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Fire's Embrace [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 6] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

Page 15

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Of course, humans were hardly beautiful butterflies, but that was beside the point. The fact remained that they all faced this, while fae never had. Eanera wondered why she had been picked to experience it. Was there some deeper message she was supposed to grasp because of it? If so, she really couldn’t focus on it right now.

  She had one final hope, the same man who’d taken her powers in the first place. Sari had told her that the illusion creating Alwyn Cyraltin had collapsed, and that the man who’d returned to Draechenburg in Alwyn’s stead seemed to be in more control of his powers. No matter what happened, Eanera had to try. It couldn’t possibly get any worse than this slow decay that would unavoidably end in her demise. From the moment her powers had vanished, she’d known only one thing could return them, and now they would finally try it.

  On the other side of her bed, Sari bit his lip in concern. “You have to tell us if you feel anything is wrong at any point,” he demanded. “For the moment, he hasn’t made any promises, but in case he does attempt to heal you, we have to be very careful about it.”

  Sari’s words drew a smile from Eanera. “I know, dear child,” she replied. “I might not have my powers anymore, but I’m still aware of how it worked.”

  True, Sari was right to be concerned. To a certain extent, she’d gotten herself into this situation. She had known Alwyn Cyraltin was dangerous, but still she’d gone ahead and attempted to use her abilities on him. Had she been arrogant? Perhaps. She certainly wasn’t arrogant anymore. She hadn’t told Sari everything she’d felt in that moment, because she hadn’t wanted to scare him, but the power within that man was unfathomable, so raw and intense that Eanera might have deemed him a god if she didn’t know any better.

  Selbrian frowned, and Eanera realized that her hold on him had tightened. She hadn’t done it on purpose, but he couldn’t have missed the tension in her. Mercifully, he didn’t try to change her mind again. He knew as well as she did that everyone else was powerless to help her.

  In spite of acknowledging that, Eanera still went rigid when a knock sounded at the door. “Mother?” Sari asked, sounding concerned. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine, Sari,” Eanera forced herself to say. “I’m just fine.” Louder, she called out, “Come in.”

  Or at least she tried to be loud, because her voice still came out weak and the effort nearly sent her into a coughing fit. As she struggled with her increasing dread, the door opened, and Karein walked in, followed by Rachen and…him.

  Instantly, Eanera froze. From a physical point of view, he looked identical, except for his eyes. His eyes were fascinating, like burning coals, pitch black, but with sparks of red occasionally flicking through them. Eanera had never seen something like that before.

  It was very odd that she could even distinguish those details. Her eyesight wasn’t as good as it had once been, and he was all the way next to the door. And yet, as she glanced at him, everything seemed so very clear. It really made no sense at all, but she found herself calming down.

  His gaze immediately fixed on her. “Oh,” he said simply.

  “Oh?” Sari asked, his nostrils flaring as he shot to his feet. “That’s it? That’s the only thing you’re going to say?”

  “Sit down, Sari,” Eanera told her son. “You’re going to hurt yourself.” She paused, unsure how to address the new arrival. Finally, she settled for something neutral. “I’m sure our guest was just about to explain.”

  He seemed to see right through her, as he smiled softly. “Phoenix. You can call me Phoenix. And yes, I can explain. There are some things about your condition which I can fix, and others which I might not be able to without significant risk.”

  “Risk?” Selbrian repeated. “Can you just make her stop aging? We just want her to be healthy and whole.”

  “I should be able to do that,” Phoenix replied after a small pause. “As far as I can tell, at the very core of Her Holiness’s being, High Priestess Eanera is still fae.”

  “I am?” Eanera couldn’t help but ask. She hadn’t felt very fae recently. If anything, she’d had the feeling that she’d turned completely mortal. “In my heart, I feel…human.”

  “This is complicated to explain,” Phoenix told her as he slowly approached. “As a fae healer, you must be aware that each person has his or her energy signature. Since my powers largely rely on the energy of the earth, I have found before that I am able to sometimes manipulate it.”

  “Like a black dragon?” Sari inquired.

  “Somewhat, but to a different extent,” Phoenix replied. “In any case, I had no idea what I was doing when I lashed out at you, so you’re not fully human. The core of your fae energy remains there. It shouldn’t be too hard to awaken it.”

  His words provided a measure of relief, but also disturbed Eanera greatly. The fact that he admitted to having such abilities concerned her, since he was practically saying that he could turn a paranormal creature human if he so chose. If he’d failed in doing so in her case, he certainly wouldn’t have trouble now.

  She tried to focus on the good part of it, on the obvious fact that he was on their side and he seemed intent on helping her. Naturally, Selbrian and Sari weren’t so convinced. “I’m not sure I want to allow you to even touch her,” Selbrian said.

  “Well, this is why I came here,” Phoenix pointed out softly. “If you want me to go, I will.”

  “No, stay,” Eanera said immediately. “I have faith in you.”

  Sari clenched his jaw, obviously not happy about the situation at all. Phoenix approached slowly, almost warily. He stole a look behind himself, his gaze zeroing in on Rachen. It was comforting to see, because in that moment, Eanera realized that, in spite of the power she read within Phoenix, he was still just a young man in love, granted, one with an old soul, but still so very new at this emotion.

  That realization relaxed her, and when Phoenix at last approached the bed, she smiled. He was nervous, but Eanera suspected it wasn’t due to an inability to do this. Rather, she could only imagine how hard it must have been for him to desperately want to be the right person for his mate and fail time and again because of a power he could not control. “It’s all right,” she told him. “You can do this. I’m convinced of it.”

  The words weren’t only meant for Phoenix, but also for Sari and Selbrian, who were, naturally, still hovering. Fortunately, they got the message and left the bed. Phoenix pushed them a bit further back and explained, “I need some space for this.” As they silently complied, Phoenix sat on the side of Eanera’s bed. “This may be unpleasant at first, but let me know if it gets too much.”

  Eanera simply nodded, and Phoenix took her hand. “Close your eyes.” When Eanera did, he continued to speak, “Now imagine yourself in a comforting place for you, somewhere with a deep connection to you personally and your nature as a fae.”

  The image that should have come to mind was Jenarra’s temple. Instead, Eanera found a different memory emerging from the back of her mind, or perhaps, from her heart. It was one of that single night she’d spent with Selbrian in his quarters, in his arms, when she’d followed her passions. She had only allowed it because of the vision from Jenarra, but it hadn’t been duty that had made her give herself to Selbrian. The end result had been Sari, and indirectly, a broken heart.

  But oh, it had been so worth it. She could still remember the way Selbrian’s lips had felt on hers, how his hands had roamed her body. For one beautiful night, she had allowed herself to be more than the High Priestess of Jenarra. She had simply been a woman in love.

  That memory anchored her, and when fire exploded through her, she simply gritted her teeth and focused on her love for Selbrian and Sari.

  And then, unexpectedly, a dam burst inside her. Eanera felt the blaze engulf her whole, and she embraced it, allowing it within every part of her body. It didn’t hurt anymore, not in the slightest. If anything, it felt like pure, cleansing love invaded her, pushing away all the pain, all the uncertainties, reaching out t
o the core of her being and awakening the muted magic.

  A flare of energy flashed through her, and for a few moments her mind touched Phoenix’s. She had learned from her mistake and knew not to push this man. But even so, she could feel his tremendous power. It made her remember Sari’s vision. Dread reappeared in her heart, the same one that had pushed her into trying to find out the secret hiding behind Alwyn’s illusion.

  It was very strange, since before he’d touched her, she had intellectually been more than aware of his abilities, but now…Now, she truly processed it. By the time the strange energy left her body, she was left more confused than ever.

  She didn’t get the chance to point out any of these things. As her vision focused once more, she found herself in Sari’s warm and familiar embrace. “Oh, Mother. Thank Jenarra. You’re all right.”

  On instinct, Eanera hugged him back. As she did so, she caught a glimpse of her own hands. They were young again, the skin as smooth and perfect as it had ever been. More importantly, she no longer felt that emptiness inside her where her connection with Jenarra had been.

  Eanera could have wept out of sheer relief. All worries were forgotten as she just held onto her son. And then, Selbrian hugged her, too, and Eanera just allowed herself to revel in the love she felt for her family. She’d come too close to losing this. This time, she’d do things entirely different.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rachen had seen a lot of fae healers work their magic on their patients. To a certain extent, when Phoenix had agreed to come here, Rachen had expected his mate would do something similar. He certainly hadn’t realized his mate would burst into brilliant flame and set fire to Eanera, too.

  Selbrian immediately tried to rush forward to rescue his mate. Sari released a gasp, looking like he wanted to run to his mother’s side. Thankfully, Karein held both fae back, and Rachen managed to block their path.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he explained. “My mate knows what he’s doing.”

  The words left his lips without him meaning to say them. He hadn’t actually realized that, indeed, nothing bad was happening to Eanera, until this point. Phoenix appeared to be communicating with him, conveying a message through their mate bond. It was that message that Rachen had spoken to his twin, Sari, and Selbrian.

  “How can you say that?” Sari asked. “He’s obviously hurting her.”

  It might have seemed that way to an outsider, but Rachen knew it was not the case. His connection to Phoenix was telling him that everything was going in the right direction. “No, he isn’t,” he told Sari. “He’s giving back her youth, just like he said he would.”

  “Calm down, baby,” Karein added, concern thick in his voice. “This isn’t good for you or the child. Look at her. Does she seem in tremendous pain?”

  Sari didn’t answer out loud, but he did start breathing easier. Meanwhile, King Selbrian still stood as tense as a bowstring, fixing Rachen with a glare. “Are you absolutely certain that what you say is true, Prince Rachen?” he inquired. “Because if you aren’t…I feel I must point out friendly relations between Ivenia and Ornoz will cease.”

  Rachen wished he could have been surprised, but really, he’d expected that threat. Eanera and Selbrian might not be married, but they were obviously very much in love. Selbrian was speaking on impulse, since Rachen couldn’t imagine how the fae sovereign would manage to break the peace between their two nations. If nothing else, he had Sari to think about, and the baby Sari would soon have.

  Fortunately, Rachen wasn’t forced to address that. He felt the energy accumulating within Phoenix slowly settling down and leaving Eanera. He turned just in time to see his lover pulling away from the fae woman.

  Rachen got one glimpse of Eanera, saw her youthful face and beautiful blond hair, and then didn’t care anymore. He knew what he needed to know. Eanera was unharmed. Phoenix had given the High Priestess her power back. However, he now looked completely exhausted, pale, and spent. When Sari and Selbrian ran forward to hug Eanera, Rachen rushed to his mate’s side, managing to catch Phoenix before he fell.

  Phoenix leaned into his embrace, releasing a soft sound of tired need. Rachen wanted to kiss him all over, to hold him, protect him, and make sure nothing ever happened to him. Sadly, his brother interrupted him before he could even start on that important list of tasks.

  “Will she be all right? Is this permanent?”

  “It should be,” Phoenix replied. His voice was weaker than Rachen would have liked, and it made him frown. “I don’t know when her powers will return completely, but she shouldn’t have further problems with aging. Perhaps, for safety’s sake, she can stay for a while longer so I can make sure everything is in order.”

  “And now that we’ve settled this,” Rachen piped up, “it’s time for us to take our leave. I’m sure High Priestess Eanera needs her rest and so do you.”

  Phoenix grumbled but didn’t protest. His eyes were already closing. Rachen picked him up and started to carry him out of the room. He nodded a good-bye to his twin. “See you later, Karein. Let us know if anything happens.”

  “Will do.” Karein just squeezed his shoulder and waved them off. He was smiling, which made Rachen think that they were finally on the right track.

  As he left Eanera’s quarters, his first instinct was to head to his room, but then, he remembered it had been halfway demolished by the emergence of the phoenix. As such, he made his way to his mate’s chambers. A guard was posted at the door, but Rachen was expecting that. He’d seen the draechen here before, when he’d come to get dressed for their meeting in the throne room.

  Ignoring the soldier, Rachen just pushed past them and entered the room. Mercifully, no one seemed to have gone through Phoenix’s things, which made sense given that it would have been pointless anyway.

  He walked into the bedroom and gently placed Phoenix on the mattress. His mate released another sleepy sound and stubbornly clung to Rachen. “Stay with me,” he mumbled.

  Somehow, the plea seemed to refer to more than just their present circumstances. Rachen couldn’t have refused him to save his life. “I’ll stay with you forever,” he promised.

  Phoenix’s beautiful face lit up with a wide smile. Then, his hold on Rachen loosened and his eyes drifted shut. As Rachen watched him, his heart twisted with pure love. Phoenix simply looked like an angel. There was no other term of comparison for him than that. He could get so riled up when he was awake, but now, he seemed at peace, without a care in the world.

  “Rachen…” Phoenix mumbled under his breath, startling him from his contemplation.

  Rachen took his cue from his mate and shot into action. He pulled off Phoenix’s shoes and then considered doing the same with his mate’s clothing. At the last moment, he decided that Phoenix didn’t need Rachen’s lust burdening him right now, so he left his mate dressed.

  He covered Phoenix with the blanket and took off his own shoes. Then, he slid under the quilt next to his mate and closed his eyes. If he wanted to be perfectly honest, he was pretty tired, too. In the past couple of weeks he’d been on a continuous emotional roller coaster, and while at the time, he hadn’t let it get to him, now he was finally feeling the strain.

  But when Phoenix rolled over on top of him and placed his head on his chest, everything became perfect in Rachen’s world. He buried his hand in Phoenix’s soft hair and with a smile, succumbed to slumber. In his dreams, Phoenix’s words followed him. A nest for the two of us. Hatchlings. A beautiful fantasy that now suddenly seemed within his reach. He could see it all so clearly, the two of them beginning a family together.

  At one point, his dream changed. He saw his mate giving him a coy smile, crawling on top of him, and whispering seductively, “Rachen…I want you.”

  Before Rachen could even react, Phoenix reached for his dick. Rachen groaned as his mate’s hot fist enclosed his prick. “Fuck…Phoenix…”

  “That’s the idea,” Phoenix purred. He moved lower down over Rachen’s body, his
hands trailing Rachen’s naked abs. When had he gotten undressed? Rachen had no idea, but it seemed like one of the greatest ideas he’d had in his entire life.

  And then, Phoenix’s hot mouth engulfed Rachen’s cock, and Rachen revised his assessment. Nothing he could have come up would have ever felt this good. Phoenix, on the other hand, was simply divine and perfect in everything he did. His hot mouth took Rachen’s prick deep, awakening every nerve ending in his body. Phoenix bobbed his head up down Rachen’s dick, alternating hard suction with soft, teasing flicks of tongue over the glans. He stabbed that slick muscle into the tiny hole on the tip, groaning in pleasure, as if just the taste of Rachen’s pre-cum had him more aroused than he could bear. Rachen could feel that excitement through their bond, echoing within him, so crystal clear it was staggering.

  And still, in spite of the urgency building up between them, Phoenix continued to tease him. He rolled Rachen’s balls in his palm, rubbing the wrinkled sac while he mouthed the head of Rachen’s dick. At first, Rachen tried to allow his mate to do what he wanted, knowing Phoenix was still very new at this, but soon, it became obvious that, where sexuality was concerned, Phoenix wasn’t having too much trouble with adjusting. If anything, it was Rachen who couldn’t take Phoenix’s almost indecent skill.

  Distantly, Rachen thought that since he was in a dream, he could allow himself to be a little rougher than he normally would have been. Burying his hand in Phoenix’s locks, Rachen shoved his dick all the away into Phoenix’s throat. Phoenix just groaned, his hands landing on Rachen’s hips as he accepted Rachen’s domination. Lost in his desire, Rachen started to move, fucking his lover’s mouth. He was already so close he could almost taste the absolute bliss of the climax. So close, yet not close enough.

  It occurred to him in that moment that if he’d had his way, he wouldn’t be hovering on the edge of orgasm. If this had truly been a fantasy, he would have already spent himself in Phoenix’s mouth and started to fuck his lover’s tight little ass. This wasn’t a dream. This was reality, Rachen’s reality, the one that he would most likely wake up to more than once in the near future. That thought pushed Rachen over the edge. Thrusting one last time into his mate’s wet cavern, he came, his climax flowing over him like a tidal wave.


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