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Cabin Fever [The Wolves of Shade County 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 2

by JC Holly

  He stood on shaky legs and stretched. “I guess I’d better go and get some sleep.”

  Grant nodded. “Unless you want to bunk out here with me.”

  Tom smiled and shook his head. “Don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.”

  Grant returned the smile, then began to clear the table. “Well, you know where I’ll be.”

  At the back of the living area was a doorway which led to a very short hall. Left from the hall was the bathroom, and right was the bedroom, each with its own door. Tom headed straight to bed, closing himself in afterward.

  The room was small, but cozy. There was a small window high up on the wall that let in enough light during the day, but at night the room was almost pitch dark. Instead of flipping on the light he let his eyes adjust, then sat on the edge of the soft bed while he undressed.

  Despite the cold outside, the room was comfortably warm, and the large number of blankets would deal with any further drops in temperature. He pulled the covers aside, then climbed into the bed, letting out a contented breath as he settled in.

  Despite the booze, though, he couldn’t sleep. There was just too much going on in his head for him to drift off.

  What he hadn’t told Grant earlier was that the episode with the locksmith and him throwing his ex’s clothes onto the lawn happened yesterday. He’d originally booked the cabin as a surprise trip, and it was why he’d come home early that day, to surprise his girlfriend. In the end, he was the one who got a surprise, but leaving town still made sense. With no phone, and being miles from nowhere, he could turn off the world and wouldn’t have to deal with anything until he was forced to go home.

  Of course, it hadn’t turned out that way, thanks to some idiot working for the cabin company, but at least Grant was friendly.

  “And hot,” he muttered under his breath.

  After another twenty minutes of staring at the ceiling, his bladder reminded him that he’d spent the night drinking, and he climbed out of bed. He paused by the door and listened, but couldn’t hear anything from Grant. Figuring he must be asleep, Tom left the lights off and opened his door as quietly as he could, then crept across the short hall to the bathroom.

  As he passed the open doorway that led into the living area, he froze as he noticed movement. He turned, thinking that Grant was still getting ready for bed, and found himself staring at a hell of a sight. Grant stood by one of the windows, peering out into the darkness, watching the sky. He was also completely naked.

  Tom stood frozen in place, scared to move in case Grant spotted him and thought he was spying, but also terrified to stay still for the exact same reason. Despite himself, his eyes wandered, starting at Grant’s strong shoulders, moving down his back to the curve of his ass. Tom bit his lip and forced himself to look away. It didn’t last, though, and he found himself sneaking another look.

  Grant seemed to be carved from granite. His skin was perfectly smooth, and each muscle was like that of a professional athlete. Tom imagined himself running his hands over the man’s body, caressing those curves and bulges, and a bulge of his own started to form in his pants.

  Standing there, struck by indecision, part of Tom wanted the man to head back to bed—without seeing him—and part of him wanted the man to turn and face him, so Tom could take in the parts he couldn’t currently see. God, the thought of Grant walking over, hard and ready, and Tom dropping to his knees to taste him…

  “Like what you see?”

  Tom jumped as he snapped out of his musing, and found Grant still standing by the window, only now facing the doorway in which Tom stood.

  “Oh, god.”

  The man hadn’t been joking when he’d said he was well hung. Even in the low light, Tom could make out the length and girth of Grant’s thick cock. Was it thickening as he watched?

  “I, uh…” Tom swallowed and looked away. “I was heading to the bathroom, and didn’t want to wake you, and then I saw—”

  Grant cut him off with a low chuckle. “It’s fine. Want a closer look?”

  As Tom tried to force his mouth to form words, Grant began to stroke himself, his gaze on Tom.

  “It’s completely natural to be curious,” Grant said, as he moved closer.

  The movement was too much for Tom, and he finally wrested control of his legs, and dived into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Once inside, he dropped to the floor, his back against the door, and breathed hard. Grant knocked a few seconds later and asked if he was okay. Tom said he was fine, just a little sick from the whiskey. It was a lame excuse, but Grant accepted it, then told Tom he’d see him in the morning. A little after that Tom heard the creak of the sofa, and let out a long breath.

  He thumped his head softly against the door and forced himself to calm down. The night had turned from pleasant to something out of his dreams, only this time it had felt more like a nightmare. But he’d wanted it! He knew that, deep down. He’d wanted Grant to walk to him, and to touch the silky skin of the man’s cock, to feel his thickness.

  His nerves had kicked in, though, and reminded him of how foreign the whole thing was to him, and he’d fled instead of standing his ground. No doubt Grant thought he was crazy, now.

  After five minutes of careful listening, Tom made a dash across to the bedroom and closed himself in before diving back under the covers. As he did he remembered he’d left the room for a reason. He couldn’t have peed right then anyway, though, given the rock hard erection that almost throbbed inside his boxers.

  With his mind on what had just happened, he wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to stroke.

  Chapter Three

  Grant woke early, as he often did, to find Tom sat in the armchair opposite him, a coffee in his hands.

  “Morning,” Grant said, as he rubbed at his head. “You must be a quiet one.”

  “We need to talk,” Tom said. “A–about last night.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Grant sat up, careful that his blanket covered his nakedness. “I thought it was what you wanted, and I was a little too horny, so—”

  The man shook his head. “No, it’s not your fault. I was the one staring with a giant hard-on in my boxers.” He looked away. “I shouldn’t have been there, and I certainly shouldn’t have reacted like I did.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s all new to you, like you said last night.” Grant shrugged. “First time I was with a guy, he nearly kicked me out of the house. I laugh when I’m nervous, and, well, he wasn’t the ‘biggest’ guy in the world, if you know what I mean. He thought I was mocking him.” He shook his head and chuckled. “Took me a while to persuade him otherwise.”

  Tom colored, but nodded. “I guess it’s normal. Still, it wasn’t what I meant to do.”

  “No?” Grant smiled. “And what did you mean to do?”

  Tom’s gaze flitted down to Grant’s crotch, but a momentary glance past him had the man jumping to his feet, splashing coffee down his pants.


  Grant stood, too, ignoring the blanket that slipped away as he did. “Let’s get a damp cloth on those before it stains.”

  “Not that,” Tom said, pointing. “That!”

  Grant frowned and turned to look at where the man was gesturing, to find a window. He’d watched it snow for a while last night, but they must have got a hell of a lot more after he’d gone to sleep, as the snow was higher than the windows.

  “Huh.” He walked to the front door and help a hand to it. The wood was ice cold. “I’m going to open this, so stand back.”

  Tom did as he was told, and Grant gripped the handle. Deciding to be careful, he braced his shoulder against the wood and twisted the handle. The weight of snow behind slammed the door against him, but he held his ground, grunting as everything settled once more.

  “Oh, shit!” came Tom’s shout from behind. “We’re snowed in!”

  The door seemed to be happy where it was, so Grant risked a step back to look. It was open only a few inc
hes, but it was instantly clear that the snow was higher than the door, too. He slammed his shoulder into the door once more and managed to close it, leaving a good amount of snow on the cabin floor.

  He turned back to Tom and only realized that he was still naked when Tom’s gaze flicked down Grant’s body.

  “What are we going to do?” Tom asked, as he began to move between the windows. “We’ve no phone signal. Will they check on us? Can we dig out?”

  The questions came hard and fast as the man paced the floor. Grant watched him for a while, then waited for him to pass once more before grabbing his arms and pulling him into a kiss. It lasted for only a few seconds, but it had the intended effect, and Tom fell silent.

  “That’s better,” Grant said, as he crossed to the sofa and downed what was left of Tom’s coffee. “Now, there’s a chance the company will send someone up here if the snowfall was reported, but we can’t bank on it.”

  Tom snapped out of his shock with a shake of his head. “So what do we do?”

  “I have two thoughts,” Grant said. “The main one is that we should start digging a way out.”

  “And the other?”

  He smiled and ran a finger along the length of his cock. “I’d tell you, but right now you’d probably go catatonic.”

  Tom’s eyes widened. “I–I don’t…I mean, w—”

  Grant pulled clothes and a folding shovel from his pack. “Digging it is, then.”

  It took a little while to work up a routine, but once they did, things progressed at a reasonable pace. Grant was in charge of digging, since he was the fitter of the two, and Tom was in charge of placing the snow around the cabin, using his own travel shovel. Thankfully the chimney wasn’t blocked off, so they didn’t have to worry about suffocation, but it was still a dangerous job.

  If he was alone, Grant would have been much further along, but with Tom there he had to appear completely human. They took a break every twenty minutes, and a longer one each hour, where they sat on the sofa and sipped at hot drinks.

  Even with his enhanced strength, though, Grant found it tough going. The snow at the base was compacted from the weight above it, and each shovelful was much heavier than the stuff a regular person had to contend with when shoveling their driveway. On top of that, his folding shovel wasn’t designed for such work, and each shovelful was half the size of those a regular shovel could manage.

  After a few hours, though, he’d managed to dig out and up far enough that the snow became lighter, which hinted at them nearing fresh air.

  “Thank god,” Tom said, as he came over to look. “Want me to take over for a while?”

  “I’m good,” Grant said. “Shouldn’t be much longer.”

  As he spoke, a deep rumble sounded, and he jumped back cursing and slammed the door shut. Tom looked at him, eyebrows raised in confusion, then cursed as a crash came from outside as the tunnel Grant had dug collapsed in on itself.

  Grant braced the door, fighting against the snow until all settled once more. With a sigh, he slowly opened the door a little to inspect the damage.

  “Well, it looks like we’re starting over,” he said as he pushed the door closed. “At least it won’t be so hard this time. This stuff won’t have chance to compact.”

  Tom turned to look at the piles of snow that he’d arranged in the corners of the cabin, and dropped his head. Grant walked over to him and put his hands on the man’s shoulders, squeezing gently.

  “It’s going to be fine,” he said, softly. “We’ve got air, thanks to the chimney, and the snow is acting as insulation, so we won’t freeze. And we both brought a ton of food.” He chuckled. “Hell, you wanted isolation. You can’t get much more isolated than this.”

  Tom turned to face Grant and nodded, though he wasn’t entirely convinced. “It’s just disheartening to see all our progress ruined.”

  “It’ll just make our inevitable success all that much sweeter.”

  Tom smirked, then shook his head as the smirk turned into a full smile. “You’re a hell of an optimist, you know that?”

  “What’s to worry about? Air, heat, food…” Grant moved a step closer. “And a very cute guy.”

  The nervousness returned to Tom’s face, but this time he seemed to fight against it. “Y–you’re pretty damn cute too.”

  “Really?” Grant moved closer still, his crotch brushing against Tom’s leg.

  Tom swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

  Grant leaned in and kissed Tom lightly on the lips, then took the man’s hand and held it to his crotch. He felt himself harden under the touch.

  Grant licked his lips. “How about we try last night again?”

  * * * *

  Tom didn’t know what to say or do. He had his hand on another man’s cock, albeit through clothing, and he was awake. Grant shifted his hips, grinding gently against Tom’s hand.

  “We’ll go at your pace,” the man said, his gaze intense. “Say the word and I’ll stop.”

  The word hovered on the tip of Tom’s tongue, but he swallowed it back. No. This was what he wanted, and the universe was handing it to him on a silver frigging platter. He wasn’t about to turn it down.

  With a deep breath to steady himself, he slid his hand off Grant’s crotch. The man was about to move away, likely thinking he’d overstepped the mark, when Tom instead took a hold of the top button of Grant’s jeans.

  He held the button and tried to unfasten it, but his hand was shaking as badly as his knees were, and he couldn’t get a good grip. He tried to steady his nerves, but it was no good. He’d never been the most confident in such situations, even with women.

  “Here,” Grant said, his voice low. “Let me.”

  Tom let go, grateful, and Grant unfastened the button, then pulled down the zipper. Tom swallowed hard and took the waist band of the pants, then began to pull down. He had to bite his lip and fight for control as the very tip of Grant’s cock came into view. He wasn’t fully hard yet, but he was still as big as Tom remembered from the previous night. He closed his eyes to center himself, then pulled the pants all the way down.

  Grant’s cock sprang out, released, and all Tom could do at first was stare at it.

  “Touch it,” Grant said.

  With a shaky hand, Tom did as he was told, and Grant let out a breath as Tom’s fingers wrapped around his shaft. It responded to Tom’s touch, and began to thicken and harden in his grip. He began to slide his hand up and down the firm cock, and before long Grant was as hard as Tom had been since the very start.

  “That’s good,” Grant murmured. “Nice and slow.”

  Bolstered by the words of encouragement, Tom started to stroke a little more confidently. He knew how to do it, after all. He’d been doing the same to his own since he was a teenager. As he moved back down the shaft, the foreskin moved back, revealing Grant’s huge cockhead. Before he realized he was doing it, Tom was on his knees, leaning in for a closer look.

  “It’s so big,” Tom said.

  Grant chuckled and ran his fingers through Tom’s hair. “Thanks.”

  Tom kept up his movements, but increased the speed a little, his eyes on the head as it slipped back and forth through his fist. He wanted to kiss it, to run his tongue over it and feel it in his mouth, but he didn’t know if he had it in him. He must have licked his lips, though, as Grant began to apply a little pressure to the back of Tom’s head. Not enough to force movement, but enough to encourage.

  “Suck it,” Grant said, a little more forcefully this time. “Suck my cock, Tom.”

  His brain fought him at first, but then surrendered to the urges and Tom flicked his tongue across the taut skin of Grant’s cockhead. The man sucked in a breath at the action, and Tom allowed himself a moment of pride. He’d made Grant do that. He was bringing a man pleasure, for the first time ever.

  He moved further forward and took the cockhead into his mouth entirely. The sensation was odd at first, having such a warm thing on his tongue, but he quickly moved past it
and began to bob up and down.

  “Suck a little more,” Grant said, then, “That’s it,” as Tom did.

  While he sucked, he kept up the movement with his hand, stroking the rest of the shaft. It seemed to hit all the right buttons for Grant, as the man was soon breathing heavy. His hand clenched in Tom’s hair, holding him in place, but Tom wouldn’t have pulled away even if he could. He was enjoying himself too much.

  With his free hand he pulled his own waistband low and, after a moment’s hesitation, pulled out his own cock and began to stroke in time with what he was doing to Grant. Grant moaned and Tom noticed his stomach muscles clenching as he held back from coming. That thought filled Tom with more worry. Was Grant expecting him to swallow his cum? What would it taste like if he did? Could he spit it out? Maybe he should take it in the face instead?

  The latter seemed like the best option, and he decided just in time, as a few moments later Grant began to breathe harder still.

  “I’m gonna come,” he said.

  He released his grip on Tom’s hair, as if to let him move away, but Tom was too into the moment to care. He kept up his work, sucking hard on the man’s thick cock while he stroked the shaft.

  “Fuck!” Grant hissed.

  Tom felt the man’s cock begin to spasm, and he pulled it out of his mouth and jerked it hard. A moment later thick ropes of semen spurted from Grant’s cock, splattering into Tom’s cheek and nose. In a moment of passion, Tom opened his mouth and aimed Grant’s cock inside. The movement was too much for Grant and he came harder still, his cum pulsing onto Tom’s tongue. He took it all, and fought not to gag as it hit the back of his throat, then ducked down onto the shaft once more to clean it of cum, his tongue lapping at Grant’s cockhead until the man pulled away.

  As Tom rocked back onto his haunches, he felt a wetness and looked down to find he’d come as well, his hand covered in his own cum. Grant spotted it too, and reached down to pull Tom to his feet, then moved close so that their still hard cocks rubbed against one another, their cum mingling.


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