Traders and Traitors (Stavin DragonBlessed Book 2)

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Traders and Traitors (Stavin DragonBlessed Book 2) Page 15

by Loren K. Jones

  They spent the next five days retracing their path to Valovad. Stavin spent most of it reading while Karvik led his horse. They rode into the caravansary early the fifth day, and Stavin walked up to the guards.

  "I am Master Trader Kel'Aniston. I am taking control of this caravan."

  The guard looked at him, then shook his head. "My orders are to keep everyone out of this caravan."

  "Am I correct in thinking that you are employed by the Traders’ Guild?"


  "And as such, you are at the command of any Master Trader of Evandia?"


  "Then get out of my way," Stavin finally snarled, "or I'll have you moved."

  The guard looked at Stavin, then at the wall of armor behind him and suddenly decided to move. "I'll report this to Master Trader Bel'Valat!" he almost shouted as he scampered out of the way.

  "Do that," Stavin snapped. "And tell him that this caravan has a Master Trader now." Stavin watched the man leave at a dead run, then cut the rope around the caravan and walked through with the others right behind him.

  Rahlina met them and went to Barvil. "What happened? Why did you come back?"

  Barvil almost laughed. "Have I ever mentioned that Stavin has a stubborn streak that's wider than he is?"

  "Stavin?" Rahlina said as she really looked at him.

  "Master Trader Stavin, of the Evandian Trading House of Kel'Aniston," Stavin said with a bow, then ruined it by laughing. "These bandits are in for a surprise."

  Rahlina led them into the center of the caravan, and there was a great deal of shouting and laughing as the warriors explained what they had done. It wasn't long, however, before the Valovad Traders’ Guild reacted.

  "What's the meaning of this?!" the man who had impounded the caravan shouted as he climbed down from his carriage.

  Stavin strode forward and stopped when he was about three paces from the man. "I am Master Trader Stavin, of the Evandian House of Kel'Aniston. I have taken over this caravan. It is no longer masterless." You honorless slug.

  "There is no House of Kel'Aniston!" the man snapped.

  "There is now," Barvil said as he and the rest of the warriors spread out to bracket Stavin.

  "I refuse to release this caravan to some jumped-up barbarian," the man snapped, and suddenly found himself facing Stavin's Dragon's Tongue.

  "Who are you?" Stavin asked.

  "I am Master Trader Haral Bel'Harvan," the man replied as his eyes crossed to lock on the weapon pointing at his nose.

  "You'd do well to remember your place, Bel'Harvan," Stavin snarled.

  "You're no trader," the man snapped, but he took a step back from Stavin anyway. "Guild Bylaws forbid taking offense at something said by another trader."

  Stavin's eyes narrowed. "Chapter seven, paragraph three, sub-paragraph four," Stavin said, letting a smile twist his lips. "No Master Trader may take exception nor demand obeisance from another Master Trader while in the Guild Hall. At all other times a Master Trader shall comport himself as befits his social position and rank." Stavin's smile became a snarl. "You will accord me the proper respect. Do I make myself clear?" he asked and saw the look of comprehension in the man's eyes.

  "Yes, Master Stavin. But the Guild will hear of this outrage," he said as he backed away.

  "The outrage of you trying to steal the Zel'Vandar caravan? Or the outrage of you insulting me? Perhaps I should return to Twin Bridges and speak to Princess Marina? I'm sure she would be most interested in these events." Stavin glared at the man and saw him back down. "Now remove that fence from around my caravan, or we'll do it and charge you for the labor."

  "In all my thirty years as a Master Trader, I've never seen such a blatant misuse of authority. I'll be registering a complaint against you and whoever sponsored you to the guild. Just see if I don't."

  Stavin smiled again, and this time it was even nastier. "My sponsor was Master Trader Elain Fel'Carvin. Go ahead, make her mad. I dare you."

  Master Trader Haral blanched at the mention of Elain's name. He backed away, shaking his head, then all but ran to his carriage and whipped his horse in an effort to escape as the laughter of the warriors chased him.

  Rahlina was standing behind Stavin, grinning from ear to ear. "You have a wicked sense of humor, Stavin. Come, the mid day meal is almost ready. I had Uncle Endar make extra as soon as you arrived."

  The meal was oat porridge, and Stavin looked at Rahlina with a questioning expression when he was served. "We've been on short rations since the fence went up, trying to stretch our funds as far as possible."

  Stavin nodded. "I understand. What do you want to do now?"

  "You're the Master Trader, Stavin," Rahlina pointed out.

  "I bought a fancy vest for a thousand gold crowns," Stavin replied. "You're the one who knows what you're doing."

  Rahlina nodded. "I'd like to leave."


  "Now. We've been here for ten days."

  "Then we load up as soon as we're finished eating." Stavin looked around and nodded. "We can trade at another town. Are the caravansary fees paid?"

  "Yes. They come at dawn to collect. We're paid until the morning, but--"

  "But to hells with that," Stavin said with a grin. "Take control, Rahlina, and I'll follow your lead."

  The wagons were ready to roll two spans later, and Rahlina had Stavin on the seat beside her as they started out. "The Master Trader has to be on the lead wagon when we are in a town, Stavin. Your vest has to be visible," she explained.

  Stavin turned to Barvil, but he just laughed. "You're in a wagon again, Stavin. Tie your horse to the back. Riding with Rahlina will also give you more time to study that book. I wouldn't expect the Traders Guild officials to take you slapping them down gracefully."

  The caravan didn't make it out of the caravansary before the Traders’ Guild struck back. Thirty armed men formed a phalanx across the road, and three richly dressed men walked forward.

  "I am Senior Master Trader Bel'Valat. Who is the man claiming to be a Master Trader?" the center man asked.

  Stavin stood, not bothering to climb down from the wagon. "I am Master Trader Stavin."

  "This caravan is impounded. You have no right to take it anywhere without our permission."

  "This caravan is under my control," Stavin replied, "as defined by Chapter one, section one, paragraph two of the Evandian Traders’ Guild Bylaws."

  "You will not take this caravan out of here, young man, no matter what trickery you've managed. We don't recognize you as a Master Trader," one of the other men said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Stavin took a moment to climb down from the wagon and walk forward to face the men. Once he was close to them, he gestured to his vest. "Do you recognize this? It's identical to the one you wear."

  "That means nothing."

  "Do you recognize the right of a Master Trader to take over a masterless caravan?" Stavin asked.

  "We don't recognize you," the third master said as he looked at Stavin.

  "You don't recognize me how?" Stavin asked, letting an edge of anger creep into his voice. "You refuse to recognize me as an Evandian Master Trader, or you refuse to recognize me as a Friend of Evandia?"

  Master Trader Bel'Valat sneered at Stavin. "The king may have honored you, but you're no trader from any kingdom."

  Stavin let his smile fade. "Then recognize me as this: I am Stavin, of the Cat Clan of Aniston, Warleader Fifth of Kel'Kavin. Step aside, Bel'Valat, or face the consequences of disrespect."

  "You can't threaten us, Friend of Evandia or not. You've sworn to uphold the bylaws of the Traders’ Guild," Master Trader Bel'Valat said.

  Stavin let a wry grin twist his lips. "You refuse to recognize my rights as a Master Trader, but demand that I obey the bylaws of the Guild?" The three masters exchanged looks, then Stavin continued. "It is you who are breaking the bylaws of the Traders’ Guild," Stavin said with a satisfied smile. "Section one, paragraph eight: Anyone who ho
lds Master Trader credentials shall be accorded the respect and consideration due all Master Traders. Since I do hold Master Trader credentials," he said as he indicated the Master Trader glyph on his vest, "it is you who is breaking the bylaw."

  "Stop quoting that damn book!" one of the other masters shouted.

  "That book is the only thing keeping you alive right now," Stavin said as he focused on the man who had spoken.

  "This is an outrage!"

  "The outrage is Master Traders acting like common bandits," Stavin replied loudly, in an angry tone. "I left a complaint with Madam Elain in Twin Bridges. She was to deliver it to the Traders’ Guild Master Council yesterday. In that message I detailed what happened here, and my intention to take over this caravan to prevent you from stealing it. I wonder how they'll react to the report that we were forced to kill thirty and three bandits within the confines of the Guild Caravansary."

  "We are the Guild Council for Valovad," Senior Master Trader Bel'Valat snapped.

  "And I was granted Master Trader credentials by the Traders’ Guild Master Council in Twin Bridges. They are the only ones who can grant master's credentials. Since they outrank you, you are in the wrong."

  "There are only ten of you," the master to the right said, eyeing the wall of armor behind Stavin.

  "True, that leaves only three for each of us, but that's all right. I'll just take you three." Stavin grinned as it finally dawned on the masters that they were in no way safe.

  "You wouldn't dare," Master Trader Bel'Valat said, but he didn't sound very sure of himself any more.

  Karvik shouted, "Stave!" and Stavin turned to catch his Dragon's Tongue by the haft. When he turned back, the guild guardsmen were fleeing down the street, and the three masters were right behind them. Laughter, that of the warriors as well as dozens of onlookers, chased them as they fled.

  Stavin walked back to Rahlina's wagon and stowed his Dragon's Tongue within reach of the seat, then climbed aboard. Rahlina was shaking her head as he settled himself beside her.

  "You took an awful chance, Stavin. They will complain about you to the Guild."

  Stavin nodded. "And I will send a complaint from our next stop about them and what they just tried. There are provisions in this book," he said, holding up the Traders’ Guild Bylaws, "that make what they just did an offense that could get them stripped of their credentials. Refusing to accept my credentials and treat me as an equal is a serious offense because it is only the Master Trader Credentials that keep trade under their control."

  "I know that, Stavin," Rahlina said as she flipped the reins to get her team moving again. "The Kavadian Traders’ Guild Bylaws are almost identical to that set. Most of the Traders’ Guilds are just offshoots of the original Traders’ Guild of the Luxandian Empire."

  Stavin raised his eyebrows at that, then settled back as the caravan began to move.

  Chapter 19

  THE NEXT TOWN WAS JUST A day's journey down the road, and Stavin agreed with Rahlina that they should stop for the night and trade in the morning. They had agreed that Rahlina would be making the decisions, and he would just nod his approval.

  There was no caravansary, but there was a large field next to the town and several people came out as they were forming a crescent for trade. Stavin met them and bowed. "Greetings. We would like to set up our caravan and trade in the morning," he said as they stopped facing him.

  "What caravan is this?" the leader of the delegation asked.

  "Zel'Vandar. I am Master Trader Stavin Kel'Aniston."

  "We heard about you in the morning messages. The Traders’ Guild Council of Valovad is in an uproar about you stealing this caravan from them," the leader said, frowning. Then he chortled. "Well done, Master Stavin. Well done indeed."

  "They were the ones trying to steal the caravan," Stavin replied.

  "Oh, no doubt. No doubt at all, Friend Stavin. They've gotten away with it several times in the last few years," another of the men said. "I am Master Trader Fel'Oraval. I own the General Mercantile here in Seravan."

  "I need to send a message to the council in Twin Bridges, Master Fel'Oraval. The officials in Valovad tried to keep us from leaving, and refused to recognize my status as a Master Trader."

  There were startled glances between the men, then the man who had spoken first stepped forward. "I am Mayor Fel'Carter. If you can leave someone else in charge of the caravan, I'll take you to my office. You can send your message from there."

  Stavin bowed and said, "Thank you. Rahlina is taking care of the caravan, so I can go with you now."

  Stavin and the town officials all went to the mayor's office, and Stavin pulled out the complaint he'd spent half a day composing with Rahlina's help. The mayor brought out a message tube and handed it to Stavin.

  "If you'd care to place your message in here and seal the tube, I'll send it to Twin Bridges in the morning with our regular messenger."

  Stavin rolled the thin parchment and slid it into the tube and capped it, then took the burning candle that the mayor offered him and sealed the end. He didn't have a signet to press into it, so he left it blank until it cooled a little, then carved the Kel'Aniston glyph in the wax with the tip of his knife. "That should suffice," he said, then handed the tube back to the mayor. "Thank you very much, Mayor Fel'Carter."

  "It is our pleasure to aid a friend of the kingdom, Friend Stavin," the mayor replied with a bow. "And anyone who opposes those greedy bastards in Valovad is doubly welcome. Few caravans come through here anymore because of them and their policies."

  Stavin nodded. "I wish we hadn't stopped there. I'll talk to Rahlina and see how long she wants to stay in the morning."

  "Who is in charge of your caravan, Friend Stavin? You, or this Rahlina person?" Master Fel'Oraval asked with a grin.

  "Rahlina Kel'Vandar is the granddaughter of Sahren Kel'Vandar, our original Master. This is her last year apprenticing before she gets her Master's vest. She is much more knowledgeable than I am, and she's agreed to teach me as much as she can."

  "Ah, I thought she might be your wife," Master Fel'Oraval said. "The Gods Above know that my wife makes most of the decisions for us."

  Stavin grinned but didn't say anything else before leaving to return to the caravan. Barvil met him as he walked up. "Did you get your message off, Stavin?"

  "Yes, Sir," Stavin replied, snapping to attention.

  "Very well. I can't put you on night guard anymore. You're going to be needed all day, so you'll take one of the daylight positions. Marvat is taking the night watch. The evening meal is ready, so eat and then get some sleep."

  Stavin gave Barvil a puzzled frown. "Sir, I can still--"

  "No, Stavin, you can't. You, Master Trader Stavin, have to be visible during the day when the other Masters in this town come out here," Barvil said, placing a hand on Stavin's shoulder. "That's a duty that only you can perform."

  Stavin finally nodded and said, "Yes, Sir."

  The night was quiet. Morning had the traders setting up their booths, and Stavin began walking circuit around the caravan. He tried to make it look like he was just strolling about, but the fact that he was in full armor and carrying his Dragon's Tongue let everyone know what he was really doing.

  * * *

  Shari sat back from her desk and rubbed her eyes. The light from Arandar--she smiled as she thought of the highest of the Gods Above. Though honored with the rest of the Gods Above and Below, Arandar was their highest deity. And Stavin, with his golden armor, was like a living statue of Arandar the Bright.

  She looked out at the sky and shook her head. It was already past the time when she got the most light. She looked at the parchment she was copying and shook her head. If I don’t stop now my eyes will burn all night.

  She put her crystal away and closed her inkpot. An errant thought made her look south, even though spans of rock and thousands of dragons of distance separated them and wondered yet again what Stavin was doing.

  "Ready to go, Shari?" her fa
ther asked from the doorway.

  "How did you know?" she automatically asked.

  "Kind of dim outside. Didn't think you'd have enough light to work by. Looks like I was right."

  "You usually are, Daddy." She stood and threaded her way through the room. "I wish Stavi could write and tell me what is happening. I know that isn't practical, though."

  "No, unfortunately it isn't," Charvil agreed. "We're too far off the trade route to Kahrant's Pass. And Sahrena warned you about unscrupulous traders." He sighed and shook his head. "Your mom never liked it either. But you have an advantage over Nahrana and Sahrena: Stavin writes all the time. Yes, he'll probably end up delivering the letters himself, but he is writing them."

  They had been walking as they talked. Shari felt the familiar tilts and slopes of the road under her feet. "I remember when I was four and you went away. I was afraid you were leaving me forever, and I cried for days."

  Charvil grunted. "Nahrana told me. But I did come back. And so will Stavin."

  Shari cuddled against his muscular arm and whispered, "Keep telling me that, Daddy. Tell me until I believe it."

  * * *

  The Traders’ Guild offices in Valovad were echoing with the shouts of the master traders as they discussed what Stavin had done. "It's an outrage!” Master Bel'Orlav screamed as he stood facing his accomplices, clenching his fists at his side in impotent rage.

  Master Bel'Valat was just as angry as he replied, "It's an offense against all we stand for! The Master's Council must uphold our rights!"

  "We should go to Twin Bridges ourselves and confront the council," Master Fel'Lovar snarled, reducing the noise level in the room by a significant amount. "If he really is a Master Trader, he was bound by the bylaws to obey us."

  Master Bel'Valat nodded as a smile slowly spread across his face. "You're absolutely correct, Boldan. We'll leave Haral in charge and go ourselves. A message, they might choose to ignore. In person, they'll have to acknowledge us."

  The next morning the three members of the Traders’ Council left Valovad on the road north, riding in a fine carriage as befitted their august positions. It was a six-day journey, and they arrived near evening of the last day. The carriage driver took them straight to the Traders’ Guild offices, and Senior Master Bel'Valat all but stormed into the guild.


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