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A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

Page 4

by Makenna Jameison

  “Thanks, man,” Evan said, walking back over to where he’d left Alison and her friends. Kenley couldn’t help but notice that all the single men on the SEAL team were congregated around the pretty nurses. Big surprise. Brent had a huge grin on his face, and Matthew had casually slung his arm around the shoulders of one of the women. Mike wasn’t with anyone in particular, but he sure didn’t look too uncomfortable amidst all the female company.

  “You should go talk to him,” Lexi prodded.


  Lexi rolled her eyes. “You’ve been looking Mike’s way every couple of minutes.”

  “He’s got plenty of women over there to keep him company. I don’t need to get in the middle of that.”

  “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be in the middle. Didn’t you say he wanted to talk?”

  Kenley blew out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be leaving in a week or so, and then I won’t have to worry about him again.”

  “He’ll be at the wedding you know.”

  “Have you set a date?” Kenley asked.

  “No, not yet,” Lexi sighed. “There’s too much going on. Hopefully sometime next summer.”

  “Well then I don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll be totally over him by then.”

  “Over him?” Lexi asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Over being mad at him,” Kenley hastened to explain.

  Lexi shook her head in disbelief and pulled Christopher’s jacket around her shoulders. “This is a great night,” she said wistfully as the bonfire crackled in front of them.

  “It is. Thanks again for inviting me.”

  “Hey, you’re practically family. So if I’m part of Christopher’s SEAL team family now, then you are, too.”

  Kenley nodded and absentmindedly took a swig of her beer, her gut churning. Good friends. A beach bonfire. Food. Alcohol. So why was she suddenly feeling so melancholy?

  Chapter 4

  Mike cursed under his breath as Kenley caught him watching her. She looked so small and fragile in those little shorts, sandals carelessly tossed on the sand beside her. The sweater she’d pulled on wouldn’t provide much shield against the wind—not with that skimpy little tank top she was wearing beneath. He groaned at the way she’d looked in it—all womanly curves, with the swells of her breasts peeking above the top. And hell—he knew exactly how soft she was. How good those lush breasts felt pressing against his chest. Her small body against his hard frame had felt damn near like heaven.

  And hell if she didn’t look like perfection right now. Those toned legs were stretched out in front of her as she basked in the firelight—they looked so silky smooth, he’d kill to pull her off alone for a few minutes. They’d sneak off behind some of the dunes, he’d haul her onto his lap, grinding his hard-on against her, and he’d run his hands roughly up and down those gorgeous legs as he kissed her senseless. Those shorts were so short he could tease and caress the tender flesh on her inner thighs, giving her a taste of what a night with him promised to be like. Of just how good he could make her feel.

  Not that any of that scenario was entirely appropriate given the circumstances. Or likely to ever happen.

  The firelight danced across Kenley’s skin, and a few wisps of that curly hair had escaped her ponytail and framed her face. He was dying to give just one of those curls a gentle tug to see how she responded. Then he’d tuck it gently back behind her ear, whispering all the ways he wanted to get to know her better. Her sweet lips looked rosier than ever in the warm light, and damn if he wasn’t dying for just one more taste.

  She shifted as she finished her food, wrapping her sweater-clad arms around her shapely legs. His groin tightened as he watched her. The possessive, protective alpha male in him wanted to go to her. To take care of her. The need to watch out for others was engrained in his DNA, just like it was in all the guys on his SEAL team. Sure, he wouldn’t exactly be fighting off any terrorists or drug lords tonight on the beach, but making sure Kenley was safe and secure felt like a damn good idea. She must be freezing out here, and the air was only going to get colder as the night wore on. Hell if he didn’t wish he had some right to worry about her. Some claim to her that made it his duty to protect and care for Kenley.

  That was probably the last thing on Earth she wanted with the way they’d met a few weeks ago. With the way she’d run off at the pool earlier. He didn’t regret his actions, but hell. Was it too much for a guy to want a damn chance?

  Grumbling, he wandered over and grabbed a beer from the cooler.

  “I’ve got dibs on the blonde,” Brent said, eyes flaring as he eyed the nurse friends Alison had brought along. She was currently introducing them to the couples seated around the bonfire, but one of them kept sneaking peeks in their direction.

  “I’m not looking to meet anyone tonight,” Mike muttered.

  “I take it your conversation with Kenley didn’t go too well?” Brent smirked.

  “Never happened.” He took a long pull from his beer. Damn that tasted good. He could go for some food, too, but now that Kenley was seated beside the fire, he didn’t feel like walking over to where she was. Hell. What was he—in eighth grade or something? Avoiding the pretty girls? If they were going to be around each other he needed to smooth the waters—for her sake and his.

  “And, another one bites the dust,” Matthew drawled, following Mike’s gaze over to the bonfire.

  Mike ignored him, finally tearing his eyes away from Kenley, and said hello to Evan and Alison as they walked up with her friends. Brent tugged the blonde off to get her a drink. She giggled as he complimented her, and Mike rolled his eyes. That guy always had the women eating out of his hand.

  A cute little brunette sidled up to him, and he tried to engage in some polite conversation without completely brushing her off. She was a nurse. She loved military men. Got it. From the corner of his eye, he watched Kenley rise and walk over to one of the coolers to grab a drink. She shivered as she stepped away from the fire, and he bit back a curse. “Excuse me,” he said to the attractive woman in front of him. “I need to go grab something from my car.”

  “Need some company?” she asked, a flirty smile on her pink lips.

  “Nah, I’ll be back in ten.”

  He didn’t miss the hurt expression on her face, but he didn’t care. No sense in leading her on when the chances of him taking a woman home tonight were zilch. Not unless Kenley had a sudden change of heart, which was doubtful. Breaking down her walls would be like melting an iceberg—not exactly a task to be accomplished in one evening.

  Mike offered a brief explanation to Evan and Matthew about grabbing something from his vehicle and then jogged off down the beach. He kept a sweatshirt and some PT gear in the back of his SUV. It was going to drive him crazy watching Kenley shivering all night long. And if he couldn’t be the one to warm her up with his body heat, then at least his sweatshirt could. Masculine pride swelled in his chest at the idea of Kenley in his clothes. Hell, he’d prefer to see her in nothing at all. That petite little thing was a knockout—he’d felt her curves against him and was dying to see the whole package. Preferably sprawled out on his bed.

  He made it to his vehicle in under five minutes and grabbed a clean sweatshirt from the back. It would be huge on her, but she’d be warm. Hell, she’d look cute wearing his oversized clothes. Even if it did hide her curves, that fact that she’d be wearing something of his made him feel about ten feet tall. He didn’t think any of the other single guys on his team had their eye on Kenley, but if this helped stake his claim and kept the other guys away, he wouldn’t complain.

  Shutting the trunk, Mike set the alarm and then jogged back to the quiet north end of the beach where they’d set up for the evening. He could see the silhouettes of his buddies and the women in the light of the fire. It was dark down by the water, away from the lights dotting the boardwalk and coming from the restaurants and hotels. As he got closer, he came to a stop and looked around, puzzled. Lexi was snu
ggled next to Christopher, right where he’d last seen them. Rebecca and Patrick had a blanket wrapped around their shoulders as they ate by the fire. Brent and the blonde were off to the side drinking beers—as were Evan, Alison, Matthew, and the other woman.

  He scanned the group again, making sure he hadn’t somehow missed her.

  Kenley was gone.


  Kenley shivered as she hurried back down the beach. The sand was cold beneath her feet, and she wished she had on socks and sneakers. Not to mention long pants. The wind blowing in off the water cut right through the loose knit of her sweater, and goose bumps spread over her flesh. Apparently she should’ve paid closer attention to the October weather before dressing for the evening. The summer nights she’d spent on the beach were sweltering—this felt more like autumn back home. She’d be chilled to the bone by the time she got to her car.

  Blowing out a sigh, she hurried along the sand. Lexi had been disappointed that she’d left early, but she wouldn’t exactly be lonely with Christopher keeping her warm. With the two of them hanging out around the fire with Patrick and Rebecca, Kenley had felt like the fifth wheel anyway. She didn’t exactly need to be there beside the happy couples. Or to stand around with Alison’s friends chatting up the single men on the SEAL team.

  Glancing back, she could make out the bonfire in the distance. She could always drive home, grab something warmer, then come back, but that almost seemed like it was more hassle than it was worth. She’d just—


  Kenley muttered under her breath as she accidentally stepped on a seashell, cursing as it cut into her foot. She stopped for a moment, glancing down. It hurt but hadn’t broken her skin. At least she was almost back to the boardwalk. She readjusted her array of curls, tucking in the strands that had broken free of the ponytail. She probably looked like a crazed woman hurrying down the beach like this—hair wildly blowing about, muttering to herself as she stepped on inanimate objects. Freaking perfect.

  She gingerly stepped onto the boardwalk, brushing the sand from her bare feet. It was going to hurt like hell walking back to her car like this. Maybe she’d just sit down for a few minutes until she felt better. She balanced on one leg, tugging on a sandal. A man jogging by with his dog nodded at her, and she politely said hello before pulling her other sandal on.

  See, that guy didn’t even know her but had said hi. Apparently that was too much for what’s-his-name, who just started talking to her like they were buddies or something. Honestly, what was his problem? Mike had barely spoken to her this evening before abruptly leaving. So much for the big talk he needed to have with her. The minute she’d finished eating and stood up to grab another beer from the cooler, he’d literally turned and run off down the beach. Not that she’d expected them to become best buds or something, but damn. Turning and running the other way didn’t bode well.

  Kenley blew out a sigh. She couldn’t be friends with anyone that hot anyway. She’d be drooling over him while he had some new gorgeous woman on his arm. Not that she cared if he dated anyone. He could date every damn woman in Virginia Beach if he wanted. Their kiss earlier today had been nothing but a big, fat mistake. So there was that, too.

  At least he didn’t take one of those women with him when he left. Alison seemed nice enough, so she assumed her friends were. But the thought that she’d brought them along to meet the single guys on Mike’s SEAL team—Mike included—didn’t sit well with her. And wasn’t that a surprise. She was sure wasting a lot of time thinking about a man she couldn’t stand. Hmmph.

  She gingerly walked over to the bench and sank down, wondering if her foot would stop bothering her in a few more minutes. In the meantime she’d just have to sit here and freeze a little longer. She shivered again and wrapped her arms around herself, trying to stay warm.


  She started and looked up to see Mike himself walking her direction. Had he chased after her down the beach? It was amazing that he’d restrained himself and not tackled her in the sand or something. Wasn’t that his MO? Shoot first, ask questions later?

  Crap. What if something was wrong with Lexi? Here she was thinking about what an ass he was, and he’d come running after her. But wait—hadn’t he left already?

  Mike stepped onto the boardwalk and was at the bench in two long strides, looking tall and dangerous as he towered above her. He gripped a sweatshirt tightly in his hand, and his gaze slid to where she absentmindedly rubbed her injured foot.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, voice gruff.

  “Fine,” she said, getting to her feet. She winced as she put pressure on the injured one.

  Mike stepped closer, and she waved him off. “I just stepped on a shell in the dark. I’m fine.”

  “Why’d you leave?”

  “I was cold. Why’d you leave?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips as she glared up at him. Seriously, what was his problem? He chased her all the way here to ask why she’d left?

  “I went to get you a sweatshirt.”

  “You—wait, what?”

  “I had an extra one in my car, and you looked cold.”

  Right on cue, she shivered in the night air. “Here, take it,” he commanded. Warily, she met his gaze. His jaw clenched as he watched her, his chiseled, masculine features almost too much to bear. How could someone who was so handsome also act like such a jerk half the time? It just wasn’t fair. She hesitated, unsure of what to do. Why did it feel like taking his sweatshirt meant more than borrowing a damn piece of clothing?

  His blue eyes softened as he watched her. “Go on, you’re cold,” he said, his voice deep. Maybe it was some sort of peace offering. What did she care? Reluctantly, she reached out to take the proffered sweatshirt. She was freezing. And even if Mike was kind of a jerk, it was still sort of sweet that he’d run back to grab it from his car and then chased after her. All the way back to the boardwalk.

  She slipped into the oversized, soft cotton, and holy hell. It even smelled like him. Like man and spice and everything oh so nice. She resisted the urge to inhale deeply and wrap her arms around herself. That would feel too much like being in Mike’s arms. Not that she wanted that to happen again.

  He jerked his head back toward the beach. “Are you coming back?”

  “Yeah, I guess. Lexi was bummed that I left early.”

  Mike nailed her with a gaze. “She wasn’t the only one.”

  Kenley’s heart beat faster in her chest, and she raised her eyebrows, trying to play it cool.

  “I wanted to talk to you, remember? I didn’t think I’d have to run after you down the beach to do so.”

  “Sorry, I just….” Why was she apologizing to him? She didn’t owe him an explanation. She didn’t owe him anything.

  “I’m the one who’s sorry. I know we didn’t get off to the best start when I frightened you at your condo, and I never would’ve done that if we hadn’t been searching for Lexi and her kidnappers. My SEAL team is trained to be alert and subdue any threats. Christopher and I were both on edge with Lexi missing, and you’d left the door open. I wouldn’t just barge into a woman’s place and grab her like that otherwise. I know you were terrified.”

  Kenley swallowed and nodded. “I get it, all right? I was worried about Lexi, too—that’s why I raced down here from Arlington.”

  Mike nodded and cleared his throat. “And this afternoon—I swear I had no idea you couldn’t swim. You’ve got that condo by the beach, and you and Lexi were spending the afternoon at the pool, I just assumed—”

  “Forget it, okay?”

  “If you’re sure you’re all right. I would never do anything to hurt you—or any woman for that matter.”

  Kenley shrugged. “You didn’t know. It’s fine.”

  Mike nailed her with a gaze. “And afterward, with that kiss….”

  “I said I just wanted to forget about the whole thing. Can you just drop it?”

  Mike’s features hardened. He looked like he wanted t
o say something else but didn’t. “Let’s head back. I still haven’t eaten, and I think Patrick and Rebecca were getting ready to roast marshmallows.” He held out his arm, and Kenley looked at it hesitantly.

  “Come on. I don’t want you tripping on any more shells. I brought a flashlight, too.”

  He turned it on as if to prove his point and waited for her. Against her better judgment, Kenley finally slipped her arm through Mike’s, trying not to gasp at the solid strength of him. Even beneath their layers of clothing, she could feel his rock solid strength. Memories of his body pressed against hers washed over her, and she shook her head, feeling dazed. She couldn’t have recounted half of what she’d done this week, but she remembered every second Mike had pinned her against him. His scent. His strength. His ragged breaths. His arousal. She swallowed, trying to think of anything else.

  They stepped off the boardwalk and into the sand, Kenley moving stiffly beside him. Mike’s presence at her side both reassured and unnerved her. He’d never harm her, but thoughts of all the ways his powerful body could move over her left her feeling uneasy. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn’t want to sleep with him. She didn’t even want to walk back to the bonfire with him. But Lexi had invited her tonight. Now that she had something to keep her warm, what excuse did she have for bailing out early?

  “You warmer now?”

  “Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

  Mike made a low sound in the back of his throat, which she assumed was some sort of grunt of affirmation. Glancing up, she met his gaze and was shocked to see arousal in his eyes. Hastily, she pulled her arm from his. Mike’s jaw stiffened.

  The man she’d seen jogging earlier on the boardwalk with his dog was coming back on the sand, barely visible in the beam of Mike’s flashlight. His dog barked and suddenly broke free, running right toward her. Kenley shrieked, and Mike pushed her behind him, shouting a command to the dog. She cowered behind him, pressing against his back, as Mike’s hand gripped her waist. Her forehead rested against his shoulder blades, and her hands splayed flat across Mike’s lower back. She probably looked like an idiot hiding behind Mike, but at the moment she was too terrified to care.


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