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Redeem (Never Waste a Second Chance Book 3)

Page 16

by Janice M. Whiteaker

  “Far as I know.” It was Tara’s weekend to come into town and she hadn’t missed a visit yet. Even with crappy weather.

  “Good. That’ll give you some extra time with your lady friend.” She gave him a wink and was gone.

  Don tossed the pile of junk mail into the trash can then leaned back in his chair, hands clasped, fingers intertwined behind his head, stretching the tightness in his back from a long day of hauling piles of ruined drywall.

  His phone rang, buzzing loudly on the chipped surface of the table. Don connected the call and answered, hoping he hadn’t forgotten something important like locking up. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Paul’s voice was nearly drowned out by the loud squeals of little girls in the background. “Nancy said I should call and tell you we will have the girls this weekend so you won’t need to watch them while Beth has her foster thing.”

  Don leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

  In fact Don was looking forward to his time with Kate and Liza. His plans for tonight even included scouring the internet for ideas for their second Saturday together.

  Paul blew out a breath into the phone. “Apparently I need to go buy a pair of swim trunks because we are taking them swimming at some indoor water park hotel thing.”

  The sound on the other end of the line muffled as if a hand was over the microphone.

  “Yup. We will be taking them overnight. From Saturday morning until Sunday after lunch.” The muffled sound came again. “Noon. We are taking the girls back to Beth at noon on Sunday. So…” Paul cleared his throat. “I guess Beth will have a night all to herself. Alone. With no kids in the house.”

  Don looked around the trailer feeling awkward. “Well that’s really nice of you guys. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

  Paul laughed. “I’m sure someone will.”

  Don’s discomfort with the conversation went from five to ten. He cringed into the phone as it muffled again. The least Paul could do was wait until he hung up to tell Nancy everything.

  “I’ve got to go get my mom situated so I’ll see you tomorrow.” Don hung up, but instead of putting his phone down and taking care of his mother as his excuse to Paul intimated, he stared at the screen.

  A night alone with Beth.

  Maybe even a night that stretched into morning.

  It was something he’d always dreamed of, falling asleep next to a woman, feeling her there beside you all night. Unfortunately, he’d never been the kind of man women wanted hanging around until dawn. His looks managed to grab their attention, but his pushy attitude always earned him a walk of shame.

  Don rubbed his hands over his face, the grit of the day’s demolition making his skin itch and the urge to call Beth making it crawl. He just didn’t want to be too much. Push too hard. Like before.

  Every time he was with Beth, the fear of making her feel pressured lingered in the back of his mind, holding him back. Making him cautious. And it was torture because all he wanted to do when he saw Beth was kiss her. Touch her. Hold her. Tell her how much he cared about her. How amazing he thought she was as a mother, as a teacher, as a person.

  And then there were the other, less sweet things he wanted. Things he could have in just a couple days.

  Don stood up, the chair nearly tipping as it snagged on the trailer’s worn carpet. His phone was still clutched in his hand as he began to pace down the short hallway that led to his room and back to the kitchen.

  Taking advantage of this weekend could be the best thing that ever happened to him.

  Or it could be the end of the best thing that ever happened to him. If he spent a night with Beth would he be able to keep himself in check or would it make him ask for too much too fast and earn another long lonely walk?

  The thought of Beth sending him packing hit Don like a punch in the gut, making him sick to his stomach and dizzy. Flopping down on the sofa, Don leaned his head back against the cushion.

  Beth might just have to spend her Saturday night alone.

  The phone in his hand started to vibrate again, startling him. As he jumped in surprise, Don’s hand jerked across the screen connecting the call. The name above the timer counting as the seconds passed made his already aggravated belly clench.


  “Hey.” He could hear the smile in Beth’s voice. “Do you have any plans for the weekend?”


  Beth sat on the edge of her freshly made bed to pull on a pair of brown leather knee-high boots. She stood up and checked her reflection. The deep red fitted sweater dress Autumn convinced Beth set off her best assets now felt like an unforgiving asshole. A pair of spanks would do wonders for her piece of mind but she was hoping ease of undress would be a concern this evening.

  Turning to the side Beth made sure the tiny pair of ‘panties’ Autumn also convinced her to buy didn’t leave any lines. Not that she expected a garment that looked like it was made of dental floss would. She squirmed from side to side, trying to work the string of fabric creeping up her butt crack back where it belonged.

  At least where she thought it belonged.

  Why did anyone wear these things? She contemplated switching them out for a more comfortable pair but before she could even hike her skirt up, there was a knock at the door.

  Her already pink cheeks flushed, the obvious sign of her stress level staring back at her in the mirror. Beth gave it the finger before going downstairs to let in the man who was about to give her a heart attack. And he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  Beth started down the stairs but had to stop two steps in to give her panties the final adjustment of the evening. Hopefully they didn’t drive her completely crazy. She might even get used to them. Then again, maybe if she was irritated as hell by her underwear it would keep her nerves in check.

  She opened the door slowly, not wanting to look as eager to see him as she felt.

  “Hey.” The word left her mouth in a whoosh along with all the air in her lungs.

  Don stood on her porch holding a bouquet of pink tulips and white lilies. They had to be beautiful, but the flowers barely caught a second of her attention because just behind them was the most gorgeous man she’d ever known.

  And he was there for her.

  Don’s normally loose hair was pushed up and back from his face in a smooth, glossy sweep. The heavy shadow on his face that appeared to always be set just after five o’clock was trimmed tight around the edges in a clean line that made his already solid jaw look like it was cut from angle iron.


  He looked down at the flowers tucked against his chest. “They’re not easy to find this time of year.” He held them out to her. “Not these anyway.”

  Thank God he thought she meant the flowers. “Thank you.” Beth bit back the automatic urge to tell him he didn’t have to go to the trouble because she didn’t want to risk him listening. She’d spent a decade flower free for making that mistake. “They are perfect.”

  Just like you.

  Beth pushed down the part of her brain swooning like a teenage girl over the sight of Don in a pair of faded jeans that clung just right and a worn leather jacket that looked as soft as butter. Not that she could blame her brain because the man was all sorts of fine.

  But that wasn’t the only reason he was here and it wasn’t why she was hoping like hell he’d get to see her aggravating panties before she incinerated them.

  “I’m glad you were free tonight.” She walked the flowers to the kitchen and reached to pull her one and only vase from the top shelf of an upper cabinet, going up on her toes and straining as her fingers brushed the frosted glass.

  “I got it.” Don stepped beside her, close enough she could smell the fresh breeziness of his shaving cream as it hung on his skin. He slowly pulled the vase free and gently set it on the counter in front of her.

  He was so close she could kiss him if she wanted. She wouldn’t even have to move anything besid
es her head.

  “I think you need a different vase.”

  Beth eyeballed the opening on the vase she’d gotten when her parents sent flowers to the hospital after Liza was born. Then she looked at the stems on the flowers Don brought her. “I don’t have another vase.”

  “You only have one vase?” Don slid the glass vase back into place on the top shelf.

  Beth nodded.

  “Do you not like flowers?” Don reached up and began to play with a strand of her hair, winding it around his fingers.

  “I love flowers.”

  “Then why do you only have one vase?” His eyes were on his hand, watching as her hair flipped between his fingers.

  Beth’s eyes closed involuntarily. She almost loved flowers as much as she loved having her hair played with. The soft tugging that was almost a tickle started to relax the tension winding between her shoulders from a day of sitting in class at the county.


  Her eyes flew open. “I’m sorry, what?”

  He chuckled. “Are you hungry?”

  “I could eat.” She gave him a smile and tried to pretend she hadn’t just been weird. Again.

  He took the flowers from her hand and opened her fridge, moving a few items to make room for the large bouquet. “And we’ll find you a proper vase while we’re out.”


  Beth crossed her legs and leaned to the left as far as she could manage without toppling out of the ebony restaurant chair. She smiled at Don, doing her best to pretend she was having a wonderful time.

  But she was miserable.

  Damn Autumn and her underwear opinions.

  She shifted back to the other side, hoping to gain even a millimeter of relief, but the movement only made the strip of fabric that felt like it was composed primarily out of brillo pad wedge itself deeper between the cheeks of her ass.

  It was time for this to end.

  “Would you excuse me for just a second? I need to visit the ladies.” She stood up without waiting for an answer. “I’m sorry.” She held her tummy. “Too much water. I’ll be right back.”

  Beth hurried along, each miserable step feeling like an exfoliating treatment on her most delicate flesh. She grabbed the first open stall in a marble covered bathroom and hiked her skirt up to rip off the world’s most uncomfortable panties. She yanked at the flimsy strings on her hips, but for being composed of fabric no thicker than fishing line the garment was incredibly strong.

  Leaning against the wall of the stall Beth wrestled the blasted things off over her leather boots. Standing up and taking a deep breath, she wiggled around, appraising the new situation. A little breezier and a little more free than she was used to, but a definite improvement, not that it would take much.

  She stepped out of the stall and tossed the panties in the trash. Washing her hands she considered fishing them back out and sending them to the government with the recommendation they be implemented as a torture device.

  Slipping back into her seat across from Don she gave him a smile. “Much better.”

  “Did you want desert?” He glanced around the dining room. “The waiter came while you were gone and I wasn’t sure.”

  Beth shifted in her seat but this time it gave her a completely different feeling. Having never gone commando before she wasn’t expecting how sexy she was starting to feel. How exposed it left her. There was nothing to hinder roaming hands, nothing to stop searching fingers.

  She wanted dessert alright, but what she wanted was nothing the waiter could offer her. “Actually, I think I’m ready to go.”

  Don nodded and pulled out his wallet, settling up as she uncrossed and recrossed her legs, trying to put a damper on the heat building between her thighs, but the throbbing only intensified with her every move.

  The cool air outside was a God send, temporarily tamping down the fire her pyromaniac of a libido started. Beth took her time walking to the car, letting the breeze swirl around her knees. Don stayed right beside her, his arm occasionally brushing hers. She snuck a glance from the corner of her eye. His black brows were drawn low, his face serious.

  “Is everything okay?” Beth tucked her hands in her pockets. She left them free hoping maybe Don would hold her hand or offer his arm, but since dinner started he seemed different in a way that was difficult to put her finger on. “You seem upset.”

  He gave her a closed mouth smile she would put money down he had to force on his lips. “I’m okay. You?”

  She smiled. A real smile she didn’t have to work for because even with the panty fiasco and Don’s sudden quietness, this night was her first chance to spend time alone with him. The opportunity to get to know him without the continuous interruptions of her daughters or the sneaky peeks from Paul or Nancy. And she wanted to know him. Everything about him.

  But once the car warmed up and the chill on her lady bits dissipated, Beth wanted to focus on getting to know him more in the biblical sense. She sat in her seat, the console between them and watched his profile. It was unbelievable that a man could be so handsome. Thick black hair, strong jaw, full lips and those cool as ice blue eyes.

  “What?” Don smiled nervously and glanced her way.

  Beth dropped her gaze and tried to figure out what to say to him, but all she really wanted to tell him was the truth. “You’re just very handsome.”

  His smile disappeared. “Oh.”

  Beth looked back his way. Did he really say ‘oh’ to being told he was handsome? “Does it upset you that I think you’re handsome?”

  “No.” He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckled turned white from the pressure. “Yes.” He took a deep breath and blew it out. “No.”

  “I…” Her voice trailed off as she struggled to come up with a response to no, yes, no. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  Don pinched his temples with his left hand, palm against his forehead, elbow braced on the lip of the car door. “I know. I’m sorry.” He rubbed his hand over his chin and shook his head almost imperceptibly. “I just don’t want to do the wrong thing.”

  Beth studied him, trying to decipher the slant of his brow, the haunted look in his eyes. Whatever was bothering him was a big deal. Or at least he thought it was.

  “What would make you think you would do the wrong thing?” She kept her voice quiet not wanting to sound accusatory or even worse dismissive.

  He gave her a quick confused look then faced the road, his jaw set. “I don’t think I understand your question.”

  An empty parking lot sprawled to their right. Beth pointed out her window at the entrance. “Why don’t you park in there and explain this to me.”

  Teacher rule number one. Read between the lines to figure out what’s really going on because no one ever wants to spill the truth. Beth wanted to see his face. Read his expressions. Hear what he wouldn’t say.

  Don looked oddly relieved as he turned the wheel, coasting to a stop at the far end of the lot. He switched off the lights, but left the car running. And continued staring straight ahead.

  No way had he forgotten her question. This was a perfect example of stalling for time. But she wasn’t going to let him.

  Beth turned to face him as much as her seat would allow. “Why do you think you will do the wrong thing?”

  He tipped his head back and took a deep breath then blew it out quickly before leaning slightly her way, eyes still averted. “I know you have friends. I’m sure you’ve heard about the way I was. How I acted.”

  “You think I would base my opinion of you on town gossip?” She joined him in looking out the windshield her feelings a little hurt that he would think she was that type of person.

  “Most people do.” His voice was low beside her. Quiet. Hesitant. Ashamed.

  Her stomach tightened. He was right. If you believed the town grapevine, over the past couple years she’d been an abandoning wife. An addict’s enabler. A victim. A broke widow.

  That last one was true, but still not how she wa
nted to be thought of. It stung to know that people you’d never even met had an opinion on the type of person you were.

  And she’d only dealt with it for two years.

  Beth reached over the console and slipped her hand over his where it rested on his thigh. “But I’m not like most people.”

  Don turned to look at her, his eyes almost glowing in the dim light of the car. “That’s part of the problem.” He turned his hand under hers and intertwined their fingers. “You are different in a way I never imagined would really exist.” He stroked her hand with the pad of his thumb. “It’s difficult to hold back when you find what you’ve always wanted but never thought could be yours.”

  Beth’s breath caught in her throat. “Then why would you hold back?”

  He looked at her, his expression a mixture of hesitation and uncertainty that nearly smothered out the underlying emotion he was almost able to conceal.


  The vulnerability in his eyes made Beth want to give him everything she had. Make it so he never felt that kind of lonesome emptiness again. Before she even knew what she was doing, her knee was on the seat for leverage as she slid onto his lap, her butt resting on the steering wheel, her lips resting on his. She held his face in her hands and kissed him.

  And kissed him.

  And kissed him, trying to show him what she felt, what she thought.

  How he made her feel.

  The fire was back, but between what he said and the feel of his body under hers it was more of a blazing inferno. All consuming as it raged inside her, making her delicate uncovered flesh throb almost to the point of pain.

  Beth tugged off her coat and tossed it aside, never taking her mouth off his. She pulled his shirt free, finally getting to feel the smooth ripples of solid muscle covering his abdomen. She spread her hands across his chest, her fingertips brushing across the tiny bit of dark hair she’d seen shadow his skin so many times she could picture it perfectly as she ran her hands over the soft hairs.

  His hands squeezed her backside and she tried to get closer, her range of motion impeded by the confines of Don’s driver’s seat. She grabbed at his belt, wanting, needing to touch more of him.


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