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Rough Daddy Dirty

Page 49

by Dick Daughters

  “I know,” he said. “I can’t promise anything, I don’t know what the emotional fall out will be for us. Now that I’ve tasted you, I can’t imagine my life without this. I’ll be there for you, but if you change your mind…”

  “I won’t,” I stopped him. “I need to see you again, just not at my home.”

  He agreed.

  We meet at our hotel every few weeks and release all our hunger and needs. The craving never went away, and the emotional aspect was harder before than after, knowing it was my mom’s best friend.

  We’re still lovers today. It’s our little secret, a special bond and time together. He’s the best lover I’ve ever had. We continued to explore our sexuality and push our boundaries with each play session and now we are into anal as well.


  Dark Daddy: Taboo Billionaire BDSM Slave Domination

  House Discipline Spanking Bare Behind Sex Story

  Fertile Brat Finishes Book 2


  Table of Content

  BabySitter’s Billionaire Daddy: Dark Taboo Slave and Master Domination








  Everyone has a little Taboo. What’s yours?


  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure inventions of fiction.


  18421 Malibu Ave.

  I read the address over and over, looking back up at the house in front of me in wonder. But this can't be the place! I think to myself. I knew Derek was loaded, but no one told me he was dirty, filthy rich.

  Johanna, my baby-sister’s babysitter has a new stepdad, Derek Stephenson. My family and Johanna’s family have always been close. So when Johanna’s mom was getting married, I was invited to their new home and told that I even had my very own room there.

  I haven't gotten the chance to meet Johanna’s new step-dad because I've been away at college and haven't even been able to make it to their wedding or make it home for nearly a year now as a matter of fact. But I was really happy for Johanna’s mom.

  She had always had it really hard just as my mom did, so I could relate to some of the hardship she went through as a single mom. It's been a really tough and lonely journey for Johanna’s mom. I respect and love her and she treats me with the same kind of love she treats Johanna. It’s still kind of hard to come to the realization that she has fallen into this luxury life and yet still chooses to babysit my babysitter.

  Johanna never really knew her father – he was in and out of her life for the first couple of years, and out completely after she turned three. But her mom did a fine job of raising her all on my own, even though it was tough for her as a single parent with only a high school education and all. She always made so many sacrifices for her, and worked hard for her to have the same opportunities as all the other kids, and for that I know Johanna is still thankful.

  So going across the country for University on a cheer scholarship was a sacrifice Johanna and myself made for our moms. Our goal has always been to get a good education, a good job and then support our mothers so they wouldn't have to work another day in their lives.

  Looks like Derek beat us to it.

  Derek is a super-rich oil tycoon. Johanna’s mom met him by chance at a charity fundraising event her women's group put on, which was sponsored by Derek's company.

  They met, fell in love, and were married in under six months. I'll admit, I was weary at first, but Johanna’s mom seems happy, and she deserves this after having almost no love life while Johanna was growing up. Plus, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Derek – as soon as they got back from their honeymoon, the first thing he did was fly me out here to see Johanna’s mom.

  Oh, and he's obviously taking very good care of her. The cliffside house – no, mansion – he bought her as a wedding present looks like a resort. Sprawling doesn't even begin to describe it. It's one of those cool, ultra-modern style homes, with the all-white stucco, clean lines, and huge floor to ceiling windows. Not much privacy, but breathtaking beyond belief.

  I pull out my cellphone and Zillow the place, just because I'm nosy like that. I see that the total size is almost 20,000 square feet and my eyes almost fall out of my head...they make houses that big? The apartment my mom and I lived in all my life was a mere 800 square feet, and this place probably has closets bigger than that.

  I barely notice an older man coming towards me as I stare at my phone in awe.

  “You must be Miss Moore?” he asks in his heavily accented voice as he approaches me, catching me off guard.

  I smile.

  “Yes I am. But you can just call me Stacy,” I say as I extend my hand.

  The older man is dressed in a nice tailored black suit and white gloves and has a thick, English accent. He's clearly the butler.

  He half bows at me as he shakes my hand – someone's bowing? For me? This is all too much.

  “Good afternoon, Stacy,” he says. “My name is Dickens, it's very nice to meet you. The house staff will get your things and unpack them in your room. In the meantime, Master Stephenson asked me to show you around.”

  “Staff? You mean there's more of you?”

  Dickens chuckles and says, “Of course. It would be impossible to run this place without the staff. I oversee the house, so should you need anything, feel free to come directly to me.

  I nod and say, “Alright, thank you.”

  I follow Dickens up the stairs and through the large glass double doors, into the house. He leads me along the white marble floors – which I can nearly see my reflection in – through the foyer and into the first room.

  “This is the formal living room. We don't use-use this room. As you can see, it's pristine and it stays that way,” he says.

  I nod and glance around. Pristine is right – it’s filled with furniture that's so unique and modern that it doesn't even look comfortable to sit in.

  We exit that room and he directs me into the kitchen. My eyes light up-- it's huge, with a giant island in the middle, huge subzero refrigerators, and multiple appliances that I've never even seen before. Johanna’s mom never wanted for much, but a nice kitchen was something she always dreamed of.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous,” I say as I take it all in.

  “Indeed,” Dickens says, eyeing the room as well, with pride. “His wife hired a top celebrity interior designer to give this room an overhaul, and let me just say that they both did an excellent job.”

  Indeed they did.

  Moving through the kitchen, he takes me into the dining room next. It looks exactly how you'd expect a rich person's dining room to look – more like a banquet hall, with one very long table and plenty of chairs around it. Except this table is done with a white marble slab, silver legs, and a piece of driftwood as a centerpiece.

  “Dinner is served promptly at 6pm, as soon as Master Stephenson gets home, and he expects everyone to be present, yourself included. Otherwise, if you are hungry at any other time the chef will fix something for you or there might be something left over in the fridge.”

  “Alright,” I say.

  Dickens leads me throughout the rest of the downstairs. There's an indoor pool and an outdoor pool, a jacuzzi, a sauna, a salon, a gym, a basketball court, and even a bowling alley. A freaking bowling alley. Inside the house. I'm flabbergasted. Sure, I've heard of mansions with all those crazy amenities but I guess I never realized they existed in the same world I lived in.

  After that, Dickens takes me to a hallway towards the back of the house. He stands in front of it, crossing his arms in front of his chest, suddenly looking intimidating.

  “This is the East Hall. No one except
Master Stephenson is allowed in this wing of the house,” he says with narrowed, intense eyes. His demeanor suddenly turned so serious – serious to the point that it makes my nosy ass curious as to what's down there.

  “Is there something special in this wing or something?” I ask jokingly. Dickens does not look amused.

  “That is not for you to know,” he says. “Do we have an understanding that you are not to enter this part of the house?”

  I shrug and nod my head. “Yeah, sure, it's no biggie.”

  Dickens raises an eyebrow. “No biggie?”

  “Uhm, it's no big deal, I meant, you know.”

  “Well good,” he says again with threatening eyes.

  Sheesh, I get the point!

  He leads me upstairs and shows me to my room, which is already decorated and ready for me. And I can already tell Johanna’s mom had a hand in that because she nailed my taste – the room is beautiful, and huge, with a queen sized bed on a platform smack dab in the middle.

  “Wait, all of this is mine?” I ask with wonder.

  “Of course. No less for you, Miss Moore.”

  “Stacy,” I repeat.

  “Stacy.” He smiles. “You will find that the staff has already unpacked your things. Should you need anything, Master has allotted a line of credit for you. Or you can contact me and I will arrange it for you.”

  Now that I wasn't expecting.

  “Feel free to relax, or explore the house for the rest of the night. The Mistress and Master Stephenson should be coming in from their honeymoon very late tonight.”

  I smile and say, “Thank you very much, Dickens.”

  He bows at the waist again and says, “It's my pleasure.”

  He leaves me and I stand in the middle of my new room. “My room,” I say as I continue to glance around in awe. It might technically be my room, but it sure as heck didn't feel like mine. I feel completely out of place in a home like this. I'm not even sure what to do, I'm just too afraid I'll either break something or just ruin everything.

  Eventually I plop down on my bed – it's probably the softest bed I've ever sat on.

  “Don't even think like that,” I say to myself. “We deserve this.”

  Still, I can’t help but wonder, what’s in that east wing where I’m not allowed to go? Why can’t I see? Lord knows I’ve always been a Nosy Rosy and my curiosity is digging into me right now. I have to find out or I’ll die.


  It's pretty late now – past midnight actually, and Johanna’s mom still isn't home. Before Dickens left for the night, he informed me that weather conditions were pretty bad in one of the cities their private jet was meant to fly through, so they delayed the flight for a few hours.

  Despite all the things to do in this house, I still wind up bored and flipping through channels in my room. I didn't bring a suit, so I can't swim, and playing basketball or bowling alone doesn't sound like much fun. With a sigh I lay face down against my comforter, unable to fall asleep in a new environment. I'm seriously tempted to cut myself another slice of that 7 layer chocolate cake in the fridge, but I know bored eating won't do me any good.

  I roll on to my back and stare at the ceiling aimlessly for a good 10 minutes before curiosity hits me again.

  The east wing.

  My mouth curls into a devious crooked smile.

  No one will ever know I took a peek.

  I really can't help being a nosy and curious person, it’s just in my nature, and if you tell me not to do something, I'll want to do it more. If you try to keep something secret, I will try even harder to figure it out.

  No one else is in the house, and no one will be home until tomorrow morning at the latest – it can't hurt to take a little peek, right?

  I tiptoe out of my room and downstairs quietly – even though I know no one else is here, I keep my guard up and an eye out, glancing around tentatively as I reach the hall to the east wing.

  There are three doors in the hall – two on opposite sides, facing each other, and one at the very end. I go to the left first and wrap my hand around the door knob. I start to panic before I even open it – what if there's some kind of crazy alarm system attached to the room? Like the kind you see in jewelry heist movies? That would really suck.

  My heart begins to race as I slowly twist the handle. I can't deny that deep down I get a bit of a high out of doing forbidden things like this. The haunting thought of being caught is somehow thrilling.

  Last chance to back down, Stace, I think you shoudn’t go inside of-. But I chose to disobey my inner voice, I thrive off doing the forbidden. I push the door anyways.

  My heart beats rapid in my chest as I crack the door, thrill and adrenaline pumps through my veins in a sudden panicking burst as the door creaks open, my ears feel as if they get pointy and open big for the sound of an alarm going off.

  The door opens easily and I don't hear any alarm, so I guess it must be fine. I flip the light switch on and it' office. Just a plain old, generic office – not even well decorated like the rest of the house.

  “Boring,” I say aloud. Where's the juicy stuff? I'm sure I could find some dirt on Derek if I looked around in there – maybe later.

  I close the door behind me and head to the other door across the hall. It's locked. Damn. I didn't consider that.

  “I'll come back to you later,” I say before moving towards the last door all the way at the end of the hall. I attempt to open it as well, to the same results – it's locked.

  I roll my eyes – now what am I supposed to do for fun?

  I get an idea and head back into the study. It doesn't take much digging for me to find a key ring with tons of keys – I mean a ridiculous amount of them. But hey, it's not like I have anything better to do.

  My first instinct is to try the room across the hall first, but I change my mind – I'd rather see what's behind door #3.

  I take a seat right underneath the keyhole and start trying each key, one by one. I lose count eventually, I think it takes about 35 tries before I finally get it open – but I do get it open and that's all that matters.

  I feel my heart start to race in my chest again with excitement.

  All I can see inside is darkness and a string overhead attached to a light bulb. I tug the switch, illuminating the stairs below. Stairs? I couldn't see those in the dark and I could have broken my neck if I had taken a few more steps.

  Now, I'm apprehensive. This place has a basement? We're in California, at the beach no less, so the idea of a house with a basement is very odd. But I guess when you're worth billions you can get whatever you want, right?

  This area of the house looks absolutely nothing like the rest. The stairs are wooden and don't even look safe, and the walls are just plain grey cement. I start downwards and I hear the door shut on its own behind me – I clutch the keys close at my side.

  I’m sure I should turn back, but in here is forbidden, so I must. It's not particularly well lit as I head down – all I can see is a dim green light and I'm uneasy about what I'm going to find down here.

  What is Derek's secret? Does he have a meth lab underneath his house? Or maybe he keeps sex slaves down here? Does he do crazy experiments on people in this hidden room of his? I will soon find out.

  When I reach the bottom there are no other lights in the room besides the dim green one, but it's enough to shed some light on what's down here. It's very sterile, almost depressing, and kind of looks like a modern day dungeon. It's filled with contraptions that I've never seen before – shackles, chains, whips, tables with restraints, and a big iron cross. What the heck? So he does have a torture chamber in the house? My heart begins to beat hard, battering my chest.

  A million questions races through my mind. Does he really use these? Does he really torture? Like, people? What kind of sick twisted things is he into? What have I gotten myself into? Does Johanna’s mom even know about this?

  I hear the door open and shut from up above.

Immediately I feel like I’m in a horror movie that’s about to go wrong. I freeze.

  Someone is here.

  I can hear the tapping of their feet as they quickly rush down the steps behind me. Frantically, I look around the room for a place to hide – there's no place. I shouldn’t be in here, I was warned. And if I get caught down here I'm dead!

  I spin around at the sound of the feet hitting the ground and stopping right behind me. There, bathed in green light, stood Derek Stephenson.

  He's wide eyed and holds me in his intense gaze, rendering me nearly senseless. He has to be nearly 6'4” tall, considering he towers over my average height of 5'4”, and while he's not bulky, he's sturdily built enough to intimidate someone like me. Not just that but his dark eyes bore into me – he doesn't look outright angry, but there is a flicker of something menacing and dark in his pupils.


  “I...I...I'm sorry,” I sputter.

  “You're sorry for what?” he says, his dark eyes narrowing. “For trespassing in my home when you were explicitly told not to?”

  I gulp, dropping my head in shame. “I...don't really have anything to say for myself. Except that I'm sorry.”

  “When you break a plate, then say sorry, does that put the plate back together?”


  “See the problem?”

  And now I want to cry – he’s obviously mad at me, but what if he's mad at Johanna’s mom as well all because of me? If I screw this up for her, he could kick us all out because of me being nosy. I would never forgive myself for letting my stupid actions ruin their happiness.

  “Look at me,” he says in a commanding tone, and my eyes dart back to his. But I can barely hold his brooding glare.

  He doesn't say anything to me next – his eyes drop, traveling down my body slowly and back up. My muscles stiffen under the scrutiny of his glare. He begins to move, taking steps around me and circling me closely. What the hell is happening?


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