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Levels of Ascension BoxSet

Page 46

by Amy Proebstel

  Chapter Twenty-One

  RASA WAS ANXIOUS to get back into the swing of things with Elder Wilken. There was less than a week before the convocation for her to learn everything she could. She wanted to demonstrate her ability to handle the position if any of the Elders were to question her before they made their decision.

  Elder Wilken often scoffed at her for wanting to learn it all so fast. He had no reservations about his choice of a successor. He had been in his job long enough to know a quality person. If any of the Elders even tried to dissuade him from pursuing this course, then they were going to have a fight on their hands. Not only had Jehoban recommended Rasa for the position, but he also knew she was the best candidate for his post.

  Rasa was surprised with Elder Wilken called an end to the day. It was only lunchtime and she was certain there had been several people waiting to discuss a matter with the Elder. She followed him into his grand living room and sat down in her favorite chair.

  “I wanted to take some time to talk with you, Rasa,” he said as he sat in his own preferred chair overlooking the view outside.

  There was a moment of activity as several maids came in and deposited a tea tray as well as a sweets tray. One maid poured them each a cup of hot steena tea while the other one set out small plates for them on which to put their selection of treats.

  After they had helped themselves to the desserts, Rasa sat quietly while she waited for Elder Wilken to talk to her about whatever was on his mind. She wondered briefly if he had changed his mind and wanted to break it to her gently. Somehow, she could not convince herself that this would be the case. She had more confidence in her ability than to continue with that line of thinking.

  Elder Wilken finally broke the silence. “Are you afraid the convocation won’t accept my petition?”



  “Because I’m a woman.”

  “Ah! So you think you need to prove yourself more because of it?”

  “Don’t you? If I make any mistakes, they’ll call me out on it for sure. They’ll say it’s because I’m a woman and that I don’t deserve to be in this post.”

  “Do you think Jehoban was wrong to send you here?”

  Rasa’s eyes widened in surprise. She had never doubted any decisions made by Jehoban before, yet she realized it was exactly what she had been doing for weeks now. She looked up at Elder Wilken and replied, “That’s what I’ve been doing. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. He’s always done His best for me. I’ve always known it to be true. Thank you, Elder Wilken, for making me see what you’ve known all along.”

  He smiled kindly at her. He knew it would not take much to get her back on the right track. She had spent so long on Acaim, she had started to take it for granted. Everything had come easily while she had remained there. Now she was starting to face adversity and it was a growing experience for her.

  Rasa finally relaxed for the first time since she had returned to Manzanit. She picked up one of her favorite sweet treats and popped it into her mouth. She looked up into Elder Wilken’s face and smiled in gratitude for the gift he had just given her.

  Elder Wilken smiled back and raised his tea cup in a congratulatory toast before he took a sip of the hot liquid. His late anons were going to be pleasant because he had good company to share. Once again, he wondered why he had not sought out another wife before it was too late. He could have had this type of comradery all this time instead of remaining alone. He silently thanked Jehoban for sending Rasa to him. She was a perfect successor and companion.


  Sofia had often thought about the strange vehicle she had seen in the Stel’s garage on the night of Jena and Juila’s birthday. She had been told it was an engineering experiment for Riccan’s work, but somehow she could not get the idea out of her head that it was something more. If it were to be such a secret then why had the whole family been going out to see it?

  She looked over at Juila sitting in the passenger seat of her car and decided to ask her about it. Juila was her best friend, after all. Surely they would not have any secrets from one another. “How is your dad’s experiment going?”

  Juila looked at Sofia with a blank expression.

  Sofia clarified by saying, “You know, that thing out in the garage.”

  Juila’s eyebrows rose and she nodded her head, “Oh, it’s going fine.”

  “What’s it for and what is he going to do with it?”

  “It’s a new kind of aircraft. His work asked him to design it. I don’t know what they’re going to do with it.” Juila sincerely hoped Sofia would let it go, she really did not want to have to erase the memory from her head.

  “That’s really cool. Does it fly? Have you flown in it?”

  Juila rolled her eyes. She should have known Sofia would not give up. “Yes it flies, and yes I’ve flown in it.”

  “Can I go for a ride? What is he calling it?”

  “I don’t know if Dad would take a non-family member for a ride in it. He’s calling it a telepod. Sofia, you know this is supposed to be a secret. We shouldn’t even be talking about it right now.”

  “Why? Do you think my car is bugged?” Sofia rolled her eyes and laughed at Juila’s paranoia.

  Juila had to laugh as well and replied, “No, I don’t think your car is bugged. However, I do know my father could get in big trouble if anybody found out that you knew about the telepod. Can we please not talk about this anymore?”

  Sofia sighed. She supposed this was all she was going to find out about what she had seen. “Fine, I’ll leave it alone for now. I might have more questions later, though!”

  “You always do!” Juila teased her friend.

  Sofia looked over at her friend and realized she had not told her everything. She did not know what it was right now, but eventually she would figure it out. Something big was going on and she wanted to be in on it, too.

  Sofia decided to change the subject and asked, “Does Behn come over to your house after school every day?”

  “Yes. Why?” Juila did not like how this conversation was going. If Sofia figured out there were a connection between Behn and the telepod, then they were all going to be in trouble.

  “No reason, I just wondered. Does this mean that you two are getting pretty close?” Sofia kept her eyes on the road, hoping Juila would divulge more about her relationship with her boyfriend.

  “I guess. You know we went bowling the other night, right?”

  “Wow, bowling! You two must be serious then!” Sofia teased.

  “Really? I didn’t know it would mean that! I hope I didn’t give Behn the wrong impression!” Juila answered seriously.

  Sofia looked over at Juila and saw she was serious which made her start laughing even harder. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was from South Africa because she seemed so normal. Right now, Juila reminded her of just how different her upbringing had been. “I was just kidding, Juila. Bowling is a perfectly appropriate activity for a first or second date. There’s no chance of physical activity when you’re in a room full of old people throwing balls at pins!”

  Juila was relieved to hear she had not made a mistake with Behn and she smiled weakly at Sofia’s teasing. She could see where it would be funny from Sofia’s side, but right now she felt slightly stupid for being the brunt of the joke. “I have to admit, you really had me going there. Although I couldn’t see why bowling would be considered such a serious thing. You guys do have some pretty strange customs here though.”

  Sofia continued to laugh. She was thankful the light had changed, forcing her to stop driving. She was having a hard time seeing the road through the tears from her laughter. Sometimes Juila acted as though she came from farther away than merely another continent.


  Dr. Gascon sat at his mahogany desk and peered closely at the pictures he had commissioned. There were so many people who seemed to have become friends with Amanda since she married that Riccan
Stel. He wondered why they had felt the need to get married so swiftly, and secretly at that. The whole affair seemed very strange to his line of thinking.

  There was definitely something going on with Amanda Covington…Stel…he corrected himself with a sneer. He should have insisted on being allowed to interview Amanda before she was released from the hospital. He had too many unanswered questions for his comfort. Surely, Amanda could have spared him five minutes—ten tops—to answer some basic questions.

  The private investigator cleared his throat as he waited for Dr. Gascon to finish going through the packet of documents he had gathered. “Is there anything more you require, Dr. Gascon?”

  “Yes. I’d like you to continue your surveillance of the Stel residence, the girls’ school, and anywhere Amanda goes. I’d like weekly updates.” Dr. Gascon did not even raise his eyes from the pictures held in his hands. He did not care what the investigator thought of him. He paid the man to document the movements of a family, not to have an opinion of the assignment.

  “I think you’ll find the paperwork to be sufficient. I’ll just keep following the family’s movements as you have asked. If that’s everything then I’ll just be on my way,” he stated as he scraped his chair back away from the desk so he could stand. As he did not get any indication from his client to do otherwise, he turned on his heel, left the room, and closed the door softly behind him.

  Dr. Gascon lined up each picture on his desktop and then pulled out the documenting paperwork. He smiled as he read each account of the actions of the Stel household. He noted the schedule of the maid as well as the grounds crew. They might be good people to bring in for questioning. With their low pay and obvious heritage differences, they could probably be easily convinced to cooperate.

  Grinning at how his plan was coming together so easily, Dr. Gascon leaned back in his chair and laughed out loud. One way or another, he would know Amanda’s story. Each new person who entered their lives would become another source of information available for his plan. His study of the multi-dimensional disorder would launch him back into the spotlight where he deserved. He would once again be vaunted for his expertise and be sought out for his advice.

  He picked up the stack of paperwork and began memorizing the names of each person who came into contact with the Stel family. Not only would he know all of the players in this puzzle, he would piece them together as he saw fit. Surely he could find a way to insert himself into some of their lives. He would unravel this mystery if it were the last thing he did!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  WILLIAN SPENT AS little time at home as possible. He had checked for messages on the patil and then left as soon as possible. He thought for sure he would have heard something from Jena since he had talked about the sanctioning. Still, there was no news from her.

  He was tired of being last on everybody’s list of priorities. He had done what his father had said and written to Jena. She had never replied. If she were going to continue on as his betrothed, then she was going to have to start acting like it. If she did not want to be in Tuala, then he was going to have to go to Earth.

  There had been many details to work out in order to be able to leave, but he felt certain he had thought of everything. As soon as he was done with his classes today, he was going to pack enough clothes to last him for several mesans. He did not think it would take that long to convince Jena to come home with him, but he wanted to be ready just in case.

  Instead of working on the class assignments, he worked on writing a letter for his mother. He was sorry for how she would feel when he left and he did not want her to worry about him. She had always supported him even when his father was hard on him.

  When the last class finally finished, he rushed out of the classroom. He ignored several of his friends who were trying to get his attention. He no longer had time for their foolish antics. He had more important things to do than go fishing with them or hang out at their houses. Normally it took fifteen minutes to walk to his house, but he set a brisk pace and got home in less than ten.

  He went straight to his room. He was no longer angry since he had decided on a plan of action. Either he would work it out with Jena or he would break off their betrothal. In any event, he would resolve this issue. If Jena knew what were good for her, she would decide to come home with him.

  With his bag packed and slung over his shoulder he stood at his bedroom door and looked out into the hallway to see if any staff were around. The last thing he needed was for one of the workers to tell his parents about his plan before he even made it out of his room. All was quiet, he slipped down the hall and out a side door.

  Now all he had to do was wait for his father to leave the Residence so he could use the Ascension Gate. He had never actually used it himself before, but he had been present when other people had. It did not seem too complicated and he had learned the basics of it in the special sessions set up for the Elder’s successors.

  Time seemed to creep by as Willian waited on the docks. There were so many people walking about that he did not stand out in the crowd. His timing was going to have to be exact for this plan to work. He needed to wait for his father to leave the Residence, but make his move before they sat down for dinner and discovered he was missing. One other major consideration was to make sure none of the Residence staff saw him either. The last thing he needed was for his father to return to the Residence and thwart his plan to get Jena back.

  Glancing at his timepiece one more time, Willian stood up from where he had been sitting at the edge of the dock. He had spent the whole afternoon watching watercrafts come and go from the harbor. Now was the time for him to complete the first task.

  He walked down the side walkway of the Residence. Willian did not want to register his visit with the guards at the entrances so he was going to have to be more creative about getting into the place. He decided the safest route would be through the storage room off of the kitchen.

  There were always people in the kitchen, but he felt certain he could sneak around them since they were usually pretty busy getting ready to go home for the night. There were only two staff members who lived at the Residence, so it was pretty easy to believe he could avoid two people.

  Gaining access to the storage room proved to be no problem, but it seemed as though the staff were having some sort of meeting before going home. With his ear to the door, he waited for what seemed an eternity for them to finish and finally be on their way. He had a close call when one of the maids came into the storage room to get one more thing ready for the next day. Luckily, he was able to hide behind the door and she left without noticing him crouched in the shadows.

  He listened closely to the noises from the other room until he had not heard anything for quite some time. Peeking around the corner of the door, he could see the room was empty. Picking up his bag, he stealthily stepped into the kitchen. There was a moment when his heart skipped a beat when he heard the two maids talking in a hallway nearby. Holding his breath, he rushed across the kitchen and went out the far door into the main section of the Residence.

  Once he gained access to the hall, he was able to navigate through the rooms. The Ascension Gate was located in the basement which could be accessed secretly through his father’s private office. Willian had only seen it once when he was several anons younger. He hoped nothing had changed since then or his plan would not work. There was another entrance to the gate, but it was heavily guarded and unavailable to Willian without letting his father know his intentions.

  Willian stood outside of his father’s office door and reached for the knob. As he looked down, he noticed his hand was shaking. When he took this next step, he was either going to get into a lot of trouble, or he was going to win Jena back. He could not see any other option. He opened the door and hoped the room was empty.

  Luck remained on his side and he closed the door quietly behind him. He walked over to the bookcase on the far wall, and tipped the special book which allowed the hidden do
or to open inward. Looking down the steep stairway, he started to feel apprehensive. This had seemed like a good idea until he actually got right down to it.

  He almost turned around to go back home until he remembered his father’s ultimatum about rescinding the betrothal agreement. If he did not go now, he would lose status with all of his friends. Jena was just going to have to change her mind and come home with him. He created a sphere of elemy to light his way, Willian took several steps down before closing the hidden door behind him. The sound of the door latching seemed so final. There was no turning back now.

  Willian approached the entrance of the Ascension Gate. The unfurnished room looked unremarkable, but he could feel the power emanating from the circular doorway across from him. Even though he was trembling inside, he knew this was his chance for making his life right again. If he waited for his father’s approval, it might be too late with Jena.

  He knew if he took any more time to think over his decision, he would most likely turn around and go home. His anger kept him moving forward until both of his feet stood in the center of the Gate. He spoke the two words which would take him where he had never before gone.

  “Outside Ascension,” he whispered as he kept a picture of Jena firmly in his mind.

  The world seemed to disappear around him. The sensation was similar to taking a ride in a telepod except without the benefit of feeling safe inside a vehicle. Fear started to kick in when the sensation of nothingness continued on for far longer than he had ever known in a telepod. He could feel a scream of anguish forming inside him when he suddenly appeared inside a dark cave.

  He clutched the dirt floor with relief at still being alive. Then he realized it was dirt and not the polished floor like at his father’s Residence. This could not possibly be the right location. He had to have made a mistake during the transfer. Fresh fear overcame him as he realized he could be lost either in time or on another world other than Earth. He had really messed up this time.


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