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The Fallen

Page 24

by R. L. Drummond

  “She’s not here.” Jenko stated flatly and within his searching eyes was both irritation and concern.

  “Perhaps she already left?” Tellan replied at a quiet murmur.

  Jenko considered Tellan’s reasoning, but he shook his head firmly and replied decisively, “No. The instructions I gave her were complicated on purpose. Travel aside, they should have kept her here for longer than a month.”

  Tellan observed Jenko as he stood back slightly and swept his eyes among the crowds again, his lips in a firm line of apprehension. “What are you thinking, Jenko?” He asked calmly.

  Jenko’s lips pursed slightly before he settled his gaze fully on Tellan once more. “The instructions I gave Vella for this rendezvous were clear.” He muttered seriously, “Fair enough, the job she’s on is a bit of a run-around for her, but I told her to come nonetheless.” He then sighed shortly and looked away.

  Tellan frowned thoughtfully as he scoured his eyes across his brother’s face, “What are you saying?”

  Jenko was silent for a moment longer before he finally answered in a low murmur, “In our line of work, situations can change at the drop of a hat and you have no choice but to follow a half–baked contingency. Vella knows this herself; she’s used to it.” Jenko’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as he finished, “It’s…unusual that she’s not here before me.”

  Tellan regarded Jenko thoughtfully as he digested his concerns with an unshakable trust in his brother’s considerable instincts. “We proceed with caution then.” He stated decisively. He then glanced up at the setting sun with shrewdly squinted eyes and continued, “It’ll be dark soon and I’m not keen on keeping Reya out in the open like this for too long. We should find somewhere to stay before night falls.”

  “One of the people Vella was to see is a nice woman I know who keeps a lower profile than most; we should go and see her as soon as possible.”

  “Very well.” Tellan said.

  Jenko nodded in response and together all three walked down towards the harbour, Reya with her eyes wide in wonderment and the two men’s narrowed watchfully. The smell here wasn’t quite as pleasant as it had been back on the beach – thick with effluence, sweat and damp canvas – but Reya still found the bite of saltiness on the wind’s edge refreshing. She stared up at the tall masts of the boats that prickled the sky like the quills of a porcupine and smiled at the gulls that wheeled overhead, calling their peculiar squawking cries that echoed forlornly in the wind. Bells tolled almost continually from the boats that bobbed languidly in the docks and with their chimes came the yells from so many mouths, each of them a bark of order that held no meaning for Reya’s ears whatsoever.

  They walked along the harbour’s edge until they stood on the opposite side of the road of a particularly unremarkable building and when Jenko finally stopped, he glanced at Reya with something akin to embarrassment.

  “Um…” He uttered to Reya as he looked around a little awkwardly, “Try not to make eye contact with any men you may see around here.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” She asked innocently, bemused as to why Jenko would speak with such an unusual reticence.

  Even as she spoke, a red faced man left the alleyway beside the building with a massive grin upon his face, adjusting his belt buckle with what seemed to be the most carefree demeanour in the world. It wasn’t until a woman followed behind soon after, genteelly wiping her mouth with the back of a hand, that Tellan realised the lewd nature of the place Jenko had planned for Reya’s hideout and he groaned.

  “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Tellan responded darkly, hating how events had unfolded in the way they had as Jenko hitched his head for his companions to follow.

  “What the hell are you playing at, Jenko?” Tellan whispered harshly as he protectively gathered Reya’s hand into his and walked behind Jenko.

  “What?” Jenko responded innocently, “Like I said: this is one of the places I told Vella to come to. Besides if she isn’t here, then we can’t very well have Reya trail behind us at every turn while we look for her.”

  Tellan blinked dumbly in shock. “Do you intend for Reya to stay here?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “That’s a terrible idea!” Tellan hissed.

  “Is it really?” Jenko answered smoothly as he gently pushed his way through the busy street, “She’ll be anonymous among the women, well looked after by the extra security and I can guarantee that if she can deal with the noise, she won’t find a more comfortable bed in Dahlia.”

  “She’s too young to be exposed to this sort of thing!”

  “What sort of thing?” Reya asked as she was pulled behind Tellan’s wake.

  But Jenko ignored her question and continued on to Tellan, “If you know anything about whores, you’ll know they have a soft spot for any young runaway in trouble. Besides, there are far worse things in this world for a girl to see than sex.”

  When they reached the other side of the street, Jenko stopped suddenly and companionably slapped Tellan’s chest with the back of a hand. “Oh do loosen up, Tellan! Or not, if the feeling takes you,” He quipped. He then grinned wickedly and added, “I daresay you could do with it.”

  Tellan’s lips skewed disapprovingly and he turned towards Reya, “Wait here while we talk to the…lady.”

  “Can’t I come with you?”

  “Not yet.” Tellan said firmly.

  Jenko chuckled at Tellan’s sullen glower as the two men approached the alleyway prostitute and, with a double take from the coins she counted in her palm, her kohl rimmed eyes lit up in recognition. She then lifted her skirt, slipped the coins into her garter without consideration of how brazenly she exposed her shapely, olive skinned legs and beamed happily.

  “Well, look who’s decided to grace Dahlia with his presence!” She purred with an exotic accent that heightened the bold sexuality that oozed from her, “I was beginning to think you thought we weren’t good enough for you, Jenko.”

  Jenko spread his arms with a roguish grin and as he swaggered forward, he retorted suggestively, “You’re always good, Lily.”

  “You’re not wrong, but I’m surprised you still remember.” She replied brazenly with her fists upon her hips, but when Jenko came forward with his arms open in an offer of an embrace, she reciprocated warmly like an old companion.

  “It’s good to see you.” Lily said seriously and when Jenko released her, she placed her hands upon his chest and grinned at Tellan through sultry eyes, “And who is your fine friend?”

  “My name is Tellan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tellan said.

  Lily’s full lips pouted flirtatiously as she purred outrageously, “And I haven’t even taken your clothes off yet.”

  As much as her innuendo left Tellan swallowing nervously, Lily simply turned unabashedly towards Jenko once more and said gravely, “News of Ilema only reached us a few days ago. I’m glad you’re safe.”

  Jenko shook his head slowly, “Safe isn’t quite what we are, not yet at least. That’s part of why I’m here.”

  “Okay,” Lily said seriously and as she placed her hands upon her hips again, she skewed her dark eyes in curiosity, “So what do you need me for?”

  “Has Vella been here?”

  Lily’s brow furrowed briefly in reply, “Vella? No, not since we saw you last.” She then slapped Jenko playfully on the arm and scolded, “Which was too long ago.”

  “Hmm…” Jenko responded thoughtfully, unsure if such news was welcome or not. He then raised his eyes and asked Lily, “Can you get me an audience with Orchid?”

  Lily laughed ironically and her tousled dark brown locks were flung back with a delighted smile. “Sure, I’ll just ask her to drop everything, shall I?” She joked with a thumb hitched behind her shoulder.

  “Lily, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  Lily smiled at him kindly, “Jenko, I like you. Truly I do. But what one man finds important may not be so to others, you understand? Orchid is a very
busy woman.”

  “Please, Lily?” Jenko asked insistently.

  But rather than answer his soft plea, Lily’s eyes fluttered flirtatiously. “Wouldn’t you rather…” She purred as she slithered her arms around his neck and when she whispered in his ear with searing suggestion, Jenko’s eyebrows lifted in eager approval.

  “That does sound nice–” He admitted as he took hold of her waist impulsively, sorely tempted by her graphically adventurous offer. But when he looked up and saw the disapproving shake of Tellan’s head, he hastily untangled himself from Lily’s arms and cleared his throat, “Another time, perhaps.”

  “Oh come on, Jenko! It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you.” She protested with a pout. She stepped forward again and as she shamelessly pulled Jenko towards her by the waist of his trousers, she glanced at Tellan out the corner of her eye, “I’m sure your friend and I will get along just fine too.”

  Jenko huffed a nervous laugh at the woman’s attentions as he hastily thwarted her suddenly dipping hands from their enthusiastic exploration. “I just need you to get me in with Orchid. Can you do that?” He insisted.

  Lily sighed dramatically and disappointment was clear in her face as she stepped back from him entirely, her arms crossed under the bosom of her corset. She then shrugged almost petulantly and stated, “I can’t.”

  Jenko sighed and closed his eyes; he knew it was a big ask for Lily to break her day for him, especially with the huge favour he needed to ask Orchid. It was a cheap shot that pressed upon her maternal instinct, but he knew it had to be done. “Please, Lily. It’s not about me.” He insisted with not entirely pantomimed pleading.

  “Then who is it about?”

  Jenko looked at Tellan meaningfully then and with a reluctant nod that granted him permission, Jenko continued, “It’s our niece. Her life is in danger.”

  Lily’s head jerked back in surprise and she said, “You don’t have a broth–oh…” Her finger then ticked between the two men and she asked suggestively, “you mean your ‘niece’?”

  Jenko’s eyes flashed at Tellan in alarm of Lily’s meaning, “Oh God, no, it’s not like that–”

  “We’re her guardians–” Tellan blurted.

  “That doesn’t help, Tellan!”

  But Lily simply laughed and held her hands up, “Boys, boys, it’s quite alright. Heaven knows I’m not one to judge on whom a person lies with.”

  “Oh for the love of – Reya, come here!” Jenko snapped.

  He then glowered at Lily’s delighted chuckle. “You’re so cute when you get flustered, Jenko.” She said.

  “Oh shut up.” He responded gloomily and when Reya came from the alley and looked upon Lily with wide eyes, the prostitute’s gaze softened at the sight of such a beautiful young girl.

  “Reya, this is Lily.” Tellan introduced softly as the girl stood beside him, her body held close against his side like a frightened child, “She’s one of Jenko’s friends.”

  “H–hello.” Reya said timidly and within those huge violet eyes, Lily saw the awful pain that lay behind her beauty, the heartache and sorrow that brought fear and desperation. What this little girl must have been through to gain such an expression of sadness in those eyes…it tugged at Lily’s own troubled memories and left her with a maternal protection that radiated from her heart.

  “Hello, yourself.” Lily replied levelly and she sighed lengthily at the knowledge that she had already caved to Jenko’s request.

  “I’ll make it worth your while.” Jenko encouraged knowingly.

  But the prostitute simply rolled her eyes and glared at him accusingly, “You said that the last time.”

  “All right then,” he responded wickedly and indicated Tellan with a flick of his head, “he’ll make it worth your while.”

  Tellan’s face blanched as the woman turned her eyes toward him and upon the appraising rake of an up and down stare that could have ripped the very clothes from his back, she giggled and said, “Alright, you have a deal.”

  She then slowly walked up to Tellan and with a seductive pout, she pressed herself against his side. “Don’t go anywhere, now.” She purred with a roguish wink and parted with a hearty slap upon Tellan’s rump that left him blushing.

  “What does she mean, Uncle Tellan?”

  “Nothing.” He mumbled awkwardly and as he gathered Reya under an arm, he said to Jenko, “Perhaps such news is a blessing. Maybe Vella simply hasn’t come here yet.”

  Jenko tilted his head philosophically, “Perhaps.”

  “Vella?” Reya asked with a confused frown, “Isn’t that the brown haired girl who works at the Fighting Angel? She’s who we’ve come to meet?”

  “There’s no flies on you, eh?” Jenko said as he turned with his hands on his hips, “She’s also my partner in my other business.”


  Jenko grinned at the deflated tone of her voice. “Not what you were expecting?”

  “It’s just…I–I didn’t know–”

  “That she’s a smuggler? She also bakes, what’s your point?”

  Reya blushed as her eyes fell to her boots, “She just…seemed so nice.”

  “She is nice, far nicer than most deserve.” Jenko then frowned suddenly and added, “Or have you forgotten that the only reason I didn’t turf you out on your arse that night was because she begged me not to?”

  Reya gasped silently in shock; she had forgotten. Such generosity was something that she knew now was truly rare in the world and she realised then that she had been unfair in judging Vella so readily. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She admitted with soft clarity.

  But in spite of her enlightened revelation, Jenko simply shrugged and replied casually, “It’s no skin off my nose.”

  When Lily came back unexpectedly soon, Jenko glanced up in surprise and opened his mouth to speak, until she spoke before him, “Come with me.”

  Lily then led them towards the unassuming front entrance of the brothel in silence and when she swung the door open majestically, she announced grandly, “Welcome to the Flowering Garden.”

  Reya was unsure of what to expect; she hadn’t even seen a prostitute before, never mind a brothel and as she stepped through the door hesitantly, she held her breath in anxious anticipation. But the room revealed to her was beautiful: tiled floors decorated with lush rugs of delicate craftsmanship and sweeping curtains pooled luxuriantly upon the floor. In the centre of the room there was a small yet wonderfully sculpted fountain of a mermaid upon a rock, her hair flowing freely down her back like the water that poured from the tilted amphora in her hands. As Lily brought them into the room with a sweep of her hand, Reya smiled briefly at the small golden fish that flitted about the fountain’s pool, and together they walked between the little upholstered benches that surrounded the spectacle. Some couples sat together, whispering and giggling intimately and Reya stared in naïve fascination until Tellan guided her onward with a soft hand upon her back. Lily led them through the lobby and Reya thought their destination was the dipped room beyond, with its lush pillows and plumes of smoke that puffed languidly from the colourful, glass contraptions upon the room’s many small, intimate tables. But as they were led up the sweeping staircase nearby, the delighted laughter from the people within the pillowed room drifted as headily as the pungent smoke.

  Upstairs Lily’s bare feet padded softly along the central red carpet that ran a strip down the corridor, and on either side of its luscious velvet softness were several doors, some open, but most closed. Within the open doors and corridor, men and women stood together in quiet conversation, paying no particular mind to anyone else except the person they were with, and Reya began to blush with the belated embarrassment of where she was. She cleared her head and tried to ignore the sounds that rattled and moaned from behind some of the closed doors, trying to emulate the carefree nature of Lily as she sauntered through it all without notice, but her embarrassment burned so hotly within her cheeks.

  Even T
ellan seemed unperturbed as he stalked along behind Lily, as straight backed and proud as he always was. His weaponry clinked with every sway of his step and with each imposing footfall of his heavy boots came an air of guardianship that exuded from him. Even here in the company of those Jenko called friend, Tellan still wouldn’t let his guard down and Reya’s heart swelled at how much he loved her.

  Jenko however, grinned and waved at the majority of the girls as he walked past them, some of them responding in kind with flirtatious giggles, some of them unimpressed at seeing him and Reya tried not to think of what reasons he had had for coming here before.

  “We’re here.” Lily said suddenly and Reya realised with a judder that she had brought them to a grand set of double doors at the end of the corridor. The huge, armoured man that stood silently in front of its carved frame nodded in polite recognition at Jenko, but he glared uneasily at Tellan’s steady gaze.

  “Orchid would like to talk to you.” Lily said to Reya.

  “I knew you could do it, Lily.” Jenko began confidently.

  But as soon as he took a step forward, Lily turned her doe eyes towards him and said, “Not you, just the girl.”

  Tellan inhaled slightly as he stepped forward with his shoulders spread in wide guardianship, irrespective of how the armoured man tightened his grip upon the mace at his side. “Forgive me, Lily.” Tellan said gravely, “I appreciate the importance of Orchid’s time, but I can’t allow you to take her.”

  Lily looked up at Reya’s uncle then and with a slight smile upon her lips, she replied, “Orchid wants to hear Reya’s story from her own mouth.” She then flashed her eyes at Jenko and added, “Without embellishment.”

  Tellan inclined his head respectfully, but as much as they needed Orchid’s help, he still couldn’t leave Reya in the company of strangers. “And she shall. But Reya is my charge and I will not leave her side.”

  Lily’s grin broadened at his audacity as she reached for Reya’s shoulder, “We can take care of her just fine.”

  Tellan then placed a hand upon Lily’s own shoulder, unthreatening yet strong in its insistence and with such an action came a halting of Lily’s own. “No, you can’t.” He insisted gravely.


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