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Claiming Her Warriors

Page 5

by Savannah Stuart

  Aeron just shook his head. “I know what you’re going to say so just humor us then. We wanted to do this for you. And now, we need to talk.”

  She looked up as Hauk set her bowl in front of her. Instead of sitting on the other side of her, he stood next to his brother. Being on the receiving end of such intense stares made her a little nervous, despite what they’d shared. Before she could speak, Aeron beat her to it.

  “When we find out who harmed you, we’re going to kill them.”

  Chapter 7

  Hauk watched in fascination as Brianna’s already flushed face went even redder, but this time it wasn’t from desire. She glared at them, then looked at the food in front of her and snatched up the spoon. Instead of responding to his brother’s declaration, she started eating, clearly angry.

  He didn’t understand why when all they wanted was to protect her. “You disagree with this?”

  She snorted once in between bites, but didn’t respond. Just kept eating even though she was obviously fuming.

  Hauk subtly nudged his brother’s shoulder. Aeron looked up at him and shrugged. “When she’s angry she sometimes likes to give the silent treatment. She’ll talk when she’s ready.”

  Her expression darkened, but she continued eating. He could tell she didn’t like that they were talking about her either.

  Hauk frowned, not liking that. Brianna was so different from their first mate. Not just in looks, but definitely personality. Namari had understood their ways and while she’d run their house, she’d been very amenable to what Aeron and Hauk wanted. “So you’re not speaking to us?” No, he didn’t like that at all.

  She turned to them. “I don’t know how to respond to something so stupid. Someone attacked me and while I’m angry and scared they’ll try again, you can’t just…kill someone. So yes, I’m not talking until I finish this delicious stew because one, I’m starving and two, I don’t have the energy to listen to your craziness until I’m full.”

  Hauk’s eyes widened. “Craziness?” They had the legal right to defend their mate. Legally they could enact a justice killing if murder or attempted murder had occurred. Technically Brianna wasn’t their mate yet, but if the way she’d melted in their arms earlier was any indication, she would be soon. And someone had tried to harm her. That meant they could mete out justice—if they could find who had hurt her. But that was just a matter of time. He and Aeron were friends with many peace officers and were being kept in the loop on the investigation.

  Aeron sighed when she didn’t respond. “What if we let the peace officers deal with the problem? Will you stay here with us?”

  Surprise clear on her face, she pushed her near empty bowl away and completely turned her seat to face them. “I had planned to stay here as long as I’m welcome. I’m…”

  When she trailed off, Hauk’s muscles tensed until he blurted, “What?”

  “I’m scared to go home,” she said softly.

  He could see it pained her to admit it. Which made him want to pummel whoever had hurt her even more.

  “But me staying here has nothing to do with you letting the peace officers do their job. I don’t want either of you involved. You could be hurt.”

  The fear in her eyes clawed at Hauk’s insides. She had such attitude and strength that it was easy to overlook the vulnerability she tried to hide. But he could see it now. She was obviously concerned for them, even if it was unfounded, but she had to be terrified for herself too. Hauk didn’t know how to respond because he didn’t want to lie. He couldn’t let someone who had hurt her—who wanted to kill her by all accounts—walk away.

  “We’ll let the authorities do their job,” Aeron murmured at last.

  Hauk just nodded because his brother’s response could have different meanings. Even if the peace officers found the perpetrator, if Brianna was their mate by the time that happened, the officers could legally hand the guilty party over to him and Aeron. So Aeron could let them do their job, then do what was their right. Some other planets viewed their society as barbaric because of some of their customs, but there was a reason Lumineta had very little crime.

  Brianna looked unconvinced but nodded. She started to say something when Aeron’s communicator buzzed.

  He pulled it out of his tunic pocket, looked at the screen, then frowned. “I’ve got to head to the Samio. Problem with some of the students sneaking out.” Aeron gave Hauk a look that promised pain if he tried to sleep with Brianna while he was gone. Then he softly kissed her. “Nothing will happen with Hauk here, and our home is secure anyway. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay.” She looked almost lost as Aeron left.

  Hauk scrubbed a hand over his face, wanting to comfort her but not sure she would accept it. She was different than what he’d expected and he worried he’d say the wrong thing. Not in the bedroom, but everywhere else—human females were confusing. He was thankful she’d started bonding with both of them. That she couldn’t deny. Not after the way she’d come apart earlier. He could still hear her moans as she climaxed… He forced himself not to go down that path. Not now. If he did, he’d want to take her straight to bed and Hauk knew that would piss his brother off.

  Even though they’d both just brought Brianna to climax, the look Aeron had given him before leaving had been edgy. Hauk was pretty sure he understood his brother though, even if Aeron refused to communicate much. His brother didn’t mind sharing her with Hauk—as long as Aeron was there. What his brother was feeling was jealousy and a buried part of Hauk understood. But he wasn’t wired the same as his brother and it would be much easier for him to embrace this relationship.

  When Brianna tried to hide a yawn, she dispelled those thoughts. “Is it time for more medication?” he asked as he cleared her bowl.

  She glanced at the clock and nodded. “Yes, but I’m feeling fine. I don’t think I need anymore.”

  He shook his head and opened one of the last remaining packets. “The only way these will work to their full effect is if you take them all.”

  She looked as if she might argue, but nodded and took the pills and water he handed her. As soon as she’d taken them, he scooped her up and carried her to his bedroom. For a moment she tensed, seeming surprised but almost immediately she buried her face against his neck. When she inhaled softly, he nearly lost his control.

  The woman was sexy without even trying. She wrapped an arm around his neck, cuddling closer and he dismissed all thoughts of taking her to the guest room—which he hoped would soon become her permanent room—and headed straight for his. Hauk wanted her scent on his sheets, in his room, surrounding him. Brianna mumbled something as he laid her down on his bed, but her eyes were already drifting shut by the time she was stretched out on the sheets. She looked even smaller than normal on his huge mattress, evoking protective feelings he hadn’t felt in a long time.

  His muscles knotted with the need to pull her back into his arms. Though he wanted to get into bed with her, he decided to take a shower first. His cock ached and he needed to find some release before wrapping his arms around her luscious body. He knew he’d be tempted to take her without his brother there and while he had the right to if she was willing, he wanted to respect Aeron until his brother got his feelings under control.

  Chapter 8

  The house was quiet as Aeron entered, but he quickly found Brianna in Hauk’s room. He hated that he’d been called away to the Samio, but there was nothing to do about it now. The delinquent students had been rounded up and punished and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around the petite redhead sleeping peacefully in his brother’s arms. Her back was against him and Hauk’s arm was draped over her waist.

  As he watched them, the jealousy he’d been experiencing wasn’t as intense. It still lingered, but when he’d had to leave Brianna for work he’d been relieved that Hauk would be there to watch after her. With two of them, she would never be unprotected again. For that fact alone, he could deal with whatever jealousy he was feeling. He hop

  Stripping off his tunic and pants, he slipped into bed on Brianna’s side. Just seeing Brianna had him aroused again, but right now he’d settle for just sleeping in the same bed with her. Normally he slept in his room, with Hauk in this one and their mate had had her own room, when she didn’t stay with one of them. It was customary, but right now Aeron didn’t like the idea of Brianna sleeping away from him. Ever. Maybe they needed to make some changes and just share a room. He’d never considered it before, but he liked the thought of it.

  As he stretched out next to her, he realized she was fully clothed. She still wore the same soft shift from earlier. He wanted to strip it off her, to feel her naked body against his. He didn’t like anything separating them.

  His entire body tightened at the memory of her taste, her moans, the way she’d arched into his mouth as she’d come for him. When he reached out to drape his arm over her waist above Hauk’s arm, her eyes opened and he found himself looking into her dark eyes.

  A soft smile played across her lips. “Hey,” she whispered. “Everything okay at the Samio?”

  He nodded, happy at the pleasure he saw in her gaze. She was glad he was back. “Yeah, no big deal. Just some students pushing their limits. How are you feeling?”

  “A hundred percent better. Took a couple more of those magic pills and I’m great.” Her gaze dropped to his mouth for a moment as she spoke, hunger in her eyes.

  He hadn’t expected that so soon upon returning. If he wasn’t careful his body would take over before he could think. First he needed to get some shit out in the open even though he hated talking about it. “I’m sorry I acted like a jackass the other night.”

  “You already apologized, you don’t—”

  “Yeah, I do. The thought of anyone touching you makes me crazy.”

  Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “But you and Hauk shared a mate before,” she said quietly.

  His words were spoken just as low. “I know. It was different though. We all grew up together. With you…I saw you first.” He realized he sounded like a child but he wanted to be honest.

  Another smile teased her lips as understanding set in. “I think I get it. So what’s changed? Or has anything changed? You didn’t seem too happy about leaving me with Hauk tonight.”

  “I wasn’t at first. I didn’t want to leave you because of the threat—I didn’t want to leave you at all. But then I realized you’ll always be protected by one of us.”

  She was silent for a long moment, her expression softening as she watched him. Instead of responding as he’d assumed, or possibly getting annoyed at the protection comment, she leaned closer and kissed him.

  The second her lips touched his, he dragged her into his arms. Rolling onto his back, he pulled her so that she was straddling him. He automatically shoved her shift up her thighs, sliding his fingers along her soft skin. As she settled over him, he felt her pussy against his cock.

  Instinctively his hips jerked, his hard length sliding against her wet slit. Knowing that she was already damp for him made him crazy. But he wanted to take this slow and he didn’t want to do this alone. Because he knew Brianna was ready for both of them. He’d seen it in her eyes before he’d left for the Samio. She’d wanted both of them right then. It was time for him and Hauk to claim their mate.

  Before he could wake his brother up, Hauk’s raspy voice cut through the air. “Starting without me?” he asked, slight amusement lacing his words.

  Brianna pulled back a fraction and Aeron turned to look at his brother who was stretched out on his back, watching Brianna intently. Hauk had the same hungry look Aeron knew he must have right now.

  Aeron settled back against the pillow and put his hands behind his head, looking up at Brianna. Her lips were swollen and molten need shone in her gaze as she looked back and forth between them, probably deciding if she truly wanted to be with them.

  “Take off your shift,” Aeron ordered.

  Her gaze whipped to his, vulnerability there for a fraction of a moment before she reached down and slowly pulled it over her head. Each inch she revealed of her luscious body had his cock pulsing with the need to claim her.

  Somehow he forced himself to remain immobile as he watched her. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hauk going almost preternaturally still too. His brother had only seen her briefly in the hospital and then he’d been behind her in the kitchen earlier.

  Aeron knew what his brother was seeing. A petite, lush woman with breasts big enough to hold in the palm of his hand. While she had a slim waist and rounded hips he loved holding onto, everything about her was soft. Pure woman.

  And he was starting to understand her original hesitation about being with both of them. Aeron and Hauk were big, even by Luminet standards. But as she sat on top of him now, he wondered if she realized the control she had over them both. She could order either him or his brother to do any damn thing she wanted and they would. They might both be dominating, but Brianna held the key to his heart. Even if he wasn’t ready to admit it out loud yet, she owned him.

  “Straddle my brother.” Aeron wasn’t sure how he pushed the words out, but they tore from his throat. He needed to do this for all of them. Had to show Brianna and Hauk he was okay with everything and this was the best way to show it.

  Brianna seemed surprised by his order, but did as he said with no hesitation. As she slid off him, her pussy dragged over his erection, making him shudder. He wasn’t sure if he liked how quickly she obeyed that particular order.

  Hauk shoved the sheet the rest of the way off his body, revealing how turned on he was by the sight of Brianna. When she smoothly moved over Hauk’s hips and settled over him, hunger raged through Aeron. Part of him still struggled with watching her and Hauk, but he also knew how much pleasure he and his brother could bring her. And that was more important than anything right now.

  The need to see ecstasy playing across her face was too great. Earlier he’d heard her moans as he’d teased her opening with his tongue but now he wanted to see her reaction.

  “No. On his face.” It was all Aeron could rasp out.

  Even in the dimness of the room he could see her face flush red. The moonlight played off her delicate features, showing how nervous she was. She looked at Hauk. “You want me to sit—”

  All Hauk did was growl something incomprehensible as he grabbed her hips and practically dragged her up his body. Brianna let out a yelp as she spread her legs over Hauk’s face. Her hands splayed against the wall and Aeron could see the tension humming through her as her gaze landed on him. It was his own fault. He’d made her feel insecure when she’d taken the first steps into this relationship. Even if he’d started to show her he was okay with her being mated to both of them, right now he needed to watch them for himself and for Brianna. Hell, and for Hauk. His brother deserved to be in an easy mating and not to worry that Aeron was going to turn into an asshole over petty jealousy.

  As Hauk started pleasuring her with his mouth, Brianna’s head rolled back, her eyes closing as her breathing grew erratic. Her back arched, pushing her breasts out, begging for his brother to pleasure her.

  Aeron’s entire body tightened as he watched her writhing. Though he’d wanted to watch, to see her face as she climaxed, he needed to touch her. Coming up beside her, he cupped the back of her head in a hard grip. Her eyes flew open, still heavy-lidded with lust.

  He crushed his mouth over hers in one hard kiss before searching out her breasts. Her nipples were already rock hard and when he sucked on one, she let out a strangled whimper.

  “This is too much.” Her voice was shaky and uneven. One of her hands clutched on to his shoulder while the other remained on the wall to support her.

  Too much? It wasn’t enough.

  As he was teasing her breast, he could feel her body tightening, readying to come. She was so damn sensitive, so reactive to both of them, it floored him. Her perfect pink nipple beaded against his tongue and with each flick she s
huddered, expelling hot little moans. Her gasps of pleasure and the sound of Hauk’s tongue against her flesh seemed over pronounced in the room. The sounds were turning Aeron on even more.

  “Oh…I’m so close,” she whispered.

  Those were words he loved hearing, but he wanted to drag this out as long as possible. His brother had the same idea because the moment Aeron raised his head from teasing her, Hauk slid her down to his chest.

  Brianna let out a frustrated gasp, her body slightly trembling. “What are you guys doing? Not stopping?” She sounded horrified at the thought.


  Before Aeron could respond, Hauk did. “I think Aeron wants to feel your mouth on his cock.”

  Again, Brianna’s face flushed but this time it was with desire, not embarrassment as she looked at Aeron. There was no question in her eyes this time either. She knew he would want that. Even though Hauk was younger, he was often the mouthpiece for the two of them. Aeron preferred to just get shit done, not talk about it. It was why he sometimes had difficulty in training others. Right now he was thankful Hauk was here to make Brianna feel secure in a way Aeron didn’t know how. At least not with words.

  He stretched out on his back, watching Brianna’s every move as she crawled and settled in between his legs. On her knees, she looked down at him, that hot hunger in her gaze as she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  “Suck him, baby.” Hauk moved behind Brianna and ran his hand down her spine in a smoothing gesture as she held onto Aeron’s hard length.

  The man was practically pulsing in her hand. Brianna could feel the lust emanating off him as if it were a live thing. Behind her she felt Hauk’s hot breath on her nape as he began feathering kisses along her shoulders.

  She wanted more than that though. Her entire body was primed; her breasts were heavy with need and desperate to be caressed by one or both of them. Slickness dampened her thighs and she knew there was no turning back now. Not that she wanted to.


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