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Ménage Material [La Belle sans la Bete Ménages] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Akeroyd, Serena

  “She really is. We’re lucky.” He paused. “I think when things are more settled between the three of us, we should have a more spiritual ceremony for you two. Rather than just one at the mairie. I’d like to attend this time!”

  Bastien grunted. “You’re a wily bastard. Making me feel guilty for that when you were the one who suggested you stay out of the ceremony in the first place. I told you I’d have you as my best man.”

  “Yes, well, we all have our crosses to bear.”

  “Meaning I need to deal with Devvy meeting your mother.”

  “That’s right. Do you think I want to introduce them? Devvy is as sneaky as she’s courageous. She’ll figure out, somehow, that I’m going to visit my mother, and if I don’t invite her…well, it might offend her! That’s the last thing we need.”

  “Do it. Maybe she can soften the old she-witch.”

  “Only my father could do that, and considering the bastard left her thirty years ago, I don’t think I’m going to get much help from that quarter.”

  Bastien sighed. “I’ll be over tomorrow.”

  “Miss me, did you?”

  “Of course. Do you think Devvy would like to watch?”

  Alex chuckled. “Do bears shit in the woods?”

  “Maybe it’s too soon for her.” Bastien pondered that a moment. “We don’t want to rush her.”

  “She’ll be curious, mon amour. Even if she isn’t ready, she’ll want to watch, just to know what happens between the two of us. That is, if she hasn’t already done some research online.”

  Even though his cock was thoroughly limp, Bastien felt tingles at the base of his spine at the idea of his innocent little wife watching porn. He groaned and Alex hooted at the sound.

  “We’ll have to make sure we don’t disappoint.”

  Bastien, ever confident, grunted, “Porn stars have nothing on us.”

  * * * *

  “Two days in a row! I am blessed.”

  Devvy’s comment had Bastien’s brows lifting. “I often visit you here!”

  “Since when?” she demanded, planting her hands on her hips.

  He pursed his lips and she could see his brain ticking, calculating how many times he’d visited her at her lab. She saw the exact moment he realized he couldn’t turn the argument around so he’d win. “Often.”

  She clucked her tongue. “Bullshit.”

  “I’m a bullshitter.” He held up his hands. “I make no bones about it.”

  Shaking her head at him, she asked, “What do you want?”

  “I’m going over to Alex’s. I wondered if you’d like to come.”

  She stilled in the act of adding a few clear drops to the solution she had bubbling over a Bunsen burner. Her hands shook as she placed the dropper onto the counter. Her voice quivered as she asked, “Are you going to fuck him?”

  “Does that upset you?” he asked, surprised by her reaction. He’d expected rosy red cheeks, visible signs of rapid breathing. Instead, he saw what looked like disgust.

  Her eyes were glassy as she shook her head. Switching off the gas to the burner, she muttered, “Let me clear up. I’ll be ten minutes.”

  “Come over to my study, when you’re ready. Alex’s clear all afternoon.”

  A small mewling sound escaped her throat and those glassy eyes of hers suddenly grew wide. Her cheeks started to flush and her tits trembled as she started to breathe heavier. Pleased that she was excited by the idea, he left her with a small smile.

  Had her husband understood the thoughts roiling through her mind, he would probably not be smiling. If anything, Devvy was frightened, uncertain by what was about to happen. She was approaching this situation with the Band-Aid philosophy—pulling it off in one yank rather than torturing herself with several tugs.

  She needed this to be over and done with. Even though she felt certain she’d enjoy what she was about to see, she was scared about the effect it would have on her.

  Having never watched any kind of porn, Devvy, ever the researcher, had decided to rectify that situation. After all, how could she approach a sexual encounter with Alex and Sebastien completely blind? Entirely unaware as to what was about to happen?

  Which is how it would have been if she hadn’t gone online and forever sullied her search history. The things she’d seen and heard had been a definite eye-opener.

  And while the pneumatic porn stars—with their huge breasts and impossibly tight stomachs, the perfect pussies, the instant orgasms, and the built men with their XL cocks and delineated, steroid-esque muscles—had provided a lesson, they hadn’t acted as stimuli. As soon as Devvy had replaced the stars with herself, Bastien, and Alex, a miniature volcano had erupted inside her veins.

  Her heart had winked out of existence and the organ had no longer been pumping blood, but lava that melted her veins and sent her temperature through the roof.

  Perhaps she was a little strange, but the porn sites she’d found had left her cold. Outside of research matter, she’d felt no desire to touch herself from what she’d seen. They’d been reference material. As embarrassing as it was, she’d just wanted to know what went where, how it happened and what it looked like, because while in her head she understood the mechanics, seeing it really was believing it.

  A few days before Sebastien’s arrival home, she’d asked herself how deeply the pair of them would corrupt her. It was only as she’d watched a woman’s pussy being stuffed with two cocks, as she’d witnessed a man being sucked off by another guy and a gal, she’d realized there was no going back.

  What did she mean by that?

  Well, it was one of those moments, where it just felt like it would be a defining instance of her life. Something she could never take back. It would forever change her. It might only be sex, but the staid Devvy, the woman of old, the traditionalist, who hadn’t really partaken in an active sex life prior to her marriage even though there’d been offers from fellow nerds…that creature was borderline disturbed by what she’d seen online.

  The two sides of her nature were at war. The side that had popped out fully formed, like Athena from Zeus’s head, a creature that had appeared upon her marriage to Sebastien…well, she reveled in the idea of being possessed by two men. Of Bastien being fucked by Alex as he pumped his cock into her. She welcomed the idea of both men going down on her. Or of Alex sucking her clit, while Bastien licked the other man’s balls. Devvy had come to title this creature the slut.

  A harsh label and an unfair one. She doubted Alex and Bastien had felt as though they were man-whores for sharing a woman. It was a very prudish tag to give herself. The double standard that society gave woman who slept around by denigrating them yet celebrating men who sowed their wild oats had done a number on Devvy.

  Oh, she wouldn’t let it stop her. The instant Sebastien even mentioned it, she felt like a kid being taken to a theme park for the very first time. The cautionary side of her was telling her not to go on the Big Dipper, the biggest and best rollercoaster in the park, but it was either go big or go home, and Devvy certainly did not intend to return to Les Fenêtres by herself!

  She was, therefore, subdued on the ride over. Her thoughts amassing in her brain, collecting and building, until she felt as though her head were a pressure cooker on the brink of explosion. It was a relief to just stare out of the window as the chauffeur maneuvered them through the early evening traffic. Workers, making their way home, added to the number of cars causing chaos in the capital.

  If she opened a window, the stench of diesel and gasoline would fill her nose. As it was, cool air from the air conditioning unit circulated around the back, and in truth, she needed the chill. It was a mild day but she felt flushed and the hand that was joined to Bastien’s was slightly sweaty. Enough so that she tried a few times to disentangle her fingers from his, but he wouldn’t have it. Perhaps he could sense her nervousness, her doubts, her fears, for he never let that connection drop. It grounded her in a way that she would never really be able to explain. B
ecause were it not for this man, she would never be slaloming into a world she’d never even realized existed.

  Sebastien was opening the doors to a whole new way of life. It was only now that she really felt overwhelmed. A part of her wished she’d never looked at the pictures, never watched the videos, never seen or heard the sweating, pumping, debauched scenes, because all they’d done was freak her out.

  Devvy wasn’t as liberated as she’d thought herself to be.

  Being with Alex, by himself, had felt deliciously naughty.

  The very first day, when she’d visited him in his apartment, and at the sexual vibes, the need humming between the pair of them, had asked him to call Sebastien so he’d come round, she’d done so, because she’d believed having her husband there would make her feel as though she weren’t cheating on him. Now, that feeling hadn’t dissipated, but the idea of being with them both was like a bomb to the brain.

  She tried to focus on passersby. On the chic vibrancy of the arrondissements they were passing through, intermingling with the shabbier areas that still held Parisian flair, making even the drab glitter and shine. Small and large streets, wide avenues, huge courtyards. Paris had it all. Even though she’d been here two years, she’d never really explored. A part of her wanted to play chicken, to ask Sebastien to cancel, to ask him to take her around the city, to show her its magic.

  Several times throughout their marriage, he’d made the offer but work had always gotten in the way. Only the knowledge that he’d yet to see Alex made her hold her tongue.

  The road to their lover’s home, a road she’d traveled on quite frequently this last month, popped into her line of sight. As they maneuvered down it, nervousness overwhelmed her and made her feel slightly sick.

  It was with relief when five minutes later they’d been dropped off outside the apartment block and had made their way to the penthouse. She just needed to get on with it. She’d built it up in her head, so much so that the hype was petrifying her.

  The instant the doors of the elevator slid open, she rushed from it, and into Alex’s waiting arms. Minutes later, feeling selfish because her lovers hadn’t had the chance to greet each other, she started to move away from him but he tutted and continued the gentle stroking of his hand down her spine.

  In her ear, he whispered, “If you are not ready, ma petite, you must only say.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she whispered, not seeing Sebastien’s concerned and surprised glance at his wife’s quivering self.

  “You are nervous. It is quite natural. You’ve never done anything like this before. It is, how you say, a momentous occasion.”

  Even though she still felt nervous, Devvy chuckled against his chest. Pressing her nose into the crisp linen of his shirt, she scented the pure essence of the man. He wore a pair of freshly laundered slacks, the shirt, and nothing, as usual, on his feet.

  He looked, felt, and smelled richly casual. A wealthy man in complete control.

  The same went with Bastien, who wore a thin silk jumper in a shade of cream that augmented the amber of his eyes. Underneath, a white, V-neck T-shirt peeked out at the throat. His jeans weren’t the thirty-dollar bargains that she herself sported, but five-hundred-dollar, designer gear.

  In comparison to her work clothes of a ratty T-shirt and discount jeans, she was sadly underdressed.

  A feeling of inadequacy assailed her, but she knew it was her nerves talking. Working against her. Undermining her defenses. It was a voice that sounded just like Miranda Nelson’s. A voice that picked and prodded. A voice that demanded perfection at all times, and Devvy was anything but.

  She shivered a little when Alex’s hand slipped further down her spine to roll over the curve of her behind. She pressed her face into his throat and nuzzled slightly. They’d spoken on the phone, but she’d refused to visit him these last few days. On principle.

  It was good to simply breathe him in and realize how much she’d missed him. How deeply he’d entrenched himself in her days, and in the shortest space of time! She recognized at that moment she’d reached the “no going back” part of a relationship. This man was hers now, just like the one behind her was.

  Once she got today out of the way, once her nerves were settled, she knew this was the beginning. And the idea thrilled her. Just being with him made her earlier fears dissipate. The rest would go as soon as she saw the two of them together, because now that she was here, she was very confident of that.

  He smelled of aftershave and man, as well as soap with a faint hint of O-zone from his lab. A peculiar combination but one that made her tingle nonetheless.

  The soft skin of his throat beckoned her lips to press against the sinews and she rubbed them back and forth, feeling daring when they parted and her tongue slipped out to gently swipe across the delicious expanse of recently shaved flesh.

  A faint groan escaped him and that sound acted as a trigger. Sebastien was suddenly behind her. Close. So close, she could feel his cock nudging her butt.

  He pressed his torso to her back, completely sandwiching her in between the pair of them and just like that, her uncertainties fell away. Her nervousness disappeared.

  At front and back, there were two cocks pressing against her with urgency. Active reminders that as inadequate as she might be in her mother’s eyes, a vision she’d brainwashed Devvy into sharing, these two men wanted her. They wanted the unpolished creature who slobbed about in cheap jeans with stained patches on the knees from her work in the garden. The ratty T-shirts that were a few sizes too big, and that were misshapen from over-washing.

  She remembered Alex’s reaction to her in a pair of shorts a few days ago.

  How the pair of them were reacting now, when she was hardly at her most elegant.

  The simple truth of it was that they got her.

  They clicked with the real woman.

  And just the thought had heat flushing through her, with, as Alex himself had said, the acknowledgment of this momentous occasion.

  “I want to watch,” she whispered, carefully tilting her head back to rest against Bastien’s shoulder. Her gaze ricocheted between the pair of them. “I need to watch you both together.”

  Just saying the words made her heart pump a little harder. When she saw Alex’s devious grin, the wickedly amused slash of his lips at her perverse need to play voyeur, she flicked her finger against his shoulder and said, “Don’t tease!”

  The grin disappeared to be replaced by a look of innocence. “I wasn’t!”

  She rolled her eyes. “You were so! I know it’s strange to need to see you both, but I’m interested. Intrigued is a better word, I guess.”

  Behind her, Sebastien chuckled. “I think we are experiments to be viewed and studied, Alex. Specimens. Does that bother you?”

  Alex shook his head, a wide grin on his chops. “Not at all. I’ll willingly dedicate my body to science.”

  When Bastien laughed again, Alex stepped back, and the instant he did, Devvy realized how much she’d relied upon him to support her. Her legs jolted, the muscles trembling at his abrupt departure. She had to stiffen her knees and spine to keep herself from falling forward. Not that she needed to worry. Bastien would have caught her if the starch in her joints had completely disintegrated.

  Sebastien moved away too, lingering to make sure her legs hadn’t turned into limp spaghetti, but reaching for her hand within seconds. The pair of them followed Alex as he moved away from the elevator, and they all walked down the barren hall, passing the lounge, the lab, and the gym, all to approach the bedroom. All places Devvy had explored frequently during Bastien’s absence. Not that there was a lot to see.

  The minute they crossed the threshold, Sebastien squeezed her hand, then released her fingers. He strode forward, the steps rapid, urgent, filled with need as he neared Alex. From being separate entities, suddenly their arms clung at one another and their torsos smashed together in an effort to be as close as physically possible. Mouths fought, c
lashed. Lips nipped and caressed. Tongues played and teased.

  She’d seen them kiss before, but never like this, because this would have a satisfactory ending for both of them. Before this, they’d kept it relatively innocent. For her benefit. But that was gone now, in the past, and there was an urgency and a need to love one another. That need ratcheted up by the length of time they’d been apart.

  Their chests arched back as they began to tear at each other’s shirts. Buttons popped, threads groaned as they were stretched. Alex gripped the hem of Bastien’s sweater, tugging it up, baring the corrugated expanse of muscle. His fingers plied and massaged his abdomen. Sebastien’s own fingers went to work on Alex’s lower back. Those digits had kneaded her flesh, teased and caressed her. And while she was both astounded by the aggressive tenderness—an oxymoron, she knew—Devvy was also energized by the display.

  The desire, the lust inherent in this…they’d invited her to see it. They wanted her to be a part of this beautiful madness.

  Panting breaths tore them apart and Bastien took the moment to tear at his sweater and T-shirt and practically rip it overhead. She grimaced as the misshapen garment, no longer as pristine as it once was, thanks to Alex’s fumbling fingers, landed on the floor. Bare skin kissed bare skin. Hard, male nipples brushed against hard, male nipples. Cocks, hidden behind slacks, rubbed against each other as their hips jerked back and forth, inciting more need.

  The groans they made, the deep, bass sounds echoed through her, down to her very soul. She rested against the doorway, using it as a support, but when their hands went to their belt buckles and fingers tore at zippers, and cocks appeared, weeping heads screaming of their torment as they popped out behind their flies, she slowly sank to the ground. Her body humming with need.

  Alex’s hand shot out and he grabbed both their dicks. He made a tight circle with his fist, and the pair of them rocked their hips, forcing their shafts through that tight surround. She just knew the pair of them were imagining fucking her, only the thin membrane between her ass and pussy separating them. The thought had her biting her bottom lip, gnawing on it as desire flushed through her veins.


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