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Page 15

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “We don’t know how that happened.”

  “But it did. I mean I have her essence.”

  “You do… and so we know she may be dead, but we have no proof.”

  “Can an Allure live without her essence?”

  “She wouldn’t be an Allure then.”

  “Would she be human again?” Did that mean I’d still have a chance to remove the essence even if we were too late to stop the change?

  “We don’t know. It isn’t something we’ve seen before.”

  “Ok… got it.” I had so many more questions, but hopefully I wouldn’t need answers. If things went my way I’d be walking away from the Allures and never looking back.

  “Have we answered enough questions that you’re ready for me to continue?” Violet tapped her foot impatiently.

  “Yes. Go on. We were talking about being prepared.”

  “Yes. I was explaining that sometimes being prepared can hurt you.”

  “When can it?” Owen asked.

  “When it scares you so much you can’t function.”

  “This is going to be that scary?’ I hoped she was talking big picture and not the current situation.

  “Maybe.” Hugh and Violet said simultaneously.

  I leaned back against the rail again. “Fantastic.”

  “Nice sarcasm.” Hugh smirked.

  Violet smiled at me. “You and Hugh give each other such a hard time because you’re meant to be friends. It’s perfect.”

  “I have another random question.” Why not try for one more?

  “What is it?” Hugh asked.

  “Where’s Roland? He isn’t in this realm. Does that mean he’s back in the normal world?”

  “The normal world?” Violet crossed her arms.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “We don’t know.” Hugh returned to the wheel relieving Owen. I guess he was sick of the conversation.

  Owen joined me by the railing. “Then why did you tell us that you persuaded him to stay back?”

  “We did, but he wasn’t where we left him.”

  “Why not?”

  “If we knew we might have a clue where he is…” So much for Hugh exiting the conversation.

  “He went missing?”

  Violet nodded.

  “How long has it been?” I needed to gauge a timeline.

  “Not long. It hasn’t been long since we met you.”

  “It feels like forever.” It did. I could barely remember my life before returning to New Orleans. Was that a side effect of the change? The more they told me, the more questions I had.

  “Where would he go?” That was the next logical one to ask.

  “If we knew, we’d find him.”

  “He doesn’t want to help me.” That had to be part of the reason they didn’t bring him.

  “He thinks he’s helping you.”

  “Letting me change isn’t helping me. If he thinks it is, he’s crazy.” I let out a deep breath.

  “He’s not crazy. He’s desperate. If you end up destroying his maker’s essence… well, he loses the strongest personal connection he has.”

  “But even if I have it, I’m not her. We’re not connected.”

  “Are you going to deny the effect he has on you? The way he calms you down?” Hugh turned to look at me.

  “No, I’m not denying that, but I am denying that our connection is anything close to what he had with his maker.”

  “How would you know?’ Hugh turned back around.

  The boat started to heave up and down. “I guess I don’t.” I looked out at the suddenly choppy water.

  “What was that?” Something flew by the boat. I braced myself on the railing and noticed two figures flying off in the distance.

  “The Dragos have arrived,” Violet said in a sing-song voice. Maybe she enjoyed the Dragos as much as they enjoyed her.

  “Already?” I gripped the railing even tighter.

  “Sometimes they get impatient.” Hugh turned off the boat.

  “Great.” I took a few deep breaths. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the Dragos, but that probably was a good thing. I was learning paranormal creatures were never what you expected.

  The silhouettes from the distance moved closer until they were right above us.

  I held my breath as two men with long, powerful, leathery wings lined with spikes landed on the deck in front of us. The tan skin of their bare torsos was covered in an intricate pattern of tattoos. They were both wearing black pants and black boots.

  Owen moved to my side.

  “Why hello there,” The first one grinned at me. His wings were lined with bright blue that matched his intense blue eyes. His black hair was cut short. While I stared, he retracted his wings. His bright eyes faded into a lighter shade of blue.

  “Hello Troy, how nice of you to drop in.” Violet held out her hand to him.

  “Don’t act surprised. We’ve had plans for a while.” He took her hand and pulled her in so her body was flush against his. “And when will you learn to stop trying to shake my hand?”

  “When will you learn that I prefer a more formal greeting?” Violet’s voice was lighter, flirtier than usual. It made me uncomfortable, in the same way I couldn’t stand watching my brother all lovey-dovey with a girlfriend. I wasn’t sure why I even cared.

  He stepped away and looked at me. “And who is this beauty?”

  Owen stiffened at my side.

  Violet smiled. “This is Daisy. Daisy, this is Troy, and that one,” she gestured to the other winged creature. “That one is Wyatt.” His wings had been lined in bright green that matched his eyes. When his wings retracted his eyes were a lighter shade too. Unlike Troy, he wore his equally dark hair longer.

  “That one?” He put a hand to his chest. “Is that how you speak of me now?”

  “I am merely introducing you.”

  Troy laughed. “Oh ex-lover spats. Aren’t they a blast to witness?”

  “Ex-lovers?” I asked with surprise. I’d have thought Violet had been intimate with Troy, not Wyatt.

  “Don’t listen to him, Daisy. Troy’s only trying to rile me up.” Violet rolled her eyes. “He’ll fail.”

  Wyatt strode over to me and held out his hand. “Daisy, nice name. Why are you half-Allure?” He went straight to the point.

  I didn’t mind. “Uh, that’s a long story.”

  He ran a hand through his black hair. “We have time. I’m guessing it has to do with why you need a ride to Mount Majest?”


  “Wait. A ride?” Owen frowned “Why would Daisy need a ride?”

  Troy rolled his shoulders back. The action accentuated the muscles in his strong arms. “Because climbing that mountain is impossible. You have to fly.”

  “I can fly. Daisy is covered.” Owen took my hand.

  “Oh my.” Troy’s lips twisted into a smile. “Are you one of those birds?”

  “I’m a Pteron.” Owen gritted his teeth.

  “Listen, sweetheart, you can ditch the bird now. We’re here.” Troy flashed his smile at me.

  I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, but I wasn’t going to wait before setting him straight. “Owen and I are together.”

  “Together?” Troy looked at Violet. “Has someone told her she can’t actually be with anyone anymore?”

  “Yes. That’s why we’re going to see the Elders.”

  “Wait.” Wyatt looked between Owen and me. “No way, Violet. You aren’t stupid enough to get the poor girl’s hopes up.”

  “There is a chance. They may stop the change,” Violet quickly replied.

  Wyatt shook his head. “Delusional.” He turned to me. “You will be an Allure. Don’t let her fool you.”

  “I’m not giving up.” I crossed my arms.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re all delusional.”

  I walked over to the railing. There was nowhere else to go, but I couldn’t look at anyone. I couldn’t handle anyone else telling me I was
doomed—or that everything would be okay. Things were what they were, but I wasn’t ready to face the music.



  The Dragos had to go. I could get Daisy to the Elders on my own. They were arrogant fools upsetting Daisy while at least one of them was simultaneously hitting on her. Neither was okay. “Daisy and I can take care of the rest on our own.”

  Violet shook her head. “You’re not going to get an audience without me.”

  “I’ll fly you both again then. I managed it fine last time.”

  “Daisy doesn’t need a pet.” Troy put an arm around Violet. She shrugged him off.

  “I never said anything about bringing Glendale.”

  “Hey,” The cat yelled. “I’m not a pet.”

  “I wasn’t talking about Glendale,” Troy ran a hand through his jet black hair. “I was talking about the bird.”

  “You little shit.” I lunged for him, feeling the transformation before I was even consciously aware. My fist made contact with his face.

  “Stop!” Violet yelled.

  I ignored her. He wasn’t getting away with disrespecting me and my relationship with Daisy. I jumped on top of him, only to be immediately thrown off.

  I looked up from where I’d been thrown on the deck to see Troy transformed. His wings flew out behind him, sharp spikes lining each one. He let out a large breath of smoke.

  He smiled, crossed his arms, and retracted his wings as though we hadn’t just been in a fight. He wiped blood off his face. “Impressive. You fight well for a bird.”

  I forced myself to transform back to my human form. I needed to stay calm. “Watch it.”

  “I’m complimenting you. I thought you were all city boys who couldn’t defend yourselves. Maybe I was wrong.”

  “You were very wrong.” I scowled. My dislike for Hugh was nothing compared to the way I felt about Troy.

  “Enough of this testosterone fest.” Violet stepped between us. “Let’s focus on what’s important.”

  I nodded. “Stopping the change.” Taking care of Daisy was the priority.

  “The quickest route from here into Energo is through the tunnel gate.” Hugh crossed his arms. For his part he’d been quiet since the Dragos arrived. “I know none of you flying folks are going to like that though.”

  “We can stomach it if we move quickly.” Wyatt frowned.

  “What is the tunnel gate, and why are you two even coming?” The sooner we got rid of the Dragos, the better.

  “Mount Majest is heavily guarded. Dragos have unlimited access due to a treaty,” Violet explained.

  “A treaty?” Daisy asked.

  “We have some rather useful abilities.” Troy grinned. “I’ll have to show you some time.”

  The guy never learned. I had to fight down a growl. My Pteron side was fighting to come out again, and it was much more primal and uncontrollable than usual.

  “Are we ready to do this?” Hugh pointed up toward the sky.

  “Wait, we’re stopping here?” Daisy narrowed her eyes. “I thought we had a ways to go.”

  “Flying will be way faster than the boat, and we have enough wings now.”

  “Perfect.” Daisy grabbed hold of my hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to fly you?” Troy grinned. “I promise I am faster.”

  “Absolutely.” She straightened her shoulders.

  I pulled Daisy against me. She was amazing. Completely and utterly amazing.

  “We’re going northwest. Follow my lead because we have to be careful where we land.”

  “Got it.” I was anxious to get moving. I wrapped my arms around Daisy.

  I waited for the Dragos to take off—Troy took Violet and Glendale, and Wyatt took Hugh.

  As soon as they were in the air, I followed closely. We were finally getting to our goal, and I didn’t want to waste a minute.

  The flight was ten minutes, and I enjoyed every moment of having Daisy in my arms again. The last flight had been taxing, but this one was easy, and it helped put me at ease. The most surefire way to steady myself and stay calm was to fly. Add Daisy to the mix, and it was pure perfection.

  I followed behind the Dragos and started my descent as soon as I saw them descend. I wasn’t keen on anything involving tunnels, but I wouldn’t be the only one uncomfortable in the confined space. They’d want to move through as quickly as I did.

  We continued our descent through the clouds until finally the ground became visible. All I could see were ruins of old stone homes. Interesting spot to choose to land.

  I landed on an old stone road, careful to make sure Daisy didn’t feel any of the impact.

  She looked around her. “Where are we? Was this once a city?”

  By the multitude of crumbing rubble and the wide streets, I guessed this had once been a thriving city, but it was abandoned now.

  “We are not here to sight see," Hugh snapped.

  “I was just asking a question.” Daisy bit her lip. “Something major happened here. I can feel it.”

  Violet took her hand. “You’re nearly an Allure.” She looked into Daisy’s eyes. “You’re feeling all the emotions of the people who were once here.”

  Tears streamed down Daisy’s face. “I can feel the pain and anguish. It hurts so bad.”

  “That part will go away. You won’t be able to feel it soon.”

  “She’s not becoming an Allure.” I pulled Daisy into my arms. “Let’s get out of here. You heard her, it’s hurting her.”

  “One day we’ll tell you the story,” Hugh spoke softly. “It’s not one we have time for now.”

  “No, not if you want to get her to the Elders in time. I can barely sense the human in her anymore.” Wyatt started to move down the deserted street.

  I followed with Daisy tucked securely under my arm. She sobbed lightly, and I would have done anything to stop her pain.

  “Remember these feelings are old. They aren’t happening right now.” Violet kept pace at Daisy’s side.

  “That doesn’t matter. They feel real right now.” Daisy buried her face in my side.

  “Eventually you will understand time for what it really is. The pain you’re feeling won’t be there because you can’t feel it in that way. It’s a totally different sensation.”

  “But someone felt it. Someone felt this way.”

  “A long time ago. Way before your time.” Hugh caught up.

  “That means nothing to me.”

  “Then fight through it. Getting upset isn’t going to help anything.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “You’ll be fine once we enter the tunnel.”

  “Violet.” There was a warning in Hugh’s tone. “Don’t promise her that. The tunnel might be worse.”

  “Worse?” Daisy pulled her head up. “No. I’m not going through it then.”

  “We have to. There are no other entrances near here.” Wyatt’s tone was cold. From what I knew of Dragos they could feel, but then again I didn’t even think they actually existed.

  “Let’s get it over with.”

  We continued down the worn stone road until Troy turned down a small alleyway.

  I sincerely hoped they knew what they were doing. We moved down a sharp decline and walked underneath a bridge. Troy led us into what looked like an old storm drain. Wyatt and Hugh followed. Violet hung back with us.

  “Are you ready for this?” I brushed some hair away from Daisy’s face.

  “Yes. We have no choice.” She marched into the storm drain, and I followed holding on to her hand. Violet followed right behind me.

  The pipe was dark, but there was enough light inside that my night vision worked. That was a big plus. The Dragos had no problem finding their way, so evidently they had night vision too.

  Daisy whimpered.

  “Are you okay?” I tightened my hold on her hand.

  “It hurts.”

  “I told you.” Hugh sighed.

  Violet nodded. �
�I didn’t think they’d be as strong in here, but they are.”

  “Think of all the people who tried to escape…” Hugh called back.

  Daisy slunk down the floor, and I fell to my knees next to her. “Are you all right?”

  She started to sob. I picked her up in my arms. The only thing that was going to help her was to move forward. The rest of the group seemed to understand, and we moved twice as fast the rest of the way through the pipe. We turned and entered a slightly wider tunnel.

  “What was this tunnel for?” I hurried along behind the Dragos.

  “Originally to move supplies,” Troy explained.

  “And later?”

  “Escape and smuggling.”

  “I really wish someone would tell us where we are.”

  “Considering Daisy’s condition, I wouldn’t worry.” Violet’s words were pointed.


  We continued down the tunnel until we reached a floor to ceiling gate that completely blocked our path.

  “Please tell me one of you has your key.” Violet pointed to the large padlock.

  “I do.” Wyatt inserted a small crystal key in the lock and pushed open the gate. All I could see was a hazy light, but I followed them through. As soon as Violet stepped through, she closed the gate behind her. We were still in a tunnel, but it had light seeping in through small cracks in the surrounding pipe. I already felt more comfortable, and Daisy’s body felt less tense in my arms.

  We continued through the tunnels until more and more sunlight filtered in. We finally reached the end and walked out into a valley full of bright green grass. We were surrounded by mountains, but one stood out from the rest. I craned my neck to take in the massive mountain that was so tall the peak was obscured by the clouds.

  “It’s 30,000 feet above sea level.”

  “That’s twice as high as the highest peak in Colorado.” My brief stay out there had made me appreciate mountains more.

  “It’s taller than Mount Everest. We weren’t joking about this being a tall mountain.” Violet looked up and smiled. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It is.” Daisy looked around. I still held her firmly in my arms. I didn’t want to put her down until she was ready.


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