Traders and Traitors (Stavin DragonBlessed Book 2)

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Traders and Traitors (Stavin DragonBlessed Book 2) Page 14

by Loren K. Jones

  Marvat's hand took the watch as soon as they had eaten, and Farval immediately led his hand into the bazaar. Barvil went with them, right beside Karvik. Rank, after all, has its privileges.

  The sun had set long before Farval and the rest returned, and Stavin grinned widely when he saw the bundle that Karvik was carrying. He couldn't tell what it was, but Karvik would tell him at watch change.

  The night passed quietly and Rahlina had everyone up early and on the move to make the short trek across the river. Stavin rode by the lead wagon and signed for the toll, then stayed by Rahlina's side all the way to the caravansary.

  The caravan had set up and a few customers had wandered over to the wagons when a richly dressed man wearing the vest of a Master Trader arrived in a carriage. "I would like to speak to the Master Trader of this caravan," he said as he strode up to the wagons. One of the traders led him to Rahlina.

  "How may I help you, Sir?" Rahlina asked as soon as the man was presented to her.

  "Are you the Master Trader?" the man asked.

  "I am the leader of this caravan. My grandmother was the Master Trader, but she was killed in Barren's Bridge," she replied.

  "Are you a Master Trader?" he asked.

  "No. This is my last year apprenticing."

  "Then your caravan has no credentialed master?" the man asked. There was an expression of wicked glee on his face now.

  "No, Sir. We had three Master Traders with us, but all three were lost in Barren's Bridge," Rahlina answered, and the man clapped his hands as if he was delighted by that news.

  "Then this is a masterless caravan. You cannot participate in trade in Evandia," he declared.

  "Sir, our master was-"

  "You have no Master Trader with this caravan, therefore it is masterless and forbidden to trade in Evandia," the man snapped. "Our reciprocal agreements with the other kingdoms allow only caravans led by a credentialed Master Trader from some kingdom to lead a caravan. Until such time as this caravan procures the services of a Master Trader, it is impounded and forbidden trade except for purchasing food." The man stepped back and let a satisfied smile cross his lips. "Your caravan will sit here until it rots or you get a Master to take you out, and I can guarantee that no Evandian Master Trader will hire on with you. You may not leave the confines of the caravansary, but you will be required to continue paying for your space." Now the man's smiled turned nasty. "You'll lose everything as soon as you run out of coin to pay your rent."

  Barvil, Stavin, and the rest of the warriors had come to see what was going on, and now Stavin stepped forward. "Sir, I am Friend of Evandia Stavin Kel'Aniston. I'm sure something-"

  "Your status has no bearing on this matter, young man," the man said, interrupting Stavin. "The king may have made you a Friend of the Kingdom, but that does not make you immune to our laws."

  "I'm sure something-"

  "No, young man. There is nothing you can do about this situation. Only a Master Trader can lead a caravan, and there is no Master Trader here."

  "It'll take moons to get a message through and get someone back from Aravad to take over the caravan," Rahlina said.

  "It'll take longer than you think," the man said as he turned away from Stavin to sneer at Rahlina. "You're forbidden to leave the caravansary, or the confines of your own caravan. You are forbidden trade in Evandia, and that includes paying someone to deliver your message. I have a work crew coming to erect a fence, and Guild guards will ensure you don't leave."

  Stavin hissed, "You thief," and took a step forward, but Barvil grabbed his shoulder and hauled him back.

  "You can't fight the Traders’ Guild, Stavin," Barvil said as Stavin rounded on him.

  "There has to be a way, Sir," Stavin said in an intense tone.

  The man from the Traders’ Guild smirked and walked away, and everyone watched him go. As he had said, workmen were already erecting a fence around the caravan, and guards in Traders’ Guild livery were turning away anyone who approached.

  The sound of sobbing drew their attention and everyone turned to find Rahlina sitting on the ground. "They've broken us," she cried as she wept.

  "Not yet they haven't," one of the other traders snarled, but she just shook her head.

  "We can't send for someone to take over the caravan. Even if we could, we'd likely be out of coin before they arrived. Those greedy bastards in the Traders’ Guild will confiscate it all the moment we can't pay the caravansary."

  "Rahlina, is there anything we can do?" Barvil asked.

  "No, and I'm dismissing you immediately. I have to, or we won't be able to pay you either." She gulped back her tears and stood, motioning for Barvil to follow her. At her wagon, she pulled out their contract. "Five silver crowns per day, plus half what Stavin saved us, comes to fifty-one gold crowns. Here," she said as she counted out the coins, "and I wish you well. Maybe if you come to Zel'Vandar next year we'll see one another again."

  Barvil bowed very deeply as he accepted the payment. "Sahren said we couldn't protect you from every bandit, Rahlina, and I'm sorry to see that she was correct. We'll be going, and I hope we do see you again next season."

  Barvil turned away from Rahlina and strode over to his men. "We've been dismissed. Pack up and prepare to move."

  "Sir, isn't there some way we can do something about this?" Farval asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

  "Not against the Guild. Remember, we depend on them for our employment as well. We can't do anything," Barvil answered.

  The warriors all led their horses out of the caravan and were stopped by a Guild guard. "No one may leave the caravan except to buy food, and no goods may leave at all by order of the Traders’ Guild," the man said as he blocked their way.

  "These are not trade goods," Barvil answered. "We have been dismissed and are leaving."

  "Giving up already, are they?" the man asked, sneering at Barvil.

  "No, but they don't need the extra expense of our presence," Barvil answered in a carefully controlled tone.

  "Then be gone. We'll see to it that nothing leaves this caravan until the Guild Masters seize it."

  Barvil led his men past the guard, and it was all most of them could do to keep from gutting him as they passed. Barvil led them to a tavern first. He'd intentionally not taken them to eat at the caravan to save as much food as possible for Rahlina and her people.

  Stavin was literally shaking with rage as they sat down. "Sir, we can't let this happen. We swore to protect them from all bandits, and that's all these Guild bastards are."

  "Stavin, we've been dismissed. There's nothing we can do against the Guild, and Rahlina can't either. I will send a message to Aravad for her, since the Guild is trying to prevent her from sending it, but she is right that it's unlikely that anyone will arrive in time to save the caravan."

  "There's got to be a Master Trader who will hire on with them," Karvik said, but Barvil shook his head.

  "That would be foolish. Opposing the Guild is not something that one does lightly. No Evandian trader would risk it."

  Stavin didn't look up from the table as he answered Barvil. "Unless it was someone the Traders’ Guild didn't dare anger," he said, then looked up. His expression took on a nasty twist. "Someone with connections at the top and bottom of the Evandian hierarchy."

  "Stave, I recognize that tone," Karvik said, eyeing his friend carefully. "You're planning to be clever about something."

  Stavin grinned at Karvik. "What if there was someone who even the Traders’ Guild didn't dare angering?"

  "It'd take a very powerful person to do that, Stavin," Barvil answered.

  "Or someone with powerful friends. Friends like the king--and Elain." Stavin grinned at Barvil as the rest of the warriors caught on to the idea.

  "Spell it out, Stave," Aldric said.

  Karvik answered, "If Stave becomes a Master Trader, the Guild won't dare try anything against him. He's too powerful. Or at least his friends are."

  "But how does he become a Mast
er Trader?" Farval asked.

  "He has to be sponsored into the guild by another Master Trader," Barvil answered.

  "Elain," Karvik said, drawing nods from his father and friend.

  "It's only about four days ride up river to Twin Bridges, Sir," Marvat said, smiling.

  The warriors rode out of Valovad before mid day, taking the road north. It was indeed a four-day ride, and they were a weary lot as they approached the East Bridge. Stavin rode forward and signed for their toll, and they all marveled at the magnificent bridge as they crossed.

  It took several spans for them to cross the city, and it was fully dark as they rode their weary horses around to Elain's stables. Avid came out to meet them immediately.

  "Welcome to Elain's, good sirs," he said as he bustled forward, then skipped a step as he recognized them. "Goodman Barvil, is that you? And Friend Stavin as well? Welcome back. You've stabled your horses? Good, good. Come, the mistress will be pleased to see you."

  He turned away and led as the warriors all followed him to the back door of the inn. Inside, Elain turned to see who was there and smiled broadly as they entered. "Goodman Barvil, how nice to see you. Is Sahren at the Caravansary?"

  All of the warriors stopped, then Barvil took two slow steps forward. "You don't know? Madam Elain, we were attacked by Ahran Fel'Hadar in Barren's Bridge. Sahren and nine others were killed sixteen days ago."

  "Ahran? How--Oh, Gods Below, why didn't I have him killed?" she cried as her knees failed her. "Sahren, I'm so sorry," she wept, burying her face in her hands.

  Barvil signaled Avid and they lifted Elain from the floor and carried her to her sitting room, with Stavin bringing up the rear. The rest of the warriors stayed in the common room.

  "How?" Elain asked as Avid all but forced a glass of brandy into her hand. "How did my friend die?"

  "We were ambushed in the caravansary by archers with fire-arrows. Sahren was hit by three arrows. The caravan lost nine other traders as well," Barvil said, going to one knee in front of her. "The city guards found Ahran and his accomplices with bows and pitch-coated arrows. They were all beheaded."

  "Sahren. Oh, Sahren," Madam Elain said as she began crying again.

  "It gets worse," Stavin said, drawing her attention. "The caravan is trapped in Valovad. They don't have a Master Trader anymore, and the Guild has impounded them. We were hoping you-"

  "I can't, Friend Stavin," Elain said, interrupting him. "I can't leave Twin Bridges or everything will fall apart."

  "We understand," Barvil said, "but Stavin has an idea."

  "We hoped you'd help us find someone the Guild wouldn't dare mess with," Stavin said. "Someone with friends in high places." He finished with a smile and Madam Elain looked at him sideways.

  "You, Friend Stavin?"

  "Me. But I need a sponsor to the Guild. Someone who is a Master in her own right, and who is powerful enough that she can stand up to the Guild when they figure it out."

  "You want me to sponsor you? Oh, Friend Stavin, I would be happy to, but--Friend Stavin, there are things you don't know about me. Things that would make you reconsider your request."

  "Things like the fact that you are one of the most powerful criminals in Twin Bridges, and possibly all of Evandia?" Stavin asked and smiled at her startled look of incomprehension. "Princess Marina told me about you when we passed through earlier this season. She knows all about you, and the others like you who rule the underworld of Evandia."

  "But how--? Why--?"

  "You keep the peace and regulate the crime rate. They don't approve of you, of course, but they acknowledge that you have your place. A place, I might add, that few others can lay claim to." Stavin looked her in the eye while he spoke and saw her understanding.

  "And you still want to be associated with me?" she asked.

  "Honestly, no. I would prefer not to be associated with a criminal at all, but after using my status to ship your consignments last season, I am already associated with you to some extent. And if I have to be associated with a criminal, being associated with a very powerful criminal is the best of the options."

  Elain actually chuckled. "You've learned pragmatism, Stavin. That's a good step. The Guild demands that a thousand gold crown bond be posted by all of its Master Traders when they found their own House. That's partially to ensure a trader is competent by making him earn a fortune working for someone else first. It's also used as a threat to ensure you obey them. If you don't, you lose your bond."

  Stavin smiled and chuckled. "A thousand gold crowns? Is that all?"

  Chapter 18

  MORNING FOUND STAVIN AND ELAIN WALKING into the Traders’ Guild office near her inn. The man behind the desk glanced up, then all but leapt out of his chair, putting his back against the wall behind his desk.

  "M-Madam Elain, what a surprise to see you," he stammered.

  Madam Elain snarled, "Stop that, Jarval, or I might decide to be offended." She paused, then continued in a more normal tone. "This is Friend of Evandia Stavin Kel'Aniston. He wishes to establish himself in trade, and I have agreed to sponsor him."

  Jarval was staring at Stavin's golden armor, not saying anything until Madam Elain snapped, "Well?" Then he vanished through the door to his right and Elain chuckled. "For reasons that I've never understood, he has the idea that I want him dead. Really, though, having him terrified works so much better."

  Jarval returned in just a few moments and bowed. "Madam Elain, Friend Stavin, the Masters will see you now."

  Elain led Stavin into the office of the Evandian Master Traders Council and faced the three members of the council. Nodding to each of them in turn, she addressed the man in the center. "Grand Master Fel'Warvan, I bring before you and your colleagues Friend of Evandia Stavin Kel'Aniston. Friend Stavin wishes to establish himself as a trader, and I have agreed to sponsor him."

  Grand Master Fel'Warvan nodded. "We have heard that you've done very well for yourself in your capacity as a warrior, Friend Stavin. It is also our understanding that your people honor warriors above all others. Why is it that you now seek to become a trader?"

  Stavin bowed slightly before answering. "Grand Master Fel'Warvan, it is my belief that I could have done much better for myself last season if I had been more experienced in trade. To that end, I have expended a great deal of effort learning what I could from our employers. Now I wish to put what I have learned to use."

  The grand master exchanged glances with his associates, then nodded. "It is quite likely true that your fortune would be much more substantial if you'd had the proper background last summer, Friend Stavin. Very well. I'm sure Master Trader Elain has informed you of the requirements to become a Master Trader and found a Trading House in Evandia."

  "She has," Stavin answered. "I have a draft for one thousand gold crowns, drawn on my account with the Gold Merchants this morning." He held up the piece of parchment and the grand master waved him forward. After he placed the draft on the desk, Stavin returned to Madam Elain's side.

  The grand master picked up the draft and briefly examined it. "Very well, Friend Stavin. The rules are simple: obey our bylaws, and the laws of Evandia. You'll be provided with a handbook detailing the Traders’ Guild Bylaws, but they all boil down to one thing: Don't do anything that will embarrass the guild. Don't lie if someone knows the truth. Don't cheat if you can be caught. And, perhaps most importantly, don't blame us if you go broke. Now, have you chosen your crest?"

  Stavin nodded. "I have chosen the Kel'Aniston glyph and a crouching mountain cat."

  "I would have thought you'd choose the dragon," one of the other men said.

  Stavin thought for a moment, then looked at Madam Elain. She nodded and said, "The dragon would be much more distinctive, Friend Stavin. Several trading houses have cat icons, but few would dare to put a dragon by their name. You could do so by right."

  Stavin nodded and bowed slightly to Elain, then turned back to the council. A fourth man had joined them, and he held a vest in his hands.
"Friend Stavin, I am Master Mage Caril. If you would care to put this on, I will mark you as a Master Trader."

  Stavin was puzzled as he put the vest on over his armor. It was far too big for him, and looked silly. Master Caril smiled as he looked at Stavin. "Now to make you a Master Trader," the mage said and placed his hands on Stavin's chest. On the left, the glyph of a Master Trader of Evandia. On the right, the Kel'Aniston glyph and, he paused and looked at the masters and received a nod of permission, a golden dragon. "The Trading House of Kel'Aniston is established."

  Stavin was surprised when he looked at his vest. It fit snugly over his armor now, and the glyphs seemed to have a three dimensional quality to them. He looked at the mage and received a smile in return.

  "No one can forge Master Trader credentials, Friend Stavin. The spell is very specific, and only a mage of the Guild is allowed to learn it. Long life and a prosperous future to you, Master Trader Kel'Aniston." With that he bowed, then turned and left.

  "Master Stavin," the grand master began, startling Stavin, "we also wish you a prosperous future. Jarval has your handbook."

  Stavin bowed very deeply, then turned and left with Madam Elain at his side. He took the proffered book of bylaws from Jarval as they passed, but didn't say anything until they were out in the street.

  "That's it? Just turn over a thousand crowns and poof, you're the Master Trader of your own House?"

  "Not everything is complicated, Friend Stavin. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a friend to mourn and you have some friends to rescue." Madam Elain smiled sadly as she led Stavin in to the inn, then disappeared through the door to her private rooms.

  Barvil and the rest of the warriors met Stavin in the common room. "Any trouble, Stave?" Karvik asked as he examined Stavin's vest.

  "None. Are we ready to ride?" Stavin replied, and got his answer when everyone turned toward the back of the inn.


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