all our packages and turned to Serena. "I wouldn't suppose we could run someone out to the car with these?"

  She frowned, look around, then nodded, sending Emanuel and Rory with them. The two were fully loaded and looked absolutely hilarious. I especially liked seeing Rory carrying the pink bag with my purchase from the lingerie store.

  Serena and Eric kept up their guard duty, their backs turned to us while watching the crowds. Elaine turned to Kimber. "Hey, I really need to use the bathroom. Come with me."

  Kimber looked at her. "I just went. Don't tell me you're afraid to go alone."

  "Come on," she said. "Keep me company, Kimber."


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