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On Lonely Paths (Earth and Sky Book 2)

Page 8

by Jann Rowland

  “No matter,” Skye said. “My mood is good enough that not even your sister can ruin it.”

  Tierra looked at him, her face falling a bit. He frowned, wondering how his happiness could have affected her in such a negative way.

  “Tierra . . . ?” he asked hesitantly, reaching out through their bond in an attempt to determine her emotions. But she had them sealed away tightly, and he could not make out what was on her mind.

  “May I talk with you alone, Skye?” she asked him quietly.

  “Of course,” he said. “Let me speak with a few people, and then we can go.”

  Tierra nodded and let him lead her over to a few Skychildren lords whom he spoke with briefly before moving with her to leave the room.

  As they walked toward the exit, they passed Gale and Cirrus, who were in the middle of a hushed yet animated conversation. Skye paused and looked at them, considering whether to investigate the matter further. But then he decided that his involvement was not necessary. If the discussion between Gale and Cirrus was important, surely they would come to him.

  Skye reached behind him to grasp Tierra’s hand and pull her forward.

  “Come on, Tierra,” he requested softly. And though he said no more, he felt confident she could feel the love in his gaze and his heart. No matter what was disturbing her, they could find a way past it.

  With Stone the garm at his side, Terrain traversed the deserts and forests, the mountains and grasslands. No grain of sand or blade of grass was beneath his notice as he inspected what had been wrought by the other gods and goddesses for evidence of the pristine sense of order he meant to impose on all of creation.

  As Terrain walked, the sky goddess Celesta looked at him from her vantage point on the clouds and cried, “Terrain, are my skies not beautiful?”

  “I have no need for beauty,” said Terrain, “only function and form. The purpose of the sky is to enable the passing of time and the seasons. Its appearance is insignificant.”

  Celesta the sky goddess watched as Terrain turned his eyes back to the land, jealousy swelling within her. He was proud of his creation but did not glory in her contributions. She cared nothing for order; she cared only for beauty.




  As Tierra led Skye from the throne room, the sun was still shining on the sky realm, bathing the palace in its light and lending an air of brilliance to the massive chamber. Many of the Skychild guests at the coronation still mingled with one another, though the Groundbreather delegation had departed. There was, in fact, to be a banquet that evening, with a sumptuous feast to celebrate Skye’s assumption of the throne, but while the new king was by now at least comfortable with his future mother-in-law and actively liked his father-in-law, it had been deemed best that Groundbreathers not attend the banquet. Though relations between the two peoples were improving, they were not cordial enough for a prolonged presence of Groundbreathers in the sky.

  Tierra was not included in such a restriction, however; Skye wanted her there not only because it would act as a show of solidarity, but also because he knew she wished to attend. Furthermore, it could only aid Tierra if she quickly learned how to handle the lords, as they were a fractious lot.

  “Do we need privacy for our conversation?” Skye asked Tierra after exiting the cavernous room.

  “Yes,” the princess said softly.

  Frowning, Skye led her toward the personal apartments of the royal family. Though Tierra still had tight control over her emotions, Skye had the distinct impression she was upset. Considering how well the coronation appeared to have gone, Skye had been in an almost jovial mood, but his feelings were now dampened by the fact that something was bothering Tierra.

  Even though this time would normally be a bustle of activity, the halls were largely quiet. Nearly all the servants had been pressed into service to help at the banquet that evening, so the other parts of the palace remained unusually calm.

  At length, they had traversed the distance to Skye’s chambers, and he opened the door and led Tierra through, wondering idly what her mother would have had to say about the fact that they would be in his chambers unattended. He did not doubt that Sequoia’s sense of proper behavior would have been highly scandalized if she had known.

  “What happened, Tierra?” Skye asked almost as soon as the door had closed behind them.

  Tierra came to him without a word, stepping into the circle of his arms and resting her head on his shoulder. A ghost of a sigh escaped her lips.

  Skye wondered at her behavior and prompted again, “Tierra?”

  She slowly pulled away from him. In her manner, he detected anger mixed with sadness, and for some reason, she refused to look at him.

  “I did not wish to say anything because I know you respect him,” Tierra finally said. “But this last . . . I cannot let it pass. He has gone too far.”

  Perplexed, Skye regarded her. “Who?”

  “Cirrus,” Tierra said. She risked a brief glance up at Skye before looking away again. “I know you are close to him, Skye, but he does not support our relationship.”

  “I’m sure he just needs time to get used to the idea of having a Groundbreather as his future queen. After all, it’s been more of a shock for him than for anyone else, as he’s been gone for so long.”

  Tierra huffed, and when she looked up, her eyes flashed in anger. “I do not know what Cirrus has said to you, but to me, he has barely been civil. More often than not, he looks at me with a frown on his face. I have always had the impression he only tolerates me.

  “Furthermore, after the coronation, Cirrus took me aside, and he was very pointed in the things he said. In short, he believes it would be a disaster for us to continue on this course, and he thinks I am in no way suitable to be your wife. He even went so far as to say that our marriage could not ‘be allowed’ to proceed. Does this sound like someone who is just ‘in shock’ over the sudden changes?”

  Skye frowned. In fact, Skye knew Cirrus had made comments since the battle with the Fenik. It was particularly frustrating since Cirrus was the only one openly voicing opposition to the changes that were being implemented. Skye was not naïve enough to assume that everyone agreed with what he was doing, but no one had as of yet been bold enough to take him to task. Cirrus’s comments stood out from those made by the other Skychildren, who had seemed willing to trust Skye, though they remained cautious.

  Perhaps Cirrus was being too free with his opinion. He and Skye had known each other for many years now, and during that time, Cirrus had been Skye’s mentor and his protector. It was only natural for their relationship to be in a state of flux. Though Skye had never been precisely subservient to Cirrus, there had been times where the guardsman had been in charge, especially when Skye had been a young boy. The fact that their roles would be reversed now that Skye had ascended the throne was forcing them to redefine their relationship. It was time to acquaint Cirrus with the true state of matters between them. Skye was not a young prince in the charge of a protector any longer.

  “I’ll discuss the matter with Cirrus,” Skye said. “I’m sure he is just confused about the situation and has some reservations. It is an adjustment for all of us, Skychild and Groundbreather alike.”

  “I do not think this is a matter for discussion, Skye!” Tierra exclaimed. She threw her hands up in the air and stalked away from him, her gait stiff with anger. “I am uncomfortable around your friend. He disapproves of me and wishes me miles away from you. He watches me with frowns and calculating glances, like he is trying to figure out how to separate us. I doubt that a pat on the back and a reminder to keep his place will amend his behavior.”

  “Tierra, while Cirrus shouldn’t have said those things to you, I think you’re taking this too much to heart. He doesn’t know you well yet, and he’s being overly cautious. Like I said, given time, he’ll come around. He only wants the best for me.”

  Tierra gave him a sharp look, her fury readily app
arent through their bond. “The best for you? Of course, how could I forget the fact that you are daring to debase yourself by consorting with a lowly Groundbreather?”

  “That’s not what I—”

  “Naturally, all your friends should be concerned over the fact that you are throwing away your life in marriage to me.”

  Skye shook his head in exasperation and approached her, taking her hands in his. “You know how much I love you, Tierra. My feelings are not in question, and you know it. But not everyone knows you the way I do.”

  “I am aware that not all Skychildren will welcome me with open arms. I am not so naïve as to believe otherwise. But you need to be careful about granting too much clemency to your friends, Skye. If Cirrus’s feelings for me are as ill as I fear them to be, then there is no telling what lengths he will go to in order to prevent our union from ever taking place.”

  “Tierra, Cirrus would never try to jeopardize my happiness like that.”

  “If that is what you think, then I do not believe you have been truly watching your friend. Take my word for it, Skye. He despises me.”

  Skye crossed his arms, his irritation flaring. “You’re wrong.”

  “No, I can assure you I am quite right. If you had seen what I have, you would agree with me.”

  “I know Cirrus, and he would never do something as absurd as what you’re suggesting,” Skye snapped. “Do you really think he would try to hurt you? You’re mistaken, Tierra.”

  Disgust dripping from her voice, Tierra said, “Obviously, you believe your friend can do no wrong. I wish you would believe me over him, but I can see there is no convincing you.”

  As she moved past him, he frowned. “Where are you going?”

  “I am returning to the castle.”

  Skye stared at her, considering for a moment whether he should argue with her. But the stubborn jut to her chin told him she would not be dissuaded, so he sighed and stepped forward. “Fine. I’ll take you.”

  “No,” she said sharply. “I want Gusty to take me.”

  Skye felt his jaw slacken. “Gusty?”

  “Yes, Gusty.”

  “Would you care to slap me while you’re at it?”

  “Do not tempt me,” she retorted.

  “Whatever,” Skye muttered. “Have it your way, Princess. I’ll go get him. But you’re being ridiculous.”

  Tierra did not say anything further; she merely deposited herself in a chair and gave him an expectant look.

  “I do not believe this,” Skye growled. He gave her a facetious bow and told her, “I shall return, Your Highness.”

  Her only response was a dismissive wave of her hand. She had thrust up a strong mental block between them, but there could be no mistaking her pique.

  Skye left the room to search for Gusty. It was a task he could have delegated to a servant or guard, but the height of his anger necessitated that he spend a few minutes away from his fiancée’s company.

  As luck would have it, he soon came across the man who was at the forefront of his mind. Cirrus was standing in the hallway and speaking with two other guards when Skye came upon him.

  The newly crowned king could not help but spit, “You certainly are making things difficult for me right now, Cirrus.”

  Frowning, Cirrus excused himself from the two guards and moved with Skye some distance away to speak more privately. “What’s wrong, Skye?”

  “I heard about what you said to Tierra.”

  A dark look passed over Cirrus’s face but quickly disappeared. “I merely wished to ensure she knew what she was getting herself into. This whole situation smacks of you identifying with your captors, Skye—”

  “I would appreciate it if you would butt out of my personal concerns,” Skye said in clipped tones. “I don’t know where Tierra got the idea that you hate her, but I’d appreciate it if you would leave well enough alone.”

  Before Cirrus could say anything, Skye broke away from him and stalked down the hallways once more.

  The thought of Gusty taking Skye’s fiancée down to the ground realm was causing a searing jealousy to bubble up within the young king. Though Skye knew that Gusty had no designs toward Tierra, there was something intimate about the thought of a single Skychild flying with a single Groundbreather. Flying with someone else was like sharing a piece of oneself. And Skye had wanted to be the only one to convey the Groundbreather princess between realms. To be denied it at this point was a severe blow.

  By the time Skye returned with Gusty, Tierra was starting to regret her outburst. She had known since the beginning that Skye had a bad temper, and speaking to him in a confrontational manner had not been a good way to try to convince him of his friend’s disdain for her.

  The dark expression on Skye’s face demonstrated how severely she had affected him, and a part of her wished to apologize for the words she had spoken in anger. But she knew she was right about Cirrus, and her conviction made her hold back her apology. Skye needed to realize how his friend felt, and if Tierra backed down now, he might persist in his blindness.

  Gusty, though he had to have known of Skye’s foul mood on account of the storm-cloud on the king’s face, smiled at the sight of Tierra. “Hello, again, Your Highness,” he said brightly. “You will be happy to hear that your people made it home safely.”

  Tierra nearly laughed at the young man’s attempt to lighten the mood, but she contained herself. “Thank you for letting me know. I am glad to hear it. Skye brought you here because I am ready to return home myself.”

  Gusty’s brow crinkled. “You do not wish to stay for the feast?”

  “I thought I would have energy enough to do so, but I am more fatigued than I thought,” she lied. “I thought it better for you to take me than Skye, as he needs to prepare for the banquet.”

  Gusty gave her a skeptical look, but he did not question her. “If that’s what you want, I’ll gladly take you, Your Highness.”

  “Please, Gusty,” she said as she stepped forward and linked her arm in his, “it will always be ‘Tierra’ to you.”

  She glanced back at Skye, who was fuming, and then she told him coolly, “Goodnight, Skye.”

  He murmured something in response, no doubt more for Gusty’s benefit than hers, and stared unflinchingly at her.

  As she left the room on Gusty’s arm, Tierra could feel Skye’s angry eyes boring into her back.

  The return to the ground world was accomplished swiftly, and Gusty seemed to know enough not to speak about inconsequential subjects while they were flying through the air. For a moment after they lifted off Skymount, Tierra was overcome by panic; she had never flown with anyone but Skye holding her up. The feeling was irrational and quickly faded, but it was still real. For the rest of the way down, however, she did feel uncomfortable at the intimacy of the flight. Though Gusty did not hold her close as Skye would have, still the feeling of his hand grasping hers disconcerted her, and not having Skye’s arms around her made her feel bereft, as though something precious had been taken from her. Sequoia, who still did not like the idea of members of the royal family touching Skychildren despite Tierra being set to marry one, would have been absolutely scandalized.

  When she and Gusty finally alighted on the ground world, Tierra stepped away with a relieved sigh. A nearby pair of guards glanced at Tierra with puzzled expressions, but they refrained from approaching when she motioned them away.

  Turning to Gusty, Tierra said with a forced smile, “Thank you for the ride.”

  “It was my pleasure,” the Skychild said. He then paused for a moment, as if debating whether to speak, but then he looked her full in the eye. The compassion in his eyes was almost her undoing.

  “My pa always told me that when I entered into a relationship with someone, I should never allow disputes to fester,” he said.


  “Tierra,” Gusty said, “it’s pretty obvious you and Skye have had a bit of a spat. I’m not sure what it was about, but I can tell you that I’
ve never seen two people as devoted to each other as you and Skye. When you’re down here and Skye is up in the sky realm, he’s always a little down, as if he’s missing his best friend.”

  Gusty grinned at her. “Or maybe it’s more like someone has stolen his favorite glider.”

  Tierra laughed. “Being compared to a glider is not especially flattering.”

  Shaking his head and smiling even wider, Gusty said, “What I’m trying to say is that even when you fight, never forget that Skye loves you. And don’t ever forget that you love Skye, too.”

  Tears were welling up Tierra’s eyes, and she raised a hand to dash them away. “How did you become so wise, Gusty?”

  “Didn’t you know?” Gusty asked with a cheeky grin. “All Skychildren are wise. I think it has something to do with flitting about the skies on the wind all day long and sitting in our clouds contemplating creation.”

  Again, mirth overcame Tierra, and she laughed, touching the young man’s hand affectionately. “I will take your comments under advisement.”

  “Just don’t leave it too long.”

  Tierra nodded. She knew she had not handled the situation in the best manner. While she was right about Cirrus, she did not have years of friendship and esteem to cloud her judgment about the man. He had been Skye’s confidante, his anchor, and his only friend for many years in what had essentially been a hostile court.

  In fact, he had filled the same role for Skye that River had often played for Tierra. What would Tierra have thought if Skye suddenly approached her, claiming that River hated him and suggesting that River meant him harm? While River’s true dislike of Skye could not be mistaken, Tierra would have taken such claims of hatred about as well as Skye had.

  So ashamed did Tierra feel that she almost asked Gusty to take her back to the sky realm. But her fiancé’s belligerence and hurt made her pause. Perhaps it would be better to let their tempers cool before they spoke again. And besides, it would likely be best for her to stay away from the banquet. Cirrus was not the only Skychild who opposed the idea of a relationship between a Skychild and a Groundbreather. Better that Skye enjoy his banquet without a visible reminder of his flouting of millennia of tradition.


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