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Levels of Ascension BoxSet

Page 50

by Amy Proebstel

  “We did it!”

  “Almost. Let’s get back to our real time and pick up your friends. I won’t consider this a success until we are safely back at home!” Amanda stood up and started walking back toward the telepod.

  “Mom, can you carry this? It’s making me itch all over with its surging energy.” She rushed to her mother’s side and handed the box over.

  Amanda still had the gloves on and could only feel a slight tingling sensation. She wondered if it were the gloves or the fact she did not yet have her own samara. Maybe she was just less sensitive to the energy. In any event, they needed to get back to the relative safety of the telepod before anything happened to them. Someone had taken the samara before, it could have been themselves, or it could have been someone else. She was not willing to risk the former coming after them for their prize.

  They walked as fast as they could, just shy of jogging. When they got to the beach again, Amanda reached into her pocket and hit the cloaking button to reverse the effects. The telepod reappeared in front of them and they entered the vehicle swiftly. Amanda was the first in and she hit the button for the side door as soon as both of Juila’s feet hit the inside of the pod.

  Not wanting to attract any attention to themselves, Amanda once again cloaked the telepod. She initiated the startup procedures and verified all of the green lights. She did not want to rush the process and make any mistakes, but she desperately wanted to be gone from this place. “Enter in the correct date, Juila. Be quick, I want to get out of here!”

  Juila felt exactly the same way. She tapped out the correct date and said, “Done!”

  Blackness engulfed them almost immediately. Knowing the transfer would take at least nine seconds, they both counted silently. When light once again entered the windows, both of them whooped out a cheer of delight.

  “You stay here with the samara, Juila. I’ll go get the kids and be right back.” Amanda unbuckled and left. She closed the door and cloaked the telepod as she slipped along the loose sand up to the brush line. Once again, she retraced her steps along the path. She turned toward the cabin and kept walking briskly.

  She wished she were able to talk to her daughter through a mind link. She had to content herself with knowing she could look in on Juila’s birth crystal. She would know if Juila were in any danger through the parent link.

  Several minutes later, Amanda reached the dilapidated cabin and rushed inside to collect the kids. The dwelling was clearly empty. She ran back outside, put her hands to her mouth, and called out, “Behn! Valentina!”

  She hurriedly looked around the cabin and noticed there were fresh footprints in the dirt leading away from the house. She realized the kids had probably gone exploring in the village. Amanda followed the narrow trail, wishing the whole time the kids would have stayed put in the cabin. Calling out the kids’ names again, Amanda kept walking.

  “Hey,” Behn called out from the distance.

  Amanda sighed with relief and kept walking forward. “Where’s Valentina? We need to get going now.”

  “Val! Come on, it’s time to go,” Behn yelled behind him.

  Valentina stepped out of the trees and brushed the debris from her pants and asked, “Were you successful?”

  “Yes. We can talk about it in the telepod. Let’s go!” Amanda turned and retraced her steps back to the main trail. She could not help but feel as though she were being watched and it was making her even more jumpy. The sooner she was back in her own home, the happier she would be.

  They made good time back to the telepod. Again, Amanda uncloaked it as they stepped toward it. The door was swiftly closed behind all of them. Amanda sat in her seat, buckled up, and said, “Get buckled. We’re going home as soon as I can program it.”

  “Is something wrong?” Valentina asked. She was starting to get nervous with Mrs. Stel’s attitude.

  “Nope, and we want to keep it that way!” Amanda answered as she completed the startup procedures. She tapped the preprogrammed ‘home’ button on the plascreen. She made one last check to make sure everything was green and ready before hitting the activation button.

  When light once again surrounded them, it was the muted illumination from inside their garage. Amanda saw her hands were slightly shaky as she set the telepod down and turned off all of the power.

  “Will someone tell us what just happened?” Valentina asked impatiently.

  Juila turned in her seat and said, “We went there to pick up an ancient artifact which had been left hidden there. Unfortunately, someone had taken it before we got to it. Mom and I traveled back in time to get it before whoever else got it. Mom wanted to make sure we got back home before anything bad could happen.”

  “Wow!” Behn said. “Can we see what you found?”

  “Sure,” Amanda said as she picked up the box and removed the lid. She lowered the box so the passengers could see the crystal skull sitting inside.

  Valentina’s eyes widened and she said, “The last memory I have of Tuala is our mother holding that thing in her hands! Was it hers?”

  Amanda nodded even as she said, “I’m not sure. A wise-woman I know gave it to a woman who she knew would need to use it. The woman was the caretaker of it until we could get it back. It could have been your mother, I guess. Although I got the impression from Copa that the samara had only been hidden for about a year. How long ago did the three of you come to Earth?”

  “Eight years ago,” Behn answered.

  “Hmm. Copa said she gave it to a woman named Vinia…” Amanda mused.

  “That’s our mother’s name!” Valentina almost shouted in excitement.

  “Then it probably was the one your mother used. Let’s get inside, shall we?” Amanda said even as she replaced the lid on the box and stood up. She reached back to the control panel and hit the door button.

  Just as they exited the telepod, Jena opened the garage door and said, “You guys did it! I could feel the power even from inside house.”

  While they walked into the house, Juila filled in the details to Jena through their mind link. It was a speedy way to share information privately.

  Jena’s eyes widened at a memory.

  “What did you just remember, Jena?” Juila whispered. She hated it when Jena shut her out of her mind so rudely.

  “Did you try to talk to me when you went back in time?”

  “Yes, you know I did. You talked back to me.”

  “I did answer you, but that was way back in October. It wasn’t today. I remember how odd the conversation was back then. I never said anything about it because I thought it was so strange. I didn’t want it to change anything so I kept it to myself. I totally get it now.”

  “Jena, you must promise me you’ll tell me if it ever happens again! It may be important for us to know it for future events.” Juila grabbed her sister’s arm and squeezed to emphasize her point.

  “Ouch! Let go, Juila. I get it! I’ll tell you, okay?” Jena rubbed the spot on her arm where her sister had been holding. She used some elemy to soothe the underlying tissues so she would not bruise later.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  RICCAN ENTERED THEIR home with a spring in his step. Not only was he eagerly anticipating finding out how his wife’s visit with wise-woman Copa had gone, he had news of his own. He thought he would have to find Amanda somewhere in the house, yet he was pleasantly surprised to see her making dinner, by hand, in the kitchen.

  “Something smells good. What’s for dinner?” he asked as he leaned down to kiss the side of Amanda’s neck.

  She giggled and squirmed away from his playfulness. She finished peeling the last two potatoes as she said, “It Thanksgiving dinner, silly!”

  “Oh, yes! I knew there was a special reason I got home early from work today!” Riccan teased. He never really had any occasion to celebrate Thanksgiving before, but now he was very thankful to be with his brand new family for this first holiday.

  “The turkey should be ready in about another half ho
ur. My parents will be over in about forty-five minutes.” She cut the potatoes up and dropped them in the cold water on the stovetop. She turned the burner up to high and went to rinse her hands in the sink. After she dried her hands off, she gave her full attention to her husband. “You sure are in a good mood. What’s up?”

  Riccan grinned and said, “I want to hear about your day first. Are you at a good stopping spot, or should I use a little elemy to move things along?”

  “Too little, too late! Everything is progressing nicely. I have time while I wait for this water to boil. We can go sit down in the living room where I can keep my eye on everything in here.” She grabbed his arm and directed toward their favorite spot on the couch.

  She nestled in close to him, tucking herself under his arm as he rested it along the back of the couch. “My day was almost perfect. I met with Copa and she gave me what I’ll be needing to get Neal back home. It’s even worse than we thought with him since he’s addicted to resh. For Tualans it’s not a big deal, with Earthlings the drug is deadly over time. Neal doesn’t have too much more time before it’ll be too late. I’m really glad I’ll be going to get him in a few days.”

  “I’ll be glad to finish this chapter with Neal, as well,” Riccan said as he caressed her shoulder with his hand. “I think you’ll be able to relax once he’s back home with his family.”

  Amanda was about to admonish him for being jealous until he reminded her of the grief Neal’s parents were surely still going through every day he was missing. She nodded in agreement. Suddenly her mood brightened as she twisted up to look him in the eyes. “I found another samara today.”

  “What! Are you serious? You just went out and found one?” Riccan sat up straight and grabbed both of Amanda’s arms in his excitement. “Tell me everything! Where is it?”

  “Slow down! Copa told me where one was hidden. Apparently, the samara which the triplets’ mother used to send them to Earth was left behind near the Roanoke Colony. Juila, Behn, Valentina, and I went over there and retrieved it.”

  “Just like that? It was really so simple?” Riccan was shaking his head in disbelief at how easy this was for his wife. He had been trying to find the other skulls for over fifteen years and had never come across any. In the short time since he had known Amanda, she had discovered four of them.

  “Of course it wasn’t quite as simple as what you’re saying. Juila and I had to time our travel back to October to pick it up,” Amanda stated simply. She really did not know how Riccan was going to react to her new skill.

  Riccan was still processing the idea of her acquiring yet another samara and did not really consider the idea of Amanda’s unconventional means of travel. “What color is its aura? Did you check? Where is it?” He looked around as though it would be sitting on the coffee table as a conversation piece.

  Amanda chuckled at him and said, “I put it with the others. I haven’t had time to check the color yet, either. Do you want to go and see what it is?”

  “Absolutely!” He stood up and offered his hand to help Amanda up from the couch. “Hey, you just reminded me of my news.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a piece of paper which was folded into fourths and very creased from being in his front pocket. He handed it over to Amanda and smiled while she opened it.

  Her eyes scanned the contents of the message. “Where did this come from?”

  “My dad sent it to me at work just as I was leaving. C’mon let’s go to the library,” he said excitedly. He grabbed her hand and almost ran down the hall to get to the secret room.

  Amanda giggled again at Riccan’s enthusiasm.

  They wasted no time entering the chamber behind the wall of books. Right away, Riccan could feel the added energy of the newest samara. His eyes were drawn to the niches in the wall where all of them were lined up in a row. Even though they appeared identical to the undiscerning eye, he could tell immediately which one was his own since it appeared to have a shimmer of color surrounding it.

  Both of them concentrated on seeing the aura of the new samara. Riccan was first to confirm the color and he waited patiently for Amanda to come to her own conclusion. When he saw her eyes refocus on the room he asked, “What did you come up with?”

  “A bright sky blue,” Amanda said and then frowned. She looked down on the list of birth crystal colors and their owners which Daven had sent to Riccan. She did not see anyone listed with a blue. “It’s not here, Riccan. Either we’re wrong about the assignments, or this one belongs to Barla. It doesn’t make sense, though. Barla doesn’t have a birth crystal, Riccan. Jehoban said he would give her one. Do you think this means she’s gotten hers?”

  Amanda was bursting to find out if it were true. She wracked her brain to try to figure out a way to find out other than going back to Jehoban to ask. An idea suddenly came to her and she asked, “Can you get ahold of Rasa, Riccan? If you can, then we can ask her if she knows anything about her mother. Maybe Jehoban even asked her to give it to her mother! Riccan, please tell me you can reach Rasa!”

  “Relax, Amanda. I’m sure I can get a message to her. What would you do with the information anyway? Didn’t Jehoban ask you to keep your relationship with Barla to yourself until He told you differently?”

  “This has got to be a sign, Riccan.” She could see he was about to protest when she held up her hands to stall his response. “I’ll pray to Jehoban and see how He answers me. Okay?”

  “It’s the very least you could do. Angering Jehoban is never wise, Amanda. Be careful, okay?” Riccan began walking back into the library so he could go to his office to send Rasa a message on the patil.

  Amanda followed more slowly. She closed the book wall and rested her back against the shelves. With her eyes closed she folded her hands, bowed her head, and spoke, “Jehoban, please hear my plea. Please give me a sign letting me know if now is the time to reveal my relationship to Barla. I believe this samara belongs to her, but I will not make any move to find out if it’s hers until You show me it’s the right thing to do. Thank you for everything You’ve done for me and my family. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”

  She felt a peace flow down over her as though her petition had been heard. With a lighter step, she walked through the library to join Riccan in the office. By the time she entered the room, Riccan was already busily typing out a message to Rasa. Immediately after he hit the send button, a video call came in to the patil.

  Riccan looked up at Amanda quizzically as he hit the receive button to take the call. He smiled brightly when he saw Rasa’s face fill the screen. “Rasa! I just sent you a message.”

  “I know. I saw it come through and it reminded me I needed to call you anyway.” She leaned back slightly from the screen as she readjusted herself in the chair. “Is Amanda around?”

  “Yes. She’s right behind me. What’s going on?” Riccan asked even as he shifted to the side to allow Amanda to view the screen alongside him.

  “Oh, good! Hi, Amanda,” she said as she waved in greeting.

  “Hi, Rasa. It’s good to see you again. Did you read Riccan’s message?”


  “Oh, well I was just wondering if Barla had received a birth crystal yet.”

  “Yes, it’s what I was going to tell you. Right after you left the meeting with Jehoban, He asked me to meet with Him. He gave me a crystal and had me perform the birth crystal ceremony for my mother. My brother and I have been training her to use it. I can’t tell you how excited she was to finally get one! I’m so mad at myself for not asking for one for her before you did. Thank you so much!” Rasa paused to take a breath.

  “I’m so glad to hear she got one. What color was it? Bright blue, maybe?” Amanda asked with a grin.

  “Yes! How did you know?” Rasa’s eyes grew round with amazement.

  “I’d rather not say just now, but it does help to prove a theory of mine,” she said as she looked down at Riccan. “Actually it’s a theory of ours,” she added as she nodded her head down to
indicate her husband as well.

  “It sounds very mysterious,” Rasa grinned in reply. She did not want to press for an answer to the cryptic remark since it was not her place.

  “I have another question for you. Jehoban had asked me not to reveal my relationship with your mother until a later date. Do you think the time is now? I have something vitally important to discuss with her and I think it’d be easier if she knew I was her niece.”

  “Give me a second and I’ll ask Jehoban for you.” Rasa closed her eyes and her hand unconsciously came up to hold her birth crystal while she spoke with her mentor. Only a moment later she opened her eyes again and smiled as she replied, “Jehoban has given you His blessing to carry on with your work as you see fit.”

  “Just to clarify, I can tell Barla?” Amanda did not want to anger the Creator over any misunderstanding.

  “Yes. He just has a more eloquent way of phrasing everything.”

  “Is the convocation still set for the first?” Riccan asked.

  “Yes. It has been arranged for everybody to come here to Manzanit to meet with Elder Wilken since he’s the one who is presenting a successor. So far, it appears it will take a minimum of two days. Oh, that reminds me. Are you going to see my mom anytime soon?”

  “Probably tomorrow. Why?” Amanda answered as she leaned over Riccan’s shoulder.

  “Can you let her know that family is not allowed at the convocation?”

  “I’ll tell her. Oh, can you send us a message when Elder Vargen arrives for the convocation? It’s really important.”


  “Great! We don’t want to take up anymore of your time. Thanks for calling, Rasa.”

  “Thank you! Have a great day.” Rasa’s picture clicked off as she disconnected first.

  Riccan turned and looked up at his wife and said, “Everything is working out perfectly, Amanda.”

  “I know. I have to tell you, it makes me nervous for it all to go so smoothly.” Amanda sank down onto his lap and draped her arm behind his head.


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