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Eagle Cove (Thalia Chase: Sex Therapist Book One)

Page 4

by Darla Baker

  As Thalia heads out for the marina, it occurs to her that she could have just picked René up. She decides to give her a call.


  “Hey, sis. I’m heading down to the marina. Would you like me to pick you up?”

  “Oh yeah. That’d be great. Do you have room in your cooler for the drinks I’m bringing?”


  “Nice. I’m ready as soon as you get here. And guess what? Derrick came in last night, so he’s coming with us. I’m so excited. He’s even wearing swim shorts!”

  René and Derrick had been friends for several years before they started dating. Derrick moved in with René about three years ago.

  Thalia and René’s mother passed away suddenly nearly fifteen years ago when her heart gave out just a few days before Christmas. Thalia had not come out to her parents by that time. She came out to her dad when she and Diane became serious and, to her surprise, he handled it very well. She sometimes even accused him of preferring Diane to her.

  Their dad developed lymphoma and passed away almost two years ago, oddly enough, on her mother’s birthday. His passing and the estate he left for Thalia and René paved the way for René to purchase a house and move to Lake Cumberland a few years earlier than she had planned.

  This was fantastic news for Thalia, who had been begging René to come work for her. But it wasn’t such great news for Derrick. He’d lived in the same house his whole life and had never traveled more than about a hundred miles from home. To complicate matters further, he nearly drowned when he was little, and he’s been afraid of the water ever since. It’s not the best set of circumstances for moving to live by a lake with your partner who wants to spend her free time on and in the water. It’s a big deal that he’s come here for the raft-up.

  “Oh, René, that’s great to hear. I’ll see you shortly.”

  SAMMY AND JANICE agree to take the jet ski to the raft-up since Derrick had decided to make the trip. René and Derrick don’t get to see each other very much, and Derrick won’t get on the jet ski, so it makes sense. Besides, you don’t have to twist either one of their arms to ride the sweet craft. Both Sammy and Janice love the wind in their hair, the spray of water on their faces, and the rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins. And as a bonus, they’ll arrive at the raft-up in about fifteen minutes, a good twenty minutes before the rest of the gang, giving Janice a head start on scoping out the action.

  Sammy climbs onto the back of the jet ski behind Janice and wraps her arms around her waist. “You know, I like an adrenaline rush as much as the next girl. But the raft-up is going to make the water unusually choppy. Let’s take it slow and not get too crazy.”

  “Hey, don’t spoil all my fun. If you fall off, I promise I’ll come back for you,” Janice teases.

  Sammy squeezes her arms around Janice a little too tight.


  “Well, stop being so rotten, and I’ll stop squeezing you so hard. But let me put a thought into that little pubescent brain of yours. If we go too fast on this thing and bounce our hoochie coochies too hard… well, let’s just say if I do happen to get lucky today, and then I’m too sore to enjoy it, your ass is mine.”

  “Hmm, you make a good point. Hang on.”

  The ride was uneventful, and Janice delivered their hoochie coochies in full working order.

  “Do you see any good spots? With Derrick here, they’ll want to run the boat up onto shore,” Janice says as she idles through the massive number of arriving boats, the raft-up already going strong.

  Before Sammy can respond, Janice changes direction and heads for a houseboat where a band is setting up to perform on top.

  “What are you doing?” Sammy asks.

  “I think I know someone up there. Let’s check it out.”

  “Shouldn’t we set up the rope first?”

  “It’ll only take a minute. We have plenty of time before they arrive.”

  Sammy groans in frustration. “What if I drop you off at the houseboat, go set up the rope and then come back for you?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Janice climbs onto the houseboat and Sammy positions herself into the driver’s seat and heads out in search of a spot for the pontoon.

  Sammy docks the jet ski into a nice spot, takes some rope out of the storage compartment and secures it around a tree for the pontoon. She hopes the spot is still here when they arrive since she’ll have to leave to pick up Janice.

  She grabs a towel from the storage compartment and stretches out to take in the spectacle of the raft-up and reflect on what just happened. Janice and Thalia chase women with almost reckless abandon. It’s hard for Sammy to take sometimes. Not because she’s a prude or she disapproves of casual sex. Actually, Sammy’s more envious of them than anything. Not that she has a desire to engage in frequent casual sex. Sammy just wishes she didn’t have so much baggage crowding potential lovers out of her life. She wants to be free from the memories that haunt her. She’s walked away from too many good relationships before they get a chance to take root. Thalia and Janice have been her friends for years. It’s time to open up and tell them.

  Sammy heads back over to the houseboat and finds Janice in the hot tub. “I thought you were just going to say hello to someone you knew and then we’d head back over to our spot. I’m worried someone will steal it. It’s a circus out here.”

  “Relax. Turns out I was mistaken. But these nice ladies invited me to join them and handed me a mimosa. I couldn’t turn down their southern hospitality, now could I? Grab yourself a drink and come on in here with us.”

  Sammy’s face is getting hot, but she doesn’t want to make a scene. “No, thank you. I’ll just wait over by the railing and watch for the gang to arrive. Hopefully, I can get their attention so they don’t think we’ve abandoned them.”

  “You worry too much. We’ll find each other. It’s all good.”

  Sammy leaves Janice to her own devices and finds a chair near the railing. She looks across the water at all the boats arriving and getting into position, not actually seeing what was happening in the present. A tear rolls down her cheek, and she quickly wipes it away.

  THALIA AND THE rest of the gang arrive at the raft-up about a half-hour behind Sammy and Janice. She idles through the crowd of boats looking for the orange and black jet ski but doesn’t find it. She does see her rope on the shore, tied to a tree on a nice flat spot into a cove, away from much of the commotion.

  Thalia gets the boat anchored and looks around again to see if she spots the girls. “Annie, have you found Janice and Sammy yet?”

  Annie lowers her binoculars and motions over toward a houseboat where a band is set up on the top deck getting ready to perform.

  “They’re up on top of that houseboat. Please, please, don’t let them be a country band.”

  “You know it will be, Annie. But live music, even country, is nice to hear out on the water.”

  “True. Janice looks smoking hot in that bright yellow bikini. She obviously has plans for the day.”

  “Listen to you going on like the perfect lesbian.”

  “Hey, even a straight girl can appreciate a lovely female specimen.”

  Thalia laughs. “We promised to behave, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember. But I didn’t expect either one of you to keep your promise.”

  Thalia feigns a pout. “I’m deeply hurt.”

  “Spare me,” Annie says as she continues to spy on Janice and Sammy.

  Thalia can’t help but notice the abundance of bikini-clad ladies adorning the top deck of the houseboat. “Achilles Heal is a cool name for a houseboat. Interesting choice of spelling. Reminds me of the assman license plate from ‘Seinfeld’. I wonder if the owner is a doctor? Maybe an orthopedist or podiatrist? Hand me their breakfast sandwiches. I’m going to head over there in the kayak and deliver them before they get cold.”

  Annie pulls a napkin out of her bag and
walks over to Thalia. “Mm-hmm, Pro. Let me wipe that drool off your mouth before you go over there and embarrass yourself.”

  Thalia slaps playfully at Annie’s hand. “Stop that and give me the sandwiches.”

  Thalia paddles over to the houseboat and climbs to the top. She spots Sammy in her red and black board shorts, white rash guard and red and black Skele-Toes exactly like Thalia’s. She looks bored. Thalia waves and heads over to her.

  “Here’s your sandwich. Where’s Janice?”

  Sammy points behind her. “She tricked me into coming with her. She could have sworn she knew one of those ladies. Turns out, amazingly enough, she doesn’t know a single one of them.” Sammy blows out a breath and rolls her eyes.

  “Well, at least you got the rope set up for us to anchor on the shore for Derrick.”

  “Oh, don’t even go there. We hadn’t made it to look for a spot before Janice changed course and came over here. I dropped her off and then went to set up the rope and then I came back over here for Janice. And you two promised to behave.”

  “Hey, don’t drag me into this. I’m innocent. To be fair, I promised to behave. Janice just nodded.”

  “True. But still, I expected better from her after our conversation.”

  “Are you really mad at her?” Thalia gives Sammy a pleading look.

  “No, not really. It’s just sometimes I would like it to be just us, just the four of us, you know? Without all the drama of the hunt.”

  “I hear you. I’ll talk to her.”

  Thalia turns away from Sammy to take a look at the occupants in the hot tub. She counts five ladies including Janice. “Should we take bets on who will have the most luck?”

  “Pro, must you always think with your libido?”

  “Yes.” Thalia dodges a smack on her butt from Sammy.

  Janice is a striking woman. She’s five feet eight inches tall with slightly wavy, long blonde hair. She’s curvy in a perfect, womanly way. Her well-manicured hands belie the manual labor she engages in at her construction company. And thanks to all that manual labor, she has beautifully sculpted shoulders that melt into the most scrumptious biceps. It’s no wonder she’s so lucky with the ladies.

  “I’ll let her know we’re heading back to the pontoon, and I’ll leave the kayak for her.”

  Sammy nods as she turns and heads down the stairs to wait for Thalia.

  Thalia heads toward the hot tub and is momentarily frozen when her eyes meet a woman standing behind Janice. She continues toward Janice, and as she gets closer to this woman, a tingling sensation like an electric current runs through her body. She leans over to let Janice know the plan and then heads back down to meet Sammy.

  “Did you see that woman standing behind Janice? She had long, chestnut-colored hair.”

  “No, I wasn’t really looking around. I was trying to avert my eyes from the spectacle.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Well, as I mentioned before, I’m between girlfriends right now, and I don’t really want to add insult to injury.”

  “But what if your princess charming is here at the raft-up and you miss her because you’re hiding?”

  “That’s not going to happen. If my soulmate is near, and I’m ready for her, we’ll find each other no matter what.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “Yes, I do. Don’t you?”

  “Well, I might have before Diane, but not anymore.”

  “That’s just sad.”

  Thalia shrugs. “It is what it is. It doesn’t stop me from having fun.”

  “But your sort of fun won’t give you comfort when you’re old.”

  “That’s probably true, but I do have you.” Thalia smiles as they head back to the pontoon.

  Janice leans back in the hot tub, no longer rushed to leave and join the rest of the gang, when someone taps her on the shoulder. She turns around and finds a stunning Mediterranean woman looking at her with incredible brown eyes, sparkling with tiny gold flecks. Janice flashes a sexy smile.

  “Hello. I’m Janice. And you are?”

  “Amara Liakos. Who was that you were talking to?”

  “That was Thalia. Why? Do you know her?”

  “I don’t think so. But she seems familiar.”

  “She runs a sex therapy practice in downtown Somerset. But she’s probably more known for her luck with the ladies if you know what I mean.”

  Amara frowns. “I think I do, yes.”

  SAMMY AND THALIA return to Three Graces and find Annie and Derrick on the shore under an umbrella, sitting in comfy camp chairs. René has installed the inflatable bed and is lying out in full sun on her way to an unattractive burn.

  The band is playing some apparently popular country tune from the reactions of the onlookers, and Thalia can see the party is well under way.

  She grabs a water hammock and a towel and lies down on the back of the boat under the shade of the top with her iPad, intending to read an eBook. Sammy lies down next to René. Everyone has found their perch and is enjoying the day. Thalia glances around at her friends and family and then closes her eyes, smiling as she quietly whispers her gratitude.

  Wet… water… cold… ice… ICE! Thalia jumps up. “Ahh, what the hell?” Sammy jumps back away from Thalia’s attempt to return the favor with the ice she found inside her shirt.

  “Shit, that’s cold. Paybacks are hell.” Thalia shakes her finger at Sammy.

  “René put me up to it. She said you were snoring.”

  “I do not snore. Just be glad I didn’t drop my iPad into the lake.”

  “I’m going to take the jet ski and explore, see if I know anyone. I’ll be back before we eat. Hopefully, Janice will be back by then so we can eat together.”

  “Sounds good. We’ll probably want to eat around two o’clock, so that gives you a couple of hours to explore. Don’t forget to take a bottle of water and your phone.” Thalia tosses Sammy a bottle as she heads out.

  Thalia hollers to the others, “I’m going for a swim. Anyone want to join me?” Annie nods and walks out into the water from the shore as Thalia heads down the ladder to meet her. René takes Annie’s chair on the shore with Derrick, who’s not having much luck fishing with all the raft-up commotion going on.

  “Ahh, I needed this.” Thalia takes several strokes putting some distance between herself and the boat.

  “Me too. I’m glad the weather cooperated.”

  “Hey, let me ask you something. Are you angry with Janice for ditching us for the ladies on the houseboat?”

  “Hmm, not angry, no. Maybe a little bit disappointed at not getting to spend more time with her. But I’m probably more envious of her than anything.”


  “I met Jason in high school. I love him to pieces and wouldn’t trade the life I have with him for anything. But I didn’t sow my wild oats. I enjoy watching you and Janice hunt and preen and catch your—what should I call them? Conquests? Lovers?”

  “I call them darlins,” Thalia says with a proud smile.

  “Darlin’s it is. Whatever you call them, you two are confident in your skin and your sexuality, even in a small, southern, conservative town like this. I’m envious that you get to sow your wild oats. But I’m also proud of you for making no apologies for who you are and what you want.”


  “You’re welcome. Why did you ask if I was mad at Janice?”

  “Just something, a feeling, a vibe I picked up from Sammy when I went over to deliver the sandwiches. I asked her if she was mad and she brushed me off. But I’m not sure she was telling me the truth.”

  “Hmm. I didn’t spend much time with her. I could have a chat with her when she gets back. Are you sure your profession isn’t getting in the way?”

  Thalia rolls her eyes and smirks. “I don’t think I can separate myself from my profession. ‘Analytical’ is just who I am. But, yeah, see what you can get from her.”

  RENÉ WALKS OUT into the water f
rom the shore to cool off before taking a seat next to Derrick under the shade of the umbrella.

  “Not having any luck?”

  “I’ve had a few bites, but they wouldn’t have made a mess of fish sticks, so I’ve thrown ‘em back.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me. Next time you come, we’ll head out to Eagle Cove. Have you gotten into the water?”

  “Baby, you know better than to ask me that.”

  “I know. I just thought maybe here by the shore you’d be able to wade out a bit and cool off.”

  Derrick takes off his hat and scratches his strawberry blond curls. It’s gesture René interprets to mean she’s pushed too far and pissed him off. But he’s not the type to raise his voice. Sometimes René wishes he would. She finds it infuriating dealing with someone who controls his anger so well. To René, every disagreement they have seems like unfinished business because there aren’t any fireworks followed by making up and, more importantly, makeup sex. Their fights are more like one of those irritating songs that seem to just stop rather than end.

  “I got some news at work, baby. That’s why I came here this weekend. I want to talk with you in person.”

  Derrick works at the main Van Der Heiden Clothing Distribution Center in Stone Creek. He’s been there for nearly ten years and works as a tow motor driver on the loading dock, a union job with terrible benefits and terrible hours. But in a town the size of Stone Creek, with a population of roughly seven hundred and fifty, any job is a good job.

  A shiver runs up René’s spine, and she breaks out into a cold sweat. “Tell me, Derrick. You’re scaring me.”

  “It’s nothing to be afraid of. I got a promotion! Out of the union, too. I get two weeks’ vacation plus a week of sick and a five-dollar per hour raise. And the best thing, no more crazy hours. I’ll be working a standard eight to five, Monday through Friday with an hour for lunch. White collar, baby!” Derrick hollers as he lifts René off her feet and into his arms, twirling her around.

  René forces excitement into her voice. “That’s great, honey. We’re going to celebrate tonight. I’m taking you to the Roadhouse BBQ for dinner and then afterward, be prepared for some S.E.X.”


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