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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 22

by Leah Brooke

  She felt as though she’d lost something of herself and had wanted to be alone to figure it out, but neither one of them had permitted it.

  In the shower, the men had both insisted on washing her and then rinsing her between long, drugging kisses that transformed the sex they’d just had into something more. They made her feel cherished and…desired.

  It was a sensation she had no experience with, and it left her unsettled.

  Even after the sex, they made her feel special, something she hadn’t expected at all. After how attentive they’d been in the shower, she’d expected them to race back to the bed afterward, but they hadn’t. Nick had even helped her dry her hair, with strict instructions not to pin it up again.

  Nick’s dominant nature had been nothing like what she’d experienced with David. Nick appeared to embrace it, and it seemed to be a natural part of him. His dominance never faltered as it might have if he were playing a role, his attentiveness unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  It hadn’t been an act at all, unlike David, whose dominance seemed to be in the form of a mental checklist, lacking Nick’s spontaneity.

  Nick’s dominance wasn’t just the physical aspect either. He’d dominated her thoughts, her mind, her emotions, just as thoroughly as he’d dominated her body. He’d made her want to give him all he asked for and more.

  It was in every look, every caress. He handled her as someone might handle something precious to him, but with a possessiveness that never failed to stir her.

  As they cut through the crowd now, Nick’s hand on her lower back scorched her, stamping his brand on her for everyone to see. “Stop slouching, Julianna.”

  Embarrassed, she straightened, cursing the fact that her face burned, so used to trying to make herself smaller, she hadn’t even noticed.

  Her body still hummed, her movements stilted as they seated her and ordered her a drink. Her face burned as their gazes moved over her. The knowledge of how strongly they both affected her shone in their eyes, and with every glance, every touch, it got even stronger.

  Promising herself that she would enjoy this purely on a physical level and not allow her emotions to get involved, she pushed her worries aside to enjoy the party, basking in their attention.

  In the back of her mind, however, she couldn’t get the image of Adam and Ron rushing toward her with their guns drawn, and stayed on alert, looking out for trouble.

  * * * *

  Nick itched to hold Julianna again. Jealousy flared briefly when she giggled at something Steve said, but disappeared when Nick touched her arm, and she turned to him readily, blushing under his gaze. “Come dance with me.”

  Surprise flashed briefly in her expressive eyes, followed quickly by arousal. She bit her bottom lip and looked around, slouching again.

  Not about to let her hide behind her insecurities, he stood and took her hand in his, waiting until she rose gracefully, and led her to the dance floor.

  He hid a smile. He’d noticed that whenever Julianna thought about what she did or got nervous, she had a tendency to trip over her own feet or run into things. When her attention was on something else, she moved with a long-legged grace that had every eye turning her way.

  She appeared oblivious to it, sending furtive glances his way while fisting her hands at her sides, her nipples poking at the front of her gown.

  It appeared his lover had more energy to burn.

  If not for this party, she’d still be naked in his bed and coming for the third or fourth time.

  Several people smiled and nodded in greeting, which he returned impatiently. He only had eyes for Julianna, his desire for her not waning at all even after coming inside her only a little over an hour earlier. He had a feeling it would be quite some time before he’d be able to be with her without getting hard, but for right now, he couldn’t.


  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, rubbing the small of her back and delighting in the little shiver that went through her. His cock hardened and lengthened, pushing insistently against the zipper of his trousers. Holding her in his arms this way in the middle of a dance floor had to be the sweetest kind of torture.

  Her gasp and the way she stiffened in his arms told him that she’d felt the stir of his cock against her stomach. Nuzzling her hair, he noted in amusement that he didn’t have to bend at the waist to whisper in her ear. “I can still taste you. It makes me hungry for more.” Her jolt and immediate shiver made him want to ditch the party and take her back upstairs, and to hell with what everyone thought.

  But he wanted more than sex from her. He wanted to show her off here, spend some time getting to know her better, hold her while they danced.

  Turning her in his arms, he met Steve’s eyes across the room. Steve had been watching Julianna all night, and he knew his friend well enough that he figured Steve and Julianna could use a little time alone together.

  He certainly planned to have time alone with her as soon as it could be arranged.

  It actually astounded him that his need for her hadn’t been sated at all. Sure, she’d responded beautifully, but so had many others. Something about her, though, pulled at him in a way that no other woman ever had. She appeared to be remarkably naïve about herself and her sexuality, and vulnerable as hell beneath that confident exterior.

  After tonight, though, he knew the truth.

  Her own responses surprised and scared her, telling him she’d never before experienced what they made her feel. The challenge of teaching her more about herself intrigued him more than anything had in a long time.

  Watching her closely, he suppressed a smile when she closed her eyes and shuddered again. The passion in her astounded him.

  How could she not know?

  Running his hands down to the small of her back, he couldn’t help wishing he was touching her bare flesh.

  “Hi, Nick. You haven’t asked me to dance yet.”

  Nick tightened his arms around Julianna, a surge of anger rising within him when she flinched and tried to move away. Reluctantly turning toward the sickening sweet voice, he faced Moira Rames.

  Moira had occasionally provided a satisfying diversion on many of his previous trips to Miami. Although younger than his forty-four years by two decades, she had a hard edge of sophistication that belied her age.

  Moira had the exotic beauty he’d always been drawn to. Her small curves and petite frame drew eyes from all over the room, and he knew from experience just what a dynamo she could be in bed, craving everything he had to give her.

  Tonight she left him cold.

  Although beautiful, her fake smile and the hard calculation in her eyes as they swept over Julianna had his arms tightening around Julianna protectively.

  “I’m in the middle of a dance, Moira. Perhaps we can talk later.” Holding Julianna close, he could feel the shift in her posture and frowned down at her, pressing a hand against her back when she slouched next to Moira.

  Moira’s knowing smile as she raked a scarlet-tipped finger over his arm implied she knew exactly what kind of talk they’d be having later.

  She would be disappointed.

  Nick turned Julianna in his arms, effectively removing Moira’s hand, and led Julianna several feet away. “Why do you slouch?”

  Julianna colored and attempted to hide her face, something she would soon learn he wouldn’t allow. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…”

  Aware of the indulgent smiles they received from the other dancers, Nick steered her toward the terrace. He didn’t want to share Julianna with any of them, selfishly wanting her all to himself. “You never wear heels, and you have a tendency to slouch when around anyone shorter than you are, especially women. Stop it. Most of the women here would give anything to have legs like yours.”

  Once outside, he headed for a dark corner. Turning her so that she faced the well-lit lawn, he wrapped his arms around her and began to lightly knead her breasts through her gown, the soft globes full and
firm against his palms. Smiling when she leaned into him, he stood there silently and just let her feel him, needing her to get used to him touching her frequently, and simply enjoying having her in his arms. She felt so good against him. So right, as though she fit against him like no other woman ever could.

  After several minutes, he bent to kiss her bare shoulder, brushing his lips over her soft skin and breathing in her delectable scent. “So, what do you think of the party?”

  Julianna shrugged and turned to look up at him over her shoulder. “It’s very nice—but there are a lot of people. Are you sure this is safe? Steve seems to think you could be in danger.”

  Delighted with her, Nick pressed his lips to her forehead. “I didn’t get where I am by always playing it safe.”

  Nodding, Julianna looked back at the lawn and its fountains. “How did you get into the hotel business? Was your family in the business?”

  Nick chuckled humorlessly. “The only family I had was my mother. We were dirt poor. She used to work as a maid in a hotel, and I used to go to work with her. As I got older, I helped her after school.”

  He hid a smile as she leaned back against him and he took more and more of her weight. “By the time I was ten, I knew the ins and outs of the entire hotel. I knew how to get free food, the best hiding places, and how the entire thing ran. I could tell who worked and who didn’t. I became friends with one of the bellhops, who taught me how to gamble, and by the time my mother died when I was fifteen, I’d learned I was good at it.”

  Julianna covered his hands with hers and squeezed, looking up over her shoulder at him. “You were only fifteen when your mother died? You poor thing! Who took care of you?”

  Ruthlessly pushing back the helplessness he’d felt at being alone when his mother died, Nick smiled. “I took care of myself. I’d already learned to gamble, and that’s how I made my money. I rented an apartment with two other people and saved my money like a miser. One day, the hotel I’d spent my childhood in went up for sale, just about a week after one of my roommates died. So I bought it and moved in.”

  “And that was the beginning?”

  Nick pulled her back against his chest. “And that was the beginning.” Not wanting to talk about his past anymore, he bent to touch his lips to her ear. “I didn’t get as much time as I would have liked to explore you. I’ll have to rectify that.”

  Julianna gulped, her breath coming out in short pants. “Explore me?”

  Nick lightly rubbed her nipples, hoping to arouse her enough that she answered him without thinking. “Of course, darling. I want to explore every inch of you with my hands and my mouth. I want to know about every sensitive spot on your body. As your lover, it’s my right. It’s also my duty to make sure you’re well satisfied. I can’t very well do my duty unless I know what pleases you, can I?”

  Julianna looked up at him over her shoulder, her trembling lips making his cock even harder as he imagined sliding his cock between them. “D-duty?”

  Nick glanced over his shoulder to see Steve approach with Victor, the head of their security team, who eyed Julianna with a wariness that set Nick’s teeth on edge.

  One of the others had obviously shared their suspicions about her, and Victor was nothing if not vigilant about his duties.

  Steve smiled when he saw them and said something to Victor, who nodded once and turned his back to them to stand guard.

  Knowing that Victor would ensure their privacy, Nick undid the clasp between Julianna’s breasts to feel their warm weight in his hands. Her gasp made his groin tighten even more as her pebbled nipples poked against his palms.

  Steve leaned on the railing in front of her, smiling and reaching out a hand to cup her jaw. “This looks like an interesting conversation. Do you mind if I join you?”

  * * * *

  Julianna gripped Nick’s forearms, pushing her breasts more firmly into his hands as she parted her lips for Steve’s kiss. Pushing aside the knowledge that anyone could walk out here and see them, she tangled her tongue with Steve’s as Nick pulled her back against him.

  Steve lifted his head, looking down to where Nick’s hands moved on her breasts. “You have the most amazing breasts I’ve ever seen.”

  Self-consciously, Julianna covered Nick’s hands with her own, her face burning. Even though Steve stood at an angle next to her, she feared someone would come out onto the terrace and see her. “They’re too big, I know.”

  Steve frowned at her, opening his mouth to say something, but Nick beat him to it.

  “There’s no such thing as too big or too small. Your breasts are perfect. Full and firm and very responsive.” Nick bent to brush his lips against her ear, making her shiver. “Take your hands away. Look how they fill my hands.” When she hesitated, Nick lightly nipped her ear. “Do it, Julianna. Now.”

  Struggling for composure, she slowly lowered her hands, stiffening as years of insecurities came rushing to the surface. “I’m not very delicate. I know men like delicate.”

  Hell, did she really say that?

  Nick stilled behind her.

  Steve blinked, his shock apparent. “Are you crazy? I want a woman I’m not afraid to break, not one who’s going to bruise when I get a little rough.”

  Nick cupped the underside of her breasts. “I don’t know where you got the idea that you’re not delicate. Look at your breasts, Julianna. Look how beautifully they blush for me.” Moving his hands back and forth over the underside, he murmured against her ear. “So soft. And these pointed little nipples are extremely sensitive.”

  Julianna cried out as he brushed her nipples with his thumbs, the shock of pleasure adding to the tingling of her clit and causing even more moisture to coat her thighs.

  He moved his thumbs in a circular motion over her nipples, keeping his touch light but steady. “Look at how the slightest touch on your nipples makes you tremble with need. I’ll bet those strong, creamy thighs of yours are coated with your sweet juices, aren’t they?”

  Julianna shuddered in his arms, the cool air on her breasts reminding her that Nick held her exposed out here. Because it felt so right, because she couldn’t stop herself, she lifted her arms to circle his neck, turning her cheek to his chest and leaning back against him. It left her even more exposed to him and made her breasts even more sensitive.

  Little whimpers rasped in her throat. “I’ve never been like this before.”

  Steve continued to watch them, saying nothing, but with narrowed eyes that glittered darkly.

  Nick lightly pinched her nipple, supporting her weight when she cried out and her legs folded. “Look how incredibly responsive you are. You need a man, men who can control you and bring all that passion you’re afraid to let free to the surface.”

  Bristling at his claim, Julianna tried to push his hands away. “I don’t need to be controlled.” Afraid he spoke the truth, she kept her head down, avoiding Steve’s speculative look.

  Nick nuzzled her hair, keeping his hands on her despite her attempt to push him away. “Perhaps not, but you respond beautifully to it. I’d like to explore it further. Are you willing to explore your boundaries with me? Are you willing to let me show you how perfect we are for each other?”

  Steve placed a hand on her abdomen and rubbed gently. “How perfect you are for both of us.”

  Part of Julianna wanted to turn and jump into Nick’s arms, while another part feared what she would learn about herself.

  But she had to know.

  She’d never forgive herself for not taking this chance while she had it. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed heavily before answering, hoping she could do this without completely losing her heart. “Yes.” Looking up, she met Steve’s eyes and moaned at the feel of Nick’s devious hands on her breasts.

  Steve drew a deep breath and slid his hand down to her mound. “I can’t deny that watching the way you fall apart when you’re being dominated turns me inside out, but I have my own plans for you. When I take you alone, it’s going to be hot
and wild…and very naughty. Do you want that, too?”

  Moaning, she parted her legs as he pressed a hand between her thighs at the same time Nick toyed with her nipples. She couldn’t wait to experience all that both of them would show her. “Yes. God, yes.”

  Steve pressed his fingers unerringly against her clit and began to stroke her through her clothing. “Hot, wild, and out of control. Coming over and over again until you beg for mercy.”

  Moaning, Julianna closed her eyes as Steve moved the thong that replaced the one they’d torn aside to caress her more intimately. Even with the dress in the way, his caress burned her clit and drove her higher. Having Nick hold her from behind, his lips warm against her cheek as his skillful fingers teased her nipples added a forbidden element to their seduction that she couldn’t resist.

  Julianna shuddered as they drove her headlong toward the edge, stealing control of her responses with a speed that never failed to surprise her. Her breath came out in pants and soft whimpers even though she tried her best to remain quiet, afraid that someone would overhear.

  The silky material felt decadent moving over her clit, warmed by the heat of Steve’s fingers. It slid easily over the swollen bundle of nerves, the circular caress making her burn hotter and hotter.

  Her body felt overheated, her breasts hot and tight, making the cool air against her nipples even more pronounced.

  Steve covered her mouth with his, absorbing the sounds she made, his kiss stoking the fire already raging inside her. Surrounded by them, their firm holds forcing her to accept the pleasure, she had no choice but to succumb, jerking in Nick’s arms and crying out into Steve’s mouth as her orgasm hit her.

  Wave after delicious wave of pleasure washed over her, tumbling her senses around until she was dizzy.

  The heat gripped her, pulling her under as they continued to stroke her. She couldn’t understand anything they said, but the tenderness and affection in their crooning tones got through to her, filling her with a warmth that had nothing to do with sex, but layered over the heat that did.


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